[FIX] Template issue (unclosed tags)
[cds-indico.git] / indico / MaKaC / webinterface / tpls / ContributionDisplayFull.tpl
1 <% import MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers as urlHandlers %>
2 <% from MaKaC.paperReviewing import ConferencePaperReview as CPR %>
4 <table width="100%" align="center">
5   <tr>
6     <td>
7       <table align="center" width="95%" border="0" style="border: 1px solid #777777;">
8         <tr>
9           <td>&nbsp;</td>
10         </tr>
11         <tr>
12           <td>
13             <table align="center" width="95%" border="0">
14               ${ withdrawnNotice }
15               <tr>
16                 <td align="center">${ modifIcon }<font size="+1" color="black"><b>${ title }</b></font></td>
17               </tr>
18               <tr>
19                 <td width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
20               </tr>
21               % if not self_._rh._target.getConference().getAbstractMgr().isActive() or not self_._rh._target.getConference().hasEnabledSection("cfa") or not self_._rh._target.getConference().getAbstractMgr().hasAnyEnabledAbstractField():
22               <tr>
23                  <td>
24                   <table align="center">
25                     <tr>
26                       <td>${ description }</td>
27                     </tr>
28                   </table>
29                 </td>
30               </tr>
31               <tr>
32                 <td width="100%">&nbsp;<td>
33               </tr>
34               % endif
35     <tr>
36       <td>
37             <table align="center" width="95%">
38                 <tr>
39                 <td colspan="2">
40                 % if hideInfo:
41                     <% display = '' %>
42                 % else:
43                     <% display = 'none' %>
44                 % endif
45                 <div align="center" style="display:${display}">
46                     <span id="hideContributionFull" class="collaborationDisplayMoreInfo" onclick="showGeneralInfo();">${ _("Show general info")}</span>
47                 </div>
48                 % if hideInfo:
49                     <% display = 'none' %>
50                 % else:
51                     <% display = '' %>
52                 % endif
53                 <div id="showContributionFull" style="display:${display}">
54                 <table align="center" width="95%">
55                 % if self_._rh._target.getConference().getAbstractMgr().isActive() and self_._rh._target.getConference().hasEnabledSection("cfa") and self_._rh._target.getConference().getAbstractMgr().hasAnyEnabledAbstractField():
56             ${ additionalFields }
57                 % endif
58         <tr>
59           <td align="right" valign="top" class="displayField"><b>${ _("Id")}:</b></td>
60               <td>${ id }</td>
61             </tr>
62         ${ location }
63             <tr>
64                 <td align="right" valign="top" class="displayField"><b>${ _("Starting date")}:</b></td>
65             <td width="100%">
66                 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">
67                 <tr>
68                     <td align="right">${ startDate }</td>
69                 <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;${ startTime }</td>
70                 </tr>
71                 </table>
72             </td>
73             </tr>
74             <tr>
75                 <td align="right" valign="top" class="displayField"><b>${ _("Duration")}:</b></td>
76                 <td width="100%">${ duration }</td>
77             </tr>
78                     ${ contribType }
79                     ${ primaryAuthors }
80                     ${ coAuthors }
81                     ${ speakers }
82                     % if (Contribution.canUserSubmit(self_._aw.getUser()) or Contribution.canModify(self_._aw)) and not isWithdrawn:
83                         <td class="displayField" nowrap="" align="right" valign="top">
84                             <b>${_("Material")}:</b>
85                             % if Contribution.getConference() and Contribution.getConference().hasEnabledSection('paperReviewing') and Contribution.getConference().getConfPaperReview().hasReviewing() :
86                                 ${inlineContextHelp(_('Here you should add the general materials for your contribution. They will not be subject of reviewing.'))}
87                             % endif
88                         </td>
89                         <td width="100%" valign="top" style="padding-top:5px;">
90                             ${MaterialList}
91                         </td>
92                     % else:
93                         ${ material }
94                     % endif
95                     ${ inSession }
96                     ${ inTrack }
97                     ${ subConts }
98                 </table>
99                 </div>
100                 </td>
101                 </tr>
103                     % if Contribution.getConference() and Contribution.getConference().hasEnabledSection('paperReviewing') and Contribution.getConference().getConfPaperReview().hasReviewing() and not isWithdrawn:
104                         % if Contribution.canUserSubmit(self_._aw.getUser()) or Contribution.canModify(self_._aw):
105                         <tr><td align="right" valign="top" class="displayField" nowrap>
106                                 <b>${_("Reviewing material")}:</b>
107                                 ${inlineContextHelp(_('Here you should add the materials for reviewing. They will be judged by the reviewing team.'))}
108                             </td>
109                             <td>
110                                 ${ReviewingMatList}
111                             </td>
112                         </tr>
113                             % if Contribution.getReviewManager().getLastReview().isAuthorSubmitted():
114                                     <tr>
115                                     <td align="right" valign="top" class="displayField" nowrap>
116                                         <b>${_("Reviewing status")}:</b>
117                                     </td>
118                                     <td style="border-left:5px solid #FFFFFF;">
119                                         ${ "<br>".join(Contribution.getReviewManager().getLastReview().getReviewingStatus(forAuthor = True)) }
120                                     </td>
121                                 </tr>
122                                 % if  Contribution.getConference().getConfPaperReview().getChoice() == CPR.LAYOUT_REVIEWING:
123                                     % if not Contribution.getReviewManager().getLastReview().getEditorJudgement().isSubmitted():
124                                         <% display = 'table' %>
125                                     % else:
126                                         <% display = 'none' %>
127                                     % endif
128                                 % endif
129                                 % if Contribution.getConference().getConfPaperReview().getChoice() == CPR.CONTENT_REVIEWING:
130                                     % if not (Contribution.getReviewManager().getLastReview().getRefereeJudgement().isSubmitted() or Contribution.getReviewManager().getLastReview().anyReviewerHasGivenAdvice()):
131                                         <% display = 'table' %>
132                                     % else:
133                                         <% display = 'none' %>
134                                     % endif
135                                 % endif
136                                 % if  Contribution.getConference().getConfPaperReview().getChoice() == CPR.CONTENT_AND_LAYOUT_REVIEWING:
137                                     % if Contribution.getReviewManager().getLastReview().getRefereeJudgement().isSubmitted() or Contribution.getReviewManager().getLastReview().anyReviewerHasGivenAdvice() or Contribution.getReviewManager().getLastReview().getEditorJudgement().isSubmitted():
138                                         <% display = 'none' %>
139                                     % else:
140                                         <% display = 'table' %>
141                                     % endif
142                                 % endif
143                           % else:
144                             <tr>
145                                 <td></td>
146                                 <td></td>
147                             </tr>
148                           % endif
149                       % if len(Contribution.getReviewManager().getVersioning()) > 1:
150                       <tr>
151                               <td align="right" valign="top" class="displayField" nowrap>
152                                     <b>${_("Reviewing history")}:</b>
153                               </td>
154                               <td width="100%" valing="top"><div id="showHideHistory" style="display:inline"></div></td>
155                    </tr>
156                    <tr>
157                        <td id="HistoryTable" align="center" width="100%" colspan="2">
158                            ${ reviewingHistoryStuffDisplay }
159                        </td>
160                </tr>
162               % endif
163               % endif
164               % endif
165               </table>
166                  </td>
167               </tr>
168               </table>
169            </td>
170         </tr>
171         </table>
172     </td>
173 </tr>
174 </table>
176 <script type="text/javascript">
178  * Builds the 'link' to show and hide the reviewing history.
179  */
180 var buildShowHideHistory = function() {
181     var option = new Chooser({
182         showHistory: command(function(){
183             $E('HistoryTable').dom.style.display = '';
184             option.set('hideHistory');
185         }, $T('Show History')),
186         hideHistory: command(function(){
187             $E('HistoryTable').dom.style.display = 'none';
188             option.set('showHistory');
189         }, $T('Hide History'))
190     });
191     option.set('showHistory');
193     $E('showHideHistory').set(Widget.link(option));
196 % if len(Contribution.getReviewManager().getVersioning()) > 1:
197 buildShowHideHistory();
198 $E('HistoryTable').dom.style.display = 'none';
199 % endif
201 function showGeneralInfo() {
202     if ($E('hideContributionFull').dom.innerHTML == 'Hide general info') {
203         $E('showContributionFull').dom.style.display = 'none';
204         $E('hideContributionFull').dom.innerHTML = 'Show general info';
205     } else {
206         if ($E('hideContributionFull').dom.innerHTML == 'Show general info') {
207             $E('showContributionFull').dom.style.display = '';
208             $E('hideContributionFull').dom.innerHTML = $T('Hide general info');
209         }
210     }
213 </script>