Refactoring: Moved more storage check parameters from to dedicated module...
[check_mk.git] / tests / Makefile
1 SHELL := /bin/bash -e
2 VENV := ../.venv
4 BANDIT := $(PIPENV) run bandit
5 COVERAGE := $(PIPENV) run coverage
6 PYTEST := $(PIPENV) run py.test -s -vv
7 YAPF := $(PIPENV) run yapf
9 .PHONY: help pipenv-check test-bandit test-docker test-format-python \
10 test-gui-crawl test-integration test-packaging test-pylint \
11 test-shellcheck test-unit test-unit-coverage-html
13 help:
14 echo $(MAKE) -C $(dir $(VENV)) $(notdir $(VENV))
15 @echo "pipenv-check - Checks for security vulnerabilities/PEP 508 markers"
16 @echo "test-bandit - Run bandit (security) tests"
17 @echo "test-docker - Run docker tests"
18 @echo "test-format-python - Test the python formatting"
19 @echo "test-gui-crawl - Run GUI crawl test"
20 @echo "test-integration - Run integration tests"
21 @echo "test-packaging - Run packaging tests"
22 @echo "test-pylint - Run pylint based tests"
23 @echo "test-shellcheck - Run shellcheck tests"
24 @echo "test-unit - Run unit tests"
25 @echo "test-unit-coverage-html - Create HTML coverage report for unit tests"
27 # These target need to be phony so it is run every time because only the other
28 # makefile can determine that there's nothing to be done.
29 # TODO: Move everything to top level makefile?
30 .PHONY: $(VENV) bandit.ini
32 $(VENV):
33 $(MAKE) -C $(dir $(VENV)) $(notdir $(VENV))
35 bandit.ini:
36 echo -e "[bandit]\ntargets: $$(./find-python-files | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$$//')" > bandit.ini
38 pipenv-check: $(VENV)
39 $(PIPENV) check
41 test-bandit: $(VENV) bandit.ini
42 # Currently only care about high severity reported issues. Once this is reached,
43 # go and enable the medium/low checks.
44 $(BANDIT) -c ../bandit.yaml -r -lll --ini bandit.ini $(BANDIT_OUTPUT_ARGS)
46 test-docker: $(VENV)
47 $(MAKE) -C ../docker test-lint-dockerfile test-lint-entrypoint
48 $(PYTEST) -T docker
50 test-format-python: $(VENV) ../.style.yapf
51 # Explicitly specify --style [FILE] to prevent costly searching in parent directories
52 # for each file specified via command line
54 # There are some mixed up lines on stdout caused by the --parallel option.
55 # Nevertheless, we keep that option to get a big performance boost. GitHub issue
56 # opened for this problem:
57 @PYTHON_FILES=$${PYTHON_FILES-$$(./find-python-files)} ; \
58 $(YAPF) --parallel --style ../.style.yapf --verbose --diff $$PYTHON_FILES | \
59 grep '^+++ .*(reformatted)$$' | \
60 sed -e 's/^+++ //' -e 's/[[:blank:]]*(reformatted)$$/:1:1: error: file needs formatting/'
62 test-gui-crawl: $(VENV)
63 $(PYTEST) -T gui_crawl $(realpath integration/cmk/gui/
65 test-integration: $(VENV)
66 $(PYTEST) -T integration $(realpath integration)
68 test-packaging: $(VENV)
69 $(PYTEST) -T packaging packaging
71 test-pylint: $(VENV)
72 $(PYTEST) -T pylint pylint
74 test-shellcheck:
75 @CMK_DIR="$(realpath ..)" ; \
76 ENTERPRISE_DIR="$(realpath ../enterprise)" ; \
77 shellcheck \
79 $$(grep -l '^#!/.*sh' $$CMK_DIR/agents/* $$CMK_DIR/agents/plugins/* $$CMK_DIR/agents/special/* 2>/dev/null) \
80 "$$ENTERPRISE_DIR/agents/mk-remote-alert-handler"
82 test-unit: $(VENV)
83 $(PYTEST) -T unit
85 test-unit-coverage-html: $(VENV)
86 $(COVERAGE) run --rcfile=.coveragerc_unit -m pytest -T unit ; $(COVERAGE) html