Correctly provision build tools in all situations
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Program / Db.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
9 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2006, Duncan Coutts 2007-2009
11 -- Maintainer :
12 -- Portability : portable
14 -- This provides a 'ProgramDb' type which holds configured and not-yet
15 -- configured programs. It is the parameter to lots of actions elsewhere in
16 -- Cabal that need to look up and run programs. If we had a Cabal monad,
17 -- the 'ProgramDb' would probably be a reader or state component of it.
19 -- One nice thing about using it is that any program that is
20 -- registered with Cabal will get some \"configure\" and \".cabal\"
21 -- helpers like --with-foo-args --foo-path= and extra-foo-args.
23 -- There's also a hook for adding programs in a Setup.lhs script. See
24 -- hookedPrograms in 'Distribution.Simple.UserHooks'. This gives a
25 -- hook user the ability to get the above flags and such so that they
26 -- don't have to write all the PATH logic inside Setup.lhs.
27 module Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
28 ( -- * The collection of configured programs we can run
29 ProgramDb (..)
30 , emptyProgramDb
31 , defaultProgramDb
32 , restoreProgramDb
34 -- ** Query and manipulate the program db
35 , addKnownProgram
36 , addKnownPrograms
37 , prependProgramSearchPath
38 , prependProgramSearchPathNoLogging
39 , lookupKnownProgram
40 , knownPrograms
41 , getProgramSearchPath
42 , setProgramSearchPath
43 , modifyProgramSearchPath
44 , userSpecifyPath
45 , userSpecifyPaths
46 , userMaybeSpecifyPath
47 , userSpecifyArgs
48 , userSpecifyArgss
49 , userSpecifiedArgs
50 , lookupProgram
51 , lookupProgramByName
52 , updateProgram
53 , configuredPrograms
55 -- ** Query and manipulate the program db
56 , configureProgram
57 , configureUnconfiguredProgram
58 , configureAllKnownPrograms
59 , unconfigureProgram
60 , lookupProgramVersion
61 , reconfigurePrograms
62 , requireProgram
63 , requireProgramVersion
64 , needProgram
66 -- * Internal functions
67 , UnconfiguredProgs
68 , ConfiguredProgs
69 , updateUnconfiguredProgs
70 , updateConfiguredProgs
71 ) where
73 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
74 import Prelude ()
76 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin
77 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Find
78 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
79 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
80 import Distribution.Utils.Structured (Structure (..), Structured (..))
81 import Distribution.Verbosity
82 import Distribution.Version
84 import Data.Tuple (swap)
86 import qualified Data.Map as Map
87 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
89 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
91 -- * Programs database
93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
95 -- | The configuration is a collection of information about programs. It
96 -- contains information both about configured programs and also about programs
97 -- that we are yet to configure.
99 -- The idea is that we start from a collection of unconfigured programs and one
100 -- by one we try to configure them at which point we move them into the
101 -- configured collection. For unconfigured programs we record not just the
102 -- 'Program' but also any user-provided arguments and location for the program.
103 data ProgramDb = ProgramDb
104 { unconfiguredProgs :: UnconfiguredProgs
105 , progSearchPath :: ProgramSearchPath
106 , progOverrideEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)]
107 , configuredProgs :: ConfiguredProgs
109 deriving (Typeable)
111 type UnconfiguredProgram = (Program, Maybe FilePath, [ProgArg])
112 type UnconfiguredProgs = Map.Map String UnconfiguredProgram
113 type ConfiguredProgs = Map.Map String ConfiguredProgram
115 emptyProgramDb :: ProgramDb
116 emptyProgramDb = ProgramDb Map.empty defaultProgramSearchPath [] Map.empty
118 defaultProgramDb :: ProgramDb
119 defaultProgramDb = restoreProgramDb builtinPrograms emptyProgramDb
121 -- internal helpers:
122 updateUnconfiguredProgs
123 :: (UnconfiguredProgs -> UnconfiguredProgs)
124 -> ProgramDb
125 -> ProgramDb
126 updateUnconfiguredProgs update progdb =
127 progdb{unconfiguredProgs = update (unconfiguredProgs progdb)}
129 updateConfiguredProgs
130 :: (ConfiguredProgs -> ConfiguredProgs)
131 -> ProgramDb
132 -> ProgramDb
133 updateConfiguredProgs update progdb =
134 progdb{configuredProgs = update (configuredProgs progdb)}
136 -- Read & Show instances are based on listToFM
138 -- | Note that this instance does not preserve the known 'Program's.
139 -- See 'restoreProgramDb' for details.
140 instance Show ProgramDb where
141 show = show . Map.toAscList . configuredProgs
143 -- | Note that this instance does not preserve the known 'Program's.
144 -- See 'restoreProgramDb' for details.
145 instance Read ProgramDb where
146 readsPrec p s =
147 [ (emptyProgramDb{configuredProgs = Map.fromList s'}, r)
148 | (s', r) <- readsPrec p s
151 -- | Note that this instance does not preserve the known 'Program's.
152 -- See 'restoreProgramDb' for details.
153 instance Binary ProgramDb where
154 put db = do
155 put (progSearchPath db)
156 put (progOverrideEnv db)
157 put (configuredProgs db)
159 get = do
160 searchpath <- get
161 overrides <- get
162 progs <- get
163 return $!
164 emptyProgramDb
165 { progSearchPath = searchpath
166 , progOverrideEnv = overrides
167 , configuredProgs = progs
170 instance Structured ProgramDb where
171 structure p =
172 Nominal
173 (typeRep p)
175 "ProgramDb"
176 [ structure (Proxy :: Proxy ProgramSearchPath)
177 , structure (Proxy :: Proxy [(String, Maybe String)])
178 , structure (Proxy :: Proxy ConfiguredProgs)
181 -- | The 'Read'\/'Show' and 'Binary' instances do not preserve all the
182 -- unconfigured 'Programs' because 'Program' is not in 'Read'\/'Show' because
183 -- it contains functions. So to fully restore a deserialised 'ProgramDb' use
184 -- this function to add back all the known 'Program's.
186 -- * It does not add the default programs, but you probably want them, use
187 -- 'builtinPrograms' in addition to any extra you might need.
188 restoreProgramDb :: [Program] -> ProgramDb -> ProgramDb
189 restoreProgramDb = addKnownPrograms
191 -- -------------------------------
192 -- Managing unconfigured programs
194 -- | Add a known program that we may configure later
195 addKnownProgram :: Program -> ProgramDb -> ProgramDb
196 addKnownProgram prog =
197 updateUnconfiguredProgs $
198 Map.insertWith combine (programName prog) (prog, Nothing, [])
199 where
200 combine _ (_, path, args) = (prog, path, args)
202 addKnownPrograms :: [Program] -> ProgramDb -> ProgramDb
203 addKnownPrograms progs progdb = foldl' (flip addKnownProgram) progdb progs
205 lookupKnownProgram :: String -> ProgramDb -> Maybe Program
206 lookupKnownProgram name =
207 fmap (\(p, _, _) -> p) . Map.lookup name . unconfiguredProgs
209 knownPrograms :: ProgramDb -> [(Program, Maybe ConfiguredProgram)]
210 knownPrograms progdb =
211 [ (p, p') | (p, _, _) <- Map.elems (unconfiguredProgs progdb), let p' = Map.lookup (programName p) (configuredProgs progdb)
214 -- | Get the current 'ProgramSearchPath' used by the 'ProgramDb'.
215 -- This is the default list of locations where programs are looked for when
216 -- configuring them. This can be overridden for specific programs (with
217 -- 'userSpecifyPath'), and specific known programs can modify or ignore this
218 -- search path in their own configuration code.
219 getProgramSearchPath :: ProgramDb -> ProgramSearchPath
220 getProgramSearchPath = progSearchPath
222 -- | Change the current 'ProgramSearchPath' used by the 'ProgramDb'.
223 -- This will affect programs that are configured from here on, so you
224 -- should usually set it before configuring any programs.
225 setProgramSearchPath :: ProgramSearchPath -> ProgramDb -> ProgramDb
226 setProgramSearchPath searchpath db = db{progSearchPath = searchpath}
228 -- | Modify the current 'ProgramSearchPath' used by the 'ProgramDb'.
229 -- This will affect programs that are configured from here on, so you
230 -- should usually modify it before configuring any programs.
231 modifyProgramSearchPath
232 :: (ProgramSearchPath -> ProgramSearchPath)
233 -> ProgramDb
234 -> ProgramDb
235 modifyProgramSearchPath f db =
236 setProgramSearchPath (f $ getProgramSearchPath db) db
238 -- | Modify the current 'ProgramSearchPath' used by the 'ProgramDb'
239 -- by prepending the provided extra paths.
241 -- - Logs the added paths in info verbosity.
242 -- - Prepends environment variable overrides.
243 prependProgramSearchPath
244 :: Verbosity
245 -> [FilePath]
246 -> [(String, Maybe FilePath)]
247 -> ProgramDb
248 -> IO ProgramDb
249 prependProgramSearchPath verbosity extraPaths extraEnv db = do
250 unless (null extraPaths) $
251 logExtraProgramSearchPath verbosity extraPaths
252 unless (null extraEnv) $
253 logExtraProgramOverrideEnv verbosity extraEnv
254 return $ prependProgramSearchPathNoLogging extraPaths extraEnv db
256 prependProgramSearchPathNoLogging
257 :: [FilePath]
258 -> [(String, Maybe String)]
259 -> ProgramDb
260 -> ProgramDb
261 prependProgramSearchPathNoLogging extraPaths extraEnv db =
262 let db' = modifyProgramSearchPath (nub . (map ProgramSearchPathDir extraPaths ++)) db
263 db'' = db'{progOverrideEnv = extraEnv ++ progOverrideEnv db'}
264 in db''
266 -- | User-specify this path. Basically override any path information
267 -- for this program in the configuration. If it's not a known
268 -- program ignore it.
269 userSpecifyPath
270 :: String
271 -- ^ Program name
272 -> FilePath
273 -- ^ user-specified path to the program
274 -> ProgramDb
275 -> ProgramDb
276 userSpecifyPath name path = updateUnconfiguredProgs $
277 flip Map.update name $
278 \(prog, _, args) -> Just (prog, Just path, args)
280 userMaybeSpecifyPath
281 :: String
282 -> Maybe FilePath
283 -> ProgramDb
284 -> ProgramDb
285 userMaybeSpecifyPath _ Nothing progdb = progdb
286 userMaybeSpecifyPath name (Just path) progdb = userSpecifyPath name path progdb
288 -- | User-specify the arguments for this program. Basically override
289 -- any args information for this program in the configuration. If it's
290 -- not a known program, ignore it..
291 userSpecifyArgs
292 :: String
293 -- ^ Program name
294 -> [ProgArg]
295 -- ^ user-specified args
296 -> ProgramDb
297 -> ProgramDb
298 userSpecifyArgs name args' =
299 updateUnconfiguredProgs
300 ( flip Map.update name $
301 \(prog, path, args) -> Just (prog, path, args ++ args')
303 . updateConfiguredProgs
304 ( flip Map.update name $
305 \prog ->
306 Just
307 prog
308 { programOverrideArgs =
309 programOverrideArgs prog
310 ++ args'
314 -- | Like 'userSpecifyPath' but for a list of progs and their paths.
315 userSpecifyPaths
316 :: [(String, FilePath)]
317 -> ProgramDb
318 -> ProgramDb
319 userSpecifyPaths paths progdb =
320 foldl' (\progdb' (prog, path) -> userSpecifyPath prog path progdb') progdb paths
322 -- | Like 'userSpecifyPath' but for a list of progs and their args.
323 userSpecifyArgss
324 :: [(String, [ProgArg])]
325 -> ProgramDb
326 -> ProgramDb
327 userSpecifyArgss argss progdb =
328 foldl' (\progdb' (prog, args) -> userSpecifyArgs prog args progdb') progdb argss
330 -- | Get the path that has been previously specified for a program, if any.
331 userSpecifiedPath :: Program -> ProgramDb -> Maybe FilePath
332 userSpecifiedPath prog =
333 join . fmap (\(_, p, _) -> p) . Map.lookup (programName prog) . unconfiguredProgs
335 -- | Get any extra args that have been previously specified for a program.
336 userSpecifiedArgs :: Program -> ProgramDb -> [ProgArg]
337 userSpecifiedArgs prog =
338 maybe [] (\(_, _, as) -> as) . Map.lookup (programName prog) . unconfiguredProgs
340 -- -----------------------------
341 -- Managing configured programs
343 -- | Try to find a configured program
344 lookupProgram :: Program -> ProgramDb -> Maybe ConfiguredProgram
345 lookupProgram = lookupProgramByName . programName
347 -- | Try to find a configured program
348 lookupProgramByName :: String -> ProgramDb -> Maybe ConfiguredProgram
349 lookupProgramByName name = Map.lookup name . configuredProgs
351 -- | Update a configured program in the database.
352 updateProgram
353 :: ConfiguredProgram
354 -> ProgramDb
355 -> ProgramDb
356 updateProgram prog =
357 updateConfiguredProgs $
358 Map.insert (programId prog) prog
360 -- | List all configured programs.
361 configuredPrograms :: ProgramDb -> [ConfiguredProgram]
362 configuredPrograms = Map.elems . configuredProgs
364 -- ---------------------------
365 -- Configuring known programs
367 -- | Try to configure a specific program and add it to the program database.
369 -- If the program is already included in the collection of unconfigured programs,
370 -- then we use any user-supplied location and arguments.
371 -- If the program gets configured successfully, it gets added to the configured
372 -- collection.
374 -- Note that it is not a failure if the program cannot be configured. It's only
375 -- a failure if the user supplied a location and the program could not be found
376 -- at that location.
378 -- The reason for it not being a failure at this stage is that we don't know up
379 -- front all the programs we will need, so we try to configure them all.
380 -- To verify that a program was actually successfully configured use
381 -- 'requireProgram'.
382 configureProgram
383 :: Verbosity
384 -> Program
385 -> ProgramDb
386 -> IO ProgramDb
387 configureProgram verbosity prog progdb = do
388 mbConfiguredProg <- configureUnconfiguredProgram verbosity prog progdb
389 case mbConfiguredProg of
390 Nothing -> return progdb
391 Just configuredProg -> do
392 let progdb' =
393 updateConfiguredProgs
394 (Map.insert (programName prog) configuredProg)
395 progdb
396 return progdb'
398 -- | Try to configure a specific program. If the program is already included in
399 -- the collection of unconfigured programs then we use any user-supplied
400 -- location and arguments.
401 configureUnconfiguredProgram
402 :: Verbosity
403 -> Program
404 -> ProgramDb
405 -> IO (Maybe ConfiguredProgram)
406 configureUnconfiguredProgram verbosity prog progdb = do
407 let name = programName prog
408 maybeLocation <- case userSpecifiedPath prog progdb of
409 Nothing ->
410 programFindLocation prog verbosity (progSearchPath progdb)
411 >>= return . fmap (swap . fmap FoundOnSystem . swap)
412 Just path -> do
413 absolute <- doesExecutableExist path
414 if absolute
415 then return (Just (UserSpecified path, []))
416 else
417 findProgramOnSearchPath verbosity (progSearchPath progdb) path
418 >>= maybe
419 (dieWithException verbosity $ ConfigureProgram name path)
420 (return . Just . swap . fmap UserSpecified . swap)
421 case maybeLocation of
422 Nothing -> return Nothing
423 Just (location, triedLocations) -> do
424 version <- programFindVersion prog verbosity (locationPath location)
425 newPath <- programSearchPathAsPATHVar (progSearchPath progdb)
426 let configuredProg =
427 ConfiguredProgram
428 { programId = name
429 , programVersion = version
430 , programDefaultArgs = []
431 , programOverrideArgs = userSpecifiedArgs prog progdb
432 , programOverrideEnv = [("PATH", Just newPath)] ++ progOverrideEnv progdb
433 , programProperties = Map.empty
434 , programLocation = location
435 , programMonitorFiles = triedLocations
437 configuredProg' <- programPostConf prog verbosity configuredProg
438 return $ Just configuredProg'
440 -- | Configure a bunch of programs using 'configureProgram'. Just a 'foldM'.
441 configurePrograms
442 :: Verbosity
443 -> [Program]
444 -> ProgramDb
445 -> IO ProgramDb
446 configurePrograms verbosity progs progdb =
447 foldM (flip (configureProgram verbosity)) progdb progs
449 -- | Unconfigure a program. This is basically a hack and you shouldn't
450 -- use it, but it can be handy for making sure a 'requireProgram'
451 -- actually reconfigures.
452 unconfigureProgram :: String -> ProgramDb -> ProgramDb
453 unconfigureProgram progname =
454 updateConfiguredProgs $ Map.delete progname
456 -- | Try to configure all the known programs that have not yet been configured.
457 configureAllKnownPrograms
458 :: Verbosity
459 -> ProgramDb
460 -> IO ProgramDb
461 configureAllKnownPrograms verbosity progdb =
462 configurePrograms
463 verbosity
464 [prog | (prog, _, _) <- Map.elems notYetConfigured]
465 progdb
466 where
467 notYetConfigured =
468 unconfiguredProgs progdb
469 `Map.difference` configuredProgs progdb
471 -- | reconfigure a bunch of programs given new user-specified args. It takes
472 -- the same inputs as 'userSpecifyPath' and 'userSpecifyArgs' and for all progs
473 -- with a new path it calls 'configureProgram'.
474 reconfigurePrograms
475 :: Verbosity
476 -> [(String, FilePath)]
477 -> [(String, [ProgArg])]
478 -> ProgramDb
479 -> IO ProgramDb
480 reconfigurePrograms verbosity paths argss progdb = do
481 configurePrograms verbosity progs
482 . userSpecifyPaths paths
483 . userSpecifyArgss argss
484 $ progdb
485 where
486 progs = catMaybes [lookupKnownProgram name progdb | (name, _) <- paths]
488 -- | Check that a program is configured and available to be run.
490 -- It raises an exception if the program could not be configured, otherwise
491 -- it returns the configured program.
492 requireProgram
493 :: Verbosity
494 -> Program
495 -> ProgramDb
496 -> IO (ConfiguredProgram, ProgramDb)
497 requireProgram verbosity prog progdb = do
498 mres <- needProgram verbosity prog progdb
499 case mres of
500 Nothing -> dieWithException verbosity $ RequireProgram (programName prog)
501 Just res -> return res
503 -- | Check that a program is configured and available to be run.
505 -- It returns 'Nothing' if the program couldn't be configured,
506 -- or is not found.
508 -- @since
509 needProgram
510 :: Verbosity
511 -> Program
512 -> ProgramDb
513 -> IO (Maybe (ConfiguredProgram, ProgramDb))
514 needProgram verbosity prog progdb = do
515 -- If it's not already been configured, try to configure it now
516 progdb' <- case lookupProgram prog progdb of
517 Nothing -> configureProgram verbosity prog progdb
518 Just _ -> return progdb
520 case lookupProgram prog progdb' of
521 Nothing -> return Nothing
522 Just configuredProg -> return (Just (configuredProg, progdb'))
524 -- | Check that a program is configured and available to be run.
526 -- Additionally check that the program version number is suitable and return
527 -- it. For example you could require 'AnyVersion' or @'orLaterVersion'
528 -- ('Version' [1,0] [])@
530 -- It returns the configured program, its version number and a possibly updated
531 -- 'ProgramDb'. If the program could not be configured or the version is
532 -- unsuitable, it returns an error value.
533 lookupProgramVersion
534 :: Verbosity
535 -> Program
536 -> VersionRange
537 -> ProgramDb
538 -> IO (Either CabalException (ConfiguredProgram, Version, ProgramDb))
539 lookupProgramVersion verbosity prog range programDb = do
540 -- If it's not already been configured, try to configure it now
541 programDb' <- case lookupProgram prog programDb of
542 Nothing -> configureProgram verbosity prog programDb
543 Just _ -> return programDb
545 case lookupProgram prog programDb' of
546 Nothing -> return $! Left $ NoProgramFound (programName prog) range
547 Just configuredProg@ConfiguredProgram{programLocation = location} ->
548 case programVersion configuredProg of
549 Just version
550 | withinRange version range ->
551 return $! Right (configuredProg, version, programDb')
552 | otherwise ->
553 return $! Left $ BadVersionDb (programName prog) version range (locationPath location)
554 Nothing ->
555 return $! Left $ UnknownVersionDb (programName prog) range (locationPath location)
557 -- | Like 'lookupProgramVersion', but raises an exception in case of error
558 -- instead of returning 'Left errMsg'.
559 requireProgramVersion
560 :: Verbosity
561 -> Program
562 -> VersionRange
563 -> ProgramDb
564 -> IO (ConfiguredProgram, Version, ProgramDb)
565 requireProgramVersion verbosity prog range programDb =
566 join $
567 either (dieWithException verbosity) return
568 `fmap` lookupProgramVersion verbosity prog range programDb