Audio indicator in each tab
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome_frame / test / chrome_frame_ui_test_utils.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <oleacc.h>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "base/file_path.h"
14 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
15 #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
16 #include "base/win/scoped_variant.h"
17 #include "chrome_frame/test/win_event_receiver.h"
19 namespace gfx {
20 class Rect;
23 namespace chrome_frame_test {
25 // Wrapper for MSAA/IAccessible2 accessibility objects. IAccessible2 is an
26 // open standard which serves as a complement to MSAA and specifies additional
27 // interfaces and methods. Chrome currently supports a subset of this API.
29 // In MSAA, there are two types of objects. The first, called an object or full
30 // object, has its own IAccessible interface. The second, called a simple
31 // element, does not have its own IAccessible interface and cannot have
32 // children. Simple elements must be referenced by combination of the parent
33 // object and the element's id in MSAA. This class handles this distinction
34 // transparently to the client.
35 class AccObject : public base::RefCounted<AccObject> {
36 public:
37 typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<AccObject> > RefCountedAccObjectVector;
39 // Creates an AccObject with an IAccessible and child id. |accessible| must
40 // not be NULL. |child_id| must always be CHILDID_SELF unless this AccObject
41 // is a simple element.
42 AccObject(IAccessible* accessible, int child_id = CHILDID_SELF);
44 // Creates an AccObject corresponding to the given window. May return NULL
45 // if there is not accessible object for the window. The client owns the
46 // created AccObject.
47 static AccObject* CreateFromWindow(HWND hwnd);
49 // Creates an AccObject corresponding to the object that generated a
50 // WinEvent. Returns NULL on failure.
51 static AccObject* CreateFromEvent(HWND hwnd, LONG object_id, LONG child_id);
53 // Creates an AccObject from querying the given IDispatch. May return NULL
54 // if the object does not implement IAccessible. The client owns the created
55 // AccObject.
56 static AccObject* CreateFromDispatch(IDispatch* dispatch);
58 // Creates an AccObject corresponding to the accessible object at the screen
59 // coordinates given. Returns NULL on failure. The client owns the created
60 // AccObject.
61 // Note: This does not work in Chrome.
62 static AccObject* CreateFromPoint(int x, int y);
64 // Performs the default action on this object. Returns whether the action
65 // performed successfully. Will cause test failure if unsuccessful.
66 // Note: This does not work for selecting menu items if the desktop is locked.
67 bool DoDefaultAction();
69 // Posts a left click message at this object's center point to the window
70 // containing this object.
71 bool LeftClick();
73 // Posts a right click message at this object's center point to the window
74 // containing this object.
75 bool RightClick();
77 // Focuses this object. Returns whether the object receives focus. Will cause
78 // test failure if the object is not focused.
79 bool Focus();
81 // Selects this object. Returns whether the object is now selected. Will cause
82 // test failure if the object is not selected.
83 bool Select();
85 // Sets the value of the object. Will cause test failure if unsuccessful.
86 bool SetValue(const std::wstring& value);
88 // Gets the name of the object and returns true on success.
89 bool GetName(std::wstring* name);
91 // Gets the role text of the object and returns true on success.
92 bool GetRoleText(std::wstring* role_text);
94 // Gets the value of the object and returns true on success.
95 bool GetValue(std::wstring* value);
97 // Gets the state of the object and returns true on success.
98 bool GetState(int* state);
100 // Gets the location of the object in screen coordinates and returns true
101 // on success.
102 bool GetLocation(gfx::Rect* location);
104 // Gets the location of the object relative to the containing window's
105 // client rect.
106 bool GetLocationInClient(gfx::Rect* location);
108 // Gets the parent of the object. May return NULL.
109 AccObject* GetParent();
111 // Gets the children of this object and returns true on success. |objects|
112 // will not be modified unless if the operation is successful.
113 bool GetChildren(RefCountedAccObjectVector* objects);
115 // Gets the number of children of this object and returns true on success.
116 bool GetChildCount(int* child_count);
118 // Gets an object resulting from the navigation and returns true if the
119 // navigation completed successfully. Even if true, |object| may still
120 // refer to a NULL object if no object was found from the navigation.
121 // |navigation_type| may be any navigation constant, such as NAVDIR_NEXT.
122 // Note: This method uses a deprecated IAccessible method.
123 bool GetFromNavigation(long navigation_type,
124 scoped_refptr<AccObject>* object);
126 // Gets the window containing this object and returns true on success. This
127 // method will return false if the object is not contained within a window.
128 bool GetWindow(HWND* window);
130 // Gets the class name for the window containing this object and returns true
131 // on success. If this object does not have a window, this will return false.
132 bool GetWindowClassName(std::wstring* class_name);
134 // Gets the range of text that is selected in this object. If no text is
135 // selected, |start_offset| and |end_offset| will be set to 0. Returns true
136 // on success.
137 // Requires IAccessible2 support.
138 bool GetSelectionRange(int* start_offset, int* end_offset);
140 // Gets the text that is selected in this object. Returns true on success.
141 // Requires IAccessible2 support.
142 bool GetSelectedText(std::wstring* text);
144 // Returns whether this object is a simple element.
145 bool IsSimpleElement();
147 // Returns whether the two AccObjects point to the same accessibility object.
148 // |other| can safely be NULL.
149 bool Equals(AccObject* other);
151 // Returns a description of this object.
152 std::wstring GetDescription();
154 // Returns a description of this object and it's accessibility tree. This
155 // description will be ended by a newline.
156 std::wstring GetTree();
158 private:
159 friend class base::RefCounted<AccObject>;
160 ~AccObject() {}
162 // Creates an AccObject using the given variant, returning NULL on failure.
163 // The variant should be of type |VT_I4| referring to the id of a child of
164 // |object|, or of type |VT_DISPATCH|. This method is useful for converting
165 // the variant returned by many of the IAccessible methods into an AccObject.
166 static AccObject* CreateFromVariant(AccObject* object,
167 const VARIANT& variant);
169 // Posts the given mouse button down and up messages at this object's center.
170 // Returns true on success.
171 bool PostMouseClickAtCenter(int button_down, int button_up);
173 // Helper method for posting mouse button messages.
174 bool PostMouseButtonMessages(int button_up, int button_down, int x, int y);
176 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IAccessible> accessible_;
177 base::win::ScopedVariant child_id_;
182 // Finds an accessibility object with properties that match the specified
183 // matching patterns. These patterns can include the standard * and ? wildcards.
184 class AccObjectMatcher {
185 public:
186 // Create a matcher from the given string. |matcher| should include matching
187 // patterns for each property separated by colons. Matching patterns must
188 // be specified from left to right in the following order:
189 // 1) Name
190 // 2) Role Text: A string representation of a Windows object role, which can
191 // be found by using the win32 GetRoleText function. E.g.,
192 // ROLE_SYSTEM_ALERT should be represented as 'alert', and
193 // ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUP should be represented as 'popup menu'.
194 // 3) Value
195 // Matching patterns can be blank, essentially equal to *.
196 // Literal *, ?, and : characters can be escaped with a backslash.
197 AccObjectMatcher(const std::wstring& name = L"",
198 const std::wstring& role_text = L"",
199 const std::wstring& value = L"");
201 // Finds the first object which satisfies this matcher and sets as |match|.
202 // This searches the accessibility tree (including |object| itself) of
203 // |object| in a pre-order fasion. If no object is matched, |match| will be
204 // NULL. Returns true if no error occured while trying to find a match. It is
205 // possible to use this method to test for an object's non-existence.
206 bool Find(AccObject* object, scoped_refptr<AccObject>* match) const;
208 // Same as above except that it searches within the accessibility tree of the
209 // given window, which must support the IAccessible interface.
210 bool FindInWindow(HWND hwnd, scoped_refptr<AccObject>* match) const;
212 // Returns whether |object| satisfies this matcher.
213 bool DoesMatch(AccObject* object) const;
215 // Return a description of the matcher, for debugging/logging purposes.
216 std::wstring GetDescription() const;
218 private:
219 bool FindHelper(AccObject* object, scoped_refptr<AccObject>* match) const;
221 std::wstring name_;
222 std::wstring role_text_;
223 std::wstring value_;
226 // Observes various accessibility events.
227 class AccEventObserver : public WinEventListener {
228 public:
229 AccEventObserver();
230 virtual ~AccEventObserver();
232 // Begins watching for a value changed event for an accessibility object that
233 // satisfies |matcher|. Once the event occurs, this observer will stop
234 // watching.
235 void WatchForOneValueChange(const AccObjectMatcher& matcher);
237 // Called when the DOM accessibility tree for the page is ready.
238 virtual void OnAccDocLoad(HWND hwnd) = 0;
240 // Called when an accessibility object value changes. Only called if the
241 // observer was set to watch for it.
242 virtual void OnAccValueChange(HWND hwnd, AccObject* object,
243 const std::wstring& new_value) = 0;
245 // Called when the text caret moves within the given object. This is
246 // triggered when the text selection changes also.
247 virtual void OnTextCaretMoved(HWND hwnd, AccObject* object) = 0;
249 // Called when a new menu is shown.
250 virtual void OnMenuPopup(HWND hwnd) = 0;
252 private:
253 class EventHandler : public base::RefCounted<EventHandler> {
254 public:
255 explicit EventHandler(AccEventObserver* observer);
257 // Examines the given event and invokes the corresponding method of its
258 // observer.
259 void Handle(DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG object_id, LONG child_id);
261 AccEventObserver* observer_;
264 // Overriden from WinEventListener.
265 virtual void OnEventReceived(DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG object_id,
266 LONG child_id);
268 scoped_refptr<EventHandler> event_handler_;
269 bool is_watching_;
270 AccObjectMatcher watching_for_matcher_;
271 WinEventReceiver event_receiver_;
274 // Finds an AccObject from the given window that satisfied |matcher|.
275 // Will cause test failure in case of error or if no match is found in the
276 // accessibility tree of the specified window. Returns whether the object was
277 // found.
278 bool FindAccObjectInWindow(HWND hwnd, const AccObjectMatcher& matcher,
279 scoped_refptr<AccObject>* object);
281 // Writes the accessibility tree for the given window to standard out. Used for
282 // debugging/logging.
283 void DumpAccessibilityTreeForWindow(HWND hwnd);
285 // Returns whether the desktop is unlocked.
286 bool IsDesktopUnlocked();
288 // Returns the location of the IAccessible2 COM proxy stub DLL.
289 base::FilePath GetIAccessible2ProxyStubPath();
291 } // namespace chrome_frame_test