1 These are a list of things that I'd like included before 1.0.0 (in no real
6 ? = not sure to included it
8 + The 'draw' game result needs better handling. Parsing works and the 50 move
9 draw rule works, but offering and accepting draws isn't implemented.
11 + A WINDOW stack that doesn't block.
15 - ICS network game support.
17 + RAV move text support. Will parse into the move history and also save
18 (buggy) but still need a (working) interface to it. Also add the RAV depth
19 next to the piece on the board and a window showing the move tree (?).
21 - When saving multiple games, sort them by tag values specified by the
24 - A menu to select a game from a file.
26 ? Macros? A sequence of (bound) keys for a given game mode.
28 - Internationalization (gettext).