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61 <div class="section" id="meetings">
62 <h1>3. Meetings<a class="headerlink" href="#meetings" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
63 <div class="section" id="meeting">
64 <h2>3.1. Meeting<a class="headerlink" href="#meeting" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
65 <p>A Meeting is not as in depth as a Conference and is made
66 for smaller events. Within a Meeting you can find the modules:</p>
67 <ul class="simple">
68 <li>General settings: Where you can manage the general settings of the
69 meeting (e.g. title, location etc.)</li>
70 <li>Timetable: In which you can directly add Sessions, Contributions, and Breaks.</li>
71 <li>Material: Where you can upload material that will be attached to the
72 meeting. The material can be slides, videos, minutes etc.</li>
73 <li>Participants: you can add all the participants for the Meeting or you
74 can open the participation so users can apply for it.</li>
75 <li>Evaluation: You can submit an evaluation form to be completed by the
76 participants. You can set the questions, edit the form and the results
77 and preview it in the different tabs available</li>
78 <li>Lists: Relevant lists of users, such as list of all sessions’ conveners etc</li>
79 <li>Protection: Set the access control for the meeting</li>
80 <li>Tools: Where you can set alarms, clone the conference etc.</li>
81 <li>Logs: List of all the actions performed on the whole of the meeting</li>
82 </ul>
83 </div>
84 <hr class="docutils" />
85 <div class="section" id="creating-a-meeting">
86 <h2>3.2. Creating a Meeting<a class="headerlink" href="#creating-a-meeting" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
87 <p>To create a meeting, click on <em>Create</em> -&gt; <em>Meeting</em> in the top blue menu
88 bar. You will be presented with a form you need to complete. First, you
89 need to choose the category in which your meeting will be created. Then,
90 enter the basic information (title, start/end date etc.); you can choose
91 the default style in which the Meeting will be displayed <a class="reference external" href="#meeting-display-area">(see Meeting Display Area)</a>. Finally, set the access protection. Click on <em>Create meeting</em>.
92 You will be redirected to the meeting&#8217;s Management Area.</p>
93 </div>
94 <hr class="docutils" />
95 <div class="section" id="meeting-management-area">
96 <h2>3.3. Meeting Management Area<a class="headerlink" href="#meeting-management-area" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
97 <p>The Management Area allows you to control the different parts of
98 your meeting. The following sections will show each option of the
99 Meeting Management Area.</p>
100 <p>Clicking on the link <em>Switch to event page</em> will take you to the
101 event page of the meeting.</p>
102 <hr class="docutils" />
103 <div class="section" id="general-settings-management">
104 <h3>3.3.1. General Settings Management<a class="headerlink" href="#general-settings-management" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
105 <p>In General Settings, you can edit the title, description, place, start/end
106 date, timezone, default style, event type. You can add a support e-mail
107 and modify its caption; it will be displayed in the event page. It is also
108 possible to create a short display URL, used as a shortcut to the event page.
109 You have the possibility of changing the default style, <a class="reference external" href="#meeting-display-area">(see Meeting Display Area)</a> . To edit the visibility, see visibility in <a class="reference internal" href="Conferences.html#general-settings"><em>General Settings</em></a>
110 for conferences. Finally, you can add or remove any chairpersons.</p>
111 <p><img alt="image100" src="../_images/meet2.png" /></p>
112 </div>
113 <hr class="docutils" />
114 <div class="section" id="timetable-management">
115 <h3>3.3.2. Timetable Management<a class="headerlink" href="#timetable-management" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
116 <p>The Timetable Management allows you to organize your meeting by
117 using sessions (groups of contributions), contributions (presentations),
118 and breaks.</p>
119 <p>The management of the timetable is the same as for conferences. The
120 only difference is while adding contributions. In conferences, you can
121 add unscheduled contributions to the timetable. In meetings, unscheduled
122 contributions don&#8217;t exist, therefore you will always need to create the contribution.</p>
123 <p>Here, we will just explain how to create contributions. For more details and
124 further explanations about the Timetable Management <a class="reference external" href="Conferences.html#timetable-management">see Timetable Management
125 for Conferences</a>.</p>
126 <hr class="docutils" />
127 <div class="section" id="adding-contributions">
128 <h4> Adding Contributions<a class="headerlink" href="#adding-contributions" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
129 <p>You can directly add contributions into your timetable using the
130 <em>Add new</em> &gt; <em>Contribution</em> at the top of the timetable. This will open
131 a pop-up with a form to create a new contribution.</p>
132 <p><img alt="image103" src="../_images/confm23.png" /></p>
133 <p>Within this form, you can define the name, description, location,
134 presenters, the starting time and duration of this contribution.</p>
135 <p><img alt="image104" src="../_images/confm28.png" /></p>
136 <p>In order to edit the contribution, you can click on it and a edition balloon
137 will show up. In this balloon, you can modify the timing or the whole
138 contribution.</p>
139 </div>
140 <hr class="docutils" />
141 <div class="section" id="session-management">
142 <h4> Session Management<a class="headerlink" href="#session-management" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
143 <p>See <a class="reference external" href="Conferences.html#session-management">Session Management for Conferences</a>.</p>
144 </div>
145 <div class="section" id="contribution-management">
146 <h4> Contribution Management<a class="headerlink" href="#contribution-management" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
147 <p>See <a class="reference external" href="Conferences.html#contribution-management">Contribution Management for Conferences</a>.</p>
148 </div>
149 </div>
150 <hr class="docutils" />
151 <div class="section" id="material">
152 <h3>3.3.3. Material<a class="headerlink" href="#material" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
153 <p>Here, you can upload any material you wish to attach to the meeting.
154 The material can be video, slides, minutes etc. You can modify the material
155 by clicking on <img alt="image144" src="../_images/edit.png" /> or to delete it by clicking on <img alt="image145" src="../_images/delete.png" />.</p>
156 <p><img alt="image143" src="../_images/meetingMaterial.png" /></p>
157 </div>
158 <hr class="docutils" />
159 <div class="section" id="chat-rooms">
160 <h3>3.3.4. Chat rooms<a class="headerlink" href="#chat-rooms" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
161 <p>Similar to lectures; see <a class="reference internal" href="Lectures.html#chat-room"><em>Chat room</em></a> for lectures.</p>
162 </div>
163 <hr class="docutils" />
164 <div class="section" id="video-services">
165 <h3>3.3.5. Video Services<a class="headerlink" href="#video-services" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
166 <p>Similar to lectures; see <a class="reference internal" href="Lectures.html#video-services"><em>Video Services</em></a> for lectures</p>
167 </div>
168 <hr class="docutils" />
169 <div class="section" id="participants">
170 <h3>3.3.6. Participants<a class="headerlink" href="#participants" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
171 <p>You can access the participation module from the option Participants in the menu on the left.</p>
172 <p>The module is divided in different tabs (more detailed in the following subsections):</p>
173 <ul class="simple">
174 <li>Setup: configuration of the participation module.</li>
175 <li>Participants: it shows the list of participants. Managers can perform several actions on the list, such as adding new participants, removing, inviting, etc.</li>
176 <li>Statistics: it shows the number of participants that have attended, declined participation, pending, etc.</li>
177 <li>Pending: list of all the users that have applied for participation and awaiting the approval or refusal.</li>
178 <li>Declined: list of the participants that have been declined for the event.</li>
179 </ul>
180 <div class="section" id="setup">
181 <h4> Setup<a class="headerlink" href="#setup" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
182 <p>In this tab you can setup the participation module. The options that you can enable/disable by clicking in the red/green
183 squares are the listed below.</p>
184 <ul class="simple">
185 <li>If a participant is added by the event managers, an email notification will be sent to him.</li>
186 <li>Show the list of participants in the event page-</li>
187 <li>Allow the users to participate in this event by showing a link in the event page.</li>
188 <li>Approve the participation request by the event managers.</li>
189 <li>Activate notification by email when a new participant applies with no need to be approved.</li>
190 <li>Setup the maximum numbers of participants where 0 means unlimited.</li>
191 </ul>
192 <p><img alt="image153" src="../_images/particip1.png" /></p>
193 </div>
194 <hr class="docutils" />
195 <div class="section" id="participant-list">
196 <h4> Participant list<a class="headerlink" href="#participant-list" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
197 <p>In this tab, one can view the list of all the participants. You can add or remove
198 participants (as a manager), mark as present/absent, ask for excuse, send
199 email etc. You can also export the list of participants to Excel by clicking
200 on the Excel icon on the button bar.</p>
201 <p>The event manager can add participants in the two following ways:</p>
202 <hr class="docutils" />
203 <div class="section" id="manager-adds-participants">
204 <h5> Manager adds participants<a class="headerlink" href="#manager-adds-participants" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h5>
205 <p>In order to add participants, click on</p>
206 <ul class="simple">
207 <li><em>Add</em> &gt;*Indico User / Group* if the participant or the e-group exists in Indico database;</li>
208 <li>Otherwise, click on <em>Add-&gt;New user</em>.</li>
209 </ul>
210 <p><img alt="image154" src="../_images/particip2.png" /></p>
211 </div>
212 <hr class="docutils" />
213 <div class="section" id="manager-invites-participants">
214 <h5> Manager invites participants<a class="headerlink" href="#manager-invites-participants" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h5>
215 <p>To do so, click on <em>Add</em> &gt; <em>Invite</em>. The participant(s) invited will receive an
216 email informing them they have been invited to an event. This email will
217 contain a link they will have to use to accept/reject the invitation.</p>
218 <p><img alt="image155" src="../_images/particip3.png" /></p>
219 <p>When they will open the link, the following window will appear:</p>
220 <p><img alt="image159" src="../_images/particip7.png" /></p>
221 <p>They will then need to click on <em>Accept</em> or <em>Reject</em>.</p>
222 </div>
223 </div>
224 <hr class="docutils" />
225 <div class="section" id="pending-list">
226 <h4> Pending list<a class="headerlink" href="#pending-list" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
227 <p>As explained in <a class="reference external" href="#setup">Setup</a> you can setup the approval to be made by the event managers.</p>
228 <p>Users will be able to apply from the event page, by clicking on <em>Apply here</em>.</p>
229 <p><img alt="image157" src="../_images/particip5.png" /></p>
230 <p>A window will appear:</p>
231 <p><img alt="image158" src="../_images/particip6.png" /></p>
232 <p>To apply, you will need to click on <em>Ok</em></p>
233 <p>If the manager chooses to approve the requests for participation, he will
234 see the tab <em>Pending</em> highlighted:</p>
235 <p><img alt="image160" src="../_images/particip8.png" /></p>
236 <p>To accept or reject a request, he will need to click on the tab
237 and the following window will appear, where he can manage the requests.
238 When you reject an application you can choose whether to send an email or not.</p>
239 <p><img alt="image161" src="../_images/particip9.png" /></p>
240 </div>
241 <hr class="docutils" />
242 <div class="section" id="declined-list">
243 <h4> Declined list<a class="headerlink" href="#declined-list" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
244 <p>This tab shows the list of the participants that applied for participation and their applications were declined.</p>
245 <p><img alt="image156" src="../_images/particip4.png" /></p>
246 </div>
247 </div>
248 <hr class="docutils" />
249 <div class="section" id="evaluation">
250 <h3>3.3.7. Evaluation<a class="headerlink" href="#evaluation" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
251 <p>Same as for lectures; see <a class="reference internal" href="Lectures.html#evaluation"><em>Evaluation</em></a> .</p>
252 </div>
253 <hr class="docutils" />
254 <div class="section" id="lists">
255 <h3>3.3.8. Lists<a class="headerlink" href="#lists" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
256 <p>See <em class="xref std std-ref">lists_management</em> for Conferences.</p>
257 </div>
258 <hr class="docutils" />
259 <div class="section" id="logs">
260 <h3>3.3.9. Logs<a class="headerlink" href="#logs" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
261 <p>See <a class="reference internal" href="Conferences.html#logs-management"><em>Logs Management</em></a> for Conferences</p>
262 </div>
263 <hr class="docutils" />
264 <div class="section" id="protection-management">
265 <h3>3.3.10. Protection Management<a class="headerlink" href="#protection-management" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
266 <p>Protection in a meeting is the same as in a Conference.
267 There is Modification Control, Domain Control, and Access Control.
268 When adding to the Access and Modification lists, you can also add
269 Groups of users if any have been defined by Administration.</p>
270 <p><em>Modification Control</em> Only the managers listed in the
271 modification control, the creator of the meeting, and any
272 administrators can access the Management Area of the meeting.
273 However, you can add a Modification Key which means anyone with this
274 key can modify the meeting without logging in.</p>
275 <p><img alt="image119" src="../_images/meet21.png" /></p>
276 <p><em>Access Control</em> When the meeting is public, anyone can view the
277 meeting including the details, timetable, material, etc. When the
278 meeting is private, only those in the access list, meeting
279 managers, and administrators can view the meeting. When it is inheriting,
280 its access protection will be the same as its parent category. Changing
281 the access protection of the parent category will change the access protection
282 of the meeting (see <a class="reference internal" href="Protection.html#access-control"><em>Access Control Policy</em></a>)</p>
283 <p><img alt="image120" src="../_images/confm30.png" /></p>
284 <p>If the meeting is PUBLIC and has some element that is RESTRICTED, there will
285 show a message &#8216;Some parts of it are, however, protected. Which ones?&#8217;. If you
286 click in &#8216;Which ones?&#8217; it will show a popup with the children protected. The same
287 works when the meeting access is RESTRICTED and has PUBLIC elements.</p>
288 <p><img alt="image165" src="../_images/childrenProtectedPopup.png" /></p>
289 <p>If the meeting access is RESTRICTED the event manager will be able to set a
290 &#8216;Contact in case of no access&#8217;, so users with no access will know who to contact
291 in order to request access.</p>
292 <p>Also, when private you can also add an Access Key which means anyone
293 with this key can access the meeting without logging in.</p>
294 <p><em>Domain Control</em> This is available for public meetings. It allows you
295 to specify which domain can access the meeting. For instance, choosing
296 CERN will mean the meeting is only accessible for people inside the
297 CERN domain.</p>
298 <p><em>Material Visibility</em> By default a material will always be
299 visible in the timetable, even if it is private (the user will
300 be redirected to a login screen or access key prompt when clicking
301 on it). You can force the material to be hidden for non-authorized
302 people by using the <em>Visibility to unauthorized users</em> section in
303 the material access control page.</p>
304 </div>
305 <hr class="docutils" />
306 <div class="section" id="tools-tab">
307 <h3>3.3.11. Tools Tab<a class="headerlink" href="#tools-tab" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
308 <p>The meeting Tools allow you to make certain actions on the whole
309 of the meeting. See following sub-sections.</p>
310 <hr class="docutils" />
311 <div class="section" id="deleting-a-meeting">
312 <h4> Deleting a Meeting<a class="headerlink" href="#deleting-a-meeting" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
313 <p>The Delete meeting option will delete the whole meeting. You will
314 be asked to confirm deletion beforehand.</p>
315 <p><img alt="image122" src="../_images/meet23.png" /></p>
316 <hr class="docutils" />
317 </div>
318 <div class="section" id="cloning-a-meeting">
319 <span id="clone-meeting"></span><h4> Cloning a Meeting<a class="headerlink" href="#cloning-a-meeting" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
320 <p>Clone the meeting if you would like to make another meeting exactly the
321 same. You have the option to clone it once, at fixed intervals,
322 or on certain dates. For more on cloning, see <a class="reference internal" href="Conferences.html#clone-event"><em>Clone event</em></a> for conferences.</p>
323 <p><img alt="image123" src="../_images/meet24.png" /></p>
324 </div>
325 <hr class="docutils" />
326 <div class="section" id="packaging-material">
327 <h4> Packaging Material<a class="headerlink" href="#packaging-material" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
328 <p>Using the <em>Material package</em> option you can create a package
329 of all the materials that have been used in the meeting.</p>
330 <p><img alt="image124" src="../_images/meet25.png" /></p>
331 <hr class="docutils" />
332 </div>
333 <hr class="docutils" />
334 <div class="section" id="alarm-control">
335 <h4> Alarm Control<a class="headerlink" href="#alarm-control" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
336 <p>You can set an alarm/reminder to alert people about the
337 meeting. The alert will be in the form of an email, and in
338 the date that you have selected.</p>
339 <p><img alt="image126" src="../_images/meet27.png" /></p>
340 </div>
341 <div class="section" id="posters">
342 <h4> Posters<a class="headerlink" href="#posters" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
343 <p>You have the possibility of creating posters for your meetings. You can
344 create your own, or create one from a template.</p>
345 <p><img alt="image146" src="../_images/meetPosters.png" /></p>
346 </div>
347 <hr class="docutils" />
348 <div class="section" id="lock">
349 <h4> Lock<a class="headerlink" href="#lock" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
350 <p>It is possible to lock the meeting. If you lock the event, you won’t be
351 able to change its details anymore. Only the creator of the meetings or
352 an administrator of the system/category can unlock an event. You will be
353 asked to confirm.</p>
354 <p><img alt="image121" src="../_images/meet22.png" /></p>
355 </div>
356 </div>
357 </div>
358 <hr class="docutils" />
359 <div class="section" id="meeting-display-area">
360 <h2>3.4. Meeting Display Area<a class="headerlink" href="#meeting-display-area" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
361 <p>The Meeting Display is the view that users of the meeting will
362 see. If the meeting is public they will not need to log in to view
363 it. It is also the area in which you can access the
364 modification areas if you have access rights. There are various
365 views/styles in which the meeting can be displayed; the following sections
366 show the different views and displays.</p>
367 <hr class="docutils" />
368 <div class="section" id="indico-style">
369 <h3>3.4.1. Indico Style<a class="headerlink" href="#indico-style" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
370 <p>This is the default view for meetings in Indico. If you have
371 modification rights to any parts of the meeting you will be able
372 to access the Management Area by clicking the icon <img alt="image133" src="../_images/conf2.png" />.</p>
373 <p><img alt="image134" src="../_images/meetd1.png" /></p>
374 <p>You can see a bunch of additional buttons next to the navigation options
375 on the top left of the page:</p>
376 <p><img alt="image141" src="../_images/meetd7.png" /> This will print a printable version of the display area</p>
377 <p><img alt="image142" src="../_images/meetd8.png" /> This will let you set filters to focus on events depending on
378 their date or the session they are included in.</p>
379 <p><img alt="image164" src="../_images/ical.png" /> Opens the popup with all the options to export the agenda to your calendar.</p>
380 <p><img alt="image140" src="../_images/confd21.png" /> This button allows you to use the following additional features:</p>
381 <ul class="simple">
382 <li>Export to PDF format</li>
383 <li>Download a package with all the material linked to the meeting</li>
384 <li>Change the style of the display. The following sections give you some examples
385 of available styles.</li>
386 </ul>
387 <p>The other icons are:</p>
388 <ul class="simple">
389 <li><img alt="image147" src="../_images/home.png" />: Gets you back to the Indico homepage</li>
390 <li><img alt="image148" src="../_images/a1.png" />: Brings you to the oldest event in the category your event belongs to</li>
391 <li><img alt="image149" src="../_images/a2.png" />: Brings you to the previous event in the category your event belongs to</li>
392 <li><img alt="image150" src="../_images/a3.png" />: Brings you to the category event overview your event belongs to</li>
393 <li><img alt="image151" src="../_images/a4.png" />: Brings you to the next event in the category your event belongs to</li>
394 <li><img alt="image152" src="../_images/a5.png" />: Brings you to the newest event in the category your event belongs to</li>
395 <li><img alt="image162" src="../_images/manage1.png" />: From <em>Manage</em> , you can:<ul>
396 <li>Edit event: this will lead you to the management area of the meeting, same as for PENCIL</li>
397 <li>Clone event: Leads you to the tab <em>Clone Event</em> in the <em>Tools</em> option; see <a class="reference internal" href="#clone-meeting"><em>Cloning a Meeting</em></a></li>
398 <li>Edit minutes: add and edit your minutes. When you add minutes, the following appears in the event page: <img alt="image163" src="../_images/minutes.png" /> Clicking on <em>Minutes</em> on the left will open the minutes in the same page; clicking on the icon on the right will open the minutes in a new tab</li>
399 <li>Manage material: opens a window where you can add, edit or delete existing material</li>
400 </ul>
401 </li>
402 </ul>
403 </div>
404 <hr class="docutils" />
405 <div class="section" id="simple-text-style">
406 <h3>3.4.2. Simple Text Style<a class="headerlink" href="#simple-text-style" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
407 <p>The simple text style:</p>
408 <p><img alt="image136" src="../_images/meetd3.png" /></p>
409 </div>
410 <hr class="docutils" />
411 <div class="section" id="administrative-style">
412 <h3>3.4.3. Administrative Style<a class="headerlink" href="#administrative-style" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
413 <p>The Administrative style:</p>
414 <p><img alt="image137" src="../_images/meetd4.png" /></p>
415 </div>
416 <hr class="docutils" />
417 <div class="section" id="compact-style">
418 <h3>3.4.4. Compact Style<a class="headerlink" href="#compact-style" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
419 <p>The Compact style:</p>
420 <p><img alt="image138" src="../_images/meetd5.png" /></p>
421 <p>You can pass extra parameters to this compact style in order to choose the amount of days to display in one row and the start
422 and end date. The parameters are:</p>
423 <ul class="simple">
424 <li>daysPerRow: number of days that you want to show per row (as a table row).</li>
425 <li>firstDay: first day to be shown (must have the format 1-January-2010)</li>
426 <li>lastDay: last day to be shown (must have the format 3-January-2010)</li>
427 </ul>
428 <p>Let&#8217;s suppose you have a 2 weeks meeting:</p>
429 <p><a class="reference external" href="http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=XXXX&amp;view=nicecompact">http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=XXXX&amp;view=nicecompact</a> (where XXXX is the ID of your meeting)</p>
430 <p>and you want to display in the 1st row the 1st week and just underneath the second week, you can do it adding the extra paramenter daysPerRow as follows:</p>
431 <p><a class="reference external" href="http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=XXXX&amp;view=nicecompact&amp;daysPerRow=7">http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=XXXX&amp;view=nicecompact&amp;daysPerRow=7</a> (where XXXX is the ID of your meeting)</p>
432 </div>
433 <hr class="docutils" />
434 <div class="section" id="parellel-style">
435 <h3>3.4.5. Parellel Style<a class="headerlink" href="#parellel-style" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
436 <p>The Parellel style:</p>
437 <p><img alt="image139" src="../_images/meetd6.png" /></p>
438 <hr class="docutils" />
439 </div>
440 </div>
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451 <h3><a href="../index.html">Table Of Contents</a></h3>
452 <ul>
453 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#">3. Meetings</a><ul>
454 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#meeting">3.1. Meeting</a></li>
455 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#creating-a-meeting">3.2. Creating a Meeting</a></li>
456 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#meeting-management-area">3.3. Meeting Management Area</a><ul>
457 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#general-settings-management">3.3.1. General Settings Management</a></li>
458 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#timetable-management">3.3.2. Timetable Management</a><ul>
459 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#adding-contributions"> Adding Contributions</a></li>
460 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#session-management"> Session Management</a></li>
461 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#contribution-management"> Contribution Management</a></li>
462 </ul>
463 </li>
464 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#material">3.3.3. Material</a></li>
465 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#chat-rooms">3.3.4. Chat rooms</a></li>
466 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#video-services">3.3.5. Video Services</a></li>
467 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#participants">3.3.6. Participants</a><ul>
468 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#setup"> Setup</a></li>
469 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#participant-list"> Participant list</a><ul>
470 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#manager-adds-participants"> Manager adds participants</a></li>
471 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#manager-invites-participants"> Manager invites participants</a></li>
472 </ul>
473 </li>
474 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#pending-list"> Pending list</a></li>
475 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#declined-list"> Declined list</a></li>
476 </ul>
477 </li>
478 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#evaluation">3.3.7. Evaluation</a></li>
479 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#lists">3.3.8. Lists</a></li>
480 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#logs">3.3.9. Logs</a></li>
481 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#protection-management">3.3.10. Protection Management</a></li>
482 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#tools-tab">3.3.11. Tools Tab</a><ul>
483 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#deleting-a-meeting"> Deleting a Meeting</a></li>
484 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#cloning-a-meeting"> Cloning a Meeting</a></li>
485 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#packaging-material"> Packaging Material</a></li>
486 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#alarm-control"> Alarm Control</a></li>
487 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#posters"> Posters</a></li>
488 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#lock"> Lock</a></li>
489 </ul>
490 </li>
491 </ul>
492 </li>
493 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#meeting-display-area">3.4. Meeting Display Area</a><ul>
494 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#indico-style">3.4.1. Indico Style</a></li>
495 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#simple-text-style">3.4.2. Simple Text Style</a></li>
496 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#administrative-style">3.4.3. Administrative Style</a></li>
497 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#compact-style">3.4.4. Compact Style</a></li>
498 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#parellel-style">3.4.5. Parellel Style</a></li>
499 </ul>
500 </li>
501 </ul>
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