Add "material package" to the attachment module
[cds-indico.git] / requirements.txt
1 --find-links
2 Babel==1.3
3 Mako==0.9.1
4 MarkupSafe==0.15
5 ZConfig==2.9.2
6 ZODB3==3.10.5
7 cds-indico-extras==0.2
8 cssmin==0.1.4
9 icalendar==3.8.2
10 jsmin==2.0.2
11 lxml==3.4.1
12 pojson==0.4
13 polib==1.0.5
14 pyPdf==1.13
15 pyatom==1.2
16 pycountry==1.2
17 cov-core==1.14.0
18 coverage==3.7.1
19 mock==1.0.1
20 freezegun==0.2.8
21 pytest==2.6.4
22 pytest-capturelog==0.7
23 pytest-cov==1.8.1
24 pytest-localserver==0.3.3
25 pytest-mock==0.4.0
26 python-dateutil==1.5
27 pytz==2014.10
28 reportlab==2.5
29 simplejson==2.6.2
30 termcolor==1.1.0
31 transaction==1.3.0
32 webassets==0.9
33 wsgiref==0.1.2
34 zc.lockfile==1.0.0
35 zc.queue==1.3
36 zdaemon==3.0.5
37 zope.event==4.0.0
38 zope.index==3.6.4
39 zope.interface==3.8.0
40 ujson==1.19
41 oauth2==1.5.211
42 requests==2.7.0
43 pyScss==1.3.4
44 Werkzeug==0.10.4
45 Flask==0.10.1
46 bcrypt==1.0.2
47 beautifulsoup4==4.2.1
48 Pillow==2.7.0
49 qrcode==3.0
50 Markdown==2.3.1
51 bleach==1.4
52 Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.0
53 Flask-WTF==0.10.3
54 Flask-BabelEx==0.9.2
55 SQLAlchemy==1.0.4
56 WTForms==2.0.2
57 WTForms-Components==0.9.7
58 psycopg2==2.5.2
59 pyparsing==1.5.7
60 zope.sqlalchemy==0.7.6
61 redis==2.10.3
62 hiredis==0.1.5
63 enum34==1.0
64 blinker==1.3
65 alembic==0.6.7
66 Flask-Migrate==1.2.0
67 Flask-Script==2.0.5
68 git+
69 git+
70 click==3.3
71 colorclass==1.0.2
72 itsdangerous==0.24
73 celery==3.1.18
74 PyYAML==3.11
75 terminaltables==1.1.1
76 contextlib2==0.4.0
77 Flask-OAuthlib==0.9.1