Refactoring: Moved check parameters from to dedicated modules (CMK-1393)
[check_mk.git] / cmk_base /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
5 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
6 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
7 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
8 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
9 # | |
10 # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 |
11 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 # This file is part of Check_MK.
14 # The official homepage is at
16 # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
19 # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
20 # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
21 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
22 # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
24 # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
25 # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 import os
28 import socket
29 import time
30 import inspect
31 import signal
33 from cmk.utils.regex import regex
34 import cmk.utils.tty as tty
35 import cmk.utils.debug
36 import cmk.utils.paths
37 from cmk.utils.exceptions import MKGeneralException, MKTimeout
39 import cmk_base.crash_reporting
40 import cmk_base.config as config
41 import cmk_base.console as console
42 import cmk_base.ip_lookup as ip_lookup
43 import cmk_base.check_api_utils as check_api_utils
44 import cmk_base.item_state as item_state
45 import cmk_base.checking as checking
46 import cmk_base.data_sources as data_sources
47 import cmk_base.check_table as check_table
48 import cmk_base.core
49 from cmk_base.exceptions import MKParseFunctionError
50 import cmk_base.cleanup
51 import cmk_base.check_utils
52 import cmk_base.decorator
53 import cmk_base.snmp_scan as snmp_scan
55 # Run the discovery queued by check_discovery() - if any
56 _marked_host_discovery_timeout = 120
58 # .--cmk -I--------------------------------------------------------------.
59 # | _ ___ |
60 # | ___ _ __ ___ | | __ |_ _| |
61 # | / __| '_ ` _ \| |/ / _____| | |
62 # | | (__| | | | | | < |_____| | |
63 # | \___|_| |_| |_|_|\_\ |___| |
64 # | |
65 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
66 # | Functions for command line options -I and -II |
67 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
70 # Function implementing cmk -I and cmk -II. This is directly
71 # being called from the main option parsing code. The list of
72 # hostnames is already prepared by the main code. If it is
73 # empty then we use all hosts and switch to using cache files.
74 def do_discovery(hostnames, check_plugin_names, only_new):
75 use_caches = data_sources.abstract.DataSource.get_may_use_cache_file()
76 if not hostnames:
77 console.verbose("Discovering services on all hosts\n")
78 hostnames = config.all_active_realhosts()
79 use_caches = True
80 else:
81 console.verbose("Discovering services on: %s\n" % ", ".join(hostnames))
83 # For clusters add their nodes to the list. Clusters itself
84 # cannot be discovered but the user is allowed to specify
85 # them and we do discovery on the nodes instead.
86 nodes = []
87 cluster_hosts = []
88 for h in hostnames:
89 nodes = config.nodes_of(h)
90 if nodes:
91 cluster_hosts.append(h)
92 hostnames += nodes
94 # Then remove clusters and make list unique
95 hostnames = list(set([h for h in hostnames if not config.is_cluster(h)]))
96 hostnames.sort()
98 # Now loop through all hosts
99 for hostname in hostnames:
100 console.section_begin(hostname)
102 try:
103 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
104 on_error = "raise"
105 else:
106 on_error = "warn"
108 ipaddress = ip_lookup.lookup_ip_address(hostname)
110 # Usually we disable SNMP scan if cmk -I is used without a list of
111 # explicity hosts. But for host that have never been service-discovered
112 # yet (do not have autochecks), we enable SNMP scan.
113 do_snmp_scan = not use_caches or not _has_autochecks(hostname)
115 sources = _get_sources_for_discovery(hostname, ipaddress, check_plugin_names,
116 do_snmp_scan, on_error)
117 multi_host_sections = _get_host_sections_for_discovery(sources, use_caches=use_caches)
119 _do_discovery_for(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, check_plugin_names,
120 only_new, on_error)
122 except Exception as e:
123 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
124 raise
125 console.section_error("%s" % e)
126 finally:
127 cmk_base.cleanup.cleanup_globals()
129 # Check whether or not the cluster host autocheck files are still
130 # existant. Remove them. The autochecks are only stored in the nodes
131 # autochecks files these days.
132 for hostname in cluster_hosts:
133 _remove_autochecks_file(hostname)
136 def _do_discovery_for(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, check_plugin_names,
137 only_new, on_error):
138 if not check_plugin_names and not only_new:
139 old_items = [] # do not even read old file
140 else:
141 old_items = parse_autochecks_file(hostname)
143 if not check_plugin_names:
144 # In 'multi_host_sections = _get_host_sections_for_discovery(..)'
145 # we've already discovered the right check plugin names.
146 # _discover_services(..) would discover check plugin names again.
147 # In order to avoid a second discovery (SNMP data source would do
148 # another SNMP scan) we enforce this selection to be used.
149 check_plugin_names = multi_host_sections.get_check_plugin_names()
150 sources.enforce_check_plugin_names(check_plugin_names)
152 console.step("Executing discovery plugins (%d)" % len(check_plugin_names))
153 console.vverbose(" Trying discovery with: %s\n" % ", ".join(check_plugin_names))
154 new_items = _discover_services(
155 hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error=on_error)
157 # There are three ways of how to merge existing and new discovered checks:
158 # 1. -II without --checks=
159 # check_plugin_names is empty, only_new is False
160 # --> complete drop old services, only use new ones
161 # 2. -II with --checks=
162 # --> drop old services of that types
163 # check_plugin_names is not empty, only_new is False
164 # 3. -I
165 # --> just add new services
166 # only_new is True
168 # Parse old items into a dict (ct, item) -> paramstring
169 result = {}
170 for check_plugin_name, item, paramstring in old_items:
171 # Take over old items if -I is selected or if -II
172 # is selected with --checks= and the check type is not
173 # one of the listed ones
174 if only_new or (check_plugin_names and check_plugin_name not in check_plugin_names):
175 result[(check_plugin_name, item)] = paramstring
177 stats, num_services = {}, 0
178 for check_plugin_name, item, paramstring in new_items:
179 if (check_plugin_name, item) not in result:
180 result[(check_plugin_name, item)] = paramstring
181 stats.setdefault(check_plugin_name, 0)
182 stats[check_plugin_name] += 1
183 num_services += 1
185 final_items = []
186 for (check_plugin_name, item), paramstring in result.items():
187 final_items.append((check_plugin_name, item, paramstring))
188 final_items.sort()
189 _save_autochecks_file(hostname, final_items)
191 found_check_plugin_names = stats.keys()
192 found_check_plugin_names.sort()
194 if found_check_plugin_names:
195 for check_plugin_name in found_check_plugin_names:
196 console.verbose("%s%3d%s %s\n" % ( + tty.bold, stats[check_plugin_name],
197 tty.normal, check_plugin_name))
198 console.section_success("Found %d services" % num_services)
199 else:
200 console.section_success("Found nothing%s" % (only_new and " new" or ""))
203 # determine changed services on host.
204 # param mode: can be one of "new", "remove", "fixall", "refresh"
205 # param do_snmp_scan: if True, a snmp host will be scanned, otherwise uses only the check types
206 # previously discovereda
207 # param servic_filter: if a filter is set, it controls whether items are touched by the discovery.
208 # if it returns False for a new item it will not be added, if it returns
209 # False for a vanished item, that item is kept
210 def discover_on_host(mode,
211 hostname,
212 do_snmp_scan,
213 use_caches,
214 on_error="ignore",
215 service_filter=None):
216 counts = {"added": 0, "removed": 0, "kept": 0}
218 if hostname not in config.all_active_realhosts():
219 return [0, 0, 0, 0], ""
221 if service_filter is None:
222 service_filter = lambda hostname, check_plugin_name, item: True
224 err = None
226 try:
227 # in "refresh" mode we first need to remove all previously discovered
228 # checks of the host, so that _get_host_services() does show us the
229 # new discovered check parameters.
230 if mode == "refresh":
231 counts["removed"] += remove_autochecks_of(hostname) # this is cluster-aware!
233 if config.is_cluster(hostname):
234 ipaddress = None
235 else:
236 ipaddress = ip_lookup.lookup_ip_address(hostname)
238 sources = _get_sources_for_discovery(
239 hostname,
240 ipaddress,
241 check_plugin_names=None,
242 do_snmp_scan=do_snmp_scan,
243 on_error=on_error)
245 multi_host_sections = _get_host_sections_for_discovery(sources, use_caches=use_caches)
247 # Compute current state of new and existing checks
248 services = _get_host_services(
249 hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error=on_error)
251 # Create new list of checks
252 new_items = {}
253 for (check_plugin_name, item), (check_source, paramstring) in services.items():
254 if check_source in ("custom", "legacy", "active", "manual"):
255 continue # this is not an autocheck or ignored and currently not checked
256 # Note discovered checks that are shadowed by manual checks will vanish
257 # that way.
259 if check_source == "new":
260 if mode in ("new", "fixall", "refresh") and service_filter(
261 hostname, check_plugin_name, item):
262 counts["added"] += 1
263 new_items[(check_plugin_name, item)] = paramstring
265 elif check_source in ("old", "ignored"):
266 # keep currently existing valid services in any case
267 new_items[(check_plugin_name, item)] = paramstring
268 counts["kept"] += 1
270 elif check_source == "vanished":
271 # keep item, if we are currently only looking for new services
272 # otherwise fix it: remove ignored and non-longer existing services
273 if mode not in ("fixall",
274 "remove") or not service_filter(hostname, check_plugin_name, item):
275 new_items[(check_plugin_name, item)] = paramstring
276 counts["kept"] += 1
277 else:
278 counts["removed"] += 1
280 # Silently keep clustered services
281 elif check_source.startswith("clustered_"):
282 new_items[(check_plugin_name, item)] = paramstring
284 else:
285 raise MKGeneralException("Unknown check source '%s'" % check_source)
286 set_autochecks_of(hostname, new_items)
288 except MKTimeout:
289 raise # let general timeout through
291 except Exception as e:
292 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
293 raise
294 err = str(e)
295 return [counts["added"], counts["removed"], counts["kept"],
296 counts["added"] + counts["kept"]], err
300 # .--Discovery Check-----------------------------------------------------.
301 # | ____ _ _ _ |
302 # | | _ \(_)___ ___ ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ |
303 # | | | | | / __|/ __| / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / |
304 # | | |_| | \__ \ (__ _ | (__| | | | __/ (__| < |
305 # | |____/|_|___/\___(_) \___|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\ |
306 # | |
307 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
308 # | Active check for checking undiscovered services. |
309 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
312 @cmk_base.decorator.handle_check_mk_check_result("discovery", "Check_MK Discovery")
313 def check_discovery(hostname, ipaddress):
314 params = discovery_check_parameters(hostname) or \
315 default_discovery_check_parameters()
317 status, infotexts, long_infotexts, perfdata = 0, [], [], []
319 # In case of keepalive discovery we always have an ipaddress. When called as non keepalive
320 # ipaddress is always None
321 if ipaddress is None and not config.is_cluster(hostname):
322 ipaddress = ip_lookup.lookup_ip_address(hostname)
324 sources = _get_sources_for_discovery(
325 hostname,
326 ipaddress,
327 check_plugin_names=None,
328 do_snmp_scan=params["inventory_check_do_scan"],
329 on_error="raise")
331 multi_host_sections = _get_host_sections_for_discovery(
332 sources, use_caches=data_sources.abstract.DataSource.get_may_use_cache_file())
334 services = _get_host_services(
335 hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error="raise")
337 need_rediscovery = False
339 params_rediscovery = params.get("inventory_rediscovery", {})
341 if params_rediscovery.get("service_whitelist", []) or\
342 params_rediscovery.get("service_blacklist", []):
343 # whitelist. if none is specified, this matches everything
344 whitelist = regex("|".join(
345 ["(%s)" % pat for pat in params_rediscovery.get("service_whitelist", [".*"])]))
346 # blacklist. if none is specified, this matches nothing
347 blacklist = regex("|".join(
348 ["(%s)" % pat for pat in params_rediscovery.get("service_blacklist", ["(?!x)x"])]))
350 item_filters = lambda hostname, check_plugin_name, item:\
351 _discovery_filter_by_lists(hostname, check_plugin_name, item, whitelist, blacklist)
352 else:
353 item_filters = None
355 for check_state, title, params_key, default_state in [
356 ("new", "unmonitored", "severity_unmonitored", config.inventory_check_severity),
357 ("vanished", "vanished", "severity_vanished", 0),
360 affected_check_plugin_names = {}
361 count = 0
362 unfiltered = False
364 for (check_plugin_name, item), (check_source, _unused_paramstring) in services.items():
365 if check_source == check_state:
366 count += 1
367 affected_check_plugin_names.setdefault(check_plugin_name, 0)
368 affected_check_plugin_names[check_plugin_name] += 1
370 if not unfiltered and\
371 (item_filters is None or item_filters(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)):
372 unfiltered = True
374 long_infotexts.append(
375 "%s: %s: %s" % (title, check_plugin_name,
376 config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)))
378 if affected_check_plugin_names:
379 info = ", ".join(["%s:%d" % e for e in affected_check_plugin_names.items()])
380 st = params.get(params_key, default_state)
381 status = cmk_base.utils.worst_service_state(status, st)
382 infotexts.append(
383 "%d %s services (%s)%s" % (count, title, info, check_api_utils.state_markers[st]))
385 if params.get("inventory_rediscovery", False):
386 mode = params["inventory_rediscovery"]["mode"]
387 if unfiltered and\
388 ((check_state == "new" and mode in ( 0, 2, 3 )) or
389 (check_state == "vanished" and mode in ( 1, 2, 3 ))):
390 need_rediscovery = True
391 else:
392 infotexts.append("no %s services found" % title)
394 for (check_plugin_name, item), (check_source, _unused_paramstring) in services.items():
395 if check_source == "ignored":
396 long_infotexts.append(
397 "ignored: %s: %s" % (check_plugin_name,
398 config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)))
400 _set_rediscovery_flag(hostname, need_rediscovery)
401 if need_rediscovery:
402 infotexts.append("rediscovery scheduled")
404 # Add data source information to check results
405 for source in sources.get_data_sources():
406 source_state, source_output, _source_perfdata = source.get_summary_result()
407 # Do not output informational (state = 0) things. These information are shown by the "Check_MK" service
408 if source_state != 0:
409 status = max(status, source_state)
410 infotexts.append("[%s] %s" % (, source_output))
412 return status, infotexts, long_infotexts, perfdata
415 # Compute the parameters for the discovery check for a host. Note:
416 # if the discovery check is disabled for that host, default parameters
417 # will be returned.
418 def discovery_check_parameters(hostname):
419 entries = config.host_extra_conf(hostname, config.periodic_discovery)
420 if entries:
421 return entries[0]
423 elif config.inventory_check_interval:
424 # Support legacy global configurations
425 return default_discovery_check_parameters()
427 return None
430 def default_discovery_check_parameters():
431 return {
432 "check_interval": config.inventory_check_interval,
433 "severity_unmonitored": config.inventory_check_severity,
434 "severity_vanished": 0,
435 "inventory_check_do_scan": config.inventory_check_do_scan,
439 def _set_rediscovery_flag(hostname, need_rediscovery):
440 def touch(filename):
441 if not os.path.exists(filename):
442 f = open(filename, "w")
443 f.close()
445 autodiscovery_dir = cmk.utils.paths.var_dir + '/autodiscovery'
446 discovery_filename = os.path.join(autodiscovery_dir, hostname)
447 if need_rediscovery:
448 if not os.path.exists(autodiscovery_dir):
449 os.makedirs(autodiscovery_dir)
450 touch(discovery_filename)
451 else:
452 if os.path.exists(discovery_filename):
453 try:
454 os.remove(discovery_filename)
455 except OSError:
456 pass
459 class DiscoveryTimeout(Exception):
460 pass
463 def _handle_discovery_timeout():
464 raise DiscoveryTimeout()
467 def _set_discovery_timeout():
468 signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_discovery_timeout)
469 # Add an additional 10 seconds as grace period
470 signal.alarm(_marked_host_discovery_timeout + 10)
473 def _clear_discovery_timeout():
474 signal.alarm(0)
477 def _get_autodiscovery_dir():
478 return cmk.utils.paths.var_dir + '/autodiscovery'
481 def discover_marked_hosts(core):
482 console.verbose("Doing discovery for all marked hosts:\n")
483 autodiscovery_dir = _get_autodiscovery_dir()
485 if not os.path.exists(autodiscovery_dir):
486 # there is obviously nothing to do
487 console.verbose(" Nothing to do. %s is missing.\n" % autodiscovery_dir)
488 return
490 now_ts = time.time()
491 end_time_ts = now_ts + _marked_host_discovery_timeout # don't run for more than 2 minutes
492 oldest_queued = _queue_age()
493 all_hosts = config.all_configured_hosts()
494 hosts = os.listdir(autodiscovery_dir)
495 if not hosts:
496 console.verbose(" Nothing to do. No hosts marked by discovery check.\n")
498 activation_required = False
499 try:
500 _set_discovery_timeout()
501 for hostname in hosts:
502 if _discover_marked_host(hostname, all_hosts, now_ts, oldest_queued):
503 activation_required = True
505 if time.time() > end_time_ts:
506 console.verbose(
507 " Timeout of %d seconds reached. Lets do the remaining hosts next time." %
508 _marked_host_discovery_timeout)
509 break
510 except DiscoveryTimeout:
511 pass
512 finally:
513 _clear_discovery_timeout()
515 if activation_required:
516 console.verbose("\nRestarting monitoring core with updated configuration...\n")
517 if config.monitoring_core == "cmc":
518 cmk_base.core.do_reload(core)
519 else:
520 cmk_base.core.do_restart(core)
523 def _discover_marked_host(hostname, all_hosts, now_ts, oldest_queued):
524 services_changed = False
526 mode_table = {0: "new", 1: "remove", 2: "fixall", 3: "refresh"}
528 console.verbose("%s%s%s:\n" % (tty.bold, hostname, tty.normal))
529 host_flag_path = os.path.join(_get_autodiscovery_dir(), hostname)
530 if hostname not in all_hosts:
531 try:
532 os.remove(host_flag_path)
533 except OSError:
534 pass
535 console.verbose(" Skipped. Host does not exist in configuration. Removing mark.\n")
536 return
538 params = discovery_check_parameters(hostname) or default_discovery_check_parameters()
539 params_rediscovery = params.get("inventory_rediscovery", {})
540 if "service_blacklist" in params_rediscovery or "service_whitelist" in params_rediscovery:
541 # whitelist. if none is specified, this matches everything
542 whitelist = regex("|".join(
543 ["(%s)" % pat for pat in params_rediscovery.get("service_whitelist", [".*"])]))
544 # blacklist. if none is specified, this matches nothing
545 blacklist = regex("|".join(
546 ["(%s)" % pat for pat in params_rediscovery.get("service_blacklist", ["(?!x)x"])]))
547 item_filters = lambda hostname, check_plugin_name, item:\
548 _discovery_filter_by_lists(hostname, check_plugin_name, item, whitelist, blacklist)
549 else:
550 item_filters = None
552 why_not = _may_rediscover(params, now_ts, oldest_queued)
553 if not why_not:
554 redisc_params = params["inventory_rediscovery"]
555 console.verbose(" Doing discovery with mode '%s'...\n" % mode_table[redisc_params["mode"]])
556 result, error = discover_on_host(
557 mode_table[redisc_params["mode"]],
558 hostname,
559 do_snmp_scan=params["inventory_check_do_scan"],
560 use_caches=True,
561 service_filter=item_filters)
562 if error is not None:
563 if error:
564 console.verbose("failed: %s\n" % error)
565 else:
566 # for offline hosts the error message is empty. This is to remain
567 # compatible with the automation code
568 console.verbose(" failed: host is offline\n")
569 else:
570 new_services, removed_services, kept_services, total_services = result
571 if new_services == 0 and removed_services == 0 and kept_services == total_services:
572 console.verbose(" nothing changed.\n")
573 else:
574 console.verbose(
575 " %d new, %d removed, %d kept, %d total services.\n" % (tuple(result)))
576 if redisc_params["activation"]:
577 services_changed = True
579 # Now ensure that the discovery service is updated right after the changes
580 schedule_discovery_check(hostname)
582 # delete the file even in error case, otherwise we might be causing the same error
583 # every time the cron job runs
584 try:
585 os.remove(host_flag_path)
586 except OSError:
587 pass
588 else:
589 console.verbose(" skipped: %s\n" % why_not)
591 return services_changed
594 def _queue_age():
595 autodiscovery_dir = _get_autodiscovery_dir()
596 oldest = time.time()
597 for filename in os.listdir(autodiscovery_dir):
598 oldest = min(oldest, os.path.getmtime(autodiscovery_dir + "/" + filename))
599 return oldest
602 def _may_rediscover(params, now_ts, oldest_queued):
603 if "inventory_rediscovery" not in params:
604 return "automatic discovery disabled for this host"
606 now = time.gmtime(now_ts)
607 for start_hours_mins, end_hours_mins in params["inventory_rediscovery"]["excluded_time"]:
608 start_time = time.struct_time(
609 (now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday, start_hours_mins[0], start_hours_mins[1], 0,
610 now.tm_wday, now.tm_yday, now.tm_isdst))
612 end_time = time.struct_time((now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday, end_hours_mins[0],
613 end_hours_mins[1], 0, now.tm_wday, now.tm_yday, now.tm_isdst))
615 if start_time <= now <= end_time:
616 return "we are currently in a disallowed time of day"
618 if now_ts - oldest_queued < params["inventory_rediscovery"]["group_time"]:
619 return "last activation is too recent"
621 return None
624 def _discovery_filter_by_lists(hostname, check_plugin_name, item, whitelist, blacklist):
625 description = config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)
626 return whitelist.match(description) is not None and\
627 blacklist.match(description) is None
631 # .--Helpers-------------------------------------------------------------.
632 # | _ _ _ |
633 # | | | | | ___| |_ __ ___ _ __ ___ |
634 # | | |_| |/ _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __| |
635 # | | _ | __/ | |_) | __/ | \__ \ |
636 # | |_| |_|\___|_| .__/ \___|_| |___/ |
637 # | |_| |
638 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
639 # | Various helper functions |
640 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
643 # TODO: Move to livestatus module!
644 def schedule_discovery_check(hostname):
645 try:
646 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
647 s.connect(cmk.utils.paths.livestatus_unix_socket)
648 now = int(time.time())
649 if 'cmk-inventory' in config.use_new_descriptions_for:
650 command = "SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;%s;Check_MK Discovery;%d" % (hostname, now)
651 else:
652 # TODO: Remove this old name handling one day
653 command = "SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;%s;Check_MK inventory;%d" % (hostname, now)
655 # Ignore missing check and avoid warning in cmc.log
656 if config.monitoring_core == "cmc":
657 command += ";TRY"
659 s.send("COMMAND [%d] %s\n" % (now, command))
660 except Exception:
661 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
662 raise
666 # .--Discovery-----------------------------------------------------------.
667 # | ____ _ |
668 # | | _ \(_)___ ___ _____ _____ _ __ _ _ |
669 # | | | | | / __|/ __/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| | | | |
670 # | | |_| | \__ \ (_| (_) \ V / __/ | | |_| | |
671 # | |____/|_|___/\___\___/ \_/ \___|_| \__, | |
672 # | |___/ |
673 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
674 # | Core code of actual service discovery |
675 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
678 # Create a table of autodiscovered services of a host. Do not save
679 # this table anywhere. Do not read any previously discovered
680 # services. The table has the following columns:
681 # 1. Check type
682 # 2. Item
683 # 3. Parameter string (not evaluated)
685 # This function does not handle:
686 # - clusters
687 # - disabled services
689 # This function *does* handle:
690 # - disabled check typess
692 # on_error is one of:
693 # "ignore" -> silently ignore any exception
694 # "warn" -> output a warning on stderr
695 # "raise" -> let the exception come through
696 def _discover_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error):
697 # Make hostname available as global variable in discovery functions
698 # (used e.g. by ps-discovery)
699 check_api_utils.set_hostname(hostname)
701 discovered_services = []
702 try:
703 for check_plugin_name in sources.get_check_plugin_names():
704 try:
705 for item, paramstring in _execute_discovery(multi_host_sections, hostname,
706 ipaddress, check_plugin_name, on_error):
707 discovered_services.append((check_plugin_name, item, paramstring))
708 except (KeyboardInterrupt, MKTimeout):
709 raise
710 except Exception as e:
711 if on_error == "raise":
712 raise
713 elif on_error == "warn":
714 console.error("Discovery of '%s' failed: %s\n" % (check_plugin_name, e))
716 return discovered_services
718 except KeyboardInterrupt:
719 raise MKGeneralException("Interrupted by Ctrl-C.")
722 def _get_sources_for_discovery(hostname, ipaddress, check_plugin_names, do_snmp_scan, on_error):
723 sources = data_sources.DataSources(hostname, ipaddress)
725 for source in sources.get_data_sources():
726 if isinstance(source, data_sources.SNMPDataSource):
727 source.set_on_error(on_error)
728 source.set_do_snmp_scan(do_snmp_scan)
729 source.set_use_snmpwalk_cache(False)
730 source.set_ignore_check_interval(True)
731 source.set_check_plugin_name_filter(snmp_scan.gather_snmp_check_plugin_names)
733 # When check types are specified via command line, enforce them and disable auto detection
734 if check_plugin_names:
735 sources.enforce_check_plugin_names(check_plugin_names)
737 return sources
740 def _get_host_sections_for_discovery(sources, use_caches):
741 max_cachefile_age = config.inventory_max_cachefile_age if use_caches else 0
742 return sources.get_host_sections(max_cachefile_age)
745 def _execute_discovery(multi_host_sections, hostname, ipaddress, check_plugin_name, on_error):
746 # Skip this check type if is ignored for that host
747 if config.service_ignored(hostname, check_plugin_name, None):
748 return []
750 try:
751 discovery_function = config.check_info[check_plugin_name]["inventory_function"]
752 if discovery_function is None:
753 discovery_function = check_api_utils.no_discovery_possible
754 except KeyError:
755 raise MKGeneralException("No such check type '%s'" % check_plugin_name)
757 # Now do the actual discovery
758 try:
759 # TODO: There is duplicate code with checking.execute_check(). Find a common place!
760 try:
761 section_content = multi_host_sections.get_section_content(
762 hostname, ipaddress, check_plugin_name, for_discovery=True)
763 except MKParseFunctionError as e:
764 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled() or on_error == "raise":
765 x = e.exc_info()
766 if x[0] == item_state.MKCounterWrapped:
767 return []
768 else:
769 # re-raise the original exception to not destory the trace. This may raise a MKCounterWrapped
770 # exception which need to lead to a skipped check instead of a crash
771 raise x[0], x[1], x[2]
773 elif on_error == "warn":
774 section_name = cmk_base.check_utils.section_name_of(check_plugin_name)
775 console.warning(
776 "Exception while parsing agent section '%s': %s\n" % (section_name, e))
778 return []
780 if section_content is None: # No data for this check type
781 return []
783 # In case of SNMP checks but missing agent response, skip this check.
784 # Special checks which still need to be called even with empty data
785 # may declare this.
786 if not section_content and cmk_base.check_utils.is_snmp_check(check_plugin_name) \
787 and not config.check_info[check_plugin_name]["handle_empty_info"]:
788 return []
790 # Check number of arguments of discovery function. Note: This
791 # check for the legacy API will be removed after 1.2.6.
792 if len(inspect.getargspec(discovery_function).args) == 2:
793 discovered_items = discovery_function(
794 check_plugin_name,
795 section_content) # discovery is a list of pairs (item, current_value)
796 else:
797 # New preferred style since 1.1.11i3: only one argument: section_content
798 discovered_items = discovery_function(section_content)
800 # tolerate function not explicitely returning []
801 if discovered_items is None:
802 discovered_items = []
804 # New yield based api style
805 elif not isinstance(discovered_items, list):
806 discovered_items = list(discovered_items)
808 result = []
809 for entry in discovered_items:
810 if not isinstance(entry, tuple):
811 console.error(
812 "%s: Check %s returned invalid discovery data (entry not a tuple): %r\n" %
813 (hostname, check_plugin_name, repr(entry)))
814 continue
816 if len(entry) == 2: # comment is now obsolete
817 item, paramstring = entry
818 elif len(entry) == 3: # allow old school
819 item, __, paramstring = entry
820 else: # we really don't want longer tuples (or 1-tuples).
821 console.error(
822 "%s: Check %s returned invalid discovery data (not 2 or 3 elements): %r\n" %
823 (hostname, check_plugin_name, repr(entry)))
824 continue
826 # Check_MK 1.2.7i3 defines items to be unicode strings. Convert non unicode
827 # strings here seamless. TODO remove this conversion one day and replace it
828 # with a validation that item needs to be of type unicode
829 if isinstance(item, str):
830 item = config.decode_incoming_string(item)
832 description = config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)
833 # make sanity check
834 if len(description) == 0:
835 console.error("%s: Check %s returned empty service description - ignoring it.\n" %
836 (hostname, check_plugin_name))
837 continue
839 result.append((item, paramstring))
841 except Exception as e:
842 if on_error == "warn":
843 console.warning(
844 " Exception in discovery function of check type '%s': %s" % (check_plugin_name, e))
845 elif on_error == "raise":
846 raise
847 return []
849 return result
852 # Creates a table of all services that a host has or could have according
853 # to service discovery. The result is a dictionary of the form
854 # (check_plugin_name, item) -> (check_source, paramstring)
855 # check_source is the reason/state/source of the service:
856 # "new" : Check is discovered but currently not yet monitored
857 # "old" : Check is discovered and already monitored (most common)
858 # "vanished" : Check had been discovered previously, but item has vanished
859 # "legacy" : Check is defined via legacy_checks
860 # "active" : Check is defined via active_checks
861 # "custom" : Check is defined via custom_checks
862 # "manual" : Check is a manual Check_MK check without service discovery
863 # "ignored" : discovered or static, but disabled via ignored_services
864 # "clustered_new" : New service found on a node that belongs to a cluster
865 # "clustered_old" : Old service found on a node that belongs to a cluster
866 # This function is cluster-aware
867 def _get_host_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error):
868 if config.is_cluster(hostname):
869 return _get_cluster_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error)
871 return _get_node_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error)
874 # Do the actual work for a non-cluster host or node
875 def _get_node_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error):
876 services = _get_discovered_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error)
878 # Identify clustered services
879 for (check_plugin_name, item), (check_source, paramstring) in services.items():
880 try:
881 descr = config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)
882 except Exception as e:
883 if on_error == "raise":
884 raise
885 elif on_error == "warn":
886 console.error("Invalid service description: %s\n" % e)
887 else:
888 continue # ignore
890 if hostname != config.host_of_clustered_service(hostname, descr):
891 if check_source == "vanished":
892 del services[(check_plugin_name,
893 item)] # do not show vanished clustered services here
894 else:
895 services[(check_plugin_name, item)] = ("clustered_" + check_source, paramstring)
897 _merge_manual_services(services, hostname, on_error)
898 return services
901 # Part of _get_node_services that deals with discovered services
902 def _get_discovered_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error):
903 # Create a dict from check_plugin_name/item to check_source/paramstring
904 services = {}
906 # In 'multi_host_sections = _get_host_sections_for_discovery(..)'
907 # we've already discovered the right check plugin names.
908 # _discover_services(..) would discover check plugin names again.
909 # In order to avoid a second discovery (SNMP data source would do
910 # another SNMP scan) we enforce this selection to be used.
911 check_plugin_names = multi_host_sections.get_check_plugin_names()
912 sources.enforce_check_plugin_names(check_plugin_names)
914 # Handle discovered services -> "new"
915 new_items = _discover_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error)
916 for check_plugin_name, item, paramstring in new_items:
917 services.setdefault((check_plugin_name, item), ("new", paramstring))
919 # Match with existing items -> "old" and "vanished"
920 old_items = parse_autochecks_file(hostname)
921 for check_plugin_name, item, paramstring in old_items:
922 if (check_plugin_name, item) not in services:
923 services[(check_plugin_name, item)] = ("vanished", paramstring)
924 else:
925 services[(check_plugin_name, item)] = ("old", paramstring)
927 return services
930 # To a list of discovered services add/replace manual and active
931 # checks and handle ignoration
932 def _merge_manual_services(services, hostname, on_error):
933 # Find manual checks. These can override discovered checks -> "manual"
934 manual_items = check_table.get_check_table(hostname, skip_autochecks=True)
935 for (check_plugin_name, item), (params, descr, _unused_deps) in manual_items.items():
936 services[(check_plugin_name, item)] = ('manual', repr(params))
938 # Add legacy checks -> "legacy"
939 legchecks = config.host_extra_conf(hostname, config.legacy_checks)
940 for _unused_cmd, descr, _unused_perf in legchecks:
941 services[('legacy', descr)] = ('legacy', 'None')
943 # Add custom checks -> "custom"
944 custchecks = config.host_extra_conf(hostname, config.custom_checks)
945 for entry in custchecks:
946 services[('custom', entry['service_description'])] = ('custom', 'None')
948 # Similar for 'active_checks', but here we have parameters
949 for acttype, rules in config.active_checks.items():
950 entries = config.host_extra_conf(hostname, rules)
951 for params in entries:
952 descr = config.active_check_service_description(hostname, acttype, params)
953 services[(acttype, descr)] = ('active', repr(params))
955 # Handle disabled services -> "ignored"
956 for (check_plugin_name, item), (check_source, paramstring) in services.items():
957 if check_source in ["legacy", "active", "custom"]:
958 # These are ignored later in get_check_preview
959 # TODO: This needs to be cleaned up. The problem here is that service_description() can not
960 # calculate the description of active checks and the active checks need to be put into
961 # "[source]_ignored" instead of ignored.
962 continue
964 try:
965 descr = config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)
966 except Exception as e:
967 if on_error == "raise":
968 raise
969 elif on_error == "warn":
970 console.error("Invalid service description: %s\n" % e)
971 else:
972 continue # ignore
974 if config.service_ignored(hostname, check_plugin_name, descr):
975 services[(check_plugin_name, item)] = ("ignored", paramstring)
977 return services
980 # Do the work for a cluster
981 def _get_cluster_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error):
982 nodes = config.nodes_of(hostname)
984 # Get setting from cluster SNMP data source
985 do_snmp_scan = False
986 for source in sources.get_data_sources():
987 if isinstance(source, data_sources.SNMPDataSource):
988 do_snmp_scan = source.get_do_snmp_scan()
990 # Get services of the nodes. We are only interested in "old", "new" and "vanished"
991 # From the states and parameters of these we construct the final state per service.
992 cluster_items = {}
993 for node in nodes:
994 node_ipaddress = ip_lookup.lookup_ip_address(node)
995 node_sources = _get_sources_for_discovery(
996 node,
997 node_ipaddress,
998 check_plugin_names=sources.get_enforced_check_plugin_names(),
999 do_snmp_scan=do_snmp_scan,
1000 on_error=on_error,
1003 services = _get_discovered_services(node, node_ipaddress, node_sources, multi_host_sections,
1004 on_error)
1005 for (check_plugin_name, item), (check_source, paramstring) in services.items():
1006 descr = config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)
1007 if hostname == config.host_of_clustered_service(node, descr):
1008 if (check_plugin_name, item) not in cluster_items:
1009 cluster_items[(check_plugin_name, item)] = (check_source, paramstring)
1010 else:
1011 first_check_source, first_paramstring = cluster_items[(check_plugin_name, item)]
1012 if first_check_source == "old":
1013 pass
1014 elif check_source == "old":
1015 cluster_items[(check_plugin_name, item)] = (check_source, paramstring)
1016 elif first_check_source == "vanished" and check_source == "new":
1017 cluster_items[(check_plugin_name, item)] = ("old", first_paramstring)
1018 elif check_source == "vanished" and first_check_source == "new":
1019 cluster_items[(check_plugin_name, item)] = ("old", paramstring)
1020 # In all other cases either both must be "new" or "vanished" -> let it be
1022 # Now add manual and active serivce and handle ignored services
1023 _merge_manual_services(cluster_items, hostname, on_error)
1024 return cluster_items
1027 # Translates a parameter string (read from autochecks) to it's final value
1028 # (according to the current configuration)
1029 def resolve_paramstring(check_plugin_name, paramstring):
1030 check_context = config.get_check_context(check_plugin_name)
1031 # TODO: Can't we simply access check_context[paramstring]?
1032 return eval(paramstring, check_context, check_context)
1035 # Get the list of service of a host or cluster and guess the current state of
1036 # all services if possible
1037 # TODO: Can't we reduce the duplicate code here? Check out the "checking" code
1038 def get_check_preview(hostname, use_caches, do_snmp_scan, on_error):
1039 if config.is_cluster(hostname):
1040 ipaddress = None
1041 else:
1042 ipaddress = ip_lookup.lookup_ip_address(hostname)
1044 sources = _get_sources_for_discovery(
1045 hostname, ipaddress, check_plugin_names=None, do_snmp_scan=do_snmp_scan, on_error=on_error)
1047 multi_host_sections = _get_host_sections_for_discovery(sources, use_caches=use_caches)
1049 services = _get_host_services(hostname, ipaddress, sources, multi_host_sections, on_error)
1051 table = []
1052 for (check_plugin_name, item), (check_source, paramstring) in services.items():
1053 params = None
1054 exitcode = None
1055 perfdata = []
1056 if check_source not in ['legacy', 'active', 'custom']:
1057 # apply check_parameters
1058 try:
1059 if isinstance(paramstring, str):
1060 params = resolve_paramstring(check_plugin_name, paramstring)
1061 else:
1062 params = paramstring
1063 except Exception:
1064 raise MKGeneralException("Invalid check parameter string '%s'" % paramstring)
1066 try:
1067 descr = config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)
1068 except Exception as e:
1069 if on_error == "raise":
1070 raise
1071 elif on_error == "warn":
1072 console.error("Invalid service description: %s\n" % e)
1073 else:
1074 continue # ignore
1076 check_api_utils.set_service(check_plugin_name, descr)
1077 section_name = cmk_base.check_utils.section_name_of(check_plugin_name)
1079 if check_plugin_name not in config.check_info:
1080 continue # Skip not existing check silently
1082 try:
1083 try:
1084 section_content = multi_host_sections.get_section_content(
1085 hostname, ipaddress, section_name, for_discovery=True)
1086 except MKParseFunctionError as e:
1087 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled() or on_error == "raise":
1088 x = e.exc_info()
1089 # re-raise the original exception to not destory the trace. This may raise a MKCounterWrapped
1090 # exception which need to lead to a skipped check instead of a crash
1091 raise x[0], x[1], x[2]
1092 else:
1093 raise
1094 except Exception as e:
1095 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
1096 raise
1097 exitcode = 3
1098 output = "Error: %s" % e
1100 # TODO: Move this to a helper function
1101 if section_content is None: # No data for this check type
1102 exitcode = 3
1103 output = "Received no data"
1105 if not section_content and cmk_base.check_utils.is_snmp_check(check_plugin_name) \
1106 and not config.check_info[check_plugin_name]["handle_empty_info"]:
1107 exitcode = 0
1108 output = "Received no data"
1110 item_state.set_item_state_prefix(check_plugin_name, item)
1112 if exitcode is None:
1113 check_function = config.check_info[check_plugin_name]["check_function"]
1114 if check_source != 'manual':
1115 params = check_table.get_precompiled_check_parameters(
1116 hostname, item,
1117 config.compute_check_parameters(hostname, check_plugin_name, item, params),
1118 check_plugin_name)
1119 else:
1120 params = check_table.get_precompiled_check_parameters(
1121 hostname, item, params, check_plugin_name)
1123 try:
1124 item_state.reset_wrapped_counters()
1125 result = checking.sanitize_check_result(
1126 check_function(item, checking.determine_check_params(params),
1127 section_content),
1128 cmk_base.check_utils.is_snmp_check(check_plugin_name))
1129 item_state.raise_counter_wrap()
1130 except item_state.MKCounterWrapped as e:
1131 result = (None, "WAITING - Counter based check, cannot be done offline")
1132 except Exception as e:
1133 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
1134 raise
1135 result = (
1136 3, "UNKNOWN - invalid output from agent or error in check implementation")
1137 if len(result) == 2:
1138 result = (result[0], result[1], [])
1139 exitcode, output, perfdata = result
1140 else:
1141 descr = item
1142 exitcode = None
1143 output = "WAITING - %s check, cannot be done offline" % check_source.title()
1144 perfdata = []
1146 if check_source == "active":
1147 params = resolve_paramstring(check_plugin_name, paramstring)
1149 if check_source in ["legacy", "active", "custom"]:
1150 checkgroup = None
1151 if config.service_ignored(hostname, None, descr):
1152 check_source = "%s_ignored" % check_source
1153 else:
1154 checkgroup = config.check_info[check_plugin_name]["group"]
1156 table.append((check_source, check_plugin_name, checkgroup, item, paramstring, params, descr,
1157 exitcode, output, perfdata))
1159 return table
1163 # .--Autochecks----------------------------------------------------------.
1164 # | _ _ _ _ |
1165 # | / \ _ _| |_ ___ ___| |__ ___ ___| | _____ |
1166 # | / _ \| | | | __/ _ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / __| |
1167 # | / ___ \ |_| | || (_) | (__| | | | __/ (__| <\__ \ |
1168 # | /_/ \_\__,_|\__\___/ \___|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___/ |
1169 # | |
1170 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
1171 # | Reading, parsing, writing, modifying autochecks files |
1172 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
1175 # Read autochecks, but do not compute final check parameters,
1176 # also return a forth column with the raw string of the parameters.
1177 # Returns a table with three columns:
1178 # 1. check_plugin_name
1179 # 2. item
1180 # 3. parameter string, not yet evaluated!
1181 # TODO: use store.load_data_from_file()
1182 def parse_autochecks_file(hostname):
1183 def split_python_tuple(line):
1184 quote = None
1185 bracklev = 0
1186 backslash = False
1187 for i, c in enumerate(line):
1188 if backslash:
1189 backslash = False
1190 continue
1191 elif c == '\\':
1192 backslash = True
1193 elif c == quote:
1194 quote = None # end of quoted string
1195 elif c in ['"', "'"] and not quote:
1196 quote = c # begin of quoted string
1197 elif quote:
1198 continue
1199 elif c in ['(', '{', '[']:
1200 bracklev += 1
1201 elif c in [')', '}', ']']:
1202 bracklev -= 1
1203 elif bracklev > 0:
1204 continue
1205 elif c == ',':
1206 value = line[0:i]
1207 rest = line[i + 1:]
1208 return value.strip(), rest
1210 return line.strip(), None
1212 path = "%s/" % (cmk.utils.paths.autochecks_dir, hostname)
1213 if not os.path.exists(path):
1214 return []
1216 lineno = 0
1217 table = []
1218 for line in file(path):
1219 lineno += 1
1220 try:
1221 line = line.strip()
1222 if not line.startswith("("):
1223 continue
1225 # drop everything after potential '#' (from older versions)
1226 i = line.rfind('#')
1227 if i > 0: # make sure # is not contained in string
1228 rest = line[i:]
1229 if '"' not in rest and "'" not in rest:
1230 line = line[:i].strip()
1232 if line.endswith(","):
1233 line = line[:-1]
1234 line = line[1:-1] # drop brackets
1236 # First try old format - with hostname
1237 parts = []
1238 while True:
1239 try:
1240 part, line = split_python_tuple(line)
1241 parts.append(part)
1242 except:
1243 break
1244 if len(parts) == 4:
1245 parts = parts[1:] # drop hostname, legacy format with host in first column
1246 elif len(parts) != 3:
1247 raise Exception("Invalid number of parts: %d (%r)" % (len(parts), parts))
1249 checktypestring, itemstring, paramstring = parts
1251 item = eval(itemstring)
1252 # With Check_MK 1.2.7i3 items are now defined to be unicode strings. Convert
1253 # items from existing autocheck files for compatibility. TODO remove this one day
1254 if isinstance(item, str):
1255 item = config.decode_incoming_string(item)
1257 table.append((eval(checktypestring), item, paramstring))
1258 except:
1259 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
1260 raise
1261 raise Exception("Invalid line %d in autochecks file %s" % (lineno, path))
1262 return table
1265 def _has_autochecks(hostname):
1266 return os.path.exists(cmk.utils.paths.autochecks_dir + "/" + hostname + ".mk")
1269 def _remove_autochecks_file(hostname):
1270 filepath = cmk.utils.paths.autochecks_dir + "/" + hostname + ".mk"
1271 try:
1272 os.remove(filepath)
1273 except OSError:
1274 pass
1277 # FIXME TODO: Consolidate with automation_write_autochecks_file()
1278 def _save_autochecks_file(hostname, items):
1279 if not os.path.exists(cmk.utils.paths.autochecks_dir):
1280 os.makedirs(cmk.utils.paths.autochecks_dir)
1281 filepath = "%s/" % (cmk.utils.paths.autochecks_dir, hostname)
1282 out = file(filepath, "w")
1283 out.write("[\n")
1284 for check_plugin_name, item, paramstring in items:
1285 out.write(" (%r, %r, %s),\n" % (check_plugin_name, item, paramstring))
1286 out.write("]\n")
1289 def set_autochecks_of(hostname, new_items):
1290 # A Cluster does not have an autochecks file
1291 # All of its services are located in the nodes instead
1292 # So we cycle through all nodes remove all clustered service
1293 # and add the ones we've got from stdin
1294 if config.is_cluster(hostname):
1295 for node in config.nodes_of(hostname):
1296 new_autochecks = []
1297 existing = parse_autochecks_file(node)
1298 for check_plugin_name, item, paramstring in existing:
1299 descr = config.service_description(node, check_plugin_name, item)
1300 if hostname != config.host_of_clustered_service(node, descr):
1301 new_autochecks.append((check_plugin_name, item, paramstring))
1303 for (check_plugin_name, item), paramstring in new_items.items():
1304 new_autochecks.append((check_plugin_name, item, paramstring))
1306 # write new autochecks file for that host
1307 _save_autochecks_file(node, new_autochecks)
1309 # Check whether or not the cluster host autocheck files are still
1310 # existant. Remove them. The autochecks are only stored in the nodes
1311 # autochecks files these days.
1312 _remove_autochecks_file(hostname)
1313 else:
1314 existing = parse_autochecks_file(hostname)
1315 # write new autochecks file, but take paramstrings from existing ones
1316 # for those checks which are kept
1317 new_autochecks = []
1318 for ct, item, paramstring in existing:
1319 if (ct, item) in new_items:
1320 new_autochecks.append((ct, item, paramstring))
1321 del new_items[(ct, item)]
1323 for (ct, item), paramstring in new_items.items():
1324 new_autochecks.append((ct, item, paramstring))
1326 # write new autochecks file for that host
1327 _save_autochecks_file(hostname, new_autochecks)
1330 # Remove all autochecks of a host while being cluster-aware!
1331 def remove_autochecks_of(hostname):
1332 removed = 0
1333 nodes = config.nodes_of(hostname)
1334 if nodes:
1335 for node in nodes:
1336 removed += _remove_autochecks_of_host(node)
1337 else:
1338 removed += _remove_autochecks_of_host(hostname)
1340 return removed
1343 def _remove_autochecks_of_host(hostname):
1344 old_items = parse_autochecks_file(hostname)
1345 removed = 0
1346 new_items = []
1347 for check_plugin_name, item, paramstring in old_items:
1348 descr = config.service_description(hostname, check_plugin_name, item)
1349 if hostname != config.host_of_clustered_service(hostname, descr):
1350 new_items.append((check_plugin_name, item, paramstring))
1351 else:
1352 removed += 1
1353 _save_autochecks_file(hostname, new_items)
1354 return removed