Lint & readability cleanup in Simple Cache.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / remoting / tools /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 # found in the LICENSE file.
6 """Verifies that GRD resource files define all the strings used by a given
7 set of source files. For file formats where it is not possible to infer which
8 strings represent message identifiers, localized strings should be explicitly
9 annotated with the string "i18n-content", for example:
11 LocalizeString(/*i18n-content*/"PRODUCT_NAME");
13 This script also recognises localized strings in HTML and manifest.json files:
15 HTML: <span i18n-content="PRODUCT_NAME"></span>
16 or ...i18n-value-name-1="BUTTON_NAME"...
17 manifest.json: __MSG_PRODUCT_NAME__
19 Note that these forms must be exact; extra spaces are not permitted, though
20 either single or double quotes are recognized.
22 In addition, the script checks that all the messages are still in use; if
23 this is not the case then a warning is issued, but the script still succeeds.
24 """
26 import json
27 import os
28 import optparse
29 import re
30 import sys
31 import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
34 To remove this warning, either remove the unused tags from
35 resource files, add the files that use the tags listed above to
36 remoting.gyp, or annotate existing uses of those tags with the
37 prefix /*i18n-content*/
38 """
40 def LoadTagsFromGrd(filename):
41 xml = minidom.parse(filename)
42 tags = []
43 msgs_and_structs = xml.getElementsByTagName("message")
44 msgs_and_structs.extend(xml.getElementsByTagName("structure"))
45 for res in msgs_and_structs:
46 name = res.getAttribute("name")
47 if not name or not name.startswith("IDR_"):
48 raise Exception("Tag name doesn't start with IDR_: %s" % name)
49 tags.append(name[4:])
50 return tags
52 def ExtractTagFromLine(file_type, line):
53 """Extract a tag from a line of HTML, C++, JS or JSON."""
54 if file_type == "html":
55 # HTML-style (tags)
56 m ='i18n-content=[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]', line)
57 if m: return
58 # HTML-style (substitutions)
59 m ='i18n-value-name-[1-9]=[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]', line)
60 if m: return
61 elif file_type == 'js':
62 # Javascript style
63 m ='/\*i18n-content\*/[\'"]([^\`"]*)[\'"]', line)
64 if m: return
65 elif file_type == 'cc' or file_type == 'mm':
66 # C++ style
67 m ='IDR_([A-Z0-9_]*)', line)
68 if m: return
69 m ='/\*i18n-content\*/["]([^\`"]*)["]', line)
70 if m: return
71 elif file_type == 'json':
72 # Manifest style
73 m ='__MSG_(.*)__', line)
74 if m: return
75 elif file_type == 'jinja2':
76 # Jinja2 template file
77 m ='\{\%\s+trans\s+\%\}([A-Z0-9_]+)\{\%\s+endtrans\s+\%\}', line)
78 if m: return
79 return None
82 def VerifyFile(filename, messages, used_tags):
83 """
84 Parse |filename|, looking for tags and report any that are not included in
85 |messages|. Return True if all tags are present and correct, or False if
86 any are missing. If no tags are found, print a warning message and return
87 True.
88 """
90 base_name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
91 extension = extension[1:]
92 if extension not in ['js', 'cc', 'html', 'json', 'jinja2', 'mm']:
93 raise Exception("Unknown file type: %s" % extension)
95 result = True
96 matches = False
97 f = open(filename, 'r')
98 lines = f.readlines()
99 for i in xrange(0, len(lines)):
100 tag = ExtractTagFromLine(extension, lines[i])
101 if tag:
102 tag = tag.upper()
103 used_tags.add(tag)
104 matches = True
105 if not tag in messages:
106 result = False
107 print '%s/%s:%d: error: Undefined tag: %s' % \
108 (os.getcwd(), filename, i + 1, tag)
109 if not matches:
110 print '%s/%s:0: warning: No tags found' % (os.getcwd(), filename)
111 f.close()
112 return result
115 def main():
116 parser = optparse.OptionParser(
117 usage='Usage: %prog [options...] [source_file...]')
118 parser.add_option('-t', '--touch', dest='touch',
119 help='File to touch when finished.')
120 parser.add_option('-r', '--grd', dest='grd', action='append',
121 help='grd file')
123 options, args = parser.parse_args()
124 if not options.touch:
125 print '-t is not specified.'
126 return 1
127 if len(options.grd) == 0 or len(args) == 0:
128 print 'At least one GRD file needs to be specified.'
129 return 1
131 resources = []
132 for f in options.grd:
133 resources.extend(LoadTagsFromGrd(f))
135 used_tags = set([])
136 exit_code = 0
137 for f in args:
138 if not VerifyFile(f, resources, used_tags):
139 exit_code = 1
141 warnings = False
142 for tag in resources:
143 if tag not in used_tags:
144 print ('%s/%s:0: warning: %s is defined but not used') % \
145 (os.getcwd(), sys.argv[2], tag)
146 warnings = True
147 if warnings:
150 if exit_code == 0:
151 f = open(options.touch, 'a')
152 f.close()
153 os.utime(options.touch, None)
155 return exit_code
158 if __name__ == '__main__':
159 sys.exit(main())