use simple_markup
[camlunity.git] /
2 open XHTML.M
4 open Prelude
6 let t = pcdata
8 let document heading extra x =
9 html ~a:[a_xmlns `W3_org_1999_xhtml; a_xml_lang "en"]
10 (head (title (t heading)) extra)
11 (body x)
13 let doc heading x = document heading [] x
15 let input_text ~title () =
16 form ~a:[a_method `Post] ~action:(uri_of_string "")
17 (h1 [t title])
19 (p [textarea ~rows:20 ~cols:80 ~a:[a_name "text"] (t"")]);
20 (p [input ~a:[a_name "submit"; a_value "Submit"; a_input_type `Submit] ()]);
23 let ahref s = a ~a:[a_href (uri_of_string s)]
25 let ul = function
26 | [] -> p [t"?"]
27 | h::t -> ul h t
29 let arg x = catch (List.find (fun a -> a#name = x))
31 type location = string
33 (* **************************** *)
35 let z = new
37 let rec resolve self url =
38 if url = self#url then self
39 else List.find (fun child -> try ignore (resolve child url); true with Not_found -> false) self#children
41 class virtual base =
42 object(self)
43 method virtual url : location
44 method virtual name : string
45 method virtual children : base list
46 method virtual render : <name:string;value:string> list -> html
47 end
49 let header self pages =
50 let name x = if x = self then [b [t x#name]] else [t x#name] in
51 div [p ( (fun p -> [ahref p#url (name p); space ()]) pages >> List.flatten); hr ()]
53 let render_markdown s =
54 let module SM = Simple_markup in
55 let render_pre ~kind s = t s
56 and render_link href = ahref href.SM.href_target [t href.SM.href_desc]
57 and render_img i = img ~src:(uri_of_string i.SM.img_src) ~alt:i.SM.img_alt () in
58 s >> SM.parse_text >> Simple_markup__html.to_html ~render_pre ~render_link ~render_img
60 class comment ctx = object(self)
61 inherit base
62 method children = []
63 method url = "/comment"
64 method name = z#add_comment
65 method render args =
66 let text =
67 match arg "text" args with
68 | Some text -> text#value >> render_markdown >> div
69 | None -> div [p [t ""]]
71 doc self#name
73 header self [ctx];
74 text;
75 input_text self#name ()
77 end
79 class main =
80 object(self)
81 inherit base
82 method comment = new comment self
83 method children = ([self#comment]:>base list)
84 method url = "/"
85 method name = z#main_page
86 method render args =
87 doc self#name
89 header self [self];
90 ul ( (fun x -> li [ahref x#url [t x#name]]) [self#comment]);
92 end
94 let main = new main
96 class not_found url =
97 object(self)
98 inherit base
99 method url = url
100 method children = []
101 method name = z#not_found
102 method render _ =
103 doc self#name
105 header self [main];
106 p [t "Url "; b [t url]; t " not found."];