Refactoring: Moved check parameters from to dedicated modules (CMK-1393)
[check_mk.git] / checks / jolokia_metrics
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
5 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
6 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
7 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
8 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
9 # | |
10 # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 |
11 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 # This file is part of Check_MK.
14 # The official homepage is at
16 # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
19 # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
20 # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
21 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
22 # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
24 # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
25 # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 # Example output from agent:
28 # <<<jolokia_metrics>>>
29 # 8080 NonHeapMemoryUsage 101078952
30 # 8080 NonHeapMemoryMax 184549376
31 # 8080 HeapMemoryUsage 2362781664
32 # 8080 HeapMemoryMax 9544663040
33 # 8080 ThreadCount 78
34 # 8080 DeamonThreadCount 72
35 # 8080 PeakThreadCount 191
36 # 8080 TotalStartedThreadCount 941
37 # 8080 Uptime 572011375
38 # 8080,java.lang:name=PS_MarkSweep,type=GarbageCollector CollectionCount 0
40 # MB warn, crit
41 # jolokia_metrics_mem_default_levels = (2000, 3000)
43 # Number of threads warn, crit
44 jolokia_metrics_threads_default_levels = (80, 100)
46 # Number of sessions low crit, low warn, high warn, high crit
47 jolokia_metrics_app_sess_default_levels = (-1, -1, 800, 1000)
49 # Number of requests low crit, low warn, high warn, high crit
50 jolokia_metrics_serv_req_default_levels = (-1, -1, 5000, 6000)
52 jolokia_metrics_queue_default_levels = (20, 50)
54 # Tomcat ThreadPools Count/Busy in relation to max value
55 factory_settings["jolokia_metrics_tp_default_levels"] = {
56 'currentThreadsBusy': (80, 90),
59 # .--Parse function------------------------------------------------------.
60 # | ____ __ _ _ |
61 # | | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ / _|_ _ _ __ ___| |_(_) ___ _ __ |
62 # | | |_) / _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ | |_| | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \ |
63 # | | __/ (_| | | \__ \ __/ | _| |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | | |
64 # | |_| \__,_|_| |___/\___| |_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| |
65 # | |
66 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
69 def jolokia_metrics_parse(info):
70 parsed = {}
71 for line in info:
72 if len(line) > 1 and line[1] == "ERROR":
73 continue
75 try:
76 inst_raw, var, value = jolokia_basic_split(line, 3)
77 except ValueError:
78 continue
80 inst, attributes, positional = jolokoia_extract_opt(inst_raw)
82 parsed.setdefault(inst, {})
84 if 'type' in attributes:
85 bean_name = attributes.pop('name')
86 bean_type = attributes.pop('type')
87 # backwards compatibility
88 bean_type = {"GarbageCollector": "gc", "ThreadPool": "tp"}.get(bean_type, bean_type)
89 # maybe do this for all types?
90 if bean_type == "tp":
91 bean_name = bean_name.replace('"', '')
93 bean = parsed[inst].setdefault(bean_type, {}).setdefault(bean_name, {})
94 bean[var] = value
95 bean.update(attributes)
96 else:
97 if positional:
98 app = positional[0]
99 app_dict = parsed[inst].setdefault('apps', {}).setdefault(app, {})
100 if len(positional) > 1:
101 servlet = positional[1]
102 app_dict.setdefault('servlets', {}).setdefault(servlet, {})
103 app_dict['servlets'][servlet][var] = value
104 else:
105 app_dict[var] = value
106 else:
107 parsed[inst][var] = value
108 return parsed
112 # .--Generic inventory functions-----------------------------------------.
113 # | ____ _ |
114 # | / ___| ___ _ __ ___ _ __(_) ___ |
115 # | | | _ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__| |/ __| |
116 # | | |_| | __/ | | | __/ | | | (__ |
117 # | \____|\___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\___| |
118 # | |
119 # | _ _ |
120 # | (_)_ ____ _____ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ _ _ |
121 # | | | '_ \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \| '__| | | | |
122 # | | | | | \ V / __/ | | | || (_) | | | |_| | |
123 # | |_|_| |_|\_/ \___|_| |_|\__\___/|_| \__, | |
124 # | |___/ |
125 # | __ _ _ |
126 # | / _|_ _ _ __ ___| |_(_) ___ _ __ ___ |
127 # | | |_| | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| |
128 # | | _| |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ |
129 # | |_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ |
130 # | |
131 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
134 def inventory_jolokia_metrics(info, what):
135 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
137 levels = None
139 if what == 'mem':
140 levels = {}
141 elif what == 'threads':
142 levels = 'jolokia_metrics_threads_default_levels'
144 for instance, data in parsed.items():
145 if data is None:
146 continue # No connection to agent currently
148 if what == 'uptime' and "Uptime" not in data:
149 continue
150 if what == 'mem' and ("HeapMemoryUsage" not in data or "NonHeapMemoryUsage" not in data or
151 "HeapMemoryMax" not in data or "NonHeapMemoryMax" not in data):
152 # don't add memory check if we don't have the necessary data
153 continue
154 yield instance, levels
157 def inventory_jolokia_metrics_apps(info, what):
158 inv = []
159 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
161 if what == 'app_sess':
162 levels = 'jolokia_metrics_app_sess_default_levels'
163 needed_key = ["Sessions", "activeSessions"]
164 elif what == 'bea_app_sess':
165 levels = 'jolokia_metrics_app_sess_default_levels'
166 needed_key = ["OpenSessionsCurrentCount"]
167 elif what == 'queue':
168 needed_key = ["QueueLength"]
169 levels = "jolokia_metrics_queue_default_levels"
170 # Only works on BEA
171 elif what == 'bea_requests':
172 needed_key = ["CompletedRequestCount"]
173 levels = None
174 elif what == 'requests':
175 needed_key = ["requestCount"]
176 levels = None
177 elif what == 'threads':
178 needed_key = ["StandbyThreadCount"]
179 levels = None
180 else:
181 needed_key = ["Running", "stateName"]
182 levels = None
184 # this handles information from BEA, they stack one level
185 # higher than the rest.
186 if what == 'bea_app_sess':
187 for inst, vals in parsed.iteritems():
188 if vals is None:
189 continue # no data from agent
191 for app, appstate in vals.get('apps', {}).items():
192 if 'servlets' in appstate:
193 for nk in needed_key:
194 for servlet in appstate['servlets']:
195 if nk in appstate['servlets'][servlet]:
196 inv.append(('%s %s %s' % (inst, app, servlet), levels))
197 continue
198 # This does the same for tomcat
199 for inst, vals in parsed.iteritems():
200 if vals is None:
201 continue # no data from agent
203 for app, appstate in vals.get('apps', {}).items():
204 for nk in needed_key:
205 if nk in appstate:
206 inv.append(('%s %s' % (inst, app), levels))
207 continue
208 return inv
212 # .--Arcane helpers------------------------------------------------------.
213 # | _ |
214 # | / \ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ |
215 # | / _ \ | '__/ __/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
216 # | / ___ \| | | (_| (_| | | | | __/ |
217 # | /_/ \_\_| \___\__,_|_| |_|\___| |
218 # | |
219 # | _ _ |
220 # | | |__ ___| |_ __ ___ _ __ ___ |
221 # | | '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __| |
222 # | | | | | __/ | |_) | __/ | \__ \ |
223 # | |_| |_|\___|_| .__/ \___|_| |___/ |
224 # | |_| |
225 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
226 # | TODO: See if these can be removed altogether |
227 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
230 # This bisects the app server and its values
231 def jolokia_metrics_app(info, split_item):
232 inst, app = split_item
233 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
234 if parsed.get(inst, "") is None:
235 raise MKCounterWrapped("No information from Jolokia agent")
236 if not inst in parsed \
237 or not app in parsed[inst].get('apps', {}):
238 return None
239 return parsed[inst]['apps'][app]
242 # This bisects info from BEA and passes on to jolokia_metrics_app
243 def jolokia_metrics_serv(info, split_item):
244 inst, app, serv = split_item
245 app = jolokia_metrics_app(info, (inst, app))
246 if not app or not serv in app.get('servlets', {}):
247 return None
248 return app['servlets'][serv]
251 def jolokia_metrics_gc(info, split_item):
252 inst, _typ, gc = split_item
253 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
254 if parsed.get(inst, "") is None:
255 raise MKCounterWrapped("No information from Jolokia agent")
257 if not inst in parsed \
258 or not gc in parsed[inst].get('gc', {}):
259 return None
260 return parsed[inst]['gc'][gc]
264 # .--Number of Requests--------------------------------------------------.
265 # | ____ _ |
266 # | | _ \ ___ __ _ _ _ ___ ___| |_ ___ |
267 # | | |_) / _ \/ _` | | | |/ _ \/ __| __/ __| |
268 # | | _ < __/ (_| | |_| | __/\__ \ |_\__ \ |
269 # | |_| \_\___|\__, |\__,_|\___||___/\__|___/ |
270 # | |_| |
271 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
274 def inventory_jolokia_metrics_serv(info):
275 inv = []
276 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
277 levels = None
278 levels = 'jolokia_metrics_serv_req_default_levels'
279 needed_key = "Requests"
280 for inst, vals in parsed.iteritems():
281 if vals is None:
282 continue # no data from agent
283 for app, val in vals.get('apps', {}).iteritems():
284 for serv, servinfo in val.get('servlets', {}).items():
285 if needed_key in servinfo:
286 inv.append(('%s %s %s' % (inst, app, serv), levels))
287 return inv
290 def check_jolokia_metrics_serv_req(item, params, info):
291 lo_crit, lo_warn, hi_warn, hi_crit = params
292 serv = jolokia_metrics_serv(info, item.split())
293 if not serv or not 'Requests' in serv:
294 return (3, "data not found in agent output")
295 req = saveint(serv['Requests'])
297 status = 0
298 status_txt = ''
299 if lo_crit is not None and req <= lo_crit:
300 status = 2
301 status_txt = ' (Below or equal %d)' % lo_crit
302 elif lo_warn is not None and req <= lo_warn:
303 status = 1
304 status_txt = ' (Below or equal %d)' % lo_warn
305 elif hi_crit is not None and req >= hi_crit:
306 status = 2
307 status_txt = ' (Above or equal %d)' % hi_crit
308 elif hi_warn is not None and req >= hi_warn:
309 status = 1
310 status_txt = ' (Above or equal %d)' % hi_warn
312 output = ['Requests: %d%s' % (req, status_txt)]
313 perfdata = [('Requests', req, hi_warn, hi_crit)]
314 wrapped = False
315 this_time = time.time()
316 try:
317 rate = get_rate("jolokia_metrics.serv_req.%s" % item, this_time, req)
318 output.append('RequestRate: %0.2f' % rate)
319 perfdata.append(('RequestRate', rate))
320 except MKCounterWrapped:
321 wrapped = True
323 if wrapped:
324 return (status, ', '.join(output))
325 return (status, ', '.join(output), perfdata)
328 check_info["jolokia_metrics.serv_req"] = {
329 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
330 "service_description": "JVM %s Requests",
331 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_serv_req,
332 "inventory_function": inventory_jolokia_metrics_serv,
333 "group": "jvm_requests",
334 "has_perfdata": True,
338 # .--Garbage collection--------------------------------------------------.
339 # | ____ _ |
340 # | / ___| __ _ _ __| |__ __ _ __ _ ___ |
341 # | | | _ / _` | '__| '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ |
342 # | | |_| | (_| | | | |_) | (_| | (_| | __/ |
343 # | \____|\__,_|_| |_.__/ \__,_|\__, |\___| |
344 # | |___/ |
345 # | _ _ _ _ |
346 # | ___ ___ | | | ___ ___| |_(_) ___ _ __ |
347 # | / __/ _ \| | |/ _ \/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \ |
348 # | | (_| (_) | | | __/ (__| |_| | (_) | | | | |
349 # | \___\___/|_|_|\___|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| |
350 # | |
351 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
354 def inventory_jolokia_metrics_gc(info):
355 inv = []
356 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
357 for inst, vals in parsed.iteritems():
358 if vals is None:
359 continue # no data from agent
360 for gc in vals.get('gc', {}).iterkeys():
361 inv.append(("%s GC %s" % (inst, gc), {}))
362 return inv
365 def check_jolokia_metrics_gc(item, params, info):
366 gc = jolokia_metrics_gc(info, item.split())
367 if gc is None:
368 return
370 if params is None:
371 params = {}
374 crate = get_rate("jvm.gc.count.%s" % (item), \
375 time.time(), int(gc['CollectionCount']))
376 crate = crate * 60.0
378 ctext = ''
379 status = 0
380 cwarn, ccrit = params.get('CollectionCount', (None, None))
381 if cwarn is not None and ccrit is not None:
382 if crate >= int(ccrit):
383 status = 2
384 ctext = " (Level %s) " % ccrit
385 elif crate >= int(cwarn):
386 status = 1
387 ctext = " (Level %s) " % cwarn
389 yield status, "%.2f GC Count/minute%s" % (crate, ctext), \
390 [('CollectionCount', crate, cwarn, ccrit)]
392 if 'CollectionTime' in gc:
393 twarn, tcrit = params.get('CollectionTime', (None, None))
394 trate = get_rate("jvm.gc.time.%s" % (item), \
395 time.time(), int(gc['CollectionTime']))
396 trate = trate * 60.0
398 ttext = ''
399 status = 0
400 if twarn is not None and tcrit is not None:
401 if trate >= int(tcrit):
402 status = 2
403 ttext = "(Level %s) " % tcrit
404 elif trate >= int(twarn):
405 status = 1
406 ttext = "(Level %s) " % twarn
408 yield status, "%.2f GC ms/minute%s" % (trate, ttext), \
409 [('CollectionTime', trate, twarn, tcrit)]
412 check_info["jolokia_metrics.gc"] = {
413 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
414 "service_description": "JVM %s",
415 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_gc,
416 "inventory_function": inventory_jolokia_metrics_gc,
417 "group": "jvm_gc",
418 "has_perfdata": True,
422 # .--Tomcat thread pool--------------------------------------------------.
423 # | _____ _ _ _ _ |
424 # ||_ _|__ _ __ ___ ___ __ _| |_ | |_| |__ _ __ ___ __ _ __| | |
425 # | | |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / __/ _` | __| | __| '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | |
426 # | | | (_) | | | | | | (_| (_| | |_ | |_| | | | | | __/ (_| | (_| | |
427 # | |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\___\__,_|\__| \__|_| |_|_| \___|\__,_|\__,_| |
428 # | |
429 # | _ |
430 # | _ __ ___ ___ | | |
431 # | | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| | |
432 # | | |_) | (_) | (_) | | |
433 # | | .__/ \___/ \___/|_| |
434 # | |_| |
435 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
438 def jolokia_metrics_tp(info, split_item):
439 inst, _typ, threadpool_name = split_item
440 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
441 if parsed.get(inst, "") is None:
442 raise MKCounterWrapped("No information from Jolokia agent")
444 if not inst in parsed \
445 or not threadpool_name in parsed[inst].get('tp', {}):
446 return None
447 return parsed[inst]['tp'][threadpool_name]
450 def inventory_jolokia_metrics_tp(info):
451 inv = []
452 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
453 for inst, vals in parsed.iteritems():
454 if vals is None:
455 continue # no data from agent
456 for threadpool_name, threadpool_info in vals.get('tp', {}).iteritems():
457 if "maxThreads" in threadpool_info:
458 inv.append(("%s ThreadPool %s" % (inst, threadpool_name), {}))
459 return inv
462 def check_jolokia_metrics_tp(item, params, info):
464 if params is None:
465 params = {}
467 threadpool_info = jolokia_metrics_tp(info, item.split())
469 if threadpool_info is None or "maxThreads" not in threadpool_info:
470 return
472 max_threads = float(threadpool_info["maxThreads"])
474 def check_thread_levels(what):
475 threads_abs = int(threadpool_info[what])
476 threads_perc = threads_abs * 100. / max_threads
477 infotext = "%s: %d (%s)" % (what, threads_abs, get_percent_human_readable(threads_perc))
478 status = 0
480 _params = params.get(what)
481 if _params and _params[0] is not None and _params[1] is not None:
482 warn, crit = params[what]
483 levelstext = " (warn/crit at %s/%s)" % (get_percent_human_readable(warn),
484 get_percent_human_readable(crit))
485 if threads_perc >= crit:
486 status = 2
487 infotext += levelstext
488 elif threads_perc >= warn:
489 status = 1
490 infotext += levelstext
491 else:
492 warn, crit = ("", "")
493 perfdata = [(what, threads_abs, warn, crit, 0, max_threads)]
494 return status, infotext, perfdata
496 if 'currentThreadsBusy' in threadpool_info:
497 yield check_thread_levels('currentThreadsBusy')
498 if 'currentThreadCount' in threadpool_info:
499 yield check_thread_levels('currentThreadCount')
500 yield 0, "Maximum threads: %d" % max_threads
503 check_info[""] = {
504 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
505 "default_levels_variable": "jolokia_metrics_tp_default_levels",
506 "service_description": "JVM %s",
507 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_tp,
508 "inventory_function": inventory_jolokia_metrics_tp,
509 "group": "jvm_tp",
510 "has_perfdata": True,
514 # .--Memory--------------------------------------------------------------.
515 # | __ __ |
516 # | | \/ | ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ _ _ |
517 # | | |\/| |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '__| | | | |
518 # | | | | | __/ | | | | | (_) | | | |_| | |
519 # | |_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| \__, | |
520 # | |___/ |
521 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
524 def check_jolokia_metrics_mem(item, params, info):
525 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
527 if parsed.get(item, "") is None:
528 raise MKCounterWrapped("No information from Jolokia agent")
530 if item not in parsed:
531 return
533 # convert old parameter version ( warn, crit )
534 # represented levels of total heap
535 if isinstance(params, tuple):
536 params = {"total": params}
538 # rename totalheap to total
539 # this block can be removed in the future (today 22.02.13)
540 if "totalheap" in params:
541 params = params.copy()
542 params["total"] = params["totalheap"]
543 del params["totalheap"]
545 d = parsed[item]
546 mb = 1024 * 1024.0
548 if "HeapMemoryUsage" not in d or "NonHeapMemoryUsage" not in d\
549 or "HeapMemoryMax" not in d or "NonHeapMemoryMax" not in d:
550 return 3, "data in agent output incomplete"
552 heap = saveint(d["HeapMemoryUsage"]) / mb
553 heapmax = saveint(d.get("HeapMemoryMax", -1)) / mb
554 nonheap = saveint(d["NonHeapMemoryUsage"]) / mb
555 nonheapmax = saveint(d.get("NonHeapMemoryMax", -1)) / mb
556 total = heap + nonheap
557 if heapmax > 0 and nonheapmax > 0:
558 totalmax = heapmax + nonheapmax
559 else:
560 totalmax = 0
561 heapmax = max(0, heapmax)
562 nonheapmax = max(0, nonheapmax)
564 worst_state = 0
565 perfdata = []
566 info_list = []
568 for what, value, value_max in [
569 ("heap", heap, heapmax),
570 ("nonheap", nonheap, nonheapmax),
571 ("total", total, totalmax),
573 param_state = 0
574 level_info = ""
575 used_info = ""
576 if params.get(what):
577 warn_level = 0
578 crit_level = 0
579 if isinstance(params[what][0], int):
580 if value_max:
581 warn_level = value_max - params[what][0]
582 crit_level = value_max - params[what][1]
584 if what != "total":
585 perfdata.append((what, value, warn_level, crit_level, "", value_max))
587 if not value_max:
588 param_state = 0
589 elif value >= crit_level:
590 param_state = 2
591 level_info = "%s(crit at %sMB free)" % (state_markers[2], params[what][1])
592 elif value >= warn_level:
593 param_state = 1
594 level_info = "%s(warn at %sMB free)" % (state_markers[1], params[what][0])
595 else:
596 if value_max:
597 warn_level = value_max * params[what][0] / 100.0
598 crit_level = value_max * params[what][1] / 100.0
600 if what != "total":
601 perfdata.append((what, value, warn_level, crit_level, "", value_max))
603 if not value_max:
604 param_state = 0
605 elif value >= crit_level:
606 param_state = 2
607 level_info = "%s(crit at %s%%)" % (state_markers[2], params[what][1])
608 elif value >= warn_level:
609 param_state = 1
610 level_info = "%s(warn at %s%%)" % (state_markers[1], params[what][0])
611 else:
612 if what != "total":
613 perfdata.append((what, value, "", "", "", value_max))
615 if value_max:
616 used_info = "/%.1f%% used" % (value / value_max * 100)
617 info_list.append("%s: %0.fMB%s%s" % (what.title(), value, used_info, level_info))
618 worst_state = max(param_state, worst_state)
620 return (worst_state, ', '.join(info_list), perfdata)
623 check_info["jolokia_metrics.mem"] = {
624 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
625 "service_description": "JVM %s Memory",
626 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_mem,
627 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics(i, "mem"),
628 "has_perfdata": True,
629 "group": "jvm_memory",
630 "default_levels_variable": "jolokia_metrics_mem_default_levels"
634 # .--Threads-------------------------------------------------------------.
635 # | _____ _ _ |
636 # | |_ _| |__ _ __ ___ __ _ __| |___ |
637 # | | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` |/ _` / __| |
638 # | | | | | | | | | __/ (_| | (_| \__ \ |
639 # | |_| |_| |_|_| \___|\__,_|\__,_|___/ |
640 # | |
641 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
644 def check_jolokia_metrics_threads(item, params, info):
645 warn, crit = params
646 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
647 if parsed.get(item, "") is None:
648 raise MKCounterWrapped("No information from Jolokia agent")
649 if item not in parsed:
650 return (3, "data not found in agent output")
651 d = parsed[item]
653 this_time = time.time()
654 perfdata = []
655 output = []
656 status = 0
657 for key in ['ThreadCount', 'DeamonThreadCount', 'PeakThreadCount', 'TotalStartedThreadCount']:
658 if key not in d:
659 continue # The keys might be optional (saw jboss only sending ThreadCount)
661 val = int(d[key])
662 status_info = ""
663 if key == 'ThreadCount':
664 # Thread count might lead to a warn/crit state
665 if val >= crit:
666 status = 2
667 status_info = "(!!) (Levels at %d/%d)" % (warn, crit)
668 elif val >= warn:
669 status = 1
670 status_info = "(!) (Levels at %d/%d)" % (warn, crit)
672 # Calculate the thread increase rate
673 rate = get_rate(
674 "jolokia_metrics.threads.%s" % item, this_time, val, allow_negative=True)
675 output.append('ThreadRate: %0.2f' % rate)
676 perfdata.append(('ThreadRate', rate))
678 perfdata.append((key, val))
679 output.append('%s: %d%s' % (key, val, status_info))
680 return (status, ', '.join(output), perfdata)
683 check_info["jolokia_metrics.threads"] = {
684 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
685 "service_description": "JVM %s Threads",
686 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_threads,
687 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics(i, "threads"),
688 "group": "jvm_threads",
689 "has_perfdata": True,
693 # .--Uptime--------------------------------------------------------------.
694 # | _ _ _ _ |
695 # | | | | |_ __ | |_(_)_ __ ___ ___ |
696 # | | | | | '_ \| __| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ |
697 # | | |_| | |_) | |_| | | | | | | __/ |
698 # | \___/| .__/ \__|_|_| |_| |_|\___| |
699 # | |_| |
700 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
703 def check_jolokia_metrics_uptime(item, params, info):
704 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
705 if parsed.get(item, "") is None:
706 raise MKCounterWrapped("No information from Jolokia agent")
707 if item in parsed:
708 if "Uptime" in parsed[item]:
709 uptime = int(parsed[item]['Uptime']) / 1000
710 return check_uptime_seconds(params, uptime)
713 check_info["jolokia_metrics.uptime"] = {
714 "includes": ["jolokia.include", 'uptime.include'],
715 "service_description": "JVM %s Uptime",
716 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_uptime,
717 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics(i, "uptime"),
718 "group": "jvm_uptime",
719 "has_perfdata": True,
723 # .--App state-----------------------------------------------------------.
724 # | _ _ _ |
725 # | / \ _ __ _ __ ___| |_ __ _| |_ ___ |
726 # | / _ \ | '_ \| '_ \ / __| __/ _` | __/ _ \ |
727 # | / ___ \| |_) | |_) | \__ \ || (_| | || __/ |
728 # | /_/ \_\ .__/| .__/ |___/\__\__,_|\__\___| |
729 # | |_| |_| |
730 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
733 def check_jolokia_metrics_app_state(item, _unused, info):
734 app_state = 3
735 app = jolokia_metrics_app(info, item.split())
737 # FIXME: this could be nicer.
738 if app and "Running" in app:
739 if app['Running'] == '1':
740 app_state = 0
741 else:
742 app_state = 2
743 # wenn in app statename steht
744 elif app and "stateName" in app:
745 if app['stateName'] == 'STARTED':
746 app_state = 0
747 else:
748 app_state = 2
749 if app_state == 3:
750 return (3, "data not found in agent output")
751 elif app_state == 0:
752 return (0, 'application is running')
753 elif app_state == 2:
754 return (2, 'application is not running (Running: %s)')
756 return (3, 'error in agent output')
759 check_info["jolokia_metrics.app_state"] = {
760 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
761 "service_description": "JVM %s State",
762 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_app_state,
763 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics_apps(i, "app_state"),
764 "has_perfdata": False,
768 # .--Unsorted------------------------------------------------------------.
769 # | _ _ _ _ |
770 # | | | | |_ __ ___ ___ _ __| |_ ___ __| | |
771 # | | | | | '_ \/ __|/ _ \| '__| __/ _ \/ _` | |
772 # | | |_| | | | \__ \ (_) | | | || __/ (_| | |
773 # | \___/|_| |_|___/\___/|_| \__\___|\__,_| |
774 # | |
775 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
778 def check_jolokia_metrics_app_sess(item, params, info):
779 lo_crit, lo_warn, hi_warn, hi_crit = params
780 if len(item.split()) == 3:
781 app = jolokia_metrics_serv(info, item.split())
782 elif len(item.split()) == 2:
783 app = jolokia_metrics_app(info, item.split())
784 if not app:
785 return (3, "application not found")
786 sessions = app.get('Sessions', app.get('activeSessions', app.get('OpenSessionsCurrentCount')))
787 if sessions is None:
788 return (3, "data not found in agent output")
789 sess = saveint(sessions)
790 maxActive = saveint(
791 app.get('Sessions', app.get('maxActiveSessions', app.get('OpenSessionsCurrentCount'))))
793 status = 0
794 status_txt = ''
795 if lo_crit is not None and sess <= lo_crit:
796 status = 2
797 status_txt = ' (Below or equal %d)' % lo_crit
798 elif lo_warn is not None and sess <= lo_warn:
799 status = 1
800 status_txt = ' (Below or equal %d)' % lo_warn
801 elif hi_crit is not None and sess >= hi_crit:
802 status = 2
803 status_txt = ' (Above or equal %d)' % hi_crit
804 elif hi_warn is not None and sess >= hi_warn:
805 status = 1
806 status_txt = ' (Above or equal %d)' % hi_warn
808 if maxActive and maxActive > 0:
809 status_txt += " (max active sessions: %d)" % maxActive
811 return (status, '%d Sessions%s' % (sess, status_txt), [('sessions', sess, hi_warn, hi_crit)])
814 def check_jolokia_metrics_bea_queue(item, params, info):
815 app = jolokia_metrics_app(info, item.split())
816 if not app:
817 return (3, "application not found")
818 if "QueueLength" not in app:
819 return (3, "data not found in agent output")
820 queuelength = int(app['QueueLength'])
822 status = 0
823 warn, crit = params
824 if queuelength >= crit:
825 status = 2
826 elif queuelength >= warn:
827 status = 1
828 return (status, 'queue length is %d' % queuelength, [("length", queuelength, warn, crit)])
831 # FIXME: This check could work with any JVM
832 # It has no levels
833 # A candidate for 1.2.1 overhaul
834 def check_jolokia_metrics_bea_requests(item, _no_params, info):
835 app = jolokia_metrics_app(info, item.split())
836 if not app:
837 return (3, "application not found")
839 for nk in ["CompletedRequestCount", "requestCount"]:
840 if nk in app:
841 requests = int(app[nk])
842 rate = get_rate("j4p.bea.requests.%s" % item, time.time(), requests)
843 return (0, "%.2f requests/sec" % rate, [("rate", rate)])
845 return (3, "data not found in agent output")
848 def check_jolokia_metrics_bea_threads(item, _no_params, info):
849 app = jolokia_metrics_app(info, item.split())
850 if not app:
851 return (3, "data not found in agent output")
853 perfdata = []
854 infos = []
855 for varname, title in [("ExecuteThreadTotalCount", "total"), ("ExecuteThreadIdleCount", "idle"),
856 ("StandbyThreadCount", "standby"), ("HoggingThreadCount", "hogging")]:
857 value = int(app[varname])
858 perfdata.append((varname, value))
859 infos.append("%s: %d" % (title, value))
861 return (0, ", ".join(infos), perfdata)
864 check_info["jolokia_metrics.app_sess"] = {
865 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
866 "service_description": "JVM %s Sessions",
867 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_app_sess,
868 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics_apps(i, "app_sess"),
869 "group": "jvm_sessions",
870 "has_perfdata": True,
873 check_info["jolokia_metrics.requests"] = {
874 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
875 "service_description": "JVM %s Requests",
876 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_bea_requests,
877 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics_apps(i, "requests"),
878 "group": "jvm_requests",
879 "has_perfdata": True,
882 # Stuff found on BEA Weblogic
883 check_info["jolokia_metrics.bea_queue"] = {
884 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
885 "service_description": "JVM %s Queue",
886 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_bea_queue,
887 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics_apps(i, "queue"),
888 "group": "jvm_queue",
889 "has_perfdata": True,
892 check_info["jolokia_metrics.bea_requests"] = {
893 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
894 "service_description": "JVM %s Requests",
895 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_bea_requests,
896 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics_apps(i, "bea_requests"),
897 "group": "jvm_requests",
898 "has_perfdata": True,
901 check_info["jolokia_metrics.bea_threads"] = {
902 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
903 "service_description": "JVM %s Threads",
904 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_bea_threads,
905 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics_apps(i, "threads"),
906 "group": "jvm_threads",
907 "has_perfdata": True,
910 check_info["jolokia_metrics.bea_sess"] = {
911 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
912 "service_description": "JVM %s Sessions",
913 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_app_sess,
914 "inventory_function": lambda i: inventory_jolokia_metrics_apps(i, "bea_app_sess"),
915 "group": "jvm_sessions",
916 "has_perfdata": True,
919 jolokia_metrics_perm_gen_default_levels = {"perm": (80.0, 100.0)}
922 def inventory_jolokia_metrics_perm_gen(info):
923 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
924 for instance, values in parsed.items():
925 if values and "PermGenUsage" in values:
926 yield instance, "jolokia_metrics_perm_gen_default_levels"
929 def check_jolokia_metrics_perm_gen(item, params, info):
930 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
931 if parsed.get(item, "") is None:
932 raise MKCounterWrapped("No information from Jolokia agent")
933 values = parsed.get(item)
934 if values:
935 warn, crit = params['perm']
936 usage_bytes = int(values['PermGenUsage'])
937 size_bytes = int(values['PermGenMax'])
938 usage_perc = 100.0 / size_bytes * usage_bytes
939 warn_bytes = size_bytes / 100.0 * warn
940 crit_bytes = size_bytes / 100.0 * crit
941 perfdata = [("mem_perm_used", usage_bytes, warn_bytes, crit_bytes, 0, size_bytes)]
942 state = 0
943 if usage_perc >= crit:
944 state = 2
945 elif usage_perc >= warn:
946 state = 1
947 if state != 0:
948 levels = "(warn/crit at %2.f/%.2f %%)" % (warn, crit)
949 else:
950 levels = ""
951 return state, "Usage: %.2f %% (%s of %s used) %s" % \
952 ( usage_perc, get_bytes_human_readable(usage_bytes), get_bytes_human_readable(size_bytes), levels ), \
953 perfdata
956 check_info["jolokia_metrics.perm_gen"] = {
957 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
958 "service_description": "JVM %s PermGen Usage",
959 "check_function": check_jolokia_metrics_perm_gen,
960 "inventory_function": inventory_jolokia_metrics_perm_gen,
961 "group": "jvm_memory",
962 "has_perfdata": True,
965 jolokia_metrics_cache_hits_default_levels = {}
968 def inventory_jolokia_metrics_cache(key, metrics, info):
969 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
970 metrics_set = set(metrics)
971 for inst, vals in [x for x in parsed.iteritems() if x[1] is not None]:
972 for cache, cache_vars in vals.get("CacheStatistics", {}).iteritems():
973 if metrics_set.intersection(cache_vars) == metrics_set:
974 if key is None:
975 yield "%s %s" % (inst, cache), None
976 else:
977 yield "%s %s" % (inst, cache), "jolokia_metrics_%s_default_levels" % key
980 def check_jolokia_metrics_cache(metrics, totals, item, params, info):
981 type_map = {
982 "CacheHitPercentage": (float, 100.0, "%.1f%%"),
983 "InMemoryHitPercentage": (float, 100.0, "%.1f%%"),
984 "OnDiskHitPercentage": (float, 100.0, "%.1f%%"),
985 "OffHeapHitPercentage": (float, 100.0, "%.1f%%"),
988 parsed = jolokia_metrics_parse(info)
989 try:
990 inst, cache = item.split(" ")
992 # we display the "metrics" first, totals after, but to "fix" metrics based on zero-totals
993 # we need to go over the totals once
994 for total in totals:
995 val = int(parsed[inst]["CacheStatistics"][cache][total])
996 if val != 0:
997 break
999 for metric in metrics:
1000 type_, scale, format_str = type_map.get(metric, (int, 1, "%d"))
1002 val = type_(parsed[inst]["CacheStatistics"][cache][metric]) * scale
1003 if isinstance(val, float) and val == 0.0:
1004 # what a hack! we assume the float is based on the totals (all of them) and if they
1005 # were all 0, so this float is 0/0, we want to display it as 1 as to not cause
1006 # an alert
1007 val = 1.0 * scale
1008 yield 0, ("%s: " + format_str) % (metric, val), [(metric, val)]
1010 for total in totals:
1011 type_, scale, format_str = type_map.get(total, (int, 1, "%d"))
1012 val = type_(parsed[inst]["CacheStatistics"][cache][total]) * scale
1013 yield 0, ("%s: " + format_str) % (total, val), []
1014 except KeyError:
1015 # some element of the item was missing
1016 pass
1019 check_info["jolokia_metrics.cache_hits"] = {
1020 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
1021 "service_description" : "JVM %s Cache Usage",
1022 "check_function" : lambda item, params, parsed: check_jolokia_metrics_cache(["CacheHitPercentage", "ObjectCount"], ["CacheHits", "CacheMisses"], item, params, parsed),
1023 "inventory_function" : lambda info: inventory_jolokia_metrics_cache("cache_hits", ["CacheHitPercentage", "ObjectCount", "CacheHits", "CacheMisses"], info),
1024 "has_perfdata" : True,
1027 check_info["jolokia_metrics.in_memory"] = {
1028 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
1029 "service_description" : "JVM %s In Memory",
1030 "check_function" : lambda item, params, parsed: check_jolokia_metrics_cache(["InMemoryHitPercentage", "MemoryStoreObjectCount"], ["InMemoryHits", "InMemoryMisses"], item, params, parsed),
1031 "inventory_function" : lambda info: inventory_jolokia_metrics_cache("cache_hits", ["InMemoryHitPercentage", "MemoryStoreObjectCount", "InMemoryHits", "InMemoryMisses"], info),
1032 "has_perfdata" : True,
1035 check_info["jolokia_metrics.on_disk"] = {
1036 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
1037 "service_description" : "JVM %s On Disk",
1038 "check_function" : lambda item, params, parsed: check_jolokia_metrics_cache(["OnDiskHitPercentage", "DiskStoreObjectCount"], ["OnDiskHits", "OnDiskMisses"], item, params, parsed),
1039 "inventory_function" : lambda info: inventory_jolokia_metrics_cache("cache_hits", ["OnDiskHitPercentage", "DiskStoreObjectCount", "OnDiskHits", "OnDiskMisses"], info),
1040 "has_perfdata" : True,
1043 check_info["jolokia_metrics.off_heap"] = {
1044 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
1045 "service_description" : "JVM %s Off Heap",
1046 "check_function" : lambda item, params, parsed: check_jolokia_metrics_cache(["OffHeapHitPercentage", "OffHeapStoreObjectCount"], ["OffHeapHits", "OffHeapMisses"], item, params, parsed),
1047 "inventory_function" : lambda info: inventory_jolokia_metrics_cache("cache_hits", ["OffHeapHitPercentage", "OffHeapStoreObjectCount", "OffHeapHits", "OffHeapMisses"], info),
1048 "has_perfdata" : True,
1051 check_info["jolokia_metrics.writer"] = {
1052 "includes": ["jolokia.include"],
1053 "service_description" : "JVM %s Cache Writer",
1054 "check_function" : lambda item, params, parsed: check_jolokia_metrics_cache(["WriterQueueLength", "WriterMaxQueueSize"], [], item, params, parsed),
1055 "inventory_function" : lambda info: inventory_jolokia_metrics_cache("cache_hits", ["WriterQueueLength", "WriterMaxQueueSize"], info),
1056 "has_perfdata" : True,