Licenses: Updated the list of licenses and added a PDF containing all license texts
[check_mk.git] / cmk_base /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
5 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
6 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
7 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
8 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
9 # | |
10 # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 |
11 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 # This file is part of Check_MK.
14 # The official homepage is at
16 # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
19 # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
20 # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
21 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
22 # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
24 # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
25 # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
26 """Currently this module manages the inventory tree which is built
27 while the inventory is performed for one host.
29 In the future all inventory code should be moved to this module."""
31 import inspect
32 import os
34 import cmk
35 import cmk.utils.paths
36 import
37 import cmk.utils.tty as tty
38 from cmk.utils.exceptions import MKGeneralException
39 from cmk.utils.structured_data import StructuredDataTree
40 import cmk.utils.debug
42 import cmk_base.utils
43 import cmk_base.console as console
44 import cmk_base.config as config
45 import cmk_base.check_api_utils as check_api_utils
46 import cmk_base.snmp_scan as snmp_scan
47 import cmk_base.ip_lookup as ip_lookup
48 import cmk_base.data_sources as data_sources
49 import cmk_base.cleanup
50 import cmk_base.decorator
51 import cmk_base.check_api as check_api
52 from cmk_base.discovered_labels import DiscoveredHostLabels, DiscoveredHostLabelsStore
55 # .--Inventory-----------------------------------------------------------.
56 # | ___ _ |
57 # | |_ _|_ ____ _____ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ _ _ |
58 # | | || '_ \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \| '__| | | | |
59 # | | || | | \ V / __/ | | | || (_) | | | |_| | |
60 # | |___|_| |_|\_/ \___|_| |_|\__\___/|_| \__, | |
61 # | |___/ |
62 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
63 # | Code for doing the actual inventory |
64 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
67 def do_inv(hostnames):
71 for hostname in hostnames:
72 console.section_begin(hostname)
73 try:
74 if config.is_cluster(hostname):
75 ipaddress = None
76 else:
77 ipaddress = ip_lookup.lookup_ip_address(hostname)
79 sources = data_sources.DataSources(hostname, ipaddress)
80 _do_inv_for(
81 sources,
82 multi_host_sections=None,
83 hostname=hostname,
84 ipaddress=ipaddress,
85 do_status_data_inv=config.do_status_data_inventory_for(hostname),
86 do_host_label_discovery=config.do_host_label_discovery_for(hostname),
88 except Exception as e:
89 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
90 raise
92 console.section_error("%s" % e)
93 finally:
94 cmk_base.cleanup.cleanup_globals()
97 @cmk_base.decorator.handle_check_mk_check_result("check_mk_active-cmk_inv",
98 "Check_MK HW/SW Inventory")
99 def do_inv_check(hostname, options):
100 _inv_hw_changes = options.get("hw-changes", 0)
101 _inv_sw_changes = options.get("sw-changes", 0)
102 _inv_sw_missing = options.get("sw-missing", 0)
103 _inv_fail_status = options.get("inv-fail-status",
104 1) # State in case of an error (default: WARN)
106 if config.is_cluster(hostname):
107 ipaddress = None
108 else:
109 ipaddress = ip_lookup.lookup_ip_address(hostname)
111 status, infotexts, long_infotexts, perfdata = 0, [], [], []
113 sources = data_sources.DataSources(hostname, ipaddress)
114 old_timestamp, inventory_tree, status_data_tree, discovered_host_labels = _do_inv_for(
115 sources,
116 multi_host_sections=None,
117 hostname=hostname,
118 ipaddress=ipaddress,
119 do_status_data_inv=config.do_status_data_inventory_for(hostname),
120 do_host_label_discovery=config.do_host_label_discovery_for(hostname),
123 if (inventory_tree.is_empty() and status_data_tree.is_empty() and
124 discovered_host_labels.is_empty()):
125 infotexts.append("Found no data")
127 else:
128 infotexts.append("Found %d inventory entries" % inventory_tree.count_entries())
130 if not inventory_tree.has_edge("software") and _inv_sw_missing:
131 infotexts.append("software information is missing" +
132 check_api_utils.state_markers[_inv_sw_missing])
133 status = max(status, _inv_sw_missing)
135 if old_timestamp:
136 path = "%s/%s/%d" % (cmk.utils.paths.inventory_archive_dir, hostname, old_timestamp)
137 old_tree = StructuredDataTree().load_from(path)
139 if not old_tree.is_equal(inventory_tree, edges=["software"]):
140 infotext = "software changes"
141 if _inv_sw_changes:
142 status = max(status, _inv_sw_changes)
143 infotext += check_api_utils.state_markers[_inv_sw_changes]
144 infotexts.append(infotext)
146 if not old_tree.is_equal(inventory_tree, edges=["hardware"]):
147 infotext = "hardware changes"
148 if _inv_hw_changes:
149 status = max(status, _inv_hw_changes)
150 infotext += check_api_utils.state_markers[_inv_hw_changes]
152 infotexts.append(infotext)
154 if not status_data_tree.is_empty():
155 infotexts.append("Found %s status entries" % status_data_tree.count_entries())
157 if not discovered_host_labels.is_empty():
158 infotexts.append("Found %s host labels" % len(discovered_host_labels))
160 for source in sources.get_data_sources():
161 source_state, source_output, _source_perfdata = source.get_summary_result_for_inventory()
162 # Do not output informational (state = 0) things. These information are shown by the "Check_MK" service
163 if source_state != 0:
164 status = max(source_state, status)
165 infotexts.append("[%s] %s" % (, source_output))
167 return status, infotexts, long_infotexts, perfdata
170 def do_inventory_actions_during_checking_for(sources, multi_host_sections, hostname, ipaddress):
171 do_status_data_inventory = not config.is_cluster(hostname) \
172 and config.do_status_data_inventory_for(hostname)
174 do_host_label_discovery = config.do_host_label_discovery_for(hostname)
176 if not do_status_data_inventory:
177 _cleanup_status_data(hostname)
179 if not do_status_data_inventory and not do_host_label_discovery:
180 return # nothing to do here
182 # This is called during checking, but the inventory plugins are not loaded yet
183 import cmk_base.inventory_plugins as inventory_plugins
184 inventory_plugins.load_plugins(check_api.get_check_api_context, get_inventory_context)
186 _do_inv_for(
187 sources,
188 multi_host_sections=multi_host_sections,
189 hostname=hostname,
190 ipaddress=ipaddress,
191 do_status_data_inv=do_status_data_inventory,
192 do_host_label_discovery=do_host_label_discovery,
196 def _cleanup_status_data(hostname):
197 filepath = "%s/%s" % (cmk.utils.paths.status_data_dir, hostname)
198 if os.path.exists(filepath): # Remove empty status data files.
199 os.remove(filepath)
200 if os.path.exists(filepath + ".gz"):
201 os.remove(filepath + ".gz")
204 def _do_inv_for(sources, multi_host_sections, hostname, ipaddress, do_status_data_inv,
205 do_host_label_discovery):
206 _initialize_inventory_tree()
207 inventory_tree = g_inv_tree
208 status_data_tree = StructuredDataTree()
209 discovered_host_labels = DiscoveredHostLabels(inventory_tree)
211 node = inventory_tree.get_dict("software.applications.check_mk.cluster.")
212 if config.is_cluster(hostname):
213 node["is_cluster"] = True
214 _do_inv_for_cluster(hostname, inventory_tree)
215 else:
216 node["is_cluster"] = False
217 _do_inv_for_realhost(sources, multi_host_sections, hostname, ipaddress, inventory_tree,
218 status_data_tree, discovered_host_labels)
220 inventory_tree.normalize_nodes()
221 old_timestamp = _save_inventory_tree(hostname, inventory_tree)
222 _run_inventory_export_hooks(hostname, inventory_tree)
224 success_msg = [
225 "Found %s%s%d%s inventory entries" % (tty.bold, tty.yellow, inventory_tree.count_entries(),
226 tty.normal)
229 if do_host_label_discovery:
230 DiscoveredHostLabelsStore(hostname).save(discovered_host_labels.to_dict())
231 success_msg.append("and %s%s%d%s host labels" % (tty.bold, tty.yellow,
232 len(discovered_host_labels), tty.normal))
234 console.section_success(", ".join(success_msg))
236 if do_status_data_inv:
237 status_data_tree.normalize_nodes()
238 _save_status_data_tree(hostname, status_data_tree)
240 console.section_success(
241 "Found %s%s%d%s status entries" % (tty.bold, tty.yellow,
242 status_data_tree.count_entries(), tty.normal))
244 return old_timestamp, inventory_tree, status_data_tree, discovered_host_labels
247 def _do_inv_for_cluster(hostname, inventory_tree):
248 inv_node = inventory_tree.get_list("software.applications.check_mk.cluster.nodes:")
249 for node_name in config.nodes_of(hostname):
250 inv_node.append({
251 "name": node_name,
255 def _do_inv_for_realhost(sources, multi_host_sections, hostname, ipaddress, inventory_tree,
256 status_data_tree, discovered_host_labels):
257 for source in sources.get_data_sources():
258 if isinstance(source, data_sources.SNMPDataSource):
259 source.set_on_error("raise")
260 source.set_do_snmp_scan(True)
261 source.disable_data_source_cache()
262 source.set_use_snmpwalk_cache(False)
263 source.set_ignore_check_interval(True)
264 source.set_check_plugin_name_filter(_gather_snmp_check_plugin_names_inventory)
265 if multi_host_sections is not None:
266 # Status data inventory already provides filled multi_host_sections object.
267 # SNMP data source: If 'do_status_data_inv' is enabled there may be
268 # sections for inventory plugins which were not fetched yet.
269 source.enforce_check_plugin_names(None)
270 host_sections = multi_host_sections.add_or_get_host_sections(hostname, ipaddress)
271 source.set_fetched_check_plugin_names(host_sections.sections.keys())
272 host_sections_from_source =
273 host_sections.update(host_sections_from_source)
275 if multi_host_sections is None:
276 multi_host_sections = sources.get_host_sections()
278 console.step("Executing inventory plugins")
279 import cmk_base.inventory_plugins as inventory_plugins
280 console.verbose("Plugins:")
281 for section_name, plugin in inventory_plugins.sorted_inventory_plugins():
282 section_content = multi_host_sections.get_section_content(
283 hostname, ipaddress, section_name, for_discovery=False)
284 # TODO: Don't we need to take config.check_info[check_plugin_name]["handle_empty_info"]:
285 # like it is done in checking.execute_check()? Standardize this!
286 if not section_content: # section not present (None or [])
287 # Note: this also excludes existing sections without info..
288 continue
290 if all([x in [[], {}, None] for x in section_content]):
291 # Inventory plugins which get parsed info from related
292 # check plugin may have more than one return value, eg
293 # parse function of oracle_tablespaces returns ({}, {})
294 continue
296 console.verbose(" %s%s%s%s" % (, tty.bold, section_name, tty.normal))
298 # Inventory functions can optionally have a second argument: parameters.
299 # These are configured via rule sets (much like check parameters).
300 inv_function = plugin["inv_function"]
301 inv_function_args = inspect.getargspec(inv_function).args
303 kwargs = {}
304 for dynamic_arg_name, dynamic_arg_value in [
305 ("inventory_tree", inventory_tree),
306 ("status_data_tree", status_data_tree),
307 ("discovered_host_labels", discovered_host_labels),
309 if dynamic_arg_name in inv_function_args:
310 inv_function_args.remove(dynamic_arg_name)
311 kwargs[dynamic_arg_name] = dynamic_arg_value
313 if len(inv_function_args) == 2:
314 params = _get_inv_params(hostname, section_name)
315 args = [section_content, params]
316 else:
317 args = [section_content]
318 inv_function(*args, **kwargs)
319 console.verbose("\n")
322 def _gather_snmp_check_plugin_names_inventory(host_config,
323 on_error,
324 do_snmp_scan,
325 for_mgmt_board=False):
326 return snmp_scan.gather_snmp_check_plugin_names(
327 host_config, on_error, do_snmp_scan, for_inventory=True, for_mgmt_board=for_mgmt_board)
330 def _get_inv_params(hostname, section_name):
331 return config.host_extra_conf_merged(hostname, config.inv_parameters.get(section_name, []))
335 # .--Inventory Tree------------------------------------------------------.
336 # | ___ _ _____ |
337 # | |_ _|_ ____ _____ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ _ _ |_ _| __ ___ ___ |
338 # | | || '_ \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \| '__| | | | | || '__/ _ \/ _ \ |
339 # | | || | | \ V / __/ | | | || (_) | | | |_| | | || | | __/ __/ |
340 # | |___|_| |_|\_/ \___|_| |_|\__\___/|_| \__, | |_||_| \___|\___| |
341 # | |___/ |
342 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
343 # | Managing the inventory tree of a host |
344 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
346 g_inv_tree = StructuredDataTree() # TODO Remove one day. Deprecated with version 1.5.0i3??
349 def _initialize_inventory_tree(): # TODO Remove one day. Deprecated with version 1.5.0i3??
350 global g_inv_tree
351 g_inv_tree = StructuredDataTree()
354 # Dict based
355 def inv_tree(path): # TODO Remove one day. Deprecated with version 1.5.0i3??
356 return g_inv_tree.get_dict(path)
359 # List based
360 def inv_tree_list(path): # TODO Remove one day. Deprecated with version 1.5.0i3??
361 return g_inv_tree.get_list(path)
364 def _save_inventory_tree(hostname, inventory_tree):
367 old_time = None
368 filepath = cmk.utils.paths.inventory_output_dir + "/" + hostname
369 if inventory_tree:
370 old_tree = StructuredDataTree().load_from(filepath)
371 old_tree.normalize_nodes()
372 if old_tree.is_equal(inventory_tree):
373 console.verbose("Inventory was unchanged\n")
374 else:
375 if old_tree.is_empty():
376 console.verbose("New inventory tree\n")
377 else:
378 console.verbose("Inventory tree has changed\n")
379 old_time = os.stat(filepath).st_mtime
380 arcdir = "%s/%s" % (cmk.utils.paths.inventory_archive_dir, hostname)
382 os.rename(filepath, arcdir + ("/%d" % old_time))
383 inventory_tree.save_to(cmk.utils.paths.inventory_output_dir, hostname)
385 else:
386 if os.path.exists(
387 filepath): # Remove empty inventory files. Important for host inventory icon
388 os.remove(filepath)
389 if os.path.exists(filepath + ".gz"):
390 os.remove(filepath + ".gz")
392 return old_time
395 def _save_status_data_tree(hostname, status_data_tree):
396 if status_data_tree and not status_data_tree.is_empty():
398 status_data_tree.save_to(cmk.utils.paths.status_data_dir, hostname)
401 def _run_inventory_export_hooks(hostname, inventory_tree):
402 import cmk_base.inventory_plugins as inventory_plugins
403 hooks = []
404 for hookname, ruleset in config.inv_exports.items():
405 entries = config.host_extra_conf(hostname, ruleset)
406 if entries:
407 hooks.append((hookname, entries[0]))
409 if not hooks:
410 return
412 console.step("Execute inventory export hooks")
413 for hookname, params in hooks:
414 console.verbose(
415 "Execute export hook: %s%s%s%s" % (, tty.bold, hookname, tty.normal))
416 try:
417 func = inventory_plugins.inv_export[hookname]["export_function"]
418 func(hostname, params, inventory_tree.get_raw_tree())
419 except Exception as e:
420 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
421 raise
422 raise MKGeneralException("Failed to execute export hook %s: %s" % (hookname, e))
426 # .--Plugin API----------------------------------------------------------.
427 # | ____ _ _ _ ____ ___ |
428 # | | _ \| |_ _ __ _(_)_ __ / \ | _ \_ _| |
429 # | | |_) | | | | |/ _` | | '_ \ / _ \ | |_) | | |
430 # | | __/| | |_| | (_| | | | | | / ___ \| __/| | |
431 # | |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |_|_| |_| /_/ \_\_| |___| |
432 # | |___/ |
433 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
434 # | Helper API for being used in inventory plugins. Plugins have access |
435 # | to all things defined by the regular Check_MK check API and all the |
436 # | things declared here. |
437 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
440 def get_inventory_context():
441 return {
442 "inv_tree_list": inv_tree_list,
443 "inv_tree": inv_tree,