Include the GHC "Project Unit Id" in the cabal store path
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / TargetSelector.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 -- TODO
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 -- |
15 -- Module : Distribution.Client.TargetSelector
16 -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2012, 2015, 2016
17 -- License : BSD-like
19 -- Maintainer :
21 -- Handling for user-specified target selectors.
22 module Distribution.Client.TargetSelector
23 ( -- * Target selectors
24 TargetSelector (..)
25 , TargetImplicitCwd (..)
26 , ComponentKind (..)
27 , ComponentKindFilter
28 , SubComponentTarget (..)
29 , QualLevel (..)
30 , componentKind
32 -- * Reading target selectors
33 , readTargetSelectors
34 , TargetSelectorProblem (..)
35 , reportTargetSelectorProblems
36 , showTargetSelector
37 , TargetString (..)
38 , showTargetString
39 , parseTargetString
41 -- ** non-IO
42 , readTargetSelectorsWith
43 , DirActions (..)
44 , defaultDirActions
45 ) where
47 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
48 import Prelude ()
50 import Distribution.Client.Types
51 ( PackageLocation (..)
52 , PackageSpecifier (..)
54 import Distribution.Package
55 ( Package (..)
56 , PackageId
57 , PackageName
58 , packageName
60 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
61 ( UnqualComponentName
62 , mkUnqualComponentName
63 , packageNameToUnqualComponentName
64 , unUnqualComponentName
67 import Distribution.ModuleName
68 ( ModuleName
69 , toFilePath
71 import Distribution.PackageDescription
72 ( Benchmark (..)
73 , BenchmarkInterface (..)
74 , BuildInfo (..)
75 , Executable (..)
76 , PackageDescription
77 , TestSuite (..)
78 , TestSuiteInterface (..)
79 , benchmarkModules
80 , exeModules
81 , explicitLibModules
82 , testModules
84 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
85 ( flattenPackageDescription
87 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
88 ( Component (..)
89 , ComponentName (..)
90 , LibraryName (..)
91 , componentBuildInfo
92 , componentName
93 , pkgComponents
95 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
96 ( SourcePackage (..)
98 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
100 import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
101 import Control.Monad hiding
102 ( mfilter
104 import Data.List
105 ( stripPrefix
107 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
108 import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map.Lazy
109 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
110 import qualified Data.Set as Set
111 import Distribution.Client.Errors
112 import Distribution.Client.Utils
113 ( makeRelativeCanonical
115 import Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils
116 ( readPToMaybe
118 import Distribution.Deprecated.ReadP
119 ( (+++)
120 , (<++)
122 import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.ReadP as Parse
123 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
124 ( dieWithException
125 , lowercase
126 , ordNub
128 import Distribution.Utils.Path
129 import qualified System.Directory as IO
130 ( canonicalizePath
131 , doesDirectoryExist
132 , doesFileExist
133 , getCurrentDirectory
135 import System.FilePath
136 ( dropTrailingPathSeparator
137 , equalFilePath
138 , normalise
139 , (<.>)
140 , (</>)
142 import System.FilePath as FilePath
143 ( dropExtension
144 , joinPath
145 , splitDirectories
146 , splitPath
147 , takeExtension
149 import Text.EditDistance
150 ( defaultEditCosts
151 , restrictedDamerauLevenshteinDistance
153 import qualified Prelude (foldr1)
155 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
157 -- * Target selector terms
159 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
161 -- | A target selector is expression selecting a set of components (as targets
162 -- for a actions like @build@, @run@, @test@ etc). A target selector
163 -- corresponds to the user syntax for referring to targets on the command line.
165 -- From the users point of view a target can be many things: packages, dirs,
166 -- component names, files etc. Internally we consider a target to be a specific
167 -- component (or module\/file within a component), and all the users' notions
168 -- of targets are just different ways of referring to these component targets.
170 -- So target selectors are expressions in the sense that they are interpreted
171 -- to refer to one or more components. For example a 'TargetPackage' gets
172 -- interpreted differently by different commands to refer to all or a subset
173 -- of components within the package.
175 -- The syntax has lots of optional parts:
177 -- > [ package name | package dir | package .cabal file ]
178 -- > [ [lib:|exe:] component name ]
179 -- > [ module name | source file ]
180 data TargetSelector
181 = -- | One (or more) packages as a whole, or all the components of a
182 -- particular kind within the package(s).
184 -- These are always packages that are local to the project. In the case
185 -- that there is more than one, they all share the same directory location.
186 TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd [PackageId] (Maybe ComponentKindFilter)
187 | -- | A package specified by name. This may refer to @extra-packages@ from
188 -- the @cabal.project@ file, or a dependency of a known project package or
189 -- could refer to a package from a hackage archive. It needs further
190 -- context to resolve to a specific package.
191 TargetPackageNamed PackageName (Maybe ComponentKindFilter)
192 | -- | All packages, or all components of a particular kind in all packages.
193 TargetAllPackages (Maybe ComponentKindFilter)
194 | -- | A specific component in a package within the project.
195 TargetComponent PackageId ComponentName SubComponentTarget
196 | -- | A component in a package, but where it cannot be verified that the
197 -- package has such a component, or because the package is itself not
198 -- known.
199 TargetComponentUnknown
200 PackageName
201 (Either UnqualComponentName ComponentName)
202 SubComponentTarget
203 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
205 -- | Does this 'TargetPackage' selector arise from syntax referring to a
206 -- package in the current directory (e.g. @tests@ or no giving no explicit
207 -- target at all) or does it come from syntax referring to a package name
208 -- or location.
209 data TargetImplicitCwd = TargetImplicitCwd | TargetExplicitNamed
210 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
212 data ComponentKind = LibKind | FLibKind | ExeKind | TestKind | BenchKind
213 deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
215 type ComponentKindFilter = ComponentKind
217 -- | Either the component as a whole or detail about a file or module target
218 -- within a component.
219 data SubComponentTarget
220 = -- | The component as a whole
221 WholeComponent
222 | -- | A specific module within a component.
223 ModuleTarget ModuleName
224 | -- | A specific file within a component. Note that this does not carry the
225 -- file extension.
226 FileTarget FilePath
227 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
229 instance Binary SubComponentTarget
230 instance Structured SubComponentTarget
232 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
234 -- * Top level, do everything
236 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
238 -- | Parse a bunch of command line args as 'TargetSelector's, failing with an
239 -- error if any are unrecognised. The possible target selectors are based on
240 -- the available packages (and their locations).
241 readTargetSelectors
242 :: [PackageSpecifier (SourcePackage (PackageLocation a))]
243 -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
244 -- ^ This parameter is used when there are ambiguous selectors.
245 -- If it is 'Just', then we attempt to resolve ambiguity
246 -- by applying it, since otherwise there is no way to allow
247 -- contextually valid yet syntactically ambiguous selectors.
248 -- (#4676, #5461)
249 -> [String]
250 -> IO (Either [TargetSelectorProblem] [TargetSelector])
251 readTargetSelectors = readTargetSelectorsWith defaultDirActions
253 readTargetSelectorsWith
254 :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
255 => DirActions m
256 -> [PackageSpecifier (SourcePackage (PackageLocation a))]
257 -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
258 -> [String]
259 -> m (Either [TargetSelectorProblem] [TargetSelector])
260 readTargetSelectorsWith dirActions@DirActions{} pkgs mfilter targetStrs =
261 case parseTargetStrings targetStrs of
262 ([], usertargets) -> do
263 usertargets' <- traverse (getTargetStringFileStatus dirActions) usertargets
264 knowntargets <- getKnownTargets dirActions pkgs
265 case resolveTargetSelectors knowntargets usertargets' mfilter of
266 ([], btargets) -> return (Right btargets)
267 (problems, _) -> return (Left problems)
268 (strs, _) -> return (Left (map TargetSelectorUnrecognised strs))
270 data DirActions m = DirActions
271 { doesFileExist :: FilePath -> m Bool
272 , doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> m Bool
273 , canonicalizePath :: FilePath -> m FilePath
274 , getCurrentDirectory :: m FilePath
277 defaultDirActions :: DirActions IO
278 defaultDirActions =
279 DirActions
280 { doesFileExist = IO.doesFileExist
281 , doesDirectoryExist = IO.doesDirectoryExist
282 , -- Workaround for <>
283 canonicalizePath = IO.canonicalizePath . dropTrailingPathSeparator
284 , getCurrentDirectory = IO.getCurrentDirectory
287 makeRelativeToCwd :: Applicative m => DirActions m -> FilePath -> m FilePath
288 makeRelativeToCwd DirActions{..} path =
289 makeRelativeCanonical <$> canonicalizePath path <*> getCurrentDirectory
291 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
293 -- * Parsing target strings
295 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
297 -- | The outline parse of a target selector. It takes one of the forms:
299 -- > str1
300 -- > str1:str2
301 -- > str1:str2:str3
302 -- > str1:str2:str3:str4
303 data TargetString
304 = TargetString1 String
305 | TargetString2 String String
306 | TargetString3 String String String
307 | TargetString4 String String String String
308 | TargetString5 String String String String String
309 | TargetString7 String String String String String String String
310 deriving (Show, Eq)
312 -- | Parse a bunch of 'TargetString's (purely without throwing exceptions).
313 parseTargetStrings :: [String] -> ([String], [TargetString])
314 parseTargetStrings =
315 partitionEithers
316 . map (\str -> maybe (Left str) Right (parseTargetString str))
318 parseTargetString :: String -> Maybe TargetString
319 parseTargetString =
320 readPToMaybe parseTargetApprox
321 where
322 parseTargetApprox :: Parse.ReadP r TargetString
323 parseTargetApprox =
324 ( do
325 a <- tokenQ
326 return (TargetString1 a)
328 +++ ( do
329 a <- tokenQ0
330 _ <- Parse.char ':'
331 b <- tokenQ
332 return (TargetString2 a b)
334 +++ ( do
335 a <- tokenQ0
336 _ <- Parse.char ':'
337 b <- tokenQ
338 _ <- Parse.char ':'
339 c <- tokenQ
340 return (TargetString3 a b c)
342 +++ ( do
343 a <- tokenQ0
344 _ <- Parse.char ':'
345 b <- token
346 _ <- Parse.char ':'
347 c <- tokenQ
348 _ <- Parse.char ':'
349 d <- tokenQ
350 return (TargetString4 a b c d)
352 +++ ( do
353 a <- tokenQ0
354 _ <- Parse.char ':'
355 b <- token
356 _ <- Parse.char ':'
357 c <- tokenQ
358 _ <- Parse.char ':'
359 d <- tokenQ
360 _ <- Parse.char ':'
361 e <- tokenQ
362 return (TargetString5 a b c d e)
364 +++ ( do
365 a <- tokenQ0
366 _ <- Parse.char ':'
367 b <- token
368 _ <- Parse.char ':'
369 c <- tokenQ
370 _ <- Parse.char ':'
371 d <- tokenQ
372 _ <- Parse.char ':'
373 e <- tokenQ
374 _ <- Parse.char ':'
375 f <- tokenQ
376 _ <- Parse.char ':'
377 g <- tokenQ
378 return (TargetString7 a b c d e f g)
381 token = Parse.munch1 (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ':')
382 tokenQ = parseHaskellString <++ token
383 token0 = Parse.munch (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ':')
384 tokenQ0 = parseHaskellString <++ token0
385 parseHaskellString :: Parse.ReadP r String
386 parseHaskellString = Parse.readS_to_P reads
388 -- | Render a 'TargetString' back as the external syntax. This is mainly for
389 -- error messages.
390 showTargetString :: TargetString -> String
391 showTargetString = intercalate ":" . components
392 where
393 components (TargetString1 s1) = [s1]
394 components (TargetString2 s1 s2) = [s1, s2]
395 components (TargetString3 s1 s2 s3) = [s1, s2, s3]
396 components (TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4) = [s1, s2, s3, s4]
397 components (TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5) = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5]
398 components (TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7) = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7]
400 showTargetSelector :: TargetSelector -> String
401 showTargetSelector ts =
402 case [ t | ql <- [QL1 .. QLFull], t <- renderTargetSelector ql ts
403 ] of
404 (t' : _) -> showTargetString (forgetFileStatus t')
405 [] -> ""
407 showTargetSelectorKind :: TargetSelector -> String
408 showTargetSelectorKind bt = case bt of
409 TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed _ Nothing -> "package"
410 TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed _ (Just _) -> "package:filter"
411 TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ Nothing -> "cwd-package"
412 TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just _) -> "cwd-package:filter"
413 TargetPackageNamed _ Nothing -> "named-package"
414 TargetPackageNamed _ (Just _) -> "named-package:filter"
415 TargetAllPackages Nothing -> "package *"
416 TargetAllPackages (Just _) -> "package *:filter"
417 TargetComponent _ _ WholeComponent -> "component"
418 TargetComponent _ _ ModuleTarget{} -> "module"
419 TargetComponent _ _ FileTarget{} -> "file"
420 TargetComponentUnknown _ _ WholeComponent -> "unknown-component"
421 TargetComponentUnknown _ _ ModuleTarget{} -> "unknown-module"
422 TargetComponentUnknown _ _ FileTarget{} -> "unknown-file"
424 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
426 -- * Checking if targets exist as files
428 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
430 data TargetStringFileStatus
431 = TargetStringFileStatus1 String FileStatus
432 | TargetStringFileStatus2 String FileStatus String
433 | TargetStringFileStatus3 String FileStatus String String
434 | TargetStringFileStatus4 String String String String
435 | TargetStringFileStatus5 String String String String String
436 | TargetStringFileStatus7 String String String String String String String
437 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
439 data FileStatus
440 = FileStatusExistsFile FilePath -- the canonicalised filepath
441 | FileStatusExistsDir FilePath -- the canonicalised filepath
442 | FileStatusNotExists Bool -- does the parent dir exist even?
443 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
445 noFileStatus :: FileStatus
446 noFileStatus = FileStatusNotExists False
448 getTargetStringFileStatus
449 :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
450 => DirActions m
451 -> TargetString
452 -> m TargetStringFileStatus
453 getTargetStringFileStatus DirActions{..} t =
454 case t of
455 TargetString1 s1 ->
456 (\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 f1) <$> fileStatus s1
457 TargetString2 s1 s2 ->
458 (\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 f1 s2) <$> fileStatus s1
459 TargetString3 s1 s2 s3 ->
460 (\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 f1 s2 s3) <$> fileStatus s1
461 TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4 ->
462 return (TargetStringFileStatus4 s1 s2 s3 s4)
463 TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 ->
464 return (TargetStringFileStatus5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5)
465 TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 ->
466 return (TargetStringFileStatus7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7)
467 where
468 fileStatus f = do
469 fexists <- doesFileExist f
470 dexists <- doesDirectoryExist f
471 case splitPath f of
473 | fexists -> FileStatusExistsFile <$> canonicalizePath f
474 | dexists -> FileStatusExistsDir <$> canonicalizePath f
475 (d : _) -> FileStatusNotExists <$> doesDirectoryExist d
476 _ -> pure (FileStatusNotExists False)
478 forgetFileStatus :: TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetString
479 forgetFileStatus t = case t of
480 TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 _ -> TargetString1 s1
481 TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 _ s2 -> TargetString2 s1 s2
482 TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 _ s2 s3 -> TargetString3 s1 s2 s3
483 TargetStringFileStatus4 s1 s2 s3 s4 -> TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4
484 TargetStringFileStatus5
489 s5 -> TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
490 TargetStringFileStatus7
497 s7 -> TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
499 getFileStatus :: TargetStringFileStatus -> Maybe FileStatus
500 getFileStatus (TargetStringFileStatus1 _ f) = Just f
501 getFileStatus (TargetStringFileStatus2 _ f _) = Just f
502 getFileStatus (TargetStringFileStatus3 _ f _ _) = Just f
503 getFileStatus _ = Nothing
505 setFileStatus :: FileStatus -> TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetStringFileStatus
506 setFileStatus f (TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 _) = TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 f
507 setFileStatus f (TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 _ s2) = TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 f s2
508 setFileStatus f (TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 _ s2 s3) = TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 f s2 s3
509 setFileStatus _ t = t
511 copyFileStatus :: TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetStringFileStatus
512 copyFileStatus src dst =
513 case getFileStatus src of
514 Just f -> setFileStatus f dst
515 Nothing -> dst
517 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
519 -- * Resolving target strings to target selectors
521 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
523 -- | Given a bunch of user-specified targets, try to resolve what it is they
524 -- refer to.
525 resolveTargetSelectors
526 :: KnownTargets
527 -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
528 -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
529 -> ( [TargetSelectorProblem]
530 , [TargetSelector]
532 -- default local dir target if there's no given target:
533 resolveTargetSelectors (KnownTargets{knownPackagesAll = []}) [] _ =
534 ([TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject], [])
535 -- if the component kind filter is just exes, we don't want to suggest "all" as a target.
536 resolveTargetSelectors (KnownTargets{knownPackagesPrimary = []}) [] ckf =
537 ([TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd (ckf /= Just ExeKind)], [])
538 resolveTargetSelectors (KnownTargets{knownPackagesPrimary}) [] _ =
539 ([], [TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd pkgids Nothing])
540 where
541 pkgids = [pinfoId | KnownPackage{pinfoId} <- knownPackagesPrimary]
542 resolveTargetSelectors knowntargets targetStrs mfilter =
543 partitionEithers
544 . map (resolveTargetSelector knowntargets mfilter)
545 $ targetStrs
547 resolveTargetSelector
548 :: KnownTargets
549 -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
550 -> TargetStringFileStatus
551 -> Either TargetSelectorProblem TargetSelector
552 resolveTargetSelector knowntargets@KnownTargets{..} mfilter targetStrStatus =
553 case findMatch (matcher targetStrStatus) of
554 Unambiguous _
555 | projectIsEmpty -> Left TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
556 Unambiguous (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd [] _) ->
557 Left (TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage targetStr)
558 Unambiguous target -> Right target
559 None errs
560 | projectIsEmpty -> Left TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
561 | otherwise -> Left (classifyMatchErrors errs)
562 Ambiguous _ targets
563 | Just kfilter <- mfilter
564 , [target] <- applyKindFilter kfilter targets ->
565 Right target
566 Ambiguous exactMatch targets ->
567 case disambiguateTargetSelectors
568 matcher
569 targetStrStatus
570 exactMatch
571 targets of
572 Right targets' -> Left (TargetSelectorAmbiguous targetStr targets')
573 Left ((m, ms) : _) -> Left (MatchingInternalError targetStr m ms)
574 Left [] -> internalError "resolveTargetSelector"
575 where
576 matcher = matchTargetSelector knowntargets
578 targetStr = forgetFileStatus targetStrStatus
580 projectIsEmpty = null knownPackagesAll
582 classifyMatchErrors errs
583 | Just expectedNE <- NE.nonEmpty expected =
584 let (things, got :| _) = NE.unzip expectedNE
585 in TargetSelectorExpected targetStr (NE.toList things) got
586 | not (null nosuch) =
587 TargetSelectorNoSuch targetStr nosuch
588 | otherwise =
589 internalError $ "classifyMatchErrors: " ++ show errs
590 where
591 expected =
592 [ (thing, got)
593 | (_, MatchErrorExpected thing got) <-
594 map (innerErr Nothing) errs
596 -- Trim the list of alternatives by dropping duplicates and
597 -- retaining only at most three most similar (by edit distance) ones.
598 nosuch =
599 Map.foldrWithKey genResults [] $
600 Map.fromListWith Set.union $
601 [ ((inside, thing, got), Set.fromList alts)
602 | (inside, MatchErrorNoSuch thing got alts) <-
603 map (innerErr Nothing) errs
606 genResults (inside, thing, got) alts acc =
607 ( inside
608 , thing
609 , got
610 , take maxResults $
611 map fst $
612 takeWhile distanceLow $
613 sortBy (comparing snd) $
614 map addLevDist $
615 Set.toList alts
617 : acc
618 where
619 addLevDist =
621 &&& restrictedDamerauLevenshteinDistance
622 defaultEditCosts
625 distanceLow (_, dist) = dist < length got `div` 2
627 maxResults = 3
629 innerErr _ (MatchErrorIn kind thing m) =
630 innerErr (Just (kind, thing)) m
631 innerErr c m = (c, m)
633 applyKindFilter :: ComponentKindFilter -> [TargetSelector] -> [TargetSelector]
634 applyKindFilter kfilter = filter go
635 where
636 go (TargetPackage _ _ (Just filter')) = kfilter == filter'
637 go (TargetPackageNamed _ (Just filter')) = kfilter == filter'
638 go (TargetAllPackages (Just filter')) = kfilter == filter'
639 go (TargetComponent _ cname _)
640 | CLibName _ <- cname = kfilter == LibKind
641 | CFLibName _ <- cname = kfilter == FLibKind
642 | CExeName _ <- cname = kfilter == ExeKind
643 | CTestName _ <- cname = kfilter == TestKind
644 | CBenchName _ <- cname = kfilter == BenchKind
645 go _ = True
647 -- | The various ways that trying to resolve a 'TargetString' to a
648 -- 'TargetSelector' can fail.
649 data TargetSelectorProblem
650 = -- | [expected thing] (actually got)
651 TargetSelectorExpected TargetString [String] String
652 | -- | [([in thing], no such thing, actually got, alternatives)]
653 TargetSelectorNoSuch
654 TargetString
655 [(Maybe (String, String), String, String, [String])]
656 | TargetSelectorAmbiguous
657 TargetString
658 [(TargetString, TargetSelector)]
659 | MatchingInternalError
660 TargetString
661 TargetSelector
662 [(TargetString, [TargetSelector])]
663 | -- | Syntax error when trying to parse a target string.
664 TargetSelectorUnrecognised String
665 | TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage TargetString
666 | -- | bool that flags when it is acceptable to suggest "all" as a target
667 TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd Bool
668 | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
669 | TargetSelectorNoScript TargetString
670 deriving (Show, Eq)
672 -- | Qualification levels.
673 -- Given the filepath src/F, executable component A, and package foo:
674 data QualLevel
675 = -- | @src/F@
677 | -- | @foo:src/F | A:src/F@
679 | -- | @foo:A:src/F | exe:A:src/F@
681 | -- | @pkg:foo:exe:A:file:src/F@
682 QLFull
683 deriving (Eq, Enum, Show)
685 disambiguateTargetSelectors
686 :: (TargetStringFileStatus -> Match TargetSelector)
687 -> TargetStringFileStatus
688 -> MatchClass
689 -> [TargetSelector]
690 -> Either
691 [(TargetSelector, [(TargetString, [TargetSelector])])]
692 [(TargetString, TargetSelector)]
693 disambiguateTargetSelectors matcher matchInput exactMatch matchResults =
694 case partitionEithers results of
695 (errs@(_ : _), _) -> Left errs
696 ([], ok) -> Right ok
697 where
698 -- So, here's the strategy. We take the original match results, and make a
699 -- table of all their renderings at all qualification levels.
700 -- Note there can be multiple renderings at each qualification level.
702 -- Note that renderTargetSelector won't immediately work on any file syntax
703 -- When rendering syntax, the FileStatus is always FileStatusNotExists,
704 -- which will never match on syntaxForm1File!
705 -- Because matchPackageDirectoryPrefix expects a FileStatusExistsFile.
706 -- So we need to copy over the file status from the input
707 -- TargetStringFileStatus, onto the new rendered TargetStringFileStatus
708 matchResultsRenderings :: [(TargetSelector, [TargetStringFileStatus])]
709 matchResultsRenderings =
710 [ (matchResult, matchRenderings)
711 | matchResult <- matchResults
712 , let matchRenderings =
713 [ copyFileStatus matchInput rendering
714 | ql <- [QL1 .. QLFull]
715 , rendering <- renderTargetSelector ql matchResult
719 -- Of course the point is that we're looking for renderings that are
720 -- unambiguous matches. So we build another memo table of all the matches
721 -- for all of those renderings. So by looking up in this table we can see
722 -- if we've got an unambiguous match.
724 memoisedMatches :: Map TargetStringFileStatus (Match TargetSelector)
725 memoisedMatches =
726 -- avoid recomputing the main one if it was an exact match
727 ( if exactMatch == Exact
728 then Map.insert matchInput (Match Exact 0 matchResults)
729 else id
731 $ Map.Lazy.fromList
732 -- (matcher rendering) should *always* be a Match! Otherwise we will hit
733 -- the internal error later on.
734 [ (rendering, matcher rendering)
735 | rendering <- concatMap snd matchResultsRenderings
738 -- Finally, for each of the match results, we go through all their
739 -- possible renderings (in order of qualification level, though remember
740 -- there can be multiple renderings per level), and find the first one
741 -- that has an unambiguous match.
742 results
743 :: [ Either
744 (TargetSelector, [(TargetString, [TargetSelector])])
745 (TargetString, TargetSelector)
747 results =
748 [ case findUnambiguous originalMatch matchRenderings of
749 Just unambiguousRendering ->
750 Right
751 ( forgetFileStatus unambiguousRendering
752 , originalMatch
754 -- This case is an internal error, but we bubble it up and report it
755 Nothing ->
756 Left
757 ( originalMatch
758 , [ (forgetFileStatus rendering, matches)
759 | rendering <- matchRenderings
760 , let Match m _ matches =
761 memoisedMatches Map.! rendering
762 , m /= Inexact
765 | (originalMatch, matchRenderings) <- matchResultsRenderings
768 findUnambiguous
769 :: TargetSelector
770 -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
771 -> Maybe TargetStringFileStatus
772 findUnambiguous _ [] = Nothing
773 findUnambiguous t (r : rs) =
774 case memoisedMatches Map.! r of
775 Match Exact _ [t']
776 | t == t' ->
777 Just r
778 Match Exact _ _ -> findUnambiguous t rs
779 Match Unknown _ _ -> findUnambiguous t rs
780 Match Inexact _ _ -> internalError "Match Inexact"
781 NoMatch _ _ -> internalError "NoMatch"
783 internalError :: String -> a
784 internalError msg =
785 error $ "TargetSelector: internal error: " ++ msg
787 -- | Throw an exception with a formatted message if there are any problems.
788 reportTargetSelectorProblems :: Verbosity -> [TargetSelectorProblem] -> IO a
789 reportTargetSelectorProblems verbosity problems = do
790 case [str | TargetSelectorUnrecognised str <- problems] of
791 [] -> return ()
792 targets -> dieWithException verbosity $ ReportTargetSelectorProblems targets
794 case [(t, m, ms) | MatchingInternalError t m ms <- problems] of
795 [] -> return ()
796 ((target, originalMatch, renderingsAndMatches) : _) ->
797 dieWithException verbosity
798 $ MatchingInternalErrorErr
799 (showTargetString target)
800 (showTargetSelector originalMatch)
801 (showTargetSelectorKind originalMatch)
802 $ map
803 ( \(rendering, matches) ->
804 ( showTargetString rendering
805 , (map (\match -> showTargetSelector match ++ " (" ++ showTargetSelectorKind match ++ ")") matches)
808 renderingsAndMatches
810 case [(t, e, g) | TargetSelectorExpected t e g <- problems] of
811 [] -> return ()
812 targets ->
813 dieWithException verbosity $
814 UnrecognisedTarget $
815 map (\(target, expected, got) -> (showTargetString target, expected, got)) targets
817 case [(t, e) | TargetSelectorNoSuch t e <- problems] of
818 [] -> return ()
819 targets ->
820 dieWithException verbosity $
821 NoSuchTargetSelectorErr $
822 map (\(target, nosuch) -> (showTargetString target, nosuch)) targets
824 case [(t, ts) | TargetSelectorAmbiguous t ts <- problems] of
825 [] -> return ()
826 targets ->
827 dieWithException verbosity $
828 TargetSelectorAmbiguousErr $
830 ( \(target, amb) ->
831 ( showTargetString target
832 , (map (\(ut, bt) -> (showTargetString ut, showTargetSelectorKind bt)) amb)
835 targets
837 case [t | TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage t <- problems] of
838 [] -> return ()
839 target : _ ->
840 dieWithException verbosity $ TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackageErr (showTargetString target)
842 -- TODO: report a different error if there is a .cabal file but it's
843 -- not a member of the project
845 case [() | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd True <- problems] of
846 [] -> return ()
847 _ : _ ->
848 dieWithException verbosity TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwdTrue
850 case [() | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd False <- problems] of
851 [] -> return ()
852 _ : _ ->
853 dieWithException verbosity TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwdFalse
855 case [() | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject <- problems] of
856 [] -> return ()
857 _ : _ ->
858 dieWithException verbosity TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProjectErr
860 case [t | TargetSelectorNoScript t <- problems] of
861 [] -> return ()
862 target : _ ->
863 dieWithException verbosity $ TargetSelectorNoScriptErr (showTargetString target)
865 fail "reportTargetSelectorProblems: internal error"
867 ----------------------------------
868 -- Syntax type
871 -- | Syntax for the 'TargetSelector': the matcher and renderer
872 data Syntax
873 = Syntax QualLevel Matcher Renderer
874 | AmbiguousAlternatives Syntax Syntax
875 | ShadowingAlternatives Syntax Syntax
877 type Matcher = TargetStringFileStatus -> Match TargetSelector
878 type Renderer = TargetSelector -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
880 foldSyntax
881 :: (a -> a -> a)
882 -> (a -> a -> a)
883 -> (QualLevel -> Matcher -> Renderer -> a)
884 -> (Syntax -> a)
885 foldSyntax ambiguous unambiguous syntax = go
886 where
887 go (Syntax ql match render) = syntax ql match render
888 go (AmbiguousAlternatives a b) = ambiguous (go a) (go b)
889 go (ShadowingAlternatives a b) = unambiguous (go a) (go b)
891 ----------------------------------
892 -- Top level renderer and matcher
895 renderTargetSelector
896 :: QualLevel
897 -> TargetSelector
898 -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
899 renderTargetSelector ql ts =
900 foldSyntax
901 (++)
902 (++)
903 (\ql' _ render -> guard (ql == ql') >> render ts)
904 syntax
905 where
906 syntax = syntaxForms emptyKnownTargets
908 -- don't need known targets for rendering
910 matchTargetSelector
911 :: KnownTargets
912 -> TargetStringFileStatus
913 -> Match TargetSelector
914 matchTargetSelector knowntargets = \usertarget ->
915 nubMatchesBy (==) $
916 let ql = targetQualLevel usertarget
917 in foldSyntax
918 (<|>)
919 (<//>)
920 (\ql' match _ -> guard (ql == ql') >> match usertarget)
921 syntax
922 where
923 syntax = syntaxForms knowntargets
925 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus1{} = QL1
926 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus2{} = QL2
927 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus3{} = QL3
928 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus4{} = QLFull
929 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus5{} = QLFull
930 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus7{} = QLFull
932 ----------------------------------
933 -- Syntax forms
936 -- | All the forms of syntax for 'TargetSelector'.
937 syntaxForms :: KnownTargets -> Syntax
938 syntaxForms
939 KnownTargets
940 { knownPackagesAll = pinfo
941 , knownPackagesPrimary = ppinfo
942 , knownComponentsAll = cinfo
943 , knownComponentsPrimary = pcinfo
944 , knownComponentsOther = ocinfo
946 -- The various forms of syntax here are ambiguous in many cases.
947 -- Our policy is by default we expose that ambiguity and report
948 -- ambiguous matches. In certain cases we override the ambiguity
949 -- by having some forms shadow others.
951 -- We make modules shadow files because module name "Q" clashes
952 -- with file "Q" with no extension but these refer to the same
953 -- thing anyway so it's not a useful ambiguity. Other cases are
954 -- not ambiguous like "Q" vs "Q.hs" or "Data.Q" vs "Data/Q".
956 ambiguousAlternatives
957 -- convenient single-component forms
958 [ shadowingAlternatives
959 [ ambiguousAlternatives
960 [ syntaxForm1All
961 , syntaxForm1Filter ppinfo
962 , shadowingAlternatives
963 [ syntaxForm1Component pcinfo
964 , syntaxForm1Package pinfo
967 , syntaxForm1Component ocinfo
968 , syntaxForm1Module cinfo
969 , syntaxForm1File pinfo
971 , -- two-component partially qualified forms
972 -- fully qualified form for 'all'
973 syntaxForm2MetaAll
974 , syntaxForm2AllFilter
975 , syntaxForm2NamespacePackage pinfo
976 , syntaxForm2PackageComponent pinfo
977 , syntaxForm2PackageFilter pinfo
978 , syntaxForm2KindComponent cinfo
979 , shadowingAlternatives
980 [ syntaxForm2PackageModule pinfo
981 , syntaxForm2PackageFile pinfo
983 , shadowingAlternatives
984 [ syntaxForm2ComponentModule cinfo
985 , syntaxForm2ComponentFile cinfo
987 , -- rarely used partially qualified forms
988 syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent pinfo
989 , shadowingAlternatives
990 [ syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule pinfo
991 , syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile pinfo
993 , shadowingAlternatives
994 [ syntaxForm3KindComponentModule cinfo
995 , syntaxForm3KindComponentFile cinfo
997 , syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter pinfo
998 , -- fully-qualified forms for all and cwd with filter
999 syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter
1000 , syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter ppinfo
1001 , -- fully-qualified form for package and package with filter
1002 syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage pinfo
1003 , syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter pinfo
1004 , -- fully-qualified forms for component, module and file
1005 syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent pinfo
1006 , syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceModule pinfo
1007 , syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceFile pinfo
1009 where
1010 ambiguousAlternatives = Prelude.foldr1 AmbiguousAlternatives
1011 shadowingAlternatives = Prelude.foldr1 ShadowingAlternatives
1013 -- | Syntax: "all" to select all packages in the project
1015 -- > cabal build all
1016 syntaxForm1All :: Syntax
1017 syntaxForm1All =
1018 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
1019 guardMetaAll str1
1020 return (TargetAllPackages Nothing)
1021 where
1022 render (TargetAllPackages Nothing) =
1023 [TargetStringFileStatus1 "all" noFileStatus]
1024 render _ = []
1026 -- | Syntax: filter
1028 -- > cabal build tests
1029 syntaxForm1Filter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1030 syntaxForm1Filter ps =
1031 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
1032 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str1
1033 return (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd pids (Just kfilter))
1034 where
1035 pids = [pinfoId | KnownPackage{pinfoId} <- ps]
1036 render (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just kfilter)) =
1037 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispF kfilter) noFileStatus]
1038 render _ = []
1040 -- | Syntax: package (name, dir or file)
1042 -- > cabal build foo
1043 -- > cabal build ../bar ../bar/bar.cabal
1044 syntaxForm1Package :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1045 syntaxForm1Package pinfo =
1046 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 fstatus1 -> do
1047 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1048 p <- matchPackage pinfo str1 fstatus1
1049 case p of
1050 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1051 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] Nothing)
1052 KnownPackageName pn ->
1053 return (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing)
1054 where
1055 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] Nothing) =
1056 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispP p) noFileStatus]
1057 render (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing) =
1058 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus]
1059 render _ = []
1061 -- | Syntax: component
1063 -- > cabal build foo
1064 syntaxForm1Component :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1065 syntaxForm1Component cs =
1066 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
1067 guardComponentName str1
1068 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
1069 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1070 where
1071 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1072 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispC p c) noFileStatus]
1073 render _ = []
1075 -- | Syntax: module
1077 -- > cabal build Data.Foo
1078 syntaxForm1Module :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1079 syntaxForm1Module cs =
1080 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
1081 guardModuleName str1
1082 let ms = [(m, c) | c <- cs, m <- cinfoModules c]
1083 (m, c) <- matchModuleNameAnd ms str1
1084 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
1085 where
1086 render (TargetComponent _p _c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1087 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispM m) noFileStatus]
1088 render _ = []
1090 -- | Syntax: file name
1092 -- > cabal build Data/Foo.hs bar/Main.hsc
1093 syntaxForm1File :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1094 syntaxForm1File ps =
1095 -- Note there's a bit of an inconsistency here vs the other syntax forms
1096 -- for files. For the single-part syntax the target has to point to a file
1097 -- that exists (due to our use of matchPackageDirectoryPrefix), whereas for
1098 -- all the other forms we don't require that.
1099 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 fstatus1 ->
1100 expecting "file" str1 $ do
1101 (pkgfile, ~KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents}) <-
1102 -- always returns the KnownPackage case
1103 matchPackageDirectoryPrefix ps fstatus1
1104 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1105 (filepath, c) <- matchComponentFile pinfoComponents pkgfile
1106 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
1107 where
1108 render (TargetComponent _p _c (FileTarget f)) =
1109 [TargetStringFileStatus1 f noFileStatus]
1110 render _ = []
1114 -- | Syntax: :all
1116 -- > cabal build :all
1117 syntaxForm2MetaAll :: Syntax
1118 syntaxForm2MetaAll =
1119 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1120 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1121 guardMetaAll str2
1122 return (TargetAllPackages Nothing)
1123 where
1124 render (TargetAllPackages Nothing) =
1125 [TargetStringFileStatus2 "" noFileStatus "all"]
1126 render _ = []
1128 -- | Syntax: all : filer
1130 -- > cabal build all:tests
1131 syntaxForm2AllFilter :: Syntax
1132 syntaxForm2AllFilter =
1133 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1134 guardMetaAll str1
1135 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str2
1136 return (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter))
1137 where
1138 render (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter)) =
1139 [TargetStringFileStatus2 "all" noFileStatus (dispF kfilter)]
1140 render _ = []
1142 -- | Syntax: package : filer
1144 -- > cabal build foo:tests
1145 syntaxForm2PackageFilter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1146 syntaxForm2PackageFilter ps =
1147 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
1148 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1149 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1150 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str2
1151 case p of
1152 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1153 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] (Just kfilter))
1154 KnownPackageName pn ->
1155 return (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter))
1156 where
1157 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] (Just kfilter)) =
1158 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispF kfilter)]
1159 render (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter)) =
1160 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (dispF kfilter)]
1161 render _ = []
1163 -- | Syntax: pkg : package name
1165 -- > cabal build pkg:foo
1166 syntaxForm2NamespacePackage :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1167 syntaxForm2NamespacePackage pinfo =
1168 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1169 guardNamespacePackage str1
1170 guardPackageName str2
1171 p <- matchPackage pinfo str2 noFileStatus
1172 case p of
1173 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1174 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] Nothing)
1175 KnownPackageName pn ->
1176 return (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing)
1177 where
1178 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] Nothing) =
1179 [TargetStringFileStatus2 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispP p)]
1180 render (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing) =
1181 [TargetStringFileStatus2 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispPN pn)]
1182 render _ = []
1184 -- | Syntax: package : component
1186 -- > cabal build foo:foo
1187 -- > cabal build ./foo:foo
1188 -- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:foo
1189 syntaxForm2PackageComponent :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1190 syntaxForm2PackageComponent ps =
1191 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
1192 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1193 guardComponentName str2
1194 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1195 case p of
1196 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1197 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1198 c <- matchComponentName pinfoComponents str2
1199 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1200 -- TODO: the error here ought to say there's no component by that name in
1201 -- this package, and name the package
1202 KnownPackageName pn ->
1203 let cn = mkUnqualComponentName str2
1204 in return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left cn) WholeComponent)
1205 where
1206 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1207 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c)]
1208 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left cn) WholeComponent) =
1209 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (prettyShow cn)]
1210 render _ = []
1212 -- | Syntax: namespace : component
1214 -- > cabal build lib:foo exe:foo
1215 syntaxForm2KindComponent :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1216 syntaxForm2KindComponent cs =
1217 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1218 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
1219 guardComponentName str2
1220 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
1221 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1222 where
1223 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1224 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispCK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c)]
1225 render _ = []
1227 -- | Syntax: package : module
1229 -- > cabal build foo:Data.Foo
1230 -- > cabal build ./foo:Data.Foo
1231 -- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:Data.Foo
1232 syntaxForm2PackageModule :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1233 syntaxForm2PackageModule ps =
1234 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
1235 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1236 guardModuleName str2
1237 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1238 case p of
1239 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1240 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1241 let ms = [(m, c) | c <- pinfoComponents, m <- cinfoModules c]
1242 (m, c) <- matchModuleNameAnd ms str2
1243 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
1244 KnownPackageName pn -> do
1245 m <- matchModuleNameUnknown str2
1246 -- We assume the primary library component of the package:
1247 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right $ CLibName LMainLibName) (ModuleTarget m))
1248 where
1249 render (TargetComponent p _c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1250 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispM m)]
1251 render _ = []
1253 -- | Syntax: component : module
1255 -- > cabal build foo:Data.Foo
1256 syntaxForm2ComponentModule :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1257 syntaxForm2ComponentModule cs =
1258 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1259 guardComponentName str1
1260 guardModuleName str2
1261 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
1262 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1263 let ms = cinfoModules c
1264 m <- matchModuleName ms str2
1265 return
1266 ( TargetComponent
1267 (cinfoPackageId c)
1268 (cinfoName c)
1269 (ModuleTarget m)
1271 where
1272 render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1273 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispC p c) noFileStatus (dispM m)]
1274 render _ = []
1276 -- | Syntax: package : filename
1278 -- > cabal build foo:Data/Foo.hs
1279 -- > cabal build ./foo:Data/Foo.hs
1280 -- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:Data/Foo.hs
1281 syntaxForm2PackageFile :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1282 syntaxForm2PackageFile ps =
1283 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
1284 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1285 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1286 case p of
1287 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1288 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1289 (filepath, c) <- matchComponentFile pinfoComponents str2
1290 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
1291 KnownPackageName pn ->
1292 let filepath = str2
1293 in -- We assume the primary library component of the package:
1294 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right $ CLibName LMainLibName) (FileTarget filepath))
1295 where
1296 render (TargetComponent p _c (FileTarget f)) =
1297 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus f]
1298 render _ = []
1300 -- | Syntax: component : filename
1302 -- > cabal build foo:Data/Foo.hs
1303 syntaxForm2ComponentFile :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1304 syntaxForm2ComponentFile cs =
1305 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1306 guardComponentName str1
1307 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
1308 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1309 (filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str2
1310 return
1311 ( TargetComponent
1312 (cinfoPackageId c)
1313 (cinfoName c)
1314 (FileTarget filepath)
1316 where
1317 render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
1318 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispC p c) noFileStatus f]
1319 render _ = []
1323 -- | Syntax: :all : filter
1325 -- > cabal build :all:tests
1326 syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter :: Syntax
1327 syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter =
1328 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1329 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1330 guardMetaAll str2
1331 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
1332 return (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter))
1333 where
1334 render (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter)) =
1335 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "all" (dispF kfilter)]
1336 render _ = []
1338 syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1339 syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter ps =
1340 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1341 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1342 guardNamespaceCwd str2
1343 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
1344 return (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd pids (Just kfilter))
1345 where
1346 pids = [pinfoId | KnownPackage{pinfoId} <- ps]
1347 render (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just kfilter)) =
1348 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "cwd" (dispF kfilter)]
1349 render _ = []
1351 -- | Syntax: :pkg : package name
1353 -- > cabal build :pkg:foo
1354 syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1355 syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage pinfo =
1356 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1357 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1358 guardNamespacePackage str2
1359 guardPackageName str3
1360 p <- matchPackage pinfo str3 noFileStatus
1361 case p of
1362 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1363 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] Nothing)
1364 KnownPackageName pn ->
1365 return (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing)
1366 where
1367 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] Nothing) =
1368 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "pkg" (dispP p)]
1369 render (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing) =
1370 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "pkg" (dispPN pn)]
1371 render _ = []
1373 -- | Syntax: package : namespace : component
1375 -- > cabal build foo:lib:foo
1376 -- > cabal build foo/:lib:foo
1377 -- > cabal build foo.cabal:lib:foo
1378 syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1379 syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent ps =
1380 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1381 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1382 ckind <- matchComponentKind str2
1383 guardComponentName str3
1384 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1385 case p of
1386 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1387 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1388 c <- matchComponentKindAndName pinfoComponents ckind str3
1389 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1390 KnownPackageName pn ->
1391 let cn = mkComponentName pn ckind (mkUnqualComponentName str3)
1392 in return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right cn) WholeComponent)
1393 where
1394 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1395 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispCK c) (dispC p c)]
1396 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right c) WholeComponent) =
1397 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (dispCK c) (dispC' pn c)]
1398 render _ = []
1400 -- | Syntax: package : component : module
1402 -- > cabal build foo:foo:Data.Foo
1403 -- > cabal build foo/:foo:Data.Foo
1404 -- > cabal build foo.cabal:foo:Data.Foo
1405 syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1406 syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule ps =
1407 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1408 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1409 guardComponentName str2
1410 guardModuleName str3
1411 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1412 case p of
1413 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1414 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1415 c <- matchComponentName pinfoComponents str2
1416 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1417 let ms = cinfoModules c
1418 m <- matchModuleName ms str3
1419 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
1420 KnownPackageName pn -> do
1421 let cn = mkUnqualComponentName str2
1422 m <- matchModuleNameUnknown str3
1423 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left cn) (ModuleTarget m))
1424 where
1425 render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1426 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c) (dispM m)]
1427 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left c) (ModuleTarget m)) =
1428 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (dispCN c) (dispM m)]
1429 render _ = []
1431 -- | Syntax: namespace : component : module
1433 -- > cabal build lib:foo:Data.Foo
1434 syntaxForm3KindComponentModule :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1435 syntaxForm3KindComponentModule cs =
1436 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1437 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
1438 guardComponentName str2
1439 guardModuleName str3
1440 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
1441 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1442 let ms = cinfoModules c
1443 m <- matchModuleName ms str3
1444 return
1445 ( TargetComponent
1446 (cinfoPackageId c)
1447 (cinfoName c)
1448 (ModuleTarget m)
1450 where
1451 render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1452 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispCK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c) (dispM m)]
1453 render _ = []
1455 -- | Syntax: package : component : filename
1457 -- > cabal build foo:foo:Data/Foo.hs
1458 -- > cabal build foo/:foo:Data/Foo.hs
1459 -- > cabal build foo.cabal:foo:Data/Foo.hs
1460 syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1461 syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile ps =
1462 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1463 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1464 guardComponentName str2
1465 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1466 case p of
1467 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1468 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1469 c <- matchComponentName pinfoComponents str2
1470 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1471 (filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str3
1472 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
1473 KnownPackageName pn ->
1474 let cn = mkUnqualComponentName str2
1475 filepath = str3
1476 in return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left cn) (FileTarget filepath))
1477 where
1478 render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
1479 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c) f]
1480 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left c) (FileTarget f)) =
1481 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (dispCN c) f]
1482 render _ = []
1484 -- | Syntax: namespace : component : filename
1486 -- > cabal build lib:foo:Data/Foo.hs
1487 syntaxForm3KindComponentFile :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1488 syntaxForm3KindComponentFile cs =
1489 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1490 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
1491 guardComponentName str2
1492 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
1493 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1494 (filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str3
1495 return
1496 ( TargetComponent
1497 (cinfoPackageId c)
1498 (cinfoName c)
1499 (FileTarget filepath)
1501 where
1502 render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
1503 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispCK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c) f]
1504 render _ = []
1506 syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1507 syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter ps =
1508 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1509 guardNamespacePackage str1
1510 guardPackageName str2
1511 p <- matchPackage ps str2 noFileStatus
1512 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
1513 case p of
1514 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1515 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] (Just kfilter))
1516 KnownPackageName pn ->
1517 return (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter))
1518 where
1519 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] (Just kfilter)) =
1520 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispP p) (dispF kfilter)]
1521 render (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter)) =
1522 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispPN pn) (dispF kfilter)]
1523 render _ = []
1527 syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1528 syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter ps =
1529 syntaxForm4 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 -> do
1530 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1531 guardNamespacePackage str2
1532 guardPackageName str3
1533 p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
1534 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str4
1535 case p of
1536 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1537 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] (Just kfilter))
1538 KnownPackageName pn ->
1539 return (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter))
1540 where
1541 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] (Just kfilter)) =
1542 [TargetStringFileStatus4 "" "pkg" (dispP p) (dispF kfilter)]
1543 render (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter)) =
1544 [TargetStringFileStatus4 "" "pkg" (dispPN pn) (dispF kfilter)]
1545 render _ = []
1547 -- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component
1549 -- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo
1550 syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1551 syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent ps =
1552 syntaxForm5 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 -> do
1553 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1554 guardNamespacePackage str2
1555 guardPackageName str3
1556 ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
1557 guardComponentName str5
1558 p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
1559 case p of
1560 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1561 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1562 c <- matchComponentKindAndName pinfoComponents ckind str5
1563 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1564 KnownPackageName pn ->
1565 let cn = mkComponentName pn ckind (mkUnqualComponentName str5)
1566 in return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right cn) WholeComponent)
1567 where
1568 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1569 [TargetStringFileStatus5 "" "pkg" (dispP p) (dispCK c) (dispC p c)]
1570 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right c) WholeComponent) =
1571 [TargetStringFileStatus5 "" "pkg" (dispPN pn) (dispCK c) (dispC' pn c)]
1572 render _ = []
1574 -- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component : module : module
1576 -- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo:module:Data.Foo
1577 syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceModule
1578 :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1579 syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceModule ps =
1580 syntaxForm7 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7 -> do
1581 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1582 guardNamespacePackage str2
1583 guardPackageName str3
1584 ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
1585 guardComponentName str5
1586 guardNamespaceModule str6
1587 p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
1588 case p of
1589 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1590 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1591 c <- matchComponentKindAndName pinfoComponents ckind str5
1592 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1593 let ms = cinfoModules c
1594 m <- matchModuleName ms str7
1595 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
1596 KnownPackageName pn -> do
1597 let cn = mkComponentName pn ckind (mkUnqualComponentName str2)
1598 m <- matchModuleNameUnknown str7
1599 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right cn) (ModuleTarget m))
1600 where
1601 render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1602 [ TargetStringFileStatus7
1604 "pkg"
1605 (dispP p)
1606 (dispCK c)
1607 (dispC p c)
1608 "module"
1609 (dispM m)
1611 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right c) (ModuleTarget m)) =
1612 [ TargetStringFileStatus7
1614 "pkg"
1615 (dispPN pn)
1616 (dispCK c)
1617 (dispC' pn c)
1618 "module"
1619 (dispM m)
1621 render _ = []
1623 -- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component : file : filename
1625 -- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo:file:Data/Foo.hs
1626 syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceFile
1627 :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1628 syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceFile ps =
1629 syntaxForm7 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7 -> do
1630 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1631 guardNamespacePackage str2
1632 guardPackageName str3
1633 ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
1634 guardComponentName str5
1635 guardNamespaceFile str6
1636 p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
1637 case p of
1638 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1639 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1640 c <- matchComponentKindAndName pinfoComponents ckind str5
1641 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1642 (filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str7
1643 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
1644 KnownPackageName pn ->
1645 let cn = mkComponentName pn ckind (mkUnqualComponentName str5)
1646 filepath = str7
1647 in return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right cn) (FileTarget filepath))
1648 where
1649 render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
1650 [ TargetStringFileStatus7
1652 "pkg"
1653 (dispP p)
1654 (dispCK c)
1655 (dispC p c)
1656 "file"
1659 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right c) (FileTarget f)) =
1660 [ TargetStringFileStatus7
1662 "pkg"
1663 (dispPN pn)
1664 (dispCK c)
1665 (dispC' pn c)
1666 "file"
1669 render _ = []
1671 ---------------------------------------
1672 -- Syntax utils
1675 type Match1 = String -> FileStatus -> Match TargetSelector
1676 type Match2 =
1677 String
1678 -> FileStatus
1679 -> String
1680 -> Match TargetSelector
1681 type Match3 =
1682 String
1683 -> FileStatus
1684 -> String
1685 -> String
1686 -> Match TargetSelector
1687 type Match4 =
1688 String
1689 -> String
1690 -> String
1691 -> String
1692 -> Match TargetSelector
1693 type Match5 =
1694 String
1695 -> String
1696 -> String
1697 -> String
1698 -> String
1699 -> Match TargetSelector
1700 type Match7 =
1701 String
1702 -> String
1703 -> String
1704 -> String
1705 -> String
1706 -> String
1707 -> String
1708 -> Match TargetSelector
1710 syntaxForm1 :: Renderer -> Match1 -> Syntax
1711 syntaxForm2 :: Renderer -> Match2 -> Syntax
1712 syntaxForm3 :: Renderer -> Match3 -> Syntax
1713 syntaxForm4 :: Renderer -> Match4 -> Syntax
1714 syntaxForm5 :: Renderer -> Match5 -> Syntax
1715 syntaxForm7 :: Renderer -> Match7 -> Syntax
1716 syntaxForm1 render f =
1717 Syntax QL1 match render
1718 where
1719 match = \(TargetStringFileStatus1 str1 fstatus1) ->
1720 f str1 fstatus1
1722 syntaxForm2 render f =
1723 Syntax QL2 match render
1724 where
1725 match = \(TargetStringFileStatus2 str1 fstatus1 str2) ->
1726 f str1 fstatus1 str2
1728 syntaxForm3 render f =
1729 Syntax QL3 match render
1730 where
1731 match = \(TargetStringFileStatus3 str1 fstatus1 str2 str3) ->
1732 f str1 fstatus1 str2 str3
1734 syntaxForm4 render f =
1735 Syntax QLFull match render
1736 where
1737 match (TargetStringFileStatus4 str1 str2 str3 str4) =
1738 f str1 str2 str3 str4
1739 match _ = mzero
1741 syntaxForm5 render f =
1742 Syntax QLFull match render
1743 where
1744 match (TargetStringFileStatus5 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5) =
1745 f str1 str2 str3 str4 str5
1746 match _ = mzero
1748 syntaxForm7 render f =
1749 Syntax QLFull match render
1750 where
1751 match (TargetStringFileStatus7 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7) =
1752 f str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7
1753 match _ = mzero
1755 dispP :: Package p => p -> String
1756 dispP = prettyShow . packageName
1758 dispPN :: PackageName -> String
1759 dispPN = prettyShow
1761 dispC :: PackageId -> ComponentName -> String
1762 dispC = componentStringName . packageName
1764 dispC' :: PackageName -> ComponentName -> String
1765 dispC' = componentStringName
1767 dispCN :: UnqualComponentName -> String
1768 dispCN = prettyShow
1770 dispK :: ComponentKind -> String
1771 dispK = showComponentKindShort
1773 dispCK :: ComponentName -> String
1774 dispCK = dispK . componentKind
1776 dispF :: ComponentKind -> String
1777 dispF = showComponentKindFilterShort
1779 dispM :: ModuleName -> String
1780 dispM = prettyShow
1782 -------------------------------
1783 -- Package and component info
1786 data KnownTargets = KnownTargets
1787 { knownPackagesAll :: [KnownPackage]
1788 , knownPackagesPrimary :: [KnownPackage]
1789 , knownPackagesOther :: [KnownPackage]
1790 , knownComponentsAll :: [KnownComponent]
1791 , knownComponentsPrimary :: [KnownComponent]
1792 , knownComponentsOther :: [KnownComponent]
1794 deriving (Show)
1796 data KnownPackage
1797 = KnownPackage
1798 { pinfoId :: PackageId
1799 , pinfoDirectory :: Maybe (FilePath, FilePath)
1800 , pinfoPackageFile :: Maybe (FilePath, FilePath)
1801 , pinfoComponents :: [KnownComponent]
1803 | KnownPackageName
1804 { pinfoName :: PackageName
1806 deriving (Show)
1808 data KnownComponent = KnownComponent
1809 { cinfoName :: ComponentName
1810 , cinfoStrName :: ComponentStringName
1811 , cinfoPackageId :: PackageId
1812 , cinfoSrcDirs :: [FilePath]
1813 , cinfoModules :: [ModuleName]
1814 , cinfoHsFiles :: [FilePath] -- other hs files (like main.hs)
1815 , cinfoCFiles :: [FilePath]
1816 , cinfoJsFiles :: [FilePath]
1818 deriving (Show)
1820 type ComponentStringName = String
1822 knownPackageName :: KnownPackage -> PackageName
1823 knownPackageName KnownPackage{pinfoId} = packageName pinfoId
1824 knownPackageName KnownPackageName{pinfoName} = pinfoName
1826 emptyKnownTargets :: KnownTargets
1827 emptyKnownTargets = KnownTargets [] [] [] [] [] []
1829 getKnownTargets
1830 :: forall m a
1831 . (Applicative m, Monad m)
1832 => DirActions m
1833 -> [PackageSpecifier (SourcePackage (PackageLocation a))]
1834 -> m KnownTargets
1835 getKnownTargets dirActions@DirActions{..} pkgs = do
1836 pinfo <- traverse (collectKnownPackageInfo dirActions) pkgs
1837 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
1838 (ppinfo, opinfo) <- selectPrimaryPackage cwd pinfo
1839 return
1840 KnownTargets
1841 { knownPackagesAll = pinfo
1842 , knownPackagesPrimary = ppinfo
1843 , knownPackagesOther = opinfo
1844 , knownComponentsAll = allComponentsIn pinfo
1845 , knownComponentsPrimary = allComponentsIn ppinfo
1846 , knownComponentsOther = allComponentsIn opinfo
1848 where
1849 mPkgDir :: KnownPackage -> Maybe FilePath
1850 mPkgDir KnownPackage{pinfoDirectory = Just (dir, _)} = Just dir
1851 mPkgDir _ = Nothing
1853 selectPrimaryPackage
1854 :: FilePath
1855 -> [KnownPackage]
1856 -> m ([KnownPackage], [KnownPackage])
1857 selectPrimaryPackage _ [] = return ([], [])
1858 selectPrimaryPackage cwd (pkg : packages) = do
1859 (ppinfo, opinfo) <- selectPrimaryPackage cwd packages
1860 isPkgDirCwd <- maybe (pure False) (compareFilePath dirActions cwd) (mPkgDir pkg)
1861 return (if isPkgDirCwd then (pkg : ppinfo, opinfo) else (ppinfo, pkg : opinfo))
1863 allComponentsIn ps =
1864 [c | KnownPackage{pinfoComponents} <- ps, c <- pinfoComponents]
1866 collectKnownPackageInfo
1867 :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
1868 => DirActions m
1869 -> PackageSpecifier (SourcePackage (PackageLocation a))
1870 -> m KnownPackage
1871 collectKnownPackageInfo _ (NamedPackage pkgname _props) =
1872 return (KnownPackageName pkgname)
1873 collectKnownPackageInfo
1874 dirActions@DirActions{..}
1875 ( SpecificSourcePackage
1876 SourcePackage
1877 { srcpkgDescription = pkg
1878 , srcpkgSource = loc
1880 ) = do
1881 (pkgdir, pkgfile) <-
1882 case loc of
1883 -- TODO: local tarballs, remote tarballs etc
1884 LocalUnpackedPackage dir -> do
1885 dirabs <- canonicalizePath dir
1886 dirrel <- makeRelativeToCwd dirActions dirabs
1887 -- TODO: ought to get this earlier in project reading
1888 let fileabs = dirabs </> prettyShow (packageName pkg) <.> "cabal"
1889 filerel = dirrel </> prettyShow (packageName pkg) <.> "cabal"
1890 exists <- doesFileExist fileabs
1891 return
1892 ( Just (dirabs, dirrel)
1893 , if exists then Just (fileabs, filerel) else Nothing
1895 _ -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
1896 let pinfo =
1897 KnownPackage
1898 { pinfoId = packageId pkg
1899 , pinfoDirectory = pkgdir
1900 , pinfoPackageFile = pkgfile
1901 , pinfoComponents =
1902 collectKnownComponentInfo
1903 (flattenPackageDescription pkg)
1905 return pinfo
1907 collectKnownComponentInfo :: PackageDescription -> [KnownComponent]
1908 collectKnownComponentInfo pkg =
1909 [ KnownComponent
1910 { cinfoName = componentName c
1911 , cinfoStrName = componentStringName (packageName pkg) (componentName c)
1912 , cinfoPackageId = packageId pkg
1913 , cinfoSrcDirs = ordNub (map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi))
1914 , cinfoModules = ordNub (componentModules c)
1915 , cinfoHsFiles = ordNub (componentHsFiles c)
1916 , cinfoCFiles = ordNub (cSources bi)
1917 , cinfoJsFiles = ordNub (jsSources bi)
1919 | c <- pkgComponents pkg
1920 , let bi = componentBuildInfo c
1923 componentStringName :: PackageName -> ComponentName -> ComponentStringName
1924 componentStringName pkgname (CLibName LMainLibName) = prettyShow pkgname
1925 componentStringName _ (CLibName (LSubLibName name)) = unUnqualComponentName name
1926 componentStringName _ (CFLibName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
1927 componentStringName _ (CExeName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
1928 componentStringName _ (CTestName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
1929 componentStringName _ (CBenchName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
1931 componentModules :: Component -> [ModuleName]
1932 -- I think it's unlikely users will ask to build a requirement
1933 -- which is not mentioned locally.
1934 componentModules (CLib lib) = explicitLibModules lib
1935 componentModules (CFLib flib) = foreignLibModules flib
1936 componentModules (CExe exe) = exeModules exe
1937 componentModules (CTest test) = testModules test
1938 componentModules (CBench bench) = benchmarkModules bench
1940 componentHsFiles :: Component -> [FilePath]
1941 componentHsFiles (CExe exe) = [modulePath exe]
1942 componentHsFiles
1943 ( CTest
1944 TestSuite
1945 { testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ mainfile
1947 ) = [mainfile]
1948 componentHsFiles
1949 ( CBench
1950 Benchmark
1951 { benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ mainfile
1953 ) = [mainfile]
1954 componentHsFiles _ = []
1956 ------------------------------
1957 -- Matching meta targets
1960 guardNamespaceMeta :: String -> Match ()
1961 guardNamespaceMeta = guardToken [""] "meta namespace"
1963 guardMetaAll :: String -> Match ()
1964 guardMetaAll = guardToken ["all"] "meta-target 'all'"
1966 guardNamespacePackage :: String -> Match ()
1967 guardNamespacePackage = guardToken ["pkg", "package"] "'pkg' namespace"
1969 guardNamespaceCwd :: String -> Match ()
1970 guardNamespaceCwd = guardToken ["cwd"] "'cwd' namespace"
1972 guardNamespaceModule :: String -> Match ()
1973 guardNamespaceModule = guardToken ["mod", "module"] "'module' namespace"
1975 guardNamespaceFile :: String -> Match ()
1976 guardNamespaceFile = guardToken ["file"] "'file' namespace"
1978 guardToken :: [String] -> String -> String -> Match ()
1979 guardToken tokens msg s
1980 | caseFold s `elem` tokens = increaseConfidence
1981 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected msg s
1983 ------------------------------
1984 -- Matching component kinds
1987 componentKind :: ComponentName -> ComponentKind
1988 componentKind (CLibName _) = LibKind
1989 componentKind (CFLibName _) = FLibKind
1990 componentKind (CExeName _) = ExeKind
1991 componentKind (CTestName _) = TestKind
1992 componentKind (CBenchName _) = BenchKind
1994 cinfoKind :: KnownComponent -> ComponentKind
1995 cinfoKind = componentKind . cinfoName
1997 matchComponentKind :: String -> Match ComponentKind
1998 matchComponentKind s
1999 | s' `elem` liblabels = increaseConfidence >> return LibKind
2000 | s' `elem` fliblabels = increaseConfidence >> return FLibKind
2001 | s' `elem` exelabels = increaseConfidence >> return ExeKind
2002 | s' `elem` testlabels = increaseConfidence >> return TestKind
2003 | s' `elem` benchlabels = increaseConfidence >> return BenchKind
2004 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component kind" s
2005 where
2006 s' = caseFold s
2007 liblabels = ["lib", "library"]
2008 fliblabels = ["flib", "foreign-library"]
2009 exelabels = ["exe", "executable"]
2010 testlabels = ["tst", "test", "test-suite"]
2011 benchlabels = ["bench", "benchmark"]
2013 matchComponentKindFilter :: String -> Match ComponentKind
2014 matchComponentKindFilter s
2015 | s' `elem` liblabels = increaseConfidence >> return LibKind
2016 | s' `elem` fliblabels = increaseConfidence >> return FLibKind
2017 | s' `elem` exelabels = increaseConfidence >> return ExeKind
2018 | s' `elem` testlabels = increaseConfidence >> return TestKind
2019 | s' `elem` benchlabels = increaseConfidence >> return BenchKind
2020 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component kind filter" s
2021 where
2022 s' = caseFold s
2023 liblabels = ["libs", "libraries"]
2024 fliblabels = ["flibs", "foreign-libraries"]
2025 exelabels = ["exes", "executables"]
2026 testlabels = ["tests", "test-suites"]
2027 benchlabels = ["benches", "benchmarks"]
2029 showComponentKind :: ComponentKind -> String
2030 showComponentKind LibKind = "library"
2031 showComponentKind FLibKind = "foreign library"
2032 showComponentKind ExeKind = "executable"
2033 showComponentKind TestKind = "test-suite"
2034 showComponentKind BenchKind = "benchmark"
2036 showComponentKindShort :: ComponentKind -> String
2037 showComponentKindShort LibKind = "lib"
2038 showComponentKindShort FLibKind = "flib"
2039 showComponentKindShort ExeKind = "exe"
2040 showComponentKindShort TestKind = "test"
2041 showComponentKindShort BenchKind = "bench"
2043 showComponentKindFilterShort :: ComponentKind -> String
2044 showComponentKindFilterShort LibKind = "libs"
2045 showComponentKindFilterShort FLibKind = "flibs"
2046 showComponentKindFilterShort ExeKind = "exes"
2047 showComponentKindFilterShort TestKind = "tests"
2048 showComponentKindFilterShort BenchKind = "benchmarks"
2050 ------------------------------
2051 -- Matching package targets
2054 guardPackage :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
2055 guardPackage str fstatus =
2056 guardPackageName str
2057 <|> guardPackageDir str fstatus
2058 <|> guardPackageFile str fstatus
2060 guardPackageName :: String -> Match ()
2061 guardPackageName s
2062 | validPackageName s = increaseConfidence
2063 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "package name" s
2065 validPackageName :: String -> Bool
2066 validPackageName s =
2067 all validPackageNameChar s
2068 && not (null s)
2069 where
2070 validPackageNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '-'
2072 guardPackageDir :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
2073 guardPackageDir _ (FileStatusExistsDir _) = increaseConfidence
2074 guardPackageDir str _ = matchErrorExpected "package directory" str
2076 guardPackageFile :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
2077 guardPackageFile _ (FileStatusExistsFile file)
2078 | takeExtension file == ".cabal" =
2079 increaseConfidence
2080 guardPackageFile str _ = matchErrorExpected "package .cabal file" str
2082 matchPackage :: [KnownPackage] -> String -> FileStatus -> Match KnownPackage
2083 matchPackage pinfo = \str fstatus ->
2084 orNoThingIn "project" "" $
2085 matchPackageName pinfo str
2086 <//> ( matchPackageNameUnknown str
2087 <|> matchPackageDir pinfo str fstatus
2088 <|> matchPackageFile pinfo str fstatus
2091 matchPackageName :: [KnownPackage] -> String -> Match KnownPackage
2092 matchPackageName ps = \str -> do
2093 guard (validPackageName str)
2094 orNoSuchThing
2095 "package"
2097 (map (prettyShow . knownPackageName) ps)
2098 $ increaseConfidenceFor
2099 $ matchInexactly caseFold (prettyShow . knownPackageName) ps str
2101 matchPackageNameUnknown :: String -> Match KnownPackage
2102 matchPackageNameUnknown str = do
2103 pn <- matchParse str
2104 unknownMatch (KnownPackageName pn)
2106 matchPackageDir
2107 :: [KnownPackage]
2108 -> String
2109 -> FileStatus
2110 -> Match KnownPackage
2111 matchPackageDir ps = \str fstatus ->
2112 case fstatus of
2113 FileStatusExistsDir canondir ->
2114 orNoSuchThing "package directory" str (map (snd . fst) dirs) $
2115 increaseConfidenceFor $
2116 fmap snd $
2117 matchExactly (fst . fst) dirs canondir
2118 _ -> mzero
2119 where
2120 dirs =
2121 [ ((dabs, drel), p)
2122 | p@KnownPackage{pinfoDirectory = Just (dabs, drel)} <- ps
2125 matchPackageFile :: [KnownPackage] -> String -> FileStatus -> Match KnownPackage
2126 matchPackageFile ps = \str fstatus -> do
2127 case fstatus of
2128 FileStatusExistsFile canonfile ->
2129 orNoSuchThing "package .cabal file" str (map (snd . fst) files) $
2130 increaseConfidenceFor $
2131 fmap snd $
2132 matchExactly (fst . fst) files canonfile
2133 _ -> mzero
2134 where
2135 files =
2136 [ ((fabs, frel), p)
2137 | p@KnownPackage{pinfoPackageFile = Just (fabs, frel)} <- ps
2140 -- TODO: test outcome when dir exists but doesn't match any known one
2142 -- TODO: perhaps need another distinction, vs no such thing, point is the
2143 -- thing is not known, within the project, but could be outside project
2145 ------------------------------
2146 -- Matching component targets
2149 guardComponentName :: String -> Match ()
2150 guardComponentName s
2151 | all validComponentChar s
2152 && not (null s) =
2153 increaseConfidence
2154 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component name" s
2155 where
2156 validComponentChar c =
2157 isAlphaNum c
2158 || c == '.'
2159 || c == '_'
2160 || c == '-'
2161 || c == '\''
2163 matchComponentName :: [KnownComponent] -> String -> Match KnownComponent
2164 matchComponentName cs str =
2165 orNoSuchThing "component" str (map cinfoStrName cs) $
2166 increaseConfidenceFor $
2167 matchInexactly caseFold cinfoStrName cs str
2169 matchComponentKindAndName
2170 :: [KnownComponent]
2171 -> ComponentKind
2172 -> String
2173 -> Match KnownComponent
2174 matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str =
2175 orNoSuchThing
2176 (showComponentKind ckind ++ " component")
2178 (map render cs)
2179 $ increaseConfidenceFor
2180 $ matchInexactly
2181 (\(ck, cn) -> (ck, caseFold cn))
2182 (\c -> (cinfoKind c, cinfoStrName c))
2184 (ckind, str)
2185 where
2186 render c = showComponentKindShort (cinfoKind c) ++ ":" ++ cinfoStrName c
2188 ------------------------------
2189 -- Matching module targets
2192 guardModuleName :: String -> Match ()
2193 guardModuleName s =
2194 case simpleParsec s :: Maybe ModuleName of
2195 Just _ -> increaseConfidence
2197 | all validModuleChar s
2198 && not (null s) ->
2199 return ()
2200 | otherwise -> matchErrorExpected "module name" s
2201 where
2202 validModuleChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '\''
2204 matchModuleName :: [ModuleName] -> String -> Match ModuleName
2205 matchModuleName ms str =
2206 orNoSuchThing "module" str (map prettyShow ms) $
2207 increaseConfidenceFor $
2208 matchInexactly caseFold prettyShow ms str
2210 matchModuleNameAnd :: [(ModuleName, a)] -> String -> Match (ModuleName, a)
2211 matchModuleNameAnd ms str =
2212 orNoSuchThing "module" str (map (prettyShow . fst) ms) $
2213 increaseConfidenceFor $
2214 matchInexactly caseFold (prettyShow . fst) ms str
2216 matchModuleNameUnknown :: String -> Match ModuleName
2217 matchModuleNameUnknown str =
2218 expecting "module" str $
2219 increaseConfidenceFor $
2220 matchParse str
2222 ------------------------------
2223 -- Matching file targets
2226 matchPackageDirectoryPrefix
2227 :: [KnownPackage]
2228 -> FileStatus
2229 -> Match (FilePath, KnownPackage)
2230 matchPackageDirectoryPrefix ps (FileStatusExistsFile filepath) =
2231 increaseConfidenceFor $
2232 matchDirectoryPrefix pkgdirs filepath
2233 where
2234 pkgdirs =
2235 [ (dir, p)
2236 | p@KnownPackage{pinfoDirectory = Just (dir, _)} <- ps
2238 matchPackageDirectoryPrefix _ _ = mzero
2240 matchComponentFile
2241 :: [KnownComponent]
2242 -> String
2243 -> Match (FilePath, KnownComponent)
2244 matchComponentFile cs str =
2245 orNoSuchThing "file" str [] $
2246 matchComponentModuleFile cs str
2247 <|> matchComponentOtherFile cs str
2249 matchComponentOtherFile
2250 :: [KnownComponent]
2251 -> String
2252 -> Match (FilePath, KnownComponent)
2253 matchComponentOtherFile cs =
2254 matchFile
2255 [ (normalise (srcdir </> file), c)
2256 | c <- cs
2257 , srcdir <- cinfoSrcDirs c
2258 , file <-
2259 cinfoHsFiles c
2260 ++ cinfoCFiles c
2261 ++ cinfoJsFiles c
2263 . normalise
2265 matchComponentModuleFile
2266 :: [KnownComponent]
2267 -> String
2268 -> Match (FilePath, KnownComponent)
2269 matchComponentModuleFile cs str = do
2270 matchFile
2271 [ (normalise (d </> toFilePath m), c)
2272 | c <- cs
2273 , d <- cinfoSrcDirs c
2274 , m <- cinfoModules c
2276 (dropExtension (normalise str)) -- Drop the extension because FileTarget
2277 -- is stored without the extension
2279 -- utils
2281 -- | Compare two filepaths for equality using DirActions' canonicalizePath
2282 -- to normalize AND canonicalize filepaths before comparison.
2283 compareFilePath
2284 :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
2285 => DirActions m
2286 -> FilePath
2287 -> FilePath
2288 -> m Bool
2289 compareFilePath DirActions{..} fp1 fp2
2290 | equalFilePath fp1 fp2 = pure True -- avoid unnecessary IO if we can match earlier
2291 | otherwise = do
2292 c1 <- canonicalizePath fp1
2293 c2 <- canonicalizePath fp2
2294 pure $ equalFilePath c1 c2
2296 matchFile :: [(FilePath, a)] -> FilePath -> Match (FilePath, a)
2297 matchFile fs =
2298 increaseConfidenceFor
2299 . matchInexactly caseFold fst fs
2301 matchDirectoryPrefix :: [(FilePath, a)] -> FilePath -> Match (FilePath, a)
2302 matchDirectoryPrefix dirs filepath =
2303 tryEach $
2304 [ (file, x)
2305 | (dir, x) <- dirs
2306 , file <- maybeToList (stripDirectory dir)
2308 where
2309 stripDirectory :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
2310 stripDirectory dir =
2311 joinPath `fmap` stripPrefix (splitDirectories dir) filepathsplit
2313 filepathsplit = splitDirectories filepath
2315 ------------------------------
2316 -- Matching monad
2319 -- | A matcher embodies a way to match some input as being some recognised
2320 -- value. In particular it deals with multiple and ambiguous matches.
2322 -- There are various matcher primitives ('matchExactly', 'matchInexactly'),
2323 -- ways to combine matchers ('matchPlus', 'matchPlusShadowing') and finally we
2324 -- can run a matcher against an input using 'findMatch'.
2325 data Match a
2326 = NoMatch !Confidence [MatchError]
2327 | Match !MatchClass !Confidence [a]
2328 deriving (Show)
2330 -- | The kind of match, inexact or exact. We keep track of this so we can
2331 -- prefer exact over inexact matches. The 'Ord' here is important: we try
2332 -- to maximise this, so 'Exact' is the top value and 'Inexact' the bottom.
2333 data MatchClass
2334 = -- | Matches an unknown thing e.g. parses as a package
2335 -- name without it being a specific known package
2336 Unknown
2337 | -- | Matches a known thing inexactly
2338 -- e.g. matches a known package case insensitively
2339 Inexact
2340 | -- | Exactly matches a known thing,
2341 -- e.g. matches a known package case sensitively
2342 Exact
2343 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
2345 type Confidence = Int
2347 data MatchError
2348 = MatchErrorExpected String String -- thing got
2349 | MatchErrorNoSuch String String [String] -- thing got alts
2350 | MatchErrorIn String String MatchError -- kind thing
2351 deriving (Show, Eq)
2353 instance Functor Match where
2354 fmap _ (NoMatch d ms) = NoMatch d ms
2355 fmap f (Match m d xs) = Match m d (fmap f xs)
2357 instance Applicative Match where
2358 pure a = Match Exact 0 [a]
2359 (<*>) = ap
2361 instance Alternative Match where
2362 empty = NoMatch 0 []
2363 (<|>) = matchPlus
2365 instance Monad Match where
2366 return = pure
2367 NoMatch d ms >>= _ = NoMatch d ms
2368 Match m d xs >>= f =
2369 -- To understand this, it needs to be read in context with the
2370 -- implementation of 'matchPlus' below
2371 case msum (map f xs) of
2372 Match m' d' xs' -> Match (min m m') (d + d') xs'
2373 -- The minimum match class is the one we keep. The match depth is
2374 -- tracked but not used in the Match case.
2376 NoMatch d' ms -> NoMatch (d + d') ms
2378 -- Here is where we transfer the depth we were keeping track of in
2379 -- the Match case over to the NoMatch case where it finally gets used.
2381 instance MonadPlus Match where
2382 mzero = empty
2383 mplus = matchPlus
2385 (<//>) :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
2386 (<//>) = matchPlusShadowing
2388 infixl 3 <//>
2390 -- | Combine two matchers. Exact matches are used over inexact matches
2391 -- but if we have multiple exact, or inexact then the we collect all the
2392 -- ambiguous matches.
2394 -- This operator is associative, has unit 'mzero' and is also commutative.
2395 matchPlus :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
2396 matchPlus a@(Match _ _ _) (NoMatch _ _) = a
2397 matchPlus (NoMatch _ _) b@(Match _ _ _) = b
2398 matchPlus a@(NoMatch d_a ms_a) b@(NoMatch d_b ms_b)
2399 | d_a > d_b = a -- We only really make use of the depth in the NoMatch case.
2400 | d_a < d_b = b
2401 | otherwise = NoMatch d_a (ms_a ++ ms_b)
2402 matchPlus a@(Match m_a d_a xs_a) b@(Match m_b d_b xs_b)
2403 | m_a > m_b = a -- exact over inexact
2404 | m_a < m_b = b -- exact over inexact
2405 | otherwise = Match m_a (max d_a d_b) (xs_a ++ xs_b)
2407 -- | Combine two matchers. This is similar to 'matchPlus' with the
2408 -- difference that an exact match from the left matcher shadows any exact
2409 -- match on the right. Inexact matches are still collected however.
2411 -- This operator is associative, has unit 'mzero' and is not commutative.
2412 matchPlusShadowing :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
2413 matchPlusShadowing a@(Match Exact _ _) _ = a
2414 matchPlusShadowing a b = matchPlus a b
2416 ------------------------------
2417 -- Various match primitives
2420 matchErrorExpected :: String -> String -> Match a
2421 matchErrorExpected thing got = NoMatch 0 [MatchErrorExpected thing got]
2423 matchErrorNoSuch :: String -> String -> [String] -> Match a
2424 matchErrorNoSuch thing got alts = NoMatch 0 [MatchErrorNoSuch thing got alts]
2426 expecting :: String -> String -> Match a -> Match a
2427 expecting thing got (NoMatch 0 _) = matchErrorExpected thing got
2428 expecting _ _ m = m
2430 orNoSuchThing :: String -> String -> [String] -> Match a -> Match a
2431 orNoSuchThing thing got alts (NoMatch 0 _) = matchErrorNoSuch thing got alts
2432 orNoSuchThing _ _ _ m = m
2434 orNoThingIn :: String -> String -> Match a -> Match a
2435 orNoThingIn kind name (NoMatch n ms) =
2436 NoMatch n [MatchErrorIn kind name m | m <- ms]
2437 orNoThingIn _ _ m = m
2439 increaseConfidence :: Match ()
2440 increaseConfidence = Match Exact 1 [()]
2442 increaseConfidenceFor :: Match a -> Match a
2443 increaseConfidenceFor m = m >>= \r -> increaseConfidence >> return r
2445 nubMatchesBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Match a -> Match a
2446 nubMatchesBy _ (NoMatch d msgs) = NoMatch d msgs
2447 nubMatchesBy eq (Match m d xs) = Match m d (nubBy eq xs)
2449 -- | Lift a list of matches to an exact match.
2450 exactMatches, inexactMatches :: [a] -> Match a
2451 exactMatches [] = mzero
2452 exactMatches xs = Match Exact 0 xs
2453 inexactMatches [] = mzero
2454 inexactMatches xs = Match Inexact 0 xs
2456 unknownMatch :: a -> Match a
2457 unknownMatch x = Match Unknown 0 [x]
2459 tryEach :: [a] -> Match a
2460 tryEach = exactMatches
2462 ------------------------------
2463 -- Top level match runner
2466 -- | Given a matcher and a key to look up, use the matcher to find all the
2467 -- possible matches. There may be 'None', a single 'Unambiguous' match or
2468 -- you may have an 'Ambiguous' match with several possibilities.
2469 findMatch :: Match a -> MaybeAmbiguous a
2470 findMatch match = case match of
2471 NoMatch _ msgs -> None msgs
2472 Match _ _ [x] -> Unambiguous x
2473 Match m d [] -> error $ "findMatch: impossible: " ++ show match'
2474 where
2475 match' = Match m d [] :: Match ()
2476 -- TODO: Maybe use Data.List.NonEmpty inside
2477 -- Match so that this case would be correct
2478 -- by construction?
2479 Match m _ xs -> Ambiguous m xs
2481 data MaybeAmbiguous a
2482 = None [MatchError]
2483 | Unambiguous a
2484 | Ambiguous MatchClass [a]
2485 deriving (Show)
2487 ------------------------------
2488 -- Basic matchers
2491 -- | A primitive matcher that looks up a value in a finite 'Map'. The
2492 -- value must match exactly.
2493 matchExactly :: Ord k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> (k -> Match a)
2494 matchExactly key xs =
2495 \k -> case Map.lookup k m of
2496 Nothing -> mzero
2497 Just ys -> exactMatches ys
2498 where
2499 m = Map.fromListWith (++) [(key x, [x]) | x <- xs]
2501 -- | A primitive matcher that looks up a value in a finite 'Map'. It checks
2502 -- for an exact or inexact match. We get an inexact match if the match
2503 -- is not exact, but the canonical forms match. It takes a canonicalisation
2504 -- function for this purpose.
2506 -- So for example if we used string case fold as the canonicalisation
2507 -- function, then we would get case insensitive matching (but it will still
2508 -- report an exact match when the case matches too).
2509 matchInexactly
2510 :: (Ord k, Ord k')
2511 => (k -> k')
2512 -> (a -> k)
2513 -> [a]
2514 -> (k -> Match a)
2515 matchInexactly cannonicalise key xs =
2516 \k -> case Map.lookup k m of
2517 Just ys -> exactMatches ys
2518 Nothing -> case Map.lookup (cannonicalise k) m' of
2519 Just ys -> inexactMatches ys
2520 Nothing -> mzero
2521 where
2522 m = Map.fromListWith (++) [(key x, [x]) | x <- xs]
2524 -- the map of canonicalised keys to groups of inexact matches
2525 m' = Map.mapKeysWith (++) cannonicalise m
2527 matchParse :: Parsec a => String -> Match a
2528 matchParse = maybe mzero return . simpleParsec
2530 ------------------------------
2531 -- Utils
2534 caseFold :: String -> String
2535 caseFold = lowercase
2537 -- | Make a 'ComponentName' given an 'UnqualComponentName' and knowing the
2538 -- 'ComponentKind'. We also need the 'PackageName' to distinguish the package's
2539 -- primary library from named private libraries.
2540 mkComponentName
2541 :: PackageName
2542 -> ComponentKind
2543 -> UnqualComponentName
2544 -> ComponentName
2545 mkComponentName pkgname ckind ucname =
2546 case ckind of
2547 LibKind
2548 | packageNameToUnqualComponentName pkgname == ucname ->
2549 CLibName LMainLibName
2550 | otherwise -> CLibName $ LSubLibName ucname
2551 FLibKind -> CFLibName ucname
2552 ExeKind -> CExeName ucname
2553 TestKind -> CTestName ucname
2554 BenchKind -> CBenchName ucname
2556 ------------------------------
2557 -- Example inputs
2561 ex1pinfo :: [KnownPackage]
2562 ex1pinfo =
2563 [ addComponent (CExeName (mkUnqualComponentName "foo-exe")) [] ["Data.Foo"] $
2564 KnownPackage {
2565 pinfoId = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "foo") (mkVersion [1]),
2566 pinfoDirectory = Just ("/the/foo", "foo"),
2567 pinfoPackageFile = Just ("/the/foo/foo.cabal", "foo/foo.cabal"),
2568 pinfoComponents = []
2570 , KnownPackage {
2571 pinfoId = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "bar") (mkVersion [1]),
2572 pinfoDirectory = Just ("/the/bar", "bar"),
2573 pinfoPackageFile = Just ("/the/bar/bar.cabal", "bar/bar.cabal"),
2574 pinfoComponents = []
2577 where
2578 addComponent n ds ms p =
2580 pinfoComponents =
2581 KnownComponent n (componentStringName (pinfoId p) n)
2582 p ds (map mkMn ms)
2583 [] [] []
2584 : pinfoComponents p
2587 mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
2588 mkMn = ModuleName.fromString
2591 stargets =
2592 [ TargetComponent (CExeName "foo") WholeComponent
2593 , TargetComponent (CExeName "foo") (ModuleTarget (mkMn "Foo"))
2594 , TargetComponent (CExeName "tst") (ModuleTarget (mkMn "Foo"))
2596 where
2597 mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
2598 mkMn = fromJust . simpleParse
2600 ex_pkgid :: PackageIdentifier
2601 Just ex_pkgid = simpleParse "thelib"
2605 ex_cs :: [KnownComponent]
2606 ex_cs =
2607 [ (mkC (CExeName "foo") ["src1", "src1/src2"] ["Foo", "Src2.Bar", "Bar"])
2608 , (mkC (CExeName "tst") ["src1", "test"] ["Foo"])
2610 where
2611 mkC n ds ms = KnownComponent n (componentStringName n) ds (map mkMn ms)
2612 mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
2613 mkMn = fromJust . simpleParse
2614 pkgid :: PackageIdentifier
2615 Just pkgid = simpleParse "thelib"