Enable liveproxy by default when available
[check_mk.git] / pytest.ini
1 [pytest]
2 testpaths = tests
3 # -p no:cacheprovider -> Disable caching. This is needed to make the
4 # integration tests work which are executed as site user.
5 # --durations=10: Show the 10 slowest tests
6 addopts = -p no:stepwise -p no:cacheprovider -rs -v --maxfail=1 --durations=10
7 # Register some markers to classify the tests
8 # TODO: Are they used? Clean them up
9 markers =
10 html_gentest: Generate test cases for htmllib refactoring.
11 checks: Run all existing test cases for checks.
12 filterwarnings =
13 ignore::ImportWarning