Correctly provision build tools in all situations
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / PackageTests / BuildToolPaths / bt / src / Tool.hs
1 {- HLINT ignore "Use zipWith" -}
3 module Tool
4 ( mkTool )
5 where
7 -- base
8 import Control.Monad
9 ( unless )
10 import Data.Char
11 ( isSpace )
12 import Data.List
13 ( dropWhileEnd )
14 import System.Environment
15 ( getArgs )
17 -- containers
18 import Data.Map.Strict
19 ( Map )
20 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
22 -- directory
23 import System.Directory
24 ( doesFileExist )
26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 mkTool :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
29 mkTool buildToolName customDataFile = do
30 putStrLn $ "Starting " ++ buildToolName
31 -- Get all the constants defined in the data file for the build tool.
32 customDataFileExists <- doesFileExist customDataFile
33 unless customDataFileExists $ do
34 error $
35 unlines
36 [ "Custom preprocessor " ++ buildToolName ++ " could not access its data file."
37 , "This is probably due to a missing _datadir environment variable when invoking the build tool."
38 , "Tried to look in: " ++ customDataFile ]
39 customDataLines <- lines <$> readFile customDataFile
40 let customConstants :: Map String Int
41 customConstants = Map.fromList $ map read customDataLines
43 -- Obtain input/output file paths from arguments to the preprocessor.
44 args <- getArgs
45 case args of
46 [inputFile, outputFile] -> do
47 inputFileExists <- doesFileExist inputFile
48 unless inputFileExists $
49 error $
50 unlines
51 [ "Custom preprocessor " ++ buildToolName ++ " could not read input file."
52 , "Input file: " ++ inputFile ]
53 -- Read the input file, substitute constants for their values,
54 -- and write the result to the output file path.
55 inputLines <- lines <$> readFile inputFile
56 let outputLines = map ( preprocessLine customConstants ) ( zip [1..] inputLines )
57 writeFile outputFile ( unlines outputLines )
58 [] ->
59 putStrLn $ "Custom preprocessor " ++ buildToolName ++ ": no arguments."
60 _ ->
61 error $
62 unlines
63 [ "Custom preprocessor " ++ buildToolName ++ " was given incorrect arguments."
64 , "Expected input and output file paths, but got " ++ what ++ "." ]
65 where
66 what = case args of
67 [_] -> "a single argument"
68 _ -> show (length args) ++ " arguments"
70 -- | Substitute any occurrence of {# ConstantName #} with the value of ConstantName,
71 -- looked up in the data file for the preprocessor.
72 preprocessLine :: Map String Int -> ( Int, String ) -> String
73 preprocessLine constants ( ln_no, ln ) = go "" ln
74 where
75 go reversedPrev [] = reverse reversedPrev
76 go reversedPrev ('{':'#':rest) = reverse reversedPrev ++ inner "" rest
77 go reversedPrev (c:rest) = go (c:reversedPrev) rest
79 inner reversedNm ('#':'}':rest) =
80 let constName = trimWhitespace $ reverse reversedNm
81 in case Map.lookup constName constants of
82 Just val -> show val ++ go "" rest
83 Nothing ->
84 error $ unlines
85 [ "Could not preprocess line " ++ show ln_no ++ ":"
86 , "unknown constant \"" ++ constName ++ "\"." ]
87 inner reversedNm (c:rest) = inner (c:reversedNm) rest
88 inner reversedNm "" =
89 error $ unlines
90 [ "Could not preprocess line " ++ show ln_no ++ ":"
91 , "unterminated constant \"{# " ++ reverse reversedNm ++ "\"." ]
93 trimWhitespace :: String -> String
94 trimWhitespace = dropWhile isSpace . dropWhileEnd isSpace