Refactoring: Changed all check parameters starting with an 'o' to the new rulespec...
[check_mk.git] / agents / plugins / mk_sap
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
5 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
6 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
7 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
8 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
9 # | |
10 # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 |
11 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 # This file is part of Check_MK.
14 # The official homepage is at
16 # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
19 # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
20 # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
21 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
22 # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
24 # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
25 # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 # This agent plugin has been built to collect information from SAP R/3 systems
28 # using RFC calls. It needs the python module sapnwrfc (available in Check_MK
29 # git at agents/sap/sapnwrfc) and the nwrfcsdk (can be downloaded from SAP
30 # download portal) installed to be working. You can configure the agent plugin
31 # using the configuration file /etc/check_mk/sap.cfg (a sample file can be
32 # found in Check_MK git at agents/sap/sap.cfg) to tell it how to connect to
33 # your SAP instance and which values you want to fetch from your system to be
34 # forwarded to and checked by Check_MK.
36 # This current agent has been developed and tested with:
37 # python-sapnwrfc-0.19
39 # During development the "CCMS_Doku.pdf" was really helpful.
41 import os
42 import sys
43 import time
44 import fcntl
45 import fnmatch
46 import datetime
48 # sapnwrfc needs to know where the libs are located. During
49 # development the import failed, since the module did not
50 # find the libraries. So we preload the library to have it
51 # already loaded.
52 try:
53 import sapnwrfc
54 except ImportError, e:
55 if '' in str(e):
56 sys.stderr.write(
57 'Unable to find the library Maybe you need to put a file pointing to\n'
58 'the sapnwrfc library directory into the /etc/ directory. For example\n'
59 'create the file /etc/ containing the path\n'
60 '"/usr/sap/nwrfcsdk/lib" and run "ldconfig" afterwards.\n')
61 sys.exit(1)
62 elif 'No module named sapnwrfc' in str(e):
63 sys.stderr.write("Missing the Python module sapnwfrc.\n")
64 sys.exit(1)
65 else:
66 raise
68 # #############################################################################
70 # This sign is used to separate the path parts given in the config
71 SEPARATOR = '/'
73 # This are the different classes of monitoring objects which
74 # can be found in the tree.
76 # Summarizs information from several subnodes
77 MTE_SUMMARY = '050'
78 # A monitoring object which has several subnodes which lead to the status
79 # of this object. For example it is the "CPU" object on a host
80 MTE_MON_OBJ = '070'
81 # Contains performance information (which can be used to create graphs from)
83 # Might contain several messages
85 # Contains a single status message
86 MTE_SINGLE_MSG = '102'
87 # This is a long text label without status
88 MTE_LONG_TXT = '110'
89 # This is a short text label without status
90 MTE_SHORT_TXT = '111'
91 # Is a "folder" which has no own state, just computed by its childs
92 MTE_VIRTUAL = '199'
94 # This map converts between the SAP color codes (key values) and the
95 # nagios state codes and strings
97 0: (0, 'OK'), # GRAY (inactive or no current info available) -> OK
98 1: (0, 'OK'), # GREEN -> OK
99 2: (1, 'WARN'), # YELLOW -> WARNING
100 3: (2, 'CRIT'), # RED -> CRITICAL
103 STATE_LOGWATCH_MAP = ['O', 'O', 'W', 'C']
105 # Monitoring objects of these classes are skipped during processing
114 MK_CONFDIR = os.getenv("MK_CONFDIR") or "/etc/check_mk"
115 MK_VARDIR = os.getenv("MK_VARDIR") or "/var/lib/check_mk_agent"
117 STATE_FILE = MK_VARDIR + '/sap.state'
118 state_file_changed = False
120 # #############################################################################
122 # Settings to be used to connect to the SAP R/3 host.
123 local_cfg = {
124 'ashost': 'localhost',
125 'sysnr': '00',
126 'client': '100',
127 'user': '',
128 'passwd': '',
129 'trace': '3',
130 'loglevel': 'warn',
131 #'lang': 'EN',
132 #'host_prefix': 'FOOBAR_',
135 # A list of strings, while the string must match the full path to one or
136 # several monitor objects. We use unix shell patterns during matching, so
137 # you can use several chars as placeholders:
139 # * matches everything
140 # ? matches any single character
141 # [seq] matches any character in seq
142 # [!seq] matches any character not in seq
144 # The * matches the whole following string and does not end on next "/".
145 # For examples, take a look at the default config file (/etc/check_mk/sap.cfg).
146 monitor_paths = [
147 'SAP CCMS Monitor Templates/Dialog Overview/*',
149 monitor_types = []
150 config_file = MK_CONFDIR + '/sap.cfg'
152 cfg = {}
153 if os.path.exists(config_file):
154 execfile(config_file)
155 if isinstance(cfg, dict):
156 cfg = [cfg]
157 else:
158 cfg = [local_cfg]
160 # Load the state file into memory
161 try:
162 states = eval(file(STATE_FILE).read())
163 except IOError:
164 states = {}
166 # index of all logfiles which have been found in a run. This is used to
167 # remove logfiles which are not available anymore from the states dict.
168 logfiles = []
169 conn = None
171 # #############################################################################
178 def to_be_monitored(path, toplevel_match=False):
179 for rule in monitor_paths:
180 if toplevel_match and rule.count('/') > 1:
181 rule = '/'.join(rule.split('/')[:2])
183 if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, rule):
184 return True
185 return False
188 def node_path(tree, node, path=''):
189 if path:
190 path = node['MTNAMESHRT'].rstrip() + SEPARATOR + path
191 else:
192 path = node['MTNAMESHRT'].rstrip()
194 if node['ALPARINTRE'] > 0:
195 parent_node = tree[node['ALPARINTRE'] - 1]
196 return node_path(tree, parent_node, path)
197 return path
205 def query(what, params, debug=False):
206 fd =
208 if debug:
209 sys.stdout.write("Name: %s Params: %s\n" % (, fd.handle.parameters))
210 sys.stdout.write("Given-Params: %s\n" % params)
212 f = fd.create_function_call()
213 for param_key, val in params.items():
214 getattr(f, param_key)(val)
215 f.invoke()
217 ret = f.RETURN.value
218 if ret['TYPE'] == 'E':
219 sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % ret['MESSAGE'].strip())
221 return f
224 def login():
225 f = query(
227 'EXTCOMPANY': 'Mathias Kettner GmbH',
228 'EXTPRODUCT': 'Check_MK SAP Agent',
230 'VERSION': '1.0',
232 #sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % f.RETURN)
233 return f.SESSIONID.value
236 def logout():
237 query('BAPI_XMI_LOGOFF', {
242 def mon_list(cfg_entry):
243 f = query("BAPI_SYSTEM_MON_GETLIST", {
244 'EXTERNAL_USER_NAME': cfg_entry['user'],
246 l = []
247 for mon in f.MONITOR_NAMES.value:
248 l.append((mon["MS_NAME"].rstrip(), mon["MONI_NAME"].rstrip()))
249 return l
252 #def ms_list( cfg ):
253 # f = query("BAPI_SYSTEM_MS_GETLIST", {
254 # 'EXTERNAL_USER_NAME': cfg['user'],
255 # })
256 # l = []
257 # for ms in f.MONITOR_SETS.value:
258 # l.append(ms['NAME'].rstrip())
259 # return l
262 def mon_tree(cfg_entry, ms_name, mon_name):
263 f = query(
265 'EXTERNAL_USER_NAME': cfg_entry['user'],
267 "MS_NAME": ms_name,
268 "MONI_NAME": mon_name
271 tree = f.TREE_NODES.value
272 for node in tree:
273 node['PATH'] = ms_name + SEPARATOR + node_path(tree, node)
274 return tree
277 def tid(node):
278 return {
279 'MTSYSID': node['MTSYSID'].strip(),
280 'MTMCNAME': node['MTMCNAME'].strip(),
281 'MTNUMRANGE': node['MTNUMRANGE'].strip(),
282 'MTUID': node['MTUID'].strip(),
283 'MTCLASS': node['MTCLASS'].strip(),
284 'MTINDEX': node['MTINDEX'].strip(),
285 'EXTINDEX': node['EXTINDEX'].strip(),
289 def mon_perfdata(cfg_entry, node):
291 'EXTERNAL_USER_NAME': cfg_entry['user'],
292 'TID': tid(node),
294 value = f.CURRENT_VALUE.value['LASTPERVAL']
297 'EXTERNAL_USER_NAME': cfg_entry['user'],
298 'TID': tid(node),
300 if f.PROPERTIES.value['DECIMALS'] != 0:
301 value = (value + 0.0) / 10**f.PROPERTIES.value['DECIMALS']
302 uom = f.PROPERTIES.value['VALUNIT'].strip()
304 return value, uom
307 def mon_msg(cfg_entry, node):
309 'EXTERNAL_USER_NAME': cfg_entry['user'],
310 'TID': tid(node),
312 data = f.VALUE.value
313 dt = parse_dt(data['SMSGDATE'], data['SMSGTIME'])
314 return (dt, data['MSG'].strip())
317 def parse_dt(d, t):
318 d = d.strip()
319 t = t.strip()
320 if not d or not t:
321 return None
322 return datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(d + t, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')[:6])
325 def mon_alerts(cfg_entry, node):
326 f = query('BAPI_SYSTEM_MTE_GETALERTS', {
327 'EXTERNAL_USER_NAME': cfg_entry['user'],
328 'TID': tid(node),
330 return f.ALERTS.value
333 def aid(alert):
334 return {
335 "ALSYSID": alert["ALSYSID"],
336 "MSEGNAME": alert["MSEGNAME"],
337 "ALUNIQNUM": alert["ALUNIQNUM"],
338 "ALINDEX": alert["ALINDEX"],
339 "ALERTDATE": alert["ALERTDATE"],
340 "ALERTTIME": alert["ALERTTIME"],
344 def alert_details(cfg_entry, alert):
346 'EXTERNAL_USER_NAME': cfg_entry['user'],
347 'AID': aid(alert),
349 #prop = f.PROPERTIES.value
350 state = f.VALUE.value
351 msg = f.XMI_EXT_MSG.value['MSG'].strip()
352 return state, msg
355 def process_alerts(cfg_entry, logs, ms_name, mon_name, node, alerts):
356 global state_file_changed
358 sid = node["MTSYSID"].strip() or 'Other'
359 context = node["MTMCNAME"].strip() or 'Other'
360 path = node["PATH"]
362 # Use the sid as hostname for the logs
363 hostname = sid
364 logfile = context + "/" + path
366 logfiles.append((hostname, logfile))
368 logs.setdefault(sid, {})
369 logs[hostname][logfile] = []
370 newest_log_dt = None
371 for alert in alerts:
372 dt = parse_dt(alert['ALERTDATE'], alert['ALERTTIME'])
374 if (hostname, logfile) in states and states[(hostname, logfile)] >= dt:
375 continue # skip log messages which are older than the last cached date
377 if not newest_log_dt or dt > newest_log_dt:
378 newest_log_dt = dt # store the newest log of this run
380 alert_state, alert_msg = alert_details(cfg_entry, alert)
381 # Format lines to "logwatch" format
382 logs[hostname][logfile].append('%s %s %s' % (STATE_LOGWATCH_MAP[alert_state['VALUE']],
383 dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), alert_msg))
385 if newest_log_dt:
386 # Write newest log age to cache to prevent double processing of logs
387 states[(hostname, logfile)] = newest_log_dt
388 state_file_changed = True
389 return logs
392 def check(cfg_entry):
393 global conn
394 conn = sapnwrfc.base.rfc_connect(cfg_entry)
395 login()
397 logs = {}
398 sap_data = {}
400 # This loop is used to collect all information from SAP
401 for ms_name, mon_name in mon_list(cfg_entry):
402 path = ms_name + SEPARATOR + mon_name
403 if not to_be_monitored(path, True):
404 continue
406 tree = mon_tree(cfg_entry, ms_name, mon_name)
407 for node in tree:
408 if not to_be_monitored(node['PATH']):
409 continue
410 #sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % node["PATH"])
412 status_details = ''
413 perfvalue = '-'
414 uom = '-'
416 # Use precalculated states
417 state = {
418 'VALUE': node['ACTUALVAL'],
419 'SEVERITY': node['ACTUALSEV'],
422 if state['VALUE'] not in STATE_VALUE_MAP:
423 sys.stdout.write('UNHANDLED STATE VALUE\n')
424 sys.exit(1)
427 # Handle different object classes individually
428 # to get details about them
431 if monitor_types and node['MTCLASS'] not in monitor_types:
432 continue # Skip unwanted classes if class filtering is enabled
434 if node['MTCLASS'] == MTE_PERFORMANCE:
435 perfvalue, this_uom = mon_perfdata(cfg_entry, node)
436 uom = this_uom if this_uom else uom
438 elif node['MTCLASS'] == MTE_SINGLE_MSG:
439 status_details = "%s: %s" % mon_msg(cfg_entry, node)
441 elif node['MTCLASS'] == MTE_MSG_CONTAINER:
443 alerts = mon_alerts(cfg_entry, node)
444 logs = process_alerts(cfg_entry, logs, ms_name, mon_name, node, alerts)
445 if len(alerts) > 0:
446 last_alert = alerts[-1]
447 dt = parse_dt(last_alert["ALERTDATE"], last_alert["ALERTTIME"])
448 alert_state, alert_msg = alert_details(cfg_entry, last_alert)
449 last_msg = '%s: %s - %s' % (dt, STATE_VALUE_MAP[alert_state['VALUE']][1],
450 alert_msg)
452 status_details = '%d Messages, Last: %s' % (len(alerts), last_msg)
453 else:
454 status_details = 'The log is empty'
456 elif node['MTCLASS'] not in SKIP_MTCLASSES:
457 # Add an error to output on unhandled classes
458 status_details = "UNHANDLED MTCLASS", node['MTCLASS']
460 if node['MTCLASS'] not in SKIP_MTCLASSES:
461 sid = node["MTSYSID"].strip() or 'Other'
462 context = node["MTMCNAME"].strip() or 'Other'
463 path = node["PATH"]
465 sap_data.setdefault(sid, [])
466 sap_data[sid].append(
467 "%s\t%d\t%3d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (context, state['VALUE'], state['SEVERITY'],
468 path, perfvalue, uom, status_details))
470 for host, host_sap in sap_data.items():
471 sys.stdout.write('<<<<%s%s>>>>\n' % (cfg_entry.get("host_prefix", ""), host))
472 sys.stdout.write('<<<sap:sep(9)>>>\n')
473 sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % '\n'.join(host_sap))
474 sys.stdout.write('<<<<>>>>\n')
476 for host, host_logs in logs.items():
477 sys.stdout.write('<<<<%s>>>>\n' % host)
478 sys.stdout.write('<<<logwatch>>>\n')
479 for log, lines in host_logs.items():
480 sys.stdout.write('[[[%s]]]\n' % log)
481 if lines:
482 sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
483 sys.stdout.write('<<<<>>>>\n')
485 logout()
486 conn.close()
489 # It is possible to configure multiple SAP instances to monitor. Loop them all, but
490 # do not terminate when one connection failed
491 processed_all = True
492 try:
493 for entry in cfg:
494 try:
495 check(entry)
496 sys.stdout.write('<<<sap_state:sep(9)>>>\n%s\tOK\n' % entry['ashost'])
497 except sapnwrfc.RFCCommunicationError, e:
498 sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Unable to connect (%s)\n' % e)
499 sys.stdout.write('<<<sap_state:sep(9)>>>\n%s\tUnable to connect (%s)\n' %\
500 (entry['ashost'], e))
501 processed_all = False
502 except Exception, e:
503 sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Unhandled exception (%s)\n' % e)
504 sys.stdout.write('<<<sap_state:sep(9)>>>\n%s\tUnhandled exception (%s)\n' %\
505 (entry['ashost'], e))
506 processed_all = False
508 # Now check whether or not an old logfile needs to be removed. This can only
509 # be done this way, when all hosts have been reached. Otherwise the cleanup
510 # is skipped.
511 if processed_all:
512 for key in states.keys():
513 if key not in logfiles:
514 state_file_changed = True
515 del states[key]
517 # Only write the state file once per run. And only when it has been changed
518 if state_file_changed:
519 new_file = STATE_FILE + '.new'
520 state_fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT)
521 fcntl.flock(state_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
522 os.write(state_fd, repr(states))
523 os.close(state_fd)
524 os.rename(STATE_FILE + '.new', STATE_FILE)
526 except Exception, e:
527 sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Unhandled exception (%s)\n' % e)
529 sys.exit(0)