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[capital-apms.git] / inc / apms_configuration_missing.php
1 <html>
2 <head><meta/><title></title>
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4 <body>
5 <h1>APMS Not Configured</h1>
6 <h2>The Bad News</h2>
7 <p>There is no configuration file present in <b>/etc/apms/<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?>.conf</b> so
8 your installation is not fully set up.</p>
9 <h2>The Good News</h2>
10 <p>Well, you're seeing this! At least you have APMS <i>installed</i> :-) You also have Apache and PHP working
11 and so really you are well on the road to success!</p>
12 <h2>The Dubious News</h2>
13 <p>You could try and <a href="http://<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?>/docs/configuration.html">click here</a> and
14 see if that enlightens you at all. Odds are it's a fairly broken link, but it might work sooner
15 or later so keep downloading new versions and trying again. Or make some guesses. Or bug Andrew :-)</p>
16 </body>
17 </html>