Make more dependency types, and PkgconfigName
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / Distribution / Solver / Types / PkgConfigDb.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- |
4 -- Module : Distribution.Solver.Types.PkgConfigDb
5 -- Copyright : (c) Iñaki García Etxebarria 2016
6 -- License : BSD-like
7 --
8 -- Maintainer :
9 -- Portability : portable
11 -- Read the list of packages available to pkg-config.
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 module Distribution.Solver.Types.PkgConfigDb
14 ( PkgConfigDb
15 , readPkgConfigDb
16 , pkgConfigDbFromList
17 , pkgConfigPkgIsPresent
18 , pkgConfigDbPkgVersion
19 , getPkgConfigDbDirs
20 ) where
22 import Prelude ()
23 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
25 import Control.Exception (IOException, handle)
26 import qualified Data.Map as M
27 import Data.Version (parseVersion)
28 import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
29 import System.FilePath (splitSearchPath)
31 import Distribution.Package
32 ( PkgconfigName, mkPkgconfigName )
33 import Distribution.Verbosity
34 ( Verbosity )
35 import Distribution.Version
36 ( Version, mkVersion', VersionRange, withinRange )
38 import Distribution.Compat.Environment
39 ( lookupEnv )
40 import Distribution.Simple.Program
41 ( ProgramDb, pkgConfigProgram, getProgramOutput, requireProgram )
42 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
43 ( info )
45 -- | The list of packages installed in the system visible to
46 -- @pkg-config@. This is an opaque datatype, to be constructed with
47 -- `readPkgConfigDb` and queried with `pkgConfigPkgPresent`.
48 data PkgConfigDb = PkgConfigDb (M.Map PkgconfigName (Maybe Version))
49 -- ^ If an entry is `Nothing`, this means that the
50 -- package seems to be present, but we don't know the
51 -- exact version (because parsing of the version
52 -- number failed).
53 | NoPkgConfigDb
54 -- ^ For when we could not run pkg-config successfully.
55 deriving (Show, Generic)
57 instance Binary PkgConfigDb
59 -- | Query pkg-config for the list of installed packages, together
60 -- with their versions. Return a `PkgConfigDb` encapsulating this
61 -- information.
62 readPkgConfigDb :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb -> IO PkgConfigDb
63 readPkgConfigDb verbosity progdb = handle ioErrorHandler $ do
64 (pkgConfig, _) <- requireProgram verbosity pkgConfigProgram progdb
65 pkgList <- lines <$> getProgramOutput verbosity pkgConfig ["--list-all"]
66 -- The output of @pkg-config --list-all@ also includes a description
67 -- for each package, which we do not need.
68 let pkgNames = map (takeWhile (not . isSpace)) pkgList
69 pkgVersions <- lines <$> getProgramOutput verbosity pkgConfig
70 ("--modversion" : pkgNames)
71 (return . pkgConfigDbFromList . zip pkgNames) pkgVersions
72 where
73 -- For when pkg-config invocation fails (possibly because of a
74 -- too long command line).
75 ioErrorHandler :: IOException -> IO PkgConfigDb
76 ioErrorHandler e = do
77 info verbosity ("Failed to query pkg-config, Cabal will continue"
78 ++ " without solving for pkg-config constraints: "
79 ++ show e)
80 return NoPkgConfigDb
82 -- | Create a `PkgConfigDb` from a list of @(packageName, version)@ pairs.
83 pkgConfigDbFromList :: [(String, String)] -> PkgConfigDb
84 pkgConfigDbFromList pairs = (PkgConfigDb . M.fromList . map convert) pairs
85 where
86 convert :: (String, String) -> (PkgconfigName, Maybe Version)
87 convert (n,vs) = (mkPkgconfigName n,
88 case (reverse . readP_to_S parseVersion) vs of
89 (v, "") : _ -> Just (mkVersion' v)
90 _ -> Nothing -- Version not (fully)
91 -- understood.
94 -- | Check whether a given package range is satisfiable in the given
95 -- @pkg-config@ database.
96 pkgConfigPkgIsPresent :: PkgConfigDb -> PkgconfigName -> VersionRange -> Bool
97 pkgConfigPkgIsPresent (PkgConfigDb db) pn vr =
98 case M.lookup pn db of
99 Nothing -> False -- Package not present in the DB.
100 Just Nothing -> True -- Package present, but version unknown.
101 Just (Just v) -> withinRange v vr
102 -- If we could not read the pkg-config database successfully we allow
103 -- the check to succeed. The plan found by the solver may fail to be
104 -- executed later on, but we have no grounds for rejecting the plan at
105 -- this stage.
106 pkgConfigPkgIsPresent NoPkgConfigDb _ _ = True
109 -- | Query the version of a package in the @pkg-config@ database.
110 -- @Nothing@ indicates the package is not in the database, while
111 -- @Just Nothing@ indicates that the package is in the database,
112 -- but its version is not known.
113 pkgConfigDbPkgVersion :: PkgConfigDb -> PkgconfigName -> Maybe (Maybe Version)
114 pkgConfigDbPkgVersion (PkgConfigDb db) pn = M.lookup pn db
115 -- NB: Since the solver allows solving to succeed if there is
116 -- NoPkgConfigDb, we should report that we *guess* that there
117 -- is a matching pkg-config configuration, but that we just
118 -- don't know about it.
119 pkgConfigDbPkgVersion NoPkgConfigDb _ = Just Nothing
122 -- | Query pkg-config for the locations of pkg-config's package files. Use this
123 -- to monitor for changes in the pkg-config DB.
125 getPkgConfigDbDirs :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb -> IO [FilePath]
126 getPkgConfigDbDirs verbosity progdb =
127 (++) <$> getEnvPath <*> getDefPath
128 where
129 -- According to @man pkg-config@:
132 -- A colon-separated (on Windows, semicolon-separated) list of directories
133 -- to search for .pc files. The default directory will always be searched
134 -- after searching the path
136 getEnvPath = maybe [] parseSearchPath
137 <$> lookupEnv "PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
139 -- Again according to @man pkg-config@:
141 -- pkg-config can be used to query itself for the default search path,
142 -- version number and other information, for instance using:
144 -- > pkg-config --variable pc_path pkg-config
146 getDefPath = handle ioErrorHandler $ do
147 (pkgConfig, _) <- requireProgram verbosity pkgConfigProgram progdb
148 parseSearchPath <$>
149 getProgramOutput verbosity pkgConfig
150 ["--variable", "pc_path", "pkg-config"]
152 parseSearchPath str =
153 case lines str of
154 [p] | not (null p) -> splitSearchPath p
155 _ -> []
157 ioErrorHandler :: IOException -> IO [FilePath]
158 ioErrorHandler _e = return []