Split off file monitoring types into Cabal library
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Glob / Internal.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Glob.Internal
9 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones, Simon Marlow 2003-2004
10 -- License : BSD3
11 -- portions Copyright (c) 2007, Galois Inc.
13 -- Maintainer : cabal-devel@haskell.org
14 -- Portability : portable
16 -- Internal module for simple file globbing.
17 -- Please import "Distribution.Simple.Glob" instead.
18 module Distribution.Simple.Glob.Internal where
20 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
21 import Prelude ()
23 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
24 import Distribution.Parsec
25 import Distribution.Pretty
26 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 -- | A filepath specified by globbing.
31 data Glob
32 = -- | @<dirGlob>/<glob>@
33 GlobDir !GlobPieces !Glob
34 | -- | @**/<glob>@, where @**@ denotes recursively traversing
35 -- all directories and matching filenames on <glob>.
36 GlobDirRecursive !GlobPieces
37 | -- | A file glob.
38 GlobFile !GlobPieces
39 | -- | Trailing dir; a glob ending in @/@.
40 GlobDirTrailing
41 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
43 instance Binary Glob
44 instance Structured Glob
46 -- | A single directory or file component of a globbed path
47 type GlobPieces = [GlobPiece]
49 -- | A piece of a globbing pattern
50 data GlobPiece
51 = -- | A wildcard @*@
52 WildCard
53 | -- | A literal string @dirABC@
54 Literal String
55 | -- | A union of patterns, e.g. @dir/{a,*.txt,c}/...@
56 Union [GlobPieces]
57 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
59 instance Binary GlobPiece
60 instance Structured GlobPiece
62 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 -- Parsing & pretty-printing
65 instance Pretty Glob where
66 pretty (GlobDir glob pathglob) =
67 dispGlobPieces glob
68 Disp.<> Disp.char '/'
69 Disp.<> pretty pathglob
70 pretty (GlobDirRecursive glob) =
71 Disp.text "**/"
72 Disp.<> dispGlobPieces glob
73 pretty (GlobFile glob) = dispGlobPieces glob
74 pretty GlobDirTrailing = Disp.empty
76 instance Parsec Glob where
77 parsec = parsecPath
78 where
79 parsecPath :: CabalParsing m => m Glob
80 parsecPath = do
81 glob <- parsecGlob
82 dirSep *> (GlobDir glob <$> parsecPath <|> pure (GlobDir glob GlobDirTrailing)) <|> pure (GlobFile glob)
83 -- We could support parsing recursive directory search syntax
84 -- @**@ here too, rather than just in 'parseFileGlob'
86 dirSep :: CabalParsing m => m ()
87 dirSep =
88 () <$ P.char '/'
89 <|> P.try
90 ( do
91 _ <- P.char '\\'
92 -- check this isn't an escape code
93 P.notFollowedBy (P.satisfy isGlobEscapedChar)
96 parsecGlob :: CabalParsing m => m GlobPieces
97 parsecGlob = some parsecPiece
98 where
99 parsecPiece = P.choice [literal, wildcard, union]
101 wildcard = WildCard <$ P.char '*'
102 union = Union . toList <$> P.between (P.char '{') (P.char '}') (P.sepByNonEmpty parsecGlob (P.char ','))
103 literal = Literal <$> some litchar
105 litchar = normal <|> escape
107 normal = P.satisfy (\c -> not (isGlobEscapedChar c) && c /= '/' && c /= '\\')
108 escape = P.try $ P.char '\\' >> P.satisfy isGlobEscapedChar
110 dispGlobPieces :: GlobPieces -> Disp.Doc
111 dispGlobPieces = Disp.hcat . map dispPiece
112 where
113 dispPiece WildCard = Disp.char '*'
114 dispPiece (Literal str) = Disp.text (escape str)
115 dispPiece (Union globs) =
116 Disp.braces
117 ( Disp.hcat
118 ( Disp.punctuate
119 (Disp.char ',')
120 (map dispGlobPieces globs)
123 escape [] = []
124 escape (c : cs)
125 | isGlobEscapedChar c = '\\' : c : escape cs
126 | otherwise = c : escape cs
128 isGlobEscapedChar :: Char -> Bool
129 isGlobEscapedChar '*' = True
130 isGlobEscapedChar '{' = True
131 isGlobEscapedChar '}' = True
132 isGlobEscapedChar ',' = True
133 isGlobEscapedChar _ = False