Rename AutofillDialogController to AutofillDialogViewDelegate.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / apps /
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "apps/shell_window.h"
7 #include "apps/native_app_window.h"
8 #include "apps/shell_window_geometry_cache.h"
9 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
10 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
11 #include "base/values.h"
12 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
13 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_process_manager.h"
14 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/shell_window_registry.h"
16 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/suggest_permission_util.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/lifetime/application_lifetime.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
19 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
20 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h"
21 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_messages.h"
22 #include "chrome/common/extensions/manifest_handlers/icons_handler.h"
23 #include "components/web_modal/web_contents_modal_dialog_manager.h"
24 #include "content/public/browser/invalidate_type.h"
25 #include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
26 #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
27 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
28 #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h"
29 #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
30 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
31 #include "content/public/browser/resource_dispatcher_host.h"
32 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
33 #include "content/public/common/media_stream_request.h"
34 #include "extensions/browser/view_type_utils.h"
35 #include "skia/ext/image_operations.h"
36 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h"
37 #include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
38 #include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
40 using content::ConsoleMessageLevel;
41 using content::WebContents;
42 using extensions::APIPermission;
43 using web_modal::WebContentsModalDialogHost;
44 using web_modal::WebContentsModalDialogManager;
46 namespace {
47 const int kDefaultWidth = 512;
48 const int kDefaultHeight = 384;
50 } // namespace
52 namespace apps {
54 ShellWindow::CreateParams::CreateParams()
55 : window_type(ShellWindow::WINDOW_TYPE_DEFAULT),
56 frame(ShellWindow::FRAME_CHROME),
57 transparent_background(false),
58 bounds(INT_MIN, INT_MIN, 0, 0),
59 creator_process_id(0),
60 state(ui::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT),
61 hidden(false),
62 resizable(true),
63 focused(true) {}
65 ShellWindow::CreateParams::~CreateParams() {}
67 ShellWindow::Delegate::~Delegate() {}
69 ShellWindow::ShellWindow(Profile* profile,
70 Delegate* delegate,
71 const extensions::Extension* extension)
72 : profile_(profile),
73 extension_(extension),
74 extension_id_(extension->id()),
75 window_type_(WINDOW_TYPE_DEFAULT),
76 delegate_(delegate),
77 image_loader_ptr_factory_(this),
78 fullscreen_for_window_api_(false),
79 fullscreen_for_tab_(false) {
82 void ShellWindow::Init(const GURL& url,
83 ShellWindowContents* shell_window_contents,
84 const CreateParams& params) {
85 // Initialize the render interface and web contents
86 shell_window_contents_.reset(shell_window_contents);
87 shell_window_contents_->Initialize(profile(), url);
88 WebContents* web_contents = shell_window_contents_->GetWebContents();
89 delegate_->InitWebContents(web_contents);
90 WebContentsModalDialogManager::CreateForWebContents(web_contents);
92 web_contents->SetDelegate(this);
93 WebContentsModalDialogManager::FromWebContents(web_contents)->
94 set_delegate(this);
95 extensions::SetViewType(web_contents, extensions::VIEW_TYPE_APP_SHELL);
97 // Initialize the window
98 window_type_ = params.window_type;
100 gfx::Rect bounds = params.bounds;
102 if (bounds.width() == 0)
103 bounds.set_width(kDefaultWidth);
104 if (bounds.height() == 0)
105 bounds.set_height(kDefaultHeight);
107 // If left and top are left undefined, the native shell window will center
108 // the window on the main screen in a platform-defined manner.
110 CreateParams new_params = params;
112 // Load cached state if it exists.
113 if (!params.window_key.empty()) {
114 window_key_ = params.window_key;
116 ShellWindowGeometryCache* cache = ShellWindowGeometryCache::Get(profile());
118 gfx::Rect cached_bounds;
119 gfx::Rect cached_screen_bounds;
120 ui::WindowShowState cached_state = ui::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT;
121 if (cache->GetGeometry(extension()->id(), params.window_key, &cached_bounds,
122 &cached_screen_bounds, &cached_state)) {
123 // App window has cached screen bounds, make sure it fits on screen in
124 // case the screen resolution changed.
125 gfx::Screen* screen = gfx::Screen::GetNativeScreen();
126 gfx::Display display = screen->GetDisplayMatching(cached_bounds);
127 gfx::Rect current_screen_bounds = display.work_area();
128 AdjustBoundsToBeVisibleOnScreen(cached_bounds,
129 cached_screen_bounds,
130 current_screen_bounds,
131 params.minimum_size,
132 &bounds);
133 new_params.state = cached_state;
137 gfx::Size& minimum_size = new_params.minimum_size;
138 gfx::Size& maximum_size = new_params.maximum_size;
140 // In the case that minimum size > maximum size, we consider the minimum
141 // size to be more important.
142 if (maximum_size.width() && maximum_size.width() < minimum_size.width())
143 maximum_size.set_width(minimum_size.width());
144 if (maximum_size.height() && maximum_size.height() < minimum_size.height())
145 maximum_size.set_height(minimum_size.height());
147 if (maximum_size.width() && bounds.width() > maximum_size.width())
148 bounds.set_width(maximum_size.width());
149 if (bounds.width() != INT_MIN && bounds.width() < minimum_size.width())
150 bounds.set_width(minimum_size.width());
152 if (maximum_size.height() && bounds.height() > maximum_size.height())
153 bounds.set_height(maximum_size.height());
154 if (bounds.height() != INT_MIN && bounds.height() < minimum_size.height())
155 bounds.set_height(minimum_size.height());
157 new_params.bounds = bounds;
159 native_app_window_.reset(delegate_->CreateNativeAppWindow(this, new_params));
161 if (!new_params.hidden) {
162 if (window_type_is_panel())
163 GetBaseWindow()->ShowInactive(); // Panels are not activated by default.
164 else
165 GetBaseWindow()->Show();
168 if (new_params.state == ui::SHOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN)
169 Fullscreen();
170 else if (new_params.state == ui::SHOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED)
171 Maximize();
172 else if (new_params.state == ui::SHOW_STATE_MINIMIZED)
173 Minimize();
175 OnNativeWindowChanged();
177 // When the render view host is changed, the native window needs to know
178 // about it in case it has any setup to do to make the renderer appear
179 // properly. In particular, on Windows, the view's clickthrough region needs
180 // to be set.
181 registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDER_VIEW_HOST_CHANGED,
182 content::Source<content::NavigationController>(
183 &web_contents->GetController()));
184 registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_UNLOADED,
185 content::Source<Profile>(profile_));
186 // Close when the browser process is exiting.
187 registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_APP_TERMINATING,
188 content::NotificationService::AllSources());
190 shell_window_contents_->LoadContents(params.creator_process_id);
192 // Prevent the browser process from shutting down while this window is open.
193 chrome::StartKeepAlive();
195 UpdateExtensionAppIcon();
197 extensions::ShellWindowRegistry::Get(profile_)->AddShellWindow(this);
200 ShellWindow::~ShellWindow() {
201 // Unregister now to prevent getting NOTIFICATION_APP_TERMINATING if we're the
202 // last window open.
203 registrar_.RemoveAll();
205 // Remove shutdown prevention.
206 chrome::EndKeepAlive();
209 void ShellWindow::RequestMediaAccessPermission(
210 content::WebContents* web_contents,
211 const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
212 const content::MediaResponseCallback& callback) {
213 delegate_->RequestMediaAccessPermission(web_contents, request, callback,
214 extension());
217 WebContents* ShellWindow::OpenURLFromTab(WebContents* source,
218 const content::OpenURLParams& params) {
219 // Don't allow the current tab to be navigated. It would be nice to map all
220 // anchor tags (even those without target="_blank") to new tabs, but right
221 // now we can't distinguish between those and <meta> refreshes or window.href
222 // navigations, which we don't want to allow.
223 // TOOD(mihaip): Can we check for user gestures instead?
224 WindowOpenDisposition disposition = params.disposition;
225 if (disposition == CURRENT_TAB) {
226 AddMessageToDevToolsConsole(
228 base::StringPrintf(
229 "Can't open same-window link to \"%s\"; try target=\"_blank\".",
230 params.url.spec().c_str()));
231 return NULL;
234 // These dispositions aren't really navigations.
235 if (disposition == SUPPRESS_OPEN || disposition == SAVE_TO_DISK ||
236 disposition == IGNORE_ACTION) {
237 return NULL;
240 WebContents* contents = delegate_->OpenURLFromTab(profile_, source,
241 params);
242 if (!contents) {
243 AddMessageToDevToolsConsole(
245 base::StringPrintf(
246 "Can't navigate to \"%s\"; apps do not support navigation.",
247 params.url.spec().c_str()));
250 return contents;
253 void ShellWindow::AddNewContents(WebContents* source,
254 WebContents* new_contents,
255 WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
256 const gfx::Rect& initial_pos,
257 bool user_gesture,
258 bool* was_blocked) {
259 DCHECK(Profile::FromBrowserContext(new_contents->GetBrowserContext()) ==
260 profile_);
261 delegate_->AddNewContents(profile_, new_contents, disposition,
262 initial_pos, user_gesture, was_blocked);
265 void ShellWindow::HandleKeyboardEvent(
266 WebContents* source,
267 const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) {
268 native_app_window_->HandleKeyboardEvent(event);
271 void ShellWindow::RequestToLockMouse(WebContents* web_contents,
272 bool user_gesture,
273 bool last_unlocked_by_target) {
274 bool has_permission = IsExtensionWithPermissionOrSuggestInConsole(
275 APIPermission::kPointerLock,
276 extension_,
277 web_contents->GetRenderViewHost());
279 web_contents->GotResponseToLockMouseRequest(has_permission);
282 void ShellWindow::OnNativeClose() {
283 extensions::ShellWindowRegistry::Get(profile_)->RemoveShellWindow(this);
284 if (shell_window_contents_)
285 shell_window_contents_->NativeWindowClosed();
286 delete this;
289 void ShellWindow::OnNativeWindowChanged() {
290 SaveWindowPosition();
291 if (shell_window_contents_ && native_app_window_)
292 shell_window_contents_->NativeWindowChanged(native_app_window_.get());
295 void ShellWindow::OnNativeWindowActivated() {
296 extensions::ShellWindowRegistry::Get(profile_)->ShellWindowActivated(this);
299 scoped_ptr<gfx::Image> ShellWindow::GetAppListIcon() {
300 // TODO(skuhne): We might want to use LoadImages in UpdateExtensionAppIcon
301 // instead to let the extension give us pre-defined icons in the launcher
302 // and the launcher list sizes. Since there is no mock yet, doing this now
303 // seems a bit premature and we scale for the time being.
304 if (app_icon_.IsEmpty())
305 return make_scoped_ptr(new gfx::Image());
307 SkBitmap bmp = skia::ImageOperations::Resize(
308 *app_icon_.ToSkBitmap(), skia::ImageOperations::RESIZE_BEST,
309 extension_misc::EXTENSION_ICON_SMALLISH,
310 extension_misc::EXTENSION_ICON_SMALLISH);
311 return make_scoped_ptr(
312 new gfx::Image(gfx::ImageSkia::CreateFrom1xBitmap(bmp)));
315 content::WebContents* ShellWindow::web_contents() const {
316 return shell_window_contents_->GetWebContents();
319 NativeAppWindow* ShellWindow::GetBaseWindow() {
320 return native_app_window_.get();
323 gfx::NativeWindow ShellWindow::GetNativeWindow() {
324 return GetBaseWindow()->GetNativeWindow();
327 gfx::Rect ShellWindow::GetClientBounds() const {
328 gfx::Rect bounds = native_app_window_->GetBounds();
329 bounds.Inset(native_app_window_->GetFrameInsets());
330 return bounds;
333 string16 ShellWindow::GetTitle() const {
334 // WebContents::GetTitle() will return the page's URL if there's no <title>
335 // specified. However, we'd prefer to show the name of the extension in that
336 // case, so we directly inspect the NavigationEntry's title.
337 string16 title;
338 if (!web_contents() ||
339 !web_contents()->GetController().GetActiveEntry() ||
340 web_contents()->GetController().GetActiveEntry()->GetTitle().empty()) {
341 title = UTF8ToUTF16(extension()->name());
342 } else {
343 title = web_contents()->GetTitle();
345 const char16 kBadChars[] = { '\n', 0 };
346 RemoveChars(title, kBadChars, &title);
347 return title;
350 void ShellWindow::SetAppIconUrl(const GURL& url) {
351 // Avoid using any previous app icons were are being downloaded.
352 image_loader_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
354 // Reset |app_icon_image_| to abort pending image load (if any).
355 app_icon_image_.reset();
357 app_icon_url_ = url;
358 web_contents()->DownloadImage(
359 url,
360 true, // is a favicon
361 delegate_->PreferredIconSize(),
362 0, // no maximum size
363 base::Bind(&ShellWindow::DidDownloadFavicon,
364 image_loader_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
367 void ShellWindow::UpdateDraggableRegions(
368 const std::vector<extensions::DraggableRegion>& regions) {
369 native_app_window_->UpdateDraggableRegions(regions);
372 void ShellWindow::UpdateAppIcon(const gfx::Image& image) {
373 if (image.IsEmpty())
374 return;
375 app_icon_ = image;
376 native_app_window_->UpdateWindowIcon();
377 extensions::ShellWindowRegistry::Get(profile_)->ShellWindowIconChanged(this);
380 void ShellWindow::Fullscreen() {
381 fullscreen_for_window_api_ = true;
382 GetBaseWindow()->SetFullscreen(true);
385 void ShellWindow::Maximize() {
386 GetBaseWindow()->Maximize();
389 void ShellWindow::Minimize() {
390 GetBaseWindow()->Minimize();
393 void ShellWindow::Restore() {
394 fullscreen_for_window_api_ = false;
395 fullscreen_for_tab_ = false;
396 if (GetBaseWindow()->IsFullscreenOrPending()) {
397 GetBaseWindow()->SetFullscreen(false);
398 } else {
399 GetBaseWindow()->Restore();
403 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
404 // Private methods
406 void ShellWindow::DidDownloadFavicon(int id,
407 int http_status_code,
408 const GURL& image_url,
409 int requested_size,
410 const std::vector<SkBitmap>& bitmaps) {
411 if (image_url != app_icon_url_ || bitmaps.empty())
412 return;
414 // Bitmaps are ordered largest to smallest. Choose the smallest bitmap
415 // whose height >= the preferred size.
416 int largest_index = 0;
417 for (size_t i = 1; i < bitmaps.size(); ++i) {
418 if (bitmaps[i].height() < delegate_->PreferredIconSize())
419 break;
420 largest_index = i;
422 const SkBitmap& largest = bitmaps[largest_index];
423 UpdateAppIcon(gfx::Image::CreateFrom1xBitmap(largest));
426 void ShellWindow::OnExtensionIconImageChanged(extensions::IconImage* image) {
427 DCHECK_EQ(app_icon_image_.get(), image);
429 UpdateAppIcon(gfx::Image(app_icon_image_->image_skia()));
432 void ShellWindow::UpdateExtensionAppIcon() {
433 // Avoid using any previous app icons were are being downloaded.
434 image_loader_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
436 app_icon_image_.reset(new extensions::IconImage(
437 profile(),
438 extension(),
439 extensions::IconsInfo::GetIcons(extension()),
440 delegate_->PreferredIconSize(),
441 extensions::IconsInfo::GetDefaultAppIcon(),
442 this));
444 // Triggers actual image loading with 1x resources. The 2x resource will
445 // be handled by IconImage class when requested.
446 app_icon_image_->image_skia().GetRepresentation(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
449 void ShellWindow::CloseContents(WebContents* contents) {
450 native_app_window_->Close();
453 bool ShellWindow::ShouldSuppressDialogs() {
454 return true;
457 content::ColorChooser* ShellWindow::OpenColorChooser(WebContents* web_contents,
458 SkColor initial_color) {
459 return delegate_->ShowColorChooser(web_contents, initial_color);
462 void ShellWindow::RunFileChooser(WebContents* tab,
463 const content::FileChooserParams& params) {
464 if (window_type_is_panel()) {
465 // Panels can't host a file dialog, abort. TODO(stevenjb): allow file
466 // dialogs to be unhosted but still close with the owning web contents.
467 //
468 LOG(WARNING) << "File dialog opened by panel.";
469 return;
472 delegate_->RunFileChooser(tab, params);
475 bool ShellWindow::IsPopupOrPanel(const WebContents* source) const {
476 return true;
479 void ShellWindow::MoveContents(WebContents* source, const gfx::Rect& pos) {
480 native_app_window_->SetBounds(pos);
483 void ShellWindow::NavigationStateChanged(
484 const content::WebContents* source, unsigned changed_flags) {
485 if (changed_flags & content::INVALIDATE_TYPE_TITLE)
486 native_app_window_->UpdateWindowTitle();
487 else if (changed_flags & content::INVALIDATE_TYPE_TAB)
488 native_app_window_->UpdateWindowIcon();
491 void ShellWindow::ToggleFullscreenModeForTab(content::WebContents* source,
492 bool enter_fullscreen) {
493 if (!IsExtensionWithPermissionOrSuggestInConsole(
494 APIPermission::kFullscreen,
495 extension_,
496 source->GetRenderViewHost())) {
497 return;
500 fullscreen_for_tab_ = enter_fullscreen;
502 if (enter_fullscreen) {
503 native_app_window_->SetFullscreen(true);
504 } else if (!fullscreen_for_window_api_) {
505 native_app_window_->SetFullscreen(false);
509 bool ShellWindow::IsFullscreenForTabOrPending(
510 const content::WebContents* source) const {
511 return fullscreen_for_tab_;
514 void ShellWindow::Observe(int type,
515 const content::NotificationSource& source,
516 const content::NotificationDetails& details) {
517 switch (type) {
519 // TODO(jianli): once is fixed, we'll no longer
520 // need to make the native window (ShellWindowViews specially) update
521 // the clickthrough region for the new RVH.
522 native_app_window_->RenderViewHostChanged();
523 break;
526 const extensions::Extension* unloaded_extension =
527 content::Details<extensions::UnloadedExtensionInfo>(
528 details)->extension;
529 if (extension_ == unloaded_extension)
530 native_app_window_->Close();
531 break;
534 native_app_window_->Close();
535 break;
536 default:
537 NOTREACHED() << "Received unexpected notification";
541 void ShellWindow::SetWebContentsBlocked(content::WebContents* web_contents,
542 bool blocked) {
543 delegate_->SetWebContentsBlocked(web_contents, blocked);
546 bool ShellWindow::IsWebContentsVisible(content::WebContents* web_contents) {
547 return delegate_->IsWebContentsVisible(web_contents);
550 extensions::ActiveTabPermissionGranter*
551 ShellWindow::GetActiveTabPermissionGranter() {
552 // Shell windows don't support the activeTab permission.
553 return NULL;
556 WebContentsModalDialogHost* ShellWindow::GetWebContentsModalDialogHost() {
557 return native_app_window_.get();
560 void ShellWindow::AddMessageToDevToolsConsole(ConsoleMessageLevel level,
561 const std::string& message) {
562 content::RenderViewHost* rvh = web_contents()->GetRenderViewHost();
563 rvh->Send(new ExtensionMsg_AddMessageToConsole(
564 rvh->GetRoutingID(), level, message));
567 void ShellWindow::SaveWindowPosition() {
568 if (window_key_.empty())
569 return;
570 if (!native_app_window_)
571 return;
573 ShellWindowGeometryCache* cache = ShellWindowGeometryCache::Get(profile());
575 gfx::Rect bounds = native_app_window_->GetRestoredBounds();
576 bounds.Inset(native_app_window_->GetFrameInsets());
577 gfx::Rect screen_bounds =
578 gfx::Screen::GetNativeScreen()->GetDisplayMatching(bounds).work_area();
579 ui::WindowShowState window_state = native_app_window_->GetRestoredState();
580 cache->SaveGeometry(extension()->id(),
581 window_key_,
582 bounds,
583 screen_bounds,
584 window_state);
587 void ShellWindow::AdjustBoundsToBeVisibleOnScreen(
588 const gfx::Rect& cached_bounds,
589 const gfx::Rect& cached_screen_bounds,
590 const gfx::Rect& current_screen_bounds,
591 const gfx::Size& minimum_size,
592 gfx::Rect* bounds) const {
593 *bounds = cached_bounds;
595 // Reposition and resize the bounds if the cached_screen_bounds is different
596 // from the current screen bounds and the current screen bounds doesn't
597 // completely contain the bounds.
598 if (cached_screen_bounds != current_screen_bounds &&
599 !current_screen_bounds.Contains(cached_bounds)) {
600 bounds->set_width(
601 std::max(minimum_size.width(),
602 std::min(bounds->width(), current_screen_bounds.width())));
603 bounds->set_height(
604 std::max(minimum_size.height(),
605 std::min(bounds->height(), current_screen_bounds.height())));
606 bounds->set_x(
607 std::max(current_screen_bounds.x(),
608 std::min(bounds->x(),
609 current_screen_bounds.right() - bounds->width())));
610 bounds->set_y(
611 std::max(current_screen_bounds.y(),
612 std::min(bounds->y(),
613 current_screen_bounds.bottom() - bounds->height())));
617 // static
618 SkRegion* ShellWindow::RawDraggableRegionsToSkRegion(
619 const std::vector<extensions::DraggableRegion>& regions) {
620 SkRegion* sk_region = new SkRegion;
621 for (std::vector<extensions::DraggableRegion>::const_iterator iter =
622 regions.begin();
623 iter != regions.end(); ++iter) {
624 const extensions::DraggableRegion& region = *iter;
625 sk_region->op(
626 region.bounds.x(),
627 region.bounds.y(),
628 region.bounds.right(),
629 region.bounds.bottom(),
630 region.draggable ? SkRegion::kUnion_Op : SkRegion::kDifference_Op);
632 return sk_region;
635 } // namespace apps