Google Now Code Cleanup
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / google_now / background_unittest.gtestjs
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // TODO(robliao,vadimt): Determine the granularity of testing to perform.
7 /**
8  * Test fixture for background.js.
9  * @constructor
10  * @extends {testing.Test}
11  */
12 function GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest () {
16 GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest.prototype = {
17   __proto__: testing.Test.prototype,
19   /** @override */
20   extraLibraries: [
21     'common_test_util.js',
22     'background_test_util.js',
23     'background.js'
24   ]
27 TEST_F('GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest', 'AreTasksConflicting', function() {
28   function testTaskPair(newTaskName, scheduledTaskName, expected) {
29     assertTrue(areTasksConflicting(newTaskName, scheduledTaskName) == expected,
30                '(' + newTaskName + ', ' + scheduledTaskName + ')');
31   }
52 });
54 /**
55  * Mocks global functions and APIs that initialize() depends upon.
56  * @param {Test} fixture Test fixture.
57  */
58 function mockInitializeDependencies(fixture) {
59   fixture.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
60     'recordEvent',
61     'setBackgroundEnable',
62     'startPollingCards'
63   ]);
64   fixture.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
65     'authenticationManager.isSignedIn',
66     '',
67     'instrumented.metricsPrivate.getVariationParams',
68     'instrumented.notifications.getAll',
69     'instrumented.notifications.getPermissionLevel',
70     '',
71     'instrumented.webstorePrivate.getBrowserLogin',
72     'tasks.add',
73     'updateCardsAttempts.isRunning',
74     'updateCardsAttempts.stop'
75   ]);
78 /**
79  * Sets up the test to expect the state machine calls and send
80  * the specified state machine state. Currently used to test initialize().
81  * Note that this CAN NOT be used if any of the methods below are called
82  * outside of this context with the same argument matchers.
83  * expects() calls cannot be chained with the same argument matchers.
84  * @param {object} fixture Test fixture.
85  * @param {string} testIdentityToken getAuthToken callback token.
86  * @param {object} testExperimentVariationParams Response of
87  *     metricsPrivate.getVariationParams.
88  * @param {string} testExperimentVariationParams Response of
89  *     notifications.getPermissionLevel.
90  * @param {boolean} testGoogleNowEnabled True if the user is opted in to Google
91  *     Now.
92  */
93 function expectStateMachineCalls(
94     fixture,
95     testIdentityToken,
96     testExperimentVariationParams,
97     testNotificationPermissionLevel,
98     testGoogleNowEnabled) {
99   fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
100       authenticationManager_isSignedIn().
101       will(returnValue(new Promise(function(resolve) {
102         resolve(!!testIdentityToken);
103       })));
105   var getVariationParamsSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
106   fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
107       instrumented_metricsPrivate_getVariationParams(
108           getVariationParamsSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING),
109           getVariationParamsSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
110       will(invokeCallback(
111           getVariationParamsSavedArgs, 1, testExperimentVariationParams));
113   var notificationGetPermissionLevelSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
114   fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
115       instrumented_notifications_getPermissionLevel(
116           notificationGetPermissionLevelSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
117       will(invokeCallback(
118           notificationGetPermissionLevelSavedArgs,
119           0,
120           testNotificationPermissionLevel))
122    var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
123    fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
124        instrumented_storage_local_get(
125            storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('googleNowEnabled')),
126            storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
127        will(invokeCallback(
128           storageGetSavedArgs, 1, {googleNowEnabled: testGoogleNowEnabled}));
130   fixture.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
131       setBackgroundEnable(ANYTHING);
135  * Sets up the test to expect the initialization calls that
136  * initialize() invokes.
137  * Note that this CAN NOT be used if any of the methods below are called
138  * outside of this context with the same argument matchers.
139  * expects() calls cannot be chained with the same argument matchers.
140  */
141 function expectInitialization(mockApisObj) {
142   var tasksAddSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
143   mockApisObj.expects(once()).
144       tasks_add(
145           tasksAddSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING),
146           tasksAddSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
147       will(invokeCallback(tasksAddSavedArgs, 1, function() {}));
148   var updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
149   mockApisObj.expects(once()).
150       updateCardsAttempts_isRunning(
151           updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
152       will(
153           invokeCallback(
154              updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs, 0, false));
157 TEST_F(
158     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
159     'Initialize_ToastStateEmpty',
160     function() {
161       // Tests the case when getAuthToken fails most likely because the user is
162       // not signed in. In this case, the function should quietly exit after
163       // finding out that getAuthToken fails.
165       // Setup and expectations.
166       var testIdentityToken = undefined;
167       var testExperimentVariationParams = {};
168       var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'denied';
169       var testGoogleNowEnabled = undefined;
171       mockInitializeDependencies(this);
173       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
174           GoogleNowEvent.EXTENSION_START);
176       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
177           GoogleNowEvent.STOPPED);
179       expectInitialization(this.mockApis);
181       expectStateMachineCalls(
182           this,
183           testIdentityToken,
184           testExperimentVariationParams,
185           testNotificationPermissionLevel,
186           testGoogleNowEnabled);
188       // Invoking the tested function.
189       initialize();
190     });
192 TEST_F('GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest', 'Initialize_RunGoogleNow', function() {
193   // Tests if Google Now will invoke startPollingCards when all
194   // of the required state is fulfilled.
196   // Setup and expectations.
197   var testIdentityToken = 'some identity token';
198   var testExperimentVariationParams = {};
199   var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'granted';
200   var testGoogleNowEnabled = true;
202   mockInitializeDependencies(this);
204   this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
205         GoogleNowEvent.EXTENSION_START);
207   expectInitialization(this.mockApis);
209   expectStateMachineCalls(
210       this,
211       testIdentityToken,
212       testExperimentVariationParams,
213       testNotificationPermissionLevel,
214       testGoogleNowEnabled);
216   this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).startPollingCards();
218   // Invoking the tested function.
219   initialize();
223  * Mocks global functions and APIs that onNotificationClicked() depends upon.
224  * @param {Test} fixture Test fixture.
225  */
226 function mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(fixture) {
227   fixture.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
228       '',
229       '',
230       '',
231       'instrumented.tabs.create']);
234 TEST_F(
235     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
236     'OnNotificationClicked_NoData',
237     function() {
238       // Tests the case when there is no data associated with notification id.
239       // In this case, the function should do nothing.
241       // Setup and expectations.
242       var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
243       var testNotificationData = {};
245       mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
246       this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
248       var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
249       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
250           instrumented_storage_local_get(
251               storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('notificationsData')),
252               storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
253           will(invokeCallback(storageGetSavedArgs, 1, testNotificationData));
255       // Invoking the tested function.
256       onNotificationClicked(
257           testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
258     });
260 TEST_F(
261     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
262     'OnNotificationClicked_ActionUrlsUndefined',
263     function() {
264       // Tests the case when the data associated with notification id is
265       // 'undefined'.
266       // In this case, the function should do nothing.
268       // Setup and expectations.
269       var testActionUrls = undefined;
270       var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
271       var testNotificationData = {
272           notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
273       };
275       mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
276       this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
278       var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
279       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
280           instrumented_storage_local_get(
281               storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('notificationsData')),
282               storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
283           will(invokeCallback(storageGetSavedArgs, 1, testNotificationData));
284       this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once()).selector(undefined).will(
285           returnValue(undefined));
287       // Invoking the tested function.
288       onNotificationClicked(
289           testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
290     });
292 TEST_F(
293     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
294     'OnNotificationClicked_TabCreateSuccess',
295     function() {
296       // Tests the selected URL is OK and crome.tabs.create suceeds.
298       // Setup and expectations.
299       var testActionUrls = {testField: 'TEST VALUE'};
300       var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
301       var testNotificationData = {
302           notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
303       };
304       var testActionUrl = '';
305       var testCreatedTab = {windowId: 239};
307       mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
308       this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
310       var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
311       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
312           instrumented_storage_local_get(
313               storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('notificationsData')),
314               storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
315           will(invokeCallback(storageGetSavedArgs, 1, testNotificationData));
316       this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once()).selector(testActionUrls).will(
317           returnValue(testActionUrl));
318       var chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
319       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
320           instrumented_tabs_create(
321               chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({url: testActionUrl})),
322               chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
323           will(invokeCallback(chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs, 1, testCreatedTab));
324       this.mockApis.expects(once()).chrome_windows_update(
325           testCreatedTab.windowId,
326           eqJSON({focused: true}));
328       // Invoking the tested function.
329       onNotificationClicked(
330           testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
331     });
333 TEST_F(
334     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
335     'OnNotificationClicked_TabCreateFail',
336     function() {
337       // Tests the selected URL is OK and crome.tabs.create fails.
338       // In this case, the function should invoke as a
339       // second attempt.
341       // Setup and expectations.
342       var testActionUrls = {testField: 'TEST VALUE'};
343       var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
344       var testNotificationData = {
345         notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
346       };
347       var testActionUrl = '';
348       var testCreatedTab = undefined; // chrome.tabs.create fails
350       mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
351       this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
353       var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
354       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
355           instrumented_storage_local_get(
356               storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('notificationsData')),
357               storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
358           will(invokeCallback(storageGetSavedArgs, 1, testNotificationData));
359       this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once()).selector(testActionUrls).will(
360           returnValue(testActionUrl));
361       var chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
362       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
363           instrumented_tabs_create(
364               chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({url: testActionUrl})),
365               chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
366           will(invokeCallback(chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs, 1, testCreatedTab));
367       this.mockApis.expects(once()).chrome_windows_create(
368           eqJSON({url: testActionUrl, focused: true}));
370       // Invoking the tested function.
371       onNotificationClicked(
372           testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
373     });
375 TEST_F(
376     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
377     'ShowNotificationCards',
378     function() {
379       // Tests showNotificationCards function. Checks that the function properly
380       // deletes the card that didn't get an update, updates existing card and
381       // creates a new card that previously didn't exist.
383       // Setup and expectations.
384       var existingNotifications = {
387       };
389       var notificationGroups = {
390         TEST_FIELD: 'TEST VALUE'
391       };
393       var cards = {
394         'SHOULD BE KEPT': [1],
395         'NEW CARD': [2]
396       };
398       var fakeOnCardShownFunction = 'FAKE ON CARD SHOWN FUNCTION';
400       var expectedUpdatedNotifications = {
403       };
405       this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
406         'cardSet.update',
407         '',
408         'instrumented.notifications.getAll'
409       ]);
410       this.makeMockLocalFunctions([
411         'onSuccess'
412       ]);
414       var notificationsGetAllSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
415       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
416           instrumented_notifications_getAll(
417               notificationsGetAllSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
418           will(invokeCallback(
419               notificationsGetAllSavedArgs, 0, existingNotifications));
421       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
422           cardSet_update(
423               'SHOULD BE KEPT',
424               [1],
425               eqJSON(notificationGroups),
426               fakeOnCardShownFunction).
427           will(returnValue('KEPT CARD NOTIFICATION DATA'));
428       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
429           cardSet_update(
430               'NEW CARD',
431               [2],
432               eqJSON(notificationGroups),
433               fakeOnCardShownFunction).
434           will(returnValue('NEW CARD NOTIFICATION DATA'));
435       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
436           cardSet_update(
437               'SHOULD BE DELETED',
438               [],
439               eqJSON(notificationGroups),
440               fakeOnCardShownFunction).
441           will(returnValue(undefined));
443       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
444           chrome_storage_local_set(
445               eqJSON({notificationsData: expectedUpdatedNotifications}));
447       this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once()).
448           onSuccess();
450       // Invoking the tested function.
451       showNotificationCards(
452           notificationGroups,
453           cards,
454           this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().onSuccess,
455           fakeOnCardShownFunction);
456     });
458 TEST_F(
459     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
460     'CombineGroup',
461     function() {
462       // Tests combineGroup function. Verifies that both notifications with and
463       // without show time are handled correctly and that cards are correctly
464       // added to existing cards with same ID or start a new combined card.
466       // Setup and expectations.
467       var combinedCards = {
468         'EXISTING CARD': [1]
469       };
471       var receivedNotificationNoShowTime = {
472         chromeNotificationId: 'EXISTING CARD',
473         trigger: {hideTimeSec: 1}
474       };
475       var receivedNotificationWithShowTime = {
476         chromeNotificationId: 'NEW CARD',
477         trigger: {showTimeSec: 2, hideTimeSec: 3}
478       }
480       var storedGroup = {
481         cardsTimestamp: 10000,
482         cards: [
483           receivedNotificationNoShowTime,
484           receivedNotificationWithShowTime
485         ]
486       };
488       // Invoking the tested function.
489       combineGroup(combinedCards, storedGroup);
491       // Check the output value.
492       var expectedCombinedCards = {
493         'EXISTING CARD': [
494           1,
495           {
496             receivedNotification: receivedNotificationNoShowTime,
497             hideTime: 11000
498           }
499         ],
500         'NEW CARD': [
501           {
502             receivedNotification: receivedNotificationWithShowTime,
503             showTime: 12000,
504             hideTime: 13000
505           }
506         ]
507       };
509       assertEquals(
510           JSON.stringify(expectedCombinedCards),
511           JSON.stringify(combinedCards));
512     });
514 TEST_F(
515     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
516     'CombineAndShowNotificationCards',
517     function() {
518       // Tests combineAndShowNotificationCards function.
519       // The test passes 2 groups to combineAndShowNotificationCards, checks
520       // that it calls combineGroup() for each of these groups and calls
521       // showNotificationCards() with the results of these combineGroup() calls.
523       // Setup and expectations.
524       var testGroups = {
525         'TEST GROUP 1': {testField: 'TEST VALUE 1'},
526         'TEST GROUP 2': {testField: 'TEST VALUE 2'}
527       };
529       var fakeOnSuccessFunction = 'FAKE ON SUCCESS FUNCTION';
530       var fakeOnCardShownFunction = 'FAKE ON CARD SHOWN FUNCTION';
532       this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals(
533           ['combineGroup', 'showNotificationCards']);
535       var combineGroupSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
536       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
537           combineGroup(
538               combineGroupSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({})),
539               combineGroupSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({testField: 'TEST VALUE 1'}))).
540           will(callFunction(function() {
541             combineGroupSavedArgs.arguments[0].card1 = {
542               testValue: 'TEST CARD VALUE 1'
543             };
544           }));
545       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
546           combineGroup(
547               combineGroupSavedArgs.match(
548                   eqJSON({card1: {testValue: 'TEST CARD VALUE 1'}})),
549               combineGroupSavedArgs.match(
550                   eqJSON({testField: 'TEST VALUE 2'}))).
551           will(callFunction(function() {
552               combineGroupSavedArgs.arguments[0].card2 = {
553                 testValue: 'TEST CARD VALUE 2'
554               };
555           }));
556       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
557           showNotificationCards(
558               eqJSON(testGroups),
559               eqJSON({
560                 card1: {testValue: 'TEST CARD VALUE 1'},
561                 card2: {testValue: 'TEST CARD VALUE 2'}
562               }),
563               fakeOnSuccessFunction,
564               fakeOnCardShownFunction);
566       // Invoking the tested function.
567       combineAndShowNotificationCards(
568           testGroups, fakeOnSuccessFunction, fakeOnCardShownFunction);
569     });
571 TEST_F(
572     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
573     'ProcessServerResponse',
574     function() {
575       // Tests processServerResponse function.
577       // Setup and expectations.
578 = function() { return 3000000; };
580       // GROUP1 was requested and contains cards c4 and c5. For c5, there is a
581       // non-expired dismissal, so it will be ignored.
582       // GROUP2 was not requested, but is contained in server response to
583       // indicate that the group still exists. Stored group GROUP2 won't change.
584       // GROUP3 is stored, but is not present in server's response, which means
585       // it doesn't exist anymore. This group will be deleted.
586       // GROUP4 doesn't contain cards, but it was requested. This is treated as
587       // if it had an empty array of cards. Cards in the stored group will be
588       // replaced with an empty array.
589       // GROUP5 doesn't have next poll time, and it will be stored without next
590       // poll time.
591       var serverResponse = {
592         groups: {
593           GROUP1: {requested: true, nextPollSeconds: 46},
594           GROUP2: {requested: false},
595           GROUP4: {requested: true, nextPollSeconds: 45},
596           GROUP5: {requested: true}
597         },
598         notifications: [
599           {notificationId: 'c4', groupName: 'GROUP1'},
600           {notificationId: 'c5', groupName: 'GROUP1'}
601         ]
602       };
604       var recentDismissals = {
605         c4: 1800000, // expired dismissal
606         c5: 1800001  // non-expired dismissal
607       };
609       var storedGroups = {
610         GROUP2: {
611           cards: [{notificationId: 'c2'}],
612           cardsTimestamp: 239,
613           nextPollTime: 10000
614         },
615         GROUP3: {
616           cards: [{notificationId: 'c3'}],
617           cardsTimestamp: 240,
618           nextPollTime: 10001
619         },
620         GROUP4: {
621           cards: [{notificationId: 'c6'}],
622           cardsTimestamp: 241,
623           nextPollTime: 10002
624         }
625       };
627       var expectedUpdatedGroups = {
628         GROUP1: {
629           cards: [{notificationId: 'c4', groupName: 'GROUP1'}],
630           cardsTimestamp: 3000000,
631           nextPollTime: 3046000
632         },
633         GROUP2: {
634           cards: [{notificationId: 'c2'}],
635           cardsTimestamp: 239,
636           nextPollTime: 10000
637         },
638         GROUP4: {
639           cards: [],
640           cardsTimestamp: 3000000,
641           nextPollTime: 3045000
642         },
643         GROUP5: {
644           cards: [],
645           cardsTimestamp: 3000000
646         }
647       };
649       var expectedUpdatedRecentDismissals = {
650         c5: 1800001
651       };
653       var fakeOnCardShownFunction = 'FAKE ON CARD SHOWN FUNCTION';
655       this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
656         'scheduleNextPoll',
657         'combineAndShowNotificationCards',
658         'recordEvent'
659       ]);
661       this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
662         '',
663         ''
664       ]);
666       var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
667       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
668           instrumented_storage_local_get(
669               storageGetSavedArgs.match(
670                   eq(['notificationGroups', 'recentDismissals'])),
671               storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
672           will(invokeCallback(
673               storageGetSavedArgs,
674               1,
675               {
676                 notificationGroups: storedGroups,
677                 recentDismissals: recentDismissals
678               }));
680       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
681           scheduleNextPoll(eqJSON(expectedUpdatedGroups), true);
683       var combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
684       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
685           combineAndShowNotificationCards(
686               combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs.match(
687                   eqJSON(expectedUpdatedGroups)),
688               combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs.match(
689                   ANYTHING),
690               combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs.match(
691                   eq(fakeOnCardShownFunction))).
692           will(invokeCallback(combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs, 1));
694       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
695           chrome_storage_local_set(
696               eqJSON({
697                 notificationGroups: expectedUpdatedGroups,
698                 recentDismissals: expectedUpdatedRecentDismissals}));
700       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
701           recordEvent(GoogleNowEvent.CARDS_PARSE_SUCCESS);
703       // Invoking the tested function.
704       processServerResponse(serverResponse, fakeOnCardShownFunction);
705     });
707 TEST_F(
708     'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
709     'ProcessServerResponseGoogleNowDisabled',
710     function() {
711       // Tests processServerResponse function for the case when the response
712       // indicates that Google Now is disabled.
714       // Setup and expectations.
715       var serverResponse = {
716         googleNowDisabled: true,
717         groups: {
718           GROUP1: {nextPollTimeSeconds: 200}
719         }
720       };
722       var storedGroups = {
723         GROUP2: {
724           cards: [{notificationId: 'c2'}],
725           cardsTimestamp: 239,
726           nextPollTime: 10000
727         },
728         GROUP3: {
729           cards: [{notificationId: 'c3'}],
730           cardsTimestamp: 240,
731           nextPollTime: 10001
732         }
733       };
735       var expectedUpdatedGroups = {
736       };
738       var fakeOnCardShownFunction = 'FAKE ON CARD SHOWN FUNCTION';
740       this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
741         'scheduleNextPoll',
742         'combineAndShowNotificationCards',
743         'recordEvent',
744         'onStateChange'
745       ]);
747       this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
748         '',
749         ''
750       ]);
752       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
753           chrome_storage_local_set(
754               eqJSON({googleNowEnabled: false}));
756       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).onStateChange();
758       var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
759       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
760           instrumented_storage_local_get(
761               storageGetSavedArgs.match(
762                   eq(['notificationGroups', 'recentDismissals'])),
763               storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
764           will(invokeCallback(
765               storageGetSavedArgs, 1, {notificationGroups: storedGroups}));
767       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
768           scheduleNextPoll(eqJSON(expectedUpdatedGroups), false);
770       var combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
771       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
772           combineAndShowNotificationCards(
773               combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs.match(
774                   eqJSON(expectedUpdatedGroups)),
775               combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs.match(
776                   ANYTHING),
777               combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs.match(
778                   eq(fakeOnCardShownFunction))).
779           will(invokeCallback(combineAndShowNotificationCardsSavedArgs, 1));
781       this.mockApis.expects(once()).
782           chrome_storage_local_set(
783               eqJSON({
784                 notificationGroups: expectedUpdatedGroups,
785                 recentDismissals: {}}));
787       this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
788           recordEvent(GoogleNowEvent.CARDS_PARSE_SUCCESS);
790       // Invoking the tested function.
791       processServerResponse(serverResponse, fakeOnCardShownFunction);
792     });