#74: Removing initcalls across codebase
[charm.git] / doc / convext / ds.tex
1 \chapter{Data Structures}
3 In the course of developing \converse{} and \charmpp{} we had to
4 implement a number of data structures efficiently. If the ANSI
5 standard \CC{} library were available to us on all platforms, we could
6 have used it, but that was not the case. Also, we needed both the C and C++
7 bindings of most data structures. In most cases, the functionality we needed
8 was also a subset of the \CC{} standard library functionality, and by
9 avoiding virtual methods etc, we have tried to code the most efficient
10 implementations of those data structures.
12 Since these data structures are already part of \converse{} and \charmpp{},
13 they are available to the users of these system free of cost \verb+:-<)+.
14 In this chapter we document the available functions.
16 \section{Queues, Lists, FIFOs etc.}
18 This data structure is based on circular buffer, and can be used both like
19 a FIFO and a Stack.
21 Following functions are available for use in C:
23 \function{typedef ... CdsFifo;}
24 \desc{An opaque data type representing a queue of {\tt void*} pointers.}
26 \function{CdsFifo CdsFifo\_Create(void);}
27 \desc{Creates a queue in memory and returns its pointer.}
29 \function{CdsFifo CdsFifo\_Create\_len(int len);}
30 \desc{Creates a queue in memory with the initial buffer size of len entries
31 and returns its pointer.}
33 \function{void CdsFifo\_Enqueue(CdsFifo q, void *elt);}
34 \desc{Appends \uw{elt} at the end of \uw{q}.}
36 \function{void *CdsFifo\_Dequeue(CdsFifo q);}
37 \desc{Removes an element from the front of the \uw{q}, and returns it. Returns
38 0 if the queue is empty.}
40 \function{void *CdsFifo\_Pop(CdsFifo q);}
41 \desc{Removes an element from the front of the \uw{q}, and returns it. Returns
42 0 if the queue is empty. An alias for the dequeue function.}
44 \function{void CdsFifo\_Push(CdsFifo q, void *elt);}
45 \desc{Inserts \uw{elt} in the beginning of \uw{q}.}
47 \function{int CdsFifo\_Empty(CdsFifo q);}
48 \desc{Returns 1 if the \uw{q} is empty, 0 otherwise.}
50 \function{int CdsFifo\_Length(CdsFifo q);}
51 \desc{Returns the length of the \uw{q}.}
53 \function{int CdsFifo\_Peek(CdsFifo q);}
54 \desc{Returns the element from the front of the \uw{q} without removing it.}
56 \function{void CdsFifo\_Destroy(CdsFifo q);}
57 \desc{Releases memory used by \uw{q}.}
59 Following Templates are available for use in \CC{}:
61 \begin{alltt}
62 template<class T>
63 class CkQ \{
64 CkQ(); // default constructor
65 CkQ(int initial_size); // constructor with initial buffer size
66 ~CkQ(); // destructor
67 int length(void); // returns length of the q
68 bool isEmpty(void); // returns true if q is empty, false otherwise
69 T deq(void); // removes and returns the front element
70 void enq(const T\&); // appends at the end of the list
71 void push(const T\&); // inserts in the beginning of the list
72 T\& operator[](size_t n); // returns the n'th element
73 \};
74 \end{alltt}