Refactoring: Changed all check parameters starting with an 'o' to the new rulespec...
[check_mk.git] / checks / mssql_counters
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
5 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
6 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
7 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
8 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
9 # | |
10 # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 |
11 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 # This file is part of Check_MK.
14 # The official homepage is at
16 # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
19 # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
20 # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
21 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
22 # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
24 # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
25 # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 # There are different types of information. Can we handle them in a
28 # general way? There are:
29 # - Percentage values
30 # - Size values in KB
31 # - Counters
32 # - Rate counters (per second)
34 # <<<mssql_counters>>>
35 # MSSQL_SQLEXPRESS:Buffer_Manager Buffer_cache_hit_ratio 12
36 # MSSQL_SQLEXPRESS:Databases master Data_File(s)_Size_(KB) 2304
37 # MSSQL_SQLEXPRESS:Databases master Transactions/sec 13733
38 # MSSQL_SQLEXPRESS:Databases master Percent_Log_Used 57
39 # MSSQL_SQLEXPRESS:Databases master Log_File(s)_Size_(KB)
40 # FOOBAR 170
42 inventory_mssql_counters_rules = []
44 #TODO if not counters: raise
47 def inventory_mssql_counters_generic(parsed, want_counters, dflt=None):
48 want_counters = set(want_counters)
49 for (obj, instance), node_data in parsed.iteritems():
50 for counters in node_data.values():
51 if not want_counters.intersection(counters.keys()):
52 continue
53 yield "%s %s" % (obj, instance), dflt
56 # .--main----------------------------------------------------------------.
57 # | _ |
58 # | _ __ ___ __ _(_)_ __ |
59 # | | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | '_ \ |
60 # | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | |
61 # | |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_| |
62 # | |
63 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
64 # | |
65 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
67 # Previously there was no main check, but we need it because
68 # the sub checks
69 # - mssql_counters.transactions
70 # - mssql_counters.pageactivity
71 # - mssql_counters.locks
72 # will become cluster aware and thus all subchecks, too, because they share
73 # the same section. This main check is just a dummy with the benefit of the
74 # parse function.
77 def parse_mssql_counters_base(info):
78 parsed = {}
79 for line in info:
80 node_name = line[0]
81 line = line[1:]
82 if len(line) < 3:
83 continue
85 obj, counter, instance = line[:3]
86 if obj.endswith(':Databases'):
87 obj = obj[:-10]
89 values = line[3:]
90 if len(values) == 1:
91 values = values[0]
92 try:
93 values = float(values)
94 except ValueError:
95 try:
96 values = int(values)
97 except ValueError:
98 pass
100 if counter == "utc_time":
101 # mssql returns localized format. great! let's try ...
102 try:
103 # ... iso 8601
104 values = utc_mktime(
105 time.strptime(" ".join(values).split(".")[0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
106 except ValueError:
107 try:
108 # ... german
109 values = utc_mktime(time.strptime(" ".join(values), "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"))
110 except ValueError:
111 pass
113 data = parsed.setdefault((obj, instance), {})\
114 .setdefault(node_name, {})
115 data.setdefault(counter, values)
116 return parsed
119 def inventory_mssql_counters_base(parsed):
120 return []
123 def check_mssql_counters_base(item, params, parsed):
124 return 3, 'Not implemented check plugin'
127 check_info['mssql_counters'] = {
128 'parse_function': parse_mssql_counters_base,
129 'inventory_function': inventory_mssql_counters_base,
130 'check_function': check_mssql_counters_base,
131 'service_description': "MSSQL",
132 'node_info': True,
136 # .--Percentage based values---------------------------------------------.
137 # | ____ _ |
138 # | | _ \ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ __ _ __ _ ___ |
139 # | | |_) / _ \ '__/ __/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ |
140 # | | __/ __/ | | (_| __/ | | | || (_| | (_| | __/ |
141 # | |_| \___|_| \___\___|_| |_|\__\__,_|\__, |\___| |
142 # | |___/ |
143 # | _ _ _ |
144 # | | |__ __ _ ___ ___ __| | __ ____ _| |_ _ ___ ___ |
145 # | | '_ \ / _` / __|/ _ \/ _` | \ \ / / _` | | | | |/ _ \/ __| |
146 # | | |_) | (_| \__ \ __/ (_| | \ V / (_| | | |_| | __/\__ \ |
147 # | |_.__/ \__,_|___/\___|\__,_| \_/ \__,_|_|\__,_|\___||___/ |
148 # | |
149 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
152 def inventory_mssql_counters_cache_hits(parsed, want_counters):
153 add_zero_based_services = host_extra_conf_merged(host_name(), inventory_mssql_counters_rules)\
154 .get('add_zero_based_services', False)
156 for (obj, instance), node_data in parsed.iteritems():
157 for counters in node_data.values():
158 for counter in counters.keys():
159 if counter not in want_counters:
160 continue
162 if counters.get('%s_base' % counter, 0.0) == 0.0 \
163 and not add_zero_based_services:
164 continue
166 yield "%s %s %s" % (obj, instance, counter), None
169 def check_mssql_counters_cache_hits(item, params, parsed):
170 obj, instance, counter = item.split()
171 node_data = parsed.get((obj, instance), {})
173 for node_name, counters in node_data.iteritems():
174 value = counters.get(counter)
175 base = counters.get("%s_base" % counter, 0)
177 if value is None or base is None:
178 # Assume general connection problem to the database, which is reported
179 # by the "X Instance" service and skip this check.
180 raise MKCounterWrapped("Failed to connect to database")
182 if base == 0:
183 base = 1
184 perc = 100.0 * value / base
186 node_info = ""
187 if node_name:
188 node_info = "[%s] " % node_name
189 infotext = "%s%s" % (node_info, get_percent_human_readable(perc))
190 state = 0
191 if params:
192 #TODO: Previously params=None(=dflt) in inventory_mssql_counters
193 warn, crit = params
194 if perc <= crit:
195 state = 2
196 elif perc <= warn:
197 state = 1
198 if state:
199 infotext += " (warn/crit below %s/%s)" % (warn, crit)
200 yield state, infotext, [(counter, perc)]
203 check_info['mssql_counters.cache_hits'] = {
204 'inventory_function' : lambda parsed: inventory_mssql_counters_cache_hits(parsed,
205 ['cache_hit_ratio', 'log_cache_hit_ratio', 'buffer_cache_hit_ratio']),
206 'check_function' : check_mssql_counters_cache_hits,
207 'service_description' : "MSSQL %s",
208 'has_perfdata' : True,
209 'node_info' : True,
213 # .--Rates---------------------------------------------------------------.
214 # | ____ _ |
215 # | | _ \ __ _| |_ ___ ___ |
216 # | | |_) / _` | __/ _ \/ __| |
217 # | | _ < (_| | || __/\__ \ |
218 # | |_| \_\__,_|\__\___||___/ |
219 # | |
220 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
222 # ---transactions---------------------------------------------------------
225 def check_mssql_counters_transactions(item, params, parsed):
226 obj, instance = item.split()
227 node_data = parsed.get((obj, instance), {})
229 if not any(node_data.values()):
230 # Assume general connection problem to the database, which is reported
231 # by the "X Instance" service and skip this check.
232 raise MKCounterWrapped("Failed to connect to database")
234 for node_name, counters in node_data.iteritems():
235 now = counters.get('utc_time')
236 if now is None:
237 now = time.time()
239 node_info = ""
240 if node_name:
241 node_info = "[%s] " % node_name
243 for counter_key, title in [
244 ('transactions/sec', 'Transactions'),
245 ('write_transactions/sec', 'Write Transactions'),
246 ('tracked_transactions/sec', 'Tracked Transactions'),
248 value = counters.get(counter_key)
249 if value is None:
250 continue
252 rate = get_rate("mssql_counters.transactions.%s.%s.%s" % (node_name, item, counter_key),
253 now, value)
254 infotext = "%s%s: %.1f/s" % (node_info, title, rate)
255 node_info = ""
256 yield 0, infotext, [(counter_key, rate)]
259 check_info['mssql_counters.transactions'] = {
260 'inventory_function' : lambda parsed: inventory_mssql_counters_generic(parsed,
261 ['transactions/sec', 'write_transactions/sec', 'tracked_transactions/sec']),
262 'check_function' : check_mssql_counters_transactions,
263 'service_description' : "MSSQL %s Transactions",
264 'has_perfdata' : True,
265 'node_info' : True,
268 # ---locks----------------------------------------------------------------
271 def check_mssql_counters_locks(item, params, parsed):
272 obj, instance = item.split()
273 node_data = parsed.get((obj, instance), {})
275 if not any(node_data.values()):
276 # Assume general connection problem to the database, which is reported
277 # by the "X Instance" service and skip this check.
278 raise MKCounterWrapped("Failed to connect to database")
280 for node_name, counters in node_data.iteritems():
281 now = counters.get('utc_time')
282 if now is None:
283 now = time.time()
285 node_info = ""
286 if node_name:
287 node_info = "[%s] " % node_name
289 for counter_key, title in [
290 ('lock_requests/sec', 'Requests'),
291 ('lock_timeouts/sec', 'Timeouts'),
292 ('number_of_deadlocks/sec', 'Deadlocks'),
293 ('lock_waits/sec', 'Waits'),
295 value = counters.get(counter_key)
296 if value is None:
297 continue
299 rate = get_rate("mssql_counters.locks.%s.%s.%s" % (node_name, item, counter_key), now,
300 value)
301 infotext = "%s%s: %.1f/s" % (node_info, title, rate)
302 node_info = ""
304 state = 0
305 warn, crit = params.get(counter_key, (None, None))
306 if crit is not None and rate >= crit:
307 state = 2
308 elif warn is not None and rate >= warn:
309 state = 1
310 if state:
311 infotext += " (warn/crit at %.1f/%.1f per second)" % (warn, crit)
313 yield state, infotext, [(counter_key, rate, warn, crit)]
316 check_info['mssql_counters.locks'] = {
317 'inventory_function' : lambda parsed: inventory_mssql_counters_generic(parsed,
318 ['number_of_deadlocks/sec', 'lock_requests/sec', 'lock_timeouts/sec', 'lock_waits/sec'],
319 dflt={}),
320 'check_function' : check_mssql_counters_locks,
321 'service_description' : "MSSQL %s Locks",
322 'has_perfdata' : True,
323 'group' : 'mssql_counters_locks',
324 'node_info' : True,
327 # ---sql stats------------------------------------------------------------
330 def inventory_mssql_counters_sqlstats(parsed, want_counters, dflt=None):
331 for (obj, instance), node_data in parsed.iteritems():
332 for counters in node_data.values():
333 for counter in counters:
334 if counter not in want_counters:
335 continue
336 yield "%s %s %s" % (obj, instance, counter), dflt
339 def check_mssql_counters_sqlstats(item, params, parsed):
340 obj, instance, counter = item.split()
341 node_data = parsed.get((obj, instance), {})
343 if not any(node_data.values()):
344 # Assume general connection problem to the database, which is reported
345 # by the "X Instance" service and skip this check.
346 raise MKCounterWrapped("Failed to connect to database")
348 for node_name, counters in node_data.iteritems():
349 value = counters.get(counter)
350 if value is None:
351 return
353 now = counters.get('utc_time')
354 if now is None:
355 now = time.time()
357 rate = get_rate("mssql_counters.sqlstats.%s.%s.%s" % (node_name, item, counter), now, value)
358 node_info = ""
359 if node_name:
360 node_info = "[%s] " % node_name
361 infotext = "%s%.1f/sec" % (node_info, rate)
363 state = 0
364 warn, crit = params.get(counter, (None, None))
365 if crit is not None and rate >= crit:
366 state = 2
367 elif warn is not None and rate >= warn:
368 state = 1
369 if state:
370 infotext += " (warn/crit at %.1f/%.1f per second)" % (warn, crit)
372 yield state, infotext, [(counter, rate, warn, crit)]
375 check_info["mssql_counters.sqlstats"] = {
376 "inventory_function" : lambda parsed: inventory_mssql_counters_sqlstats(parsed,
377 ["batch_requests/sec", "sql_compilations/sec", "sql_re-compilations/sec"],
378 dflt={}),
379 "check_function" : check_mssql_counters_sqlstats,
380 "service_description" : "MSSQL %s",
381 "has_perfdata" : True,
382 "group" : "mssql_stats",
383 'node_info' : True,
386 # ---page activity--------------------------------------------------------
389 def check_mssql_counters_pageactivity(item, params, parsed):
390 obj, instance = item.split()
391 node_data = parsed.get((obj, instance), {})
393 if not any(node_data.values()):
394 # Assume general connection problem to the database, which is reported
395 # by the "X Instance" service and skip this check.
396 raise MKCounterWrapped("Failed to connect to database")
398 for node_name, counters in node_data.iteritems():
399 now = counters.get('utc_time')
400 if now is None:
401 now = time.time()
403 node_info = ""
404 if node_name:
405 node_info = "[%s] " % node_name
407 for counter_key, title in [
408 ("page_reads/sec", "Reads"),
409 ("page_writes/sec", "Writes"),
410 ("page_lookups/sec", "Lookups"),
412 value = counters.get(counter_key)
413 if value is None:
414 continue
416 rate = get_rate("mssql_counters.pageactivity.%s.%s.%s" % (node_name, item, counter_key),
417 now, value)
418 infotext = "%s%s: %.1f/s" % (node_info, title, rate)
419 node_info = ""
421 state = 0
422 warn, crit = params.get(counter_key, (None, None))
423 if crit is not None and rate >= crit:
424 state = 2
425 elif warn is not None and rate >= warn:
426 state = 1
427 if state:
428 infotext += " (warn/crit at %.1f/%.1f per second)" % (warn, crit)
430 yield state, infotext, [(counter_key, rate, warn, crit)]
433 check_info['mssql_counters.pageactivity'] = {
434 'inventory_function' : lambda parsed: inventory_mssql_counters_generic(parsed,
435 ["page_reads/sec", "page_writes/sec", "page_lookups/sec"],
436 dflt={}),
437 'check_function' : check_mssql_counters_pageactivity,
438 'service_description' : "MSSQL %s Page Activity",
439 'has_perfdata' : True,
440 'group' : "mssql_page_activity",
441 'node_info' : True,
444 # ---locks per batch------------------------------------------------------
447 def inventory_mssql_counters_locks_per_batch(parsed):
448 db_names = [(obj.split(":")[0], node_name)
449 for (obj, _instance), node_data in parsed.iteritems() if ":" in obj
450 for node_name in node_data]
452 for db_name, node_name in db_names:
453 if "lock_requests/sec" in parsed.get(("%s:Locks" % db_name, "_Total"), {})\
454 .get(node_name, {}) \
455 and "batch_requests/sec" in parsed.get(("%s:SQL_Statistics" % db_name, "None"))\
456 .get(node_name, {}):
457 yield db_name, {}
460 def check_mssql_counters_locks_per_batch(item, params, parsed):
461 data_locks_data = parsed.get(("%s:Locks" % item, "_Total"), {})
462 data_stats_data = parsed.get(("%s:SQL_Statistics" % item, "None"), {})
464 if not any(data_locks_data.values() + data_stats_data.values()):
465 # Assume general connection problem to the database, which is reported
466 # by the "X Instance" service and skip this check.
467 raise MKCounterWrapped("Failed to connect to database")
469 for node_name in set(data_locks_data.keys() + data_stats_data.keys()):
470 data_locks = data_locks_data[node_name]
471 data_stats = data_stats_data[node_name]
472 now = data_locks.get('utc_time', data_stats.get('utc_time'))
473 if now is None:
474 now = time.time()
476 locks = data_locks["lock_requests/sec"]
477 batches = data_stats["batch_requests/sec"]
479 lock_rate = get_rate("mssql_counters_locks_per_batch.%s.%s.locks" % (node_name, item), now,
480 locks)
481 batch_rate = get_rate("mssql_counters_locks_per_batch.%s.%s.batches" % (node_name, item),
482 now, batches)
484 if batch_rate == 0:
485 lock_per_batch = 0
486 else:
487 lock_per_batch = lock_rate / batch_rate
489 node_info = ""
490 if node_name:
491 node_info = "[%s] " % node_name
492 infotext = "%s%.1f" % (node_info, lock_per_batch)
493 state = 0
495 warn, crit = params.get('locks_per_batch', (None, None))
496 if crit is not None and lock_per_batch >= crit:
497 state = 2
498 elif warn is not None and lock_per_batch >= warn:
499 state = 1
501 if state:
502 infotext += " (warn/crit at %.1f/%.1f per second)" % (warn, crit)
504 yield state, infotext, [("locks_per_batch", lock_per_batch, warn, crit)]
507 check_info["mssql_counters.locks_per_batch"] = {
508 "inventory_function": inventory_mssql_counters_locks_per_batch,
509 "check_function": check_mssql_counters_locks_per_batch,
510 "service_description": "MSSQL %s Locks per Batch",
511 "has_perfdata": True,
512 "group": "mssql_stats",
513 'node_info': True,
517 # .--File Sizes----------------------------------------------------------.
518 # | _____ _ _ ____ _ |
519 # | | ___(_) | ___ / ___|(_)_______ ___ |
520 # | | |_ | | |/ _ \ \___ \| |_ / _ \/ __| |
521 # | | _| | | | __/ ___) | |/ / __/\__ \ |
522 # | |_| |_|_|\___| |____/|_/___\___||___/ |
523 # | |
524 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
527 def check_mssql_file_sizes(item, params, parsed):
528 obj, instance = item.split()
529 node_data = parsed.get((obj, instance), {})
531 if not any(node_data.values()):
532 # Assume general connection problem to the database, which is reported
533 # by the "X Instance" service and skip this check.
534 raise MKCounterWrapped("Failed to connect to database")
536 if not params:
537 params = {}
539 for node_name, counters in node_data.iteritems():
540 node_info = ""
541 if node_name:
542 node_info = "[%s] " % node_name
544 log_files_size = counters.get("log_file(s)_size_(kb)")
545 for val_bytes, key, title in [
546 (counters.get("data_file(s)_size_(kb)"), "data_files", "Data files"),
547 (log_files_size, "log_files", "Log files total"),
549 if val_bytes is None:
550 continue
552 val_bytes = val_bytes * 1024
553 infotext = "%s%s: %s" % (node_info, title, get_bytes_human_readable(val_bytes))
554 node_info = ""
556 state = 0
557 warn, crit = params.get(key, (None, None))
558 if crit is not None and val_bytes >= crit:
559 state = 2
560 elif warn is not None and val_bytes >= warn:
561 state = 1
562 if state:
563 infotext += " (warn/crit at %s/%s)" % (get_bytes_human_readable(warn),
564 get_bytes_human_readable(crit))
566 yield state, infotext, [(key, val_bytes, warn, crit)]
568 log_files_used = counters.get("log_file(s)_used_size_(kb)")
569 infotext = "Log files used: %s" % get_bytes_human_readable(log_files_used)
570 try:
571 log_files_used_perc = 100.0 * log_files_used / log_files_size
572 infotext += ", %s" % get_percent_human_readable(log_files_used_perc)
573 except (TypeError, ZeroDivisionError):
574 log_files_used_perc = None
576 warn, crit = params.get("log_files_used", (None, None))
577 if isinstance(crit, float) and log_files_used_perc is not None:
578 log_files_used_value = log_files_used_perc
579 readable_f = get_percent_human_readable
580 elif isinstance(warn, int):
581 log_files_used_value = log_files_used
582 readable_f = get_bytes_human_readable
583 else:
584 yield 0, infotext
585 continue
587 state = 0
588 if crit is not None and log_files_used_value >= crit:
589 state = 2
590 elif warn is not None and log_files_used_value >= warn:
591 state = 1
592 if state:
593 infotext += " (warn/crit at %s/%s)" % (readable_f(warn), readable_f(crit))
594 yield state, infotext
597 check_info['mssql_counters.file_sizes'] = {
598 'inventory_function' : lambda parsed: inventory_mssql_counters_generic(parsed,
599 ['data_file(s)_size_(kb)', 'log_file(s)_size_(kb)', 'log_file(s)_used_size_(kb)'],
600 dflt={}),
601 'check_function' : check_mssql_file_sizes,
602 'service_description' : "MSSQL %s File Sizes",
603 'has_perfdata' : True,
604 'group' : "mssql_file_sizes",
605 'node_info' : True,