Better sequence initialisation.
[capital-apms.git] / dba / update-apms-database
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 # Update the APMS database by repeatedly applying patches to it
4 # in the correct order.
7 use strict;
9 use DBI;
10 use POSIX qw(floor);
11 use Getopt::Long qw(:config permute); # allow mixed args.
13 # Options variables
14 my $debug = 0;
15 my $dbname = "apms";
16 my $dbport = 5432;
17 my $dbuser = "";
18 my $dbpass = "";
19 my $dbhost = "";
20 my $appuser = "apms_app";
21 my $helpmeplease = 0;
22 my $apply_patches = 1;
23 my $revoke_list = "";
24 my $force_owner = "";
25 my $reset_sequences = 0;
26 my $config_file = "config/administration.yml";
28 my $dbadir = $0;
29 $dbadir =~ s#/[^/]*$##;
30 my $patchdir = $dbadir . "/patches";
33 # We look in a few places for the config file. First relative to
34 # where we are, then relative to the code we are running, then we
35 # start to look in absolute locations. Then we give up :-)
36 if ( ! -f $config_file ) {
37 $config_file = $0;
38 $config_file =~ s{[^/]+/update-[a-z]+-database}{config/administration.yml};
40 if ( ! -f $config_file ) {
41 $config_file = "/etc/apms/administration.yml";
43 if ( -f $config_file ) {
44 use YAML qw( LoadFile );
46 my ($ycfg) = LoadFile($config_file);
47 $dbuser = $ycfg->{'admin_db_user'} if ( defined($ycfg->{'admin_db_user'}));
48 $dbpass = $ycfg->{'admin_db_pass'} if ( defined($ycfg->{'admin_db_pass'}));
49 $dbhost = $ycfg->{'admin_db_host'} if ( defined($ycfg->{'admin_db_host'}));
50 $dbname = $ycfg->{'admin_db_name'} if ( defined($ycfg->{'admin_db_name'}));
51 $dbport = $ycfg->{'admin_db_port'} if ( defined($ycfg->{'admin_db_port'}));
52 $appuser = $ycfg->{'app_db_user'} if ( defined($ycfg->{'app_db_user'}));
55 GetOptions ('debug!' => \$debug,
56 'dbname=s' => \$dbname,
57 'dbuser=s' => \$dbuser,
58 'dbpass=s' => \$dbpass,
59 'dbport=s' => \$dbport,
60 'dbhost=s' => \$dbhost,
61 'appuser=s' => \$appuser,
62 'patch!' => \$apply_patches,
63 'owner=s' => \$force_owner,
64 'resequence!' => \$reset_sequences,
65 'revoke=s' => \$revoke_list,
66 'help' => \$helpmeplease );
68 show_usage() if ( $helpmeplease );
70 $revoke_list = ", ". $revoke_list if ( $revoke_list ne "" );
73 ############################################################
74 # Open database connection. Note that the standard PostgreSQL
75 # environment variables will also work with DBD::Pg.
76 ############################################################
77 my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbname";
78 $dsn .= ";host=$dbhost" if ( "$dbhost" ne "" );
79 $dsn .= ";port=$dbport" if ( $dbport != 5432 );
81 print "Using database: $dbuser".'%'.$dbpass.'@'.$dsn."\n" if ( $debug );
83 my $current_revision;
84 my $last_results = ''; # Will hold the last SQL result from applying a patch
86 if ( $apply_patches ) {
87 $current_revision = get_current_revision();
88 printf( "The database is currently at revision %d.%d.%d.\n", $current_revision->{'schema_major'}, $current_revision->{'schema_minor'}, $current_revision->{'schema_patch'} );
90 opendir( PATCHDIR, $patchdir ) or die "Can't open patch directory $patchdir";
91 my @patches = grep { /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)([a-z]?)\.sql$/ } readdir(PATCHDIR);
92 closedir(PATCHDIR);
94 @patches = sort { compare_revisions(revision_hash($a),revision_hash($b), 1); } @patches;
96 my $applied = 0;
98 for ( my $i=0; $i <= $#patches; $i++ ) {
99 printf( "Looking at patches[%d] (%s)\n", $i, $patches[$i]) if ( $debug );
100 if ( compare_revisions(revision_hash($patches[$i]),$current_revision) > 0 ) {
101 print "Applying patch $patches[$i] ... ";
102 if ( !apply_patch( $patches[$i] ) ) {
103 # Skip to the end unless the next patch is an alternate for the same version.
104 if ( defined($patches[$i+1]) && compare_revisions(revision_hash($patches[$i]),revision_hash($patches[$i+1])) == 0 ) {
105 print "failed. Attempting next alternative.\n";
106 $applied--;
108 else {
109 print "failed!\n$last_results ==> No further patches will be attempted!\n";
110 last;
113 else {
114 print "succeeded.\n";
116 $applied++;
118 else {
119 print "Patch $patches[$i] has already been applied.\n" if ( $debug );
123 if ( $applied ) {
124 print "Successfully applied $applied patches.\n";
126 else {
127 print "No patches were applied.\n";
131 # Ensure the locales data is up to date
132 apply_sql_file( $dbadir, "supported_locales.sql" );
133 print "Supported locales updated.\n";
135 # Ensure the functions are up to date
136 apply_sql_file( $dbadir, "functions.sql" );
137 print "APMS functions updated.\n";
139 # Ensure the permissions are up to date
140 apply_permissions( $dbadir, "appuser_permissions.txt" );
141 print "Database permissions updated.\n";
143 # Ensure the sequence values are reasonable
144 set_table_sequences( $dbadir, "apms_sequences.txt" );
145 print "Database sequences updated.\n";
147 # The End!
148 exit 0;
153 ############################################################
154 # Revision Hash - we either have a single parameter,
155 # which is of the form "1.2.3" or we have three parameters.
156 ############################################################
157 sub revision_hash {
158 my $rev = +{ 'schema_major', => 0, 'schema_minor' => 0, 'schema_patch' => 0, 'alternative' => '0' };
159 my $first = shift;
160 return $rev unless ( defined($first) );
161 if ( $first =~ /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)([a-z]?)([^0-9]|$)/ ) {
162 $rev->{'schema_major'} = $1;
163 $rev->{'schema_minor'} = $2;
164 $rev->{'schema_patch'} = $3;
165 $rev->{'alternative'} = $4;
167 else {
168 $rev->{'schema_major'} = $first;
169 $rev->{'schema_minor'} = shift;
170 $rev->{'schema_patch'} = shift;
171 $rev->{'alternative'} = '0';
173 return $rev;
177 ############################################################
178 # Compare revisions
179 ############################################################
180 sub compare_revisions {
181 my $a = shift;
182 my $b = shift;
183 my $test_alt = shift;
185 return -1 if ( $a->{'schema_major'} < $b->{'schema_major'} );
186 return 1 if ( $a->{'schema_major'} > $b->{'schema_major'} );
188 return -1 if ( $a->{'schema_minor'} < $b->{'schema_minor'} );
189 return 1 if ( $a->{'schema_minor'} > $b->{'schema_minor'} );
191 return -1 if ( $a->{'schema_patch'} < $b->{'schema_patch'} );
192 return 1 if ( $a->{'schema_patch'} > $b->{'schema_patch'} );
194 if ( defined($test_alt) ) {
195 return -1 if ( $a->{'alternative'} lt $b->{'alternative'} );
196 return 1 if ( $a->{'alternative'} gt $b->{'alternative'} );
199 return 0;
205 ############################################################
206 # Get the current revision
207 ############################################################
208 sub get_current_revision {
210 my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, { AutoCommit => 0 } ) or die "Can't connect to database $dbname";
212 my $current_revision = $dbh->prepare( <<EOQ ) or die $dbh->errstr;
213 SELECT schema_major, schema_minor, schema_patch FROM awl_db_revision ORDER BY schema_id DESC LIMIT 1
216 if ( $current_revision->execute() ) {
217 my $revision = $current_revision->fetchrow_hashref();
218 undef $current_revision;
219 $dbh->disconnect;
220 return $revision;
222 else {
223 die "ERROR: Cannot read current revision from database.";
230 ############################################################
231 # Apply a DB Patch File
232 ############################################################
233 sub apply_patch {
235 my $patch = shift;
237 apply_sql_file( $patchdir, $patch );
239 $current_revision = get_current_revision();
240 if ( compare_revisions($current_revision,revision_hash($patch)) != 0 ) {
241 printf( "Failed to apply revision %s to the database!\n", $patch ) if ( $debug );
242 return 0;
244 return 1; # Success
249 ############################################################
250 # Apply SQL File
251 # Note that this stuffs the password into an environment
252 # variable, which isn't ideal. If you use a .pgpass you
253 # can bypass that issue, but you still need it on the command
254 # line for this program until I get a patch from someone.
255 ############################################################
256 sub apply_sql_file {
258 my $sqldir = shift;
259 my $sqlfile = shift;
261 my @psql_opts = ( "psql", "-q", "-f", $sqldir."/".$sqlfile, $dbname );
262 push @psql_opts, "-h", $dbhost if ( $dbhost ne "" );
263 push @psql_opts, "-p", "$dbport" if ( $dbport != 5432 );
264 push @psql_opts, "-U", $dbuser if ( $dbuser ne "" );
265 $ENV{'PGPASS'} = $dbpass if ( $dbpass ne "" );
267 my $command = join ' ', @psql_opts;
268 $last_results = `$command 2>&1 1>/dev/null`;
270 $last_results =~ s/^.*WARNING: there is no transaction in progress\s$//m;
271 $last_results =~ s/^.*NOTICE: //m;
276 ############################################################
277 # Apply database permissions from file
278 ############################################################
279 sub apply_permissions {
281 my $sqldir = shift;
282 my $permsfile = shift;
284 open PERMS, '<', $sqldir."/".$permsfile;
285 my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, { AutoCommit => 1 } ) or die "Can't connect to database $dbname";
287 my $sql;
288 my $current_grant;
290 while( <PERMS> ) {
291 next if ( /^\s*(#|--)/ );
293 /^\s*GRANT\s+(\S.*)\s*$/i && do {
294 $current_grant = $1;
297 /^\s*ON\s+(\S.*)\s*$/i && do {
298 defined($current_grant) or die "No GRANT before ON in $permsfile\n";
299 my $doohickey = $1;
301 if ( $revoke_list ne "" ) {
302 # TODO: we should really loop through the revoke_list so that a single non-existent
303 # user doesn't cause this whole statement to fail.
304 $sql = sprintf( "REVOKE ALL ON %s FROM %s %s", $doohickey, $appuser, $revoke_list );
305 print $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
306 $dbh->do($sql);
309 $sql = sprintf( "GRANT %s on %s to %s", $current_grant, $doohickey, $appuser );
310 print $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
311 $dbh->do($sql);
313 if ( $force_owner ne "" ) {
314 if ( $doohickey =~ /_seq$/ ) {
315 $sql = sprintf( "GRANT ALL on %s to %s", $doohickey, $force_owner );
317 else {
318 $sql = sprintf( "ALTER TABLE %s OWNER to %s", $doohickey, $force_owner );
320 print $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
321 $dbh->do($sql);
326 close(PERMS);
327 $dbh->disconnect;
332 ################################################################
333 # Set sequences for tables based on a file of table,column pairs
334 ################################################################
335 sub set_table_sequences {
336 my $sqldir = shift;
337 my $seqsfile = shift;
339 open SEQS, '<', $sqldir."/".$seqsfile;
340 my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, { AutoCommit => 1 } ) or die "Can't connect to database $dbname";
342 my $current_sequence = $dbh->prepare( <<EOQ ) or die $dbh->errstr;
343 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid)
344 FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d
345 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef)
346 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON (c.oid = a.attrelid)
347 WHERE c.relname = ? AND a.attname = ?
350 my $maximum_vaue = $dbh->prepare( <<EOQ ) or die $dbh->errstr;
354 my $sql;
355 my $current_grant;
357 while( <SEQS> ) {
358 next if ( /^\s*(#|--)/ );
360 if ( m{^\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*$} ) {
361 my $tablename = $1;
362 my $columname = $2;
364 $current_sequence->execute( $tablename, $columname ) or die "ERROR: Cannot read current sequence for column $tablename.$columname from database.";
365 my $seqdef = $current_sequence->fetchall_arrayref();
366 $seqdef = $seqdef->[0][0];
368 $sql = "SELECT $columname FROM $tablename ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 1";
369 print STDERR $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
370 my $maxval_sth = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( $sql ) or die "ERROR: Cannot read current maximum for column $tablename.$columname from database.";
371 my $maxval;
372 $maxval = $maxval_sth->[0] if ( defined($maxval_sth) );
374 if ( $tablename eq 'newbatch' ) {
375 $sql = "SELECT $columname FROM batch ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 1";
376 print STDERR $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
377 my $maxval_sth = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( $sql ) or die "ERROR: Cannot read current maximum for column batch.$columname from database.";
378 my $maxbatch = $maxval_sth->[0] if ( defined($maxval_sth) );
379 $maxval = $maxbatch if ( !defined($maxval) || $maxbatch > $maxval );
382 if ( defined($seqdef) && $seqdef =~ m{^nextval\('(.+)'} ) {
383 my $seqname = $1;
384 $sql = "select last_value FROM $seqname";
385 print STDERR $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
386 my $seq_last_sth = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( $sql ) or die "ERROR: Cannot read last value of sequence $seqname for ${tablename}.${columname}";
387 my $seq_last;
388 $seq_last = $seq_last_sth->[0] if ( defined($seq_last_sth) );
389 if ( $reset_sequences || !defined($maxval) || !defined($seq_last) || $seq_last < $maxval ) {
390 if ( defined($maxval) && $maxval > 0 ) {
391 $sql = "select setval(?,$maxval)";
393 else {
394 $sql = "select setval(?,1,false)";
396 print STDERR $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
397 $dbh->do( $sql, {}, ($seqname) ) or die "ERROR: Cannot set appropriate value for sequence $seqname for ${tablename}.${columname}";
400 else {
401 my $start = "";
402 $start = "START $maxval" if ( defined($maxval) && $maxval >= 1 );
403 $sql = "CREATE SEQUENCE ${tablename}_${columname}_seq $start OWNED BY ${tablename}.${columname}";
404 print STDERR $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
405 $dbh->do( $sql ) or die "ERROR: Cannot create sequence ${tablename}_${columname}_seq.";
406 $sql = "ALTER TABLE ${tablename} ALTER COLUMN ${columname} SET DEFAULT nextval('${tablename}_${columname}_seq')";
407 print STDERR $sql, "\n" if ( $debug );
408 $dbh->do( $sql ) or die "ERROR: Cannot assign sequence ${tablename}_${columname} default for $tablename.$columname";
412 close(SEQS);
413 $dbh->disconnect;
419 ############################################################
420 # Tell the nice user how we do things. Short and sweet.
421 ############################################################
422 sub show_usage {
423 print <<OPTHELP;
425 update-rscds-database [options]
427 Options are:
428 --debug Turn on debugging
429 --dbname name The database to dig into
430 --dbuser name Connect to the database as this user.
431 --dbport 5432 Connect to the database on this port.
432 --dbhost name Connect to the database on this host.
433 --appuser name The database username which the application uses for it's
434 database connection.
435 --owner name The database username which is used for administrative
436 access to the database. This option forces the tables
437 to be owned by this user (default: not present).
438 --nopatch Don't try and apply any patches
439 --revoke name Revoke permissions from this user
441 The program will apply any patches to the database which have
442 not yet been applied, run any desired data patch scripts and set
443 the correct minimum permissions for the web application user.
445 Rather than providing a password on the command-line it is recommended
446 that you use a .pgpass file in your home directory to hold the database
447 password. This file must be mode 600 to work.
450 exit 0;