Adjust layout.
[capital-apms.git] / inc / view / company_year_end.php
1 <?php
3 // Viewer component for company records
4 $viewer = new Viewer("Company Year End");
5 $viewer->AddField( 'companycode' );
6 $viewer->AddField( 'name', 'l.legalname' );
7 $viewer->AddField( 'parentcode', 'l.parentcode' );
8 $joins = "company l LEFT JOIN client c USING ( clientcode ) ";
9 $viewer->SetJoins( $joins );
10 $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
11 $viewer->SetWhere( 'companycode='.$id );
13 $template = <<<EOTEMPLATE
14 <table>
15 <tr>
16 <th class="right">Company:</th>
17 <td class="center">##companycode.value##</td>
18 <td class="left">##name.value##</td>
19 </tr>
20 </table>
24 param_to_global( 'fy_code', 'int', 'fy', 'year' );
25 if ( !isset($fy_code) ) $fy_code = $c->current_financial_year;
27 $viewer->SetTemplate( $template );
28 $viewer->GetRecord();
29 $viewer->SetTitle($viewer->Record->{'name'}." at end of $fy_code financial year");
30 $page_elements[] = $viewer;
31 $c->page_title = $viewer->Title;
33 include_once("menus_entityaccount.php");
35 // Now list income accounts
36 require_once('classBrowser.php');
38 $template = new Browser("Accounts");
39 $template->AddHidden( 'account', "entitytype || '-' || TO_CHAR(entitycode,'FM00009') || '-' || TO_CHAR(accountcode,'FM0009.00')" );
40 $template->AddHidden( 'entitytype' );
41 $template->AddHidden( 'entitycode' );
42 $template->AddColumn( 'accountgroupcode', 'Group', 'left', '<td class="left" style="width:5em;">%s</td>' );
43 $template->AddColumn( 'accountcode', 'Account', 'right', '', "TO_CHAR(accountcode,'FM0009.00')" );
44 $template->AddColumn( 'name', 'Name', 'left', '<td class="left" style="width:30em;">%s</td>', '' );
45 $template->AddColumn( 'balance', 'Balance', 'right', '%0.2lf', '(CASE WHEN COALESCE(creditgroup,FALSE) THEN -1 ELSE 1 END * balance)' );
46 $template->AddTotal( 'balance' );
47 $template->SetWhere( "balance != 0.0" );
48 $rowurl = '/view.php?t=account&id=%s';
49 $template->RowFormat( "<tr onclick=\"window.location='$rowurl';\" class=\"r%d\">\n", "</tr>\n", 'account', '#even' );
51 /**
52 * Income and expenditure accounts just look at the current financial year
54 $template->SetJoins( "chartofaccount LEFT OUTER JOIN year_end_balance('L',$id,$fy_code) USING ( accountcode ) LEFT JOIN accountgroup USING ( accountgroupcode )" );
56 $browser = clone($template);
57 $browser->SetTitle("Income Accounts");
58 $browser->AndWhere("grouptype = 'P' AND creditgroup" );
59 $browser->SetOrdering( 'accountcode', 'ASC', 1 );
60 $page_elements[] = $browser;
62 $browser = clone($template);
63 $browser->SetTitle("Expense Accounts");
64 $browser->AndWhere("grouptype = 'P' AND NOT creditgroup" );
65 $browser->SetOrdering( 'accountcode', 'ASC', 2 );
66 $page_elements[] = $browser;
69 $sql = "SELECT sum(balance) FROM year_end_balance('L',$id,$fy_code) LEFT JOIN chartofaccount USING ( accountcode ) LEFT JOIN accountgroup USING ( accountgroupcode ) WHERE grouptype = 'P'";
70 $qry = new PgQuery($sql);
71 if ( $qry->Exec('company_year_end') && $qry->rows == 1 ) {
72 $r = $qry->Fetch();
73 $net_type = ($r->sum < 0 ? 'Profit' : 'Loss');
74 $page_elements[] = sprintf( "<h3>Net %s is %14.2lf</h3>\n", $net_type, abs($r->sum) );
78 /**
79 * Asset and liability accounts look at the full history, which is included in the
80 * function we are calling to get the balance.
83 $browser = clone($template);
84 $browser->SetTitle("Asset Accounts");
85 $browser->AndWhere("grouptype != 'P' AND NOT creditgroup" );
86 $browser->SetOrdering( 'accountcode', 'ASC', 3 );
87 $page_elements[] = $browser;
89 $browser = clone($template);
90 $browser->SetTitle("Liability Accounts");
91 $browser->AndWhere("grouptype != 'P' AND creditgroup" );
92 $browser->SetOrdering( 'accountcode', 'ASC', 4 );
93 $page_elements[] = $browser;
95 $sql = "SELECT sum(balance) FROM year_end_balance('L',$id,$fy_code) LEFT JOIN chartofaccount USING ( accountcode ) LEFT JOIN accountgroup USING ( accountgroupcode ) WHERE grouptype IS NULL";
96 $qry = new PgQuery($sql);
98 if ( $qry->Exec('company_year_end') && $qry->rows == 1 ) {
99 $r = $qry->Fetch();
100 if ( $r->sum != 0 ) {
101 $browser = clone($template);
102 $browser->SetTitle("Bogus Accounts Incorrectly Set Up");
103 $browser->AndWhere("grouptype IS NULL" );
104 $browser->SetOrdering( 'accountcode', 'ASC', 5 );
105 $page_elements[] = $browser;
110 $sql = "SELECT sum(balance) FROM year_end_balance('L',$id,$fy_code) LEFT JOIN chartofaccount USING ( accountcode ) LEFT JOIN accountgroup USING ( accountgroupcode ) WHERE grouptype != 'P'";
111 $qry = new PgQuery($sql);
112 if ( $qry->Exec('company_year_end') && $qry->rows == 1 ) {
113 $r = $qry->Fetch();
114 $net_type = ($r->sum < 0 ? 'Liabilities' : 'Assets' );
115 $page_elements[] = sprintf( "<h3>Net %s are %14.2lf</h3>\n", $net_type, abs($r->sum) );
119 function post_render_function() {
120 global $page_elements;
122 $ledger_total = 0;
123 foreach( $page_elements AS $element ) {
124 if ( gettype($element) == 'object' && method_exists($element, 'GetTotal') ) {
125 $ledger_total += $element->GetTotal( 'balance' );
126 printf( "<p>Total for element is %14.2lf</p", $element->GetTotal( 'balance' ) );
130 printf( "<p>Total for ledger is %14.2lf</p", $ledger_total );