Include the GHC "Project Unit Id" in the cabal store path
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / ProjectFlags.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 module Distribution.Client.ProjectFlags
5 ( ProjectFlags (..)
6 , defaultProjectFlags
7 , projectFlagsOptions
8 , removeIgnoreProjectOption
9 ) where
11 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
12 import Prelude ()
14 import Distribution.ReadE (succeedReadE)
15 import Distribution.Simple.Command
16 ( MkOptDescr
17 , OptionField (optionName)
18 , ShowOrParseArgs (..)
19 , boolOpt'
20 , option
21 , reqArg
23 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (Flag (..), flagToList, flagToMaybe, toFlag, trueArg)
25 data ProjectFlags = ProjectFlags
26 { flagProjectDir :: Flag FilePath
27 -- ^ The project directory.
28 , flagProjectFile :: Flag FilePath
29 -- ^ The cabal project file path; defaults to @cabal.project@.
30 -- This path, when relative, is relative to the project directory.
31 -- The filename portion of the path denotes the cabal project file name, but it also
32 -- is the base of auxiliary project files, such as
33 -- @cabal.project.local@ and @cabal.project.freeze@ which are also
34 -- read and written out in some cases.
35 -- If a project directory was not specified, and the path is not found
36 -- in the current working directory, we will successively probe
37 -- relative to parent directories until this name is found.
38 , flagIgnoreProject :: Flag Bool
39 -- ^ Whether to ignore the local project (i.e. don't search for cabal.project)
40 -- The exact interpretation might be slightly different per command.
42 deriving (Show, Generic)
44 defaultProjectFlags :: ProjectFlags
45 defaultProjectFlags =
46 ProjectFlags
47 { flagProjectDir = mempty
48 , flagProjectFile = mempty
49 , flagIgnoreProject = toFlag False
50 -- Should we use 'Last' here?
53 projectFlagsOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField ProjectFlags]
54 projectFlagsOptions showOrParseArgs =
55 [ option
57 ["project-dir"]
58 "Set the path of the project directory"
59 flagProjectDir
60 (\path flags -> flags{flagProjectDir = path})
61 (reqArg "DIR" (succeedReadE Flag) flagToList)
62 , option
64 ["project-file"]
65 "Set the path of the cabal.project file (relative to the project directory when relative)"
66 flagProjectFile
67 (\pf flags -> flags{flagProjectFile = pf})
68 (reqArg "FILE" (succeedReadE Flag) flagToList)
69 , option
70 ['z']
71 ["ignore-project"]
72 "Ignore local project configuration (unless --project-dir or --project-file is also set)"
73 flagIgnoreProject
74 ( \v flags ->
75 flags
76 { flagIgnoreProject = case v of
77 Flag True -> toFlag (flagProjectDir flags == NoFlag && flagProjectFile flags == NoFlag)
78 _ -> v
81 (yesNoOpt showOrParseArgs)
84 -- | As almost all commands use 'ProjectFlags' but not all can honour
85 -- "ignore-project" flag, provide this utility to remove the flag
86 -- parsing from the help message.
87 removeIgnoreProjectOption :: [OptionField a] -> [OptionField a]
88 removeIgnoreProjectOption = filter (\o -> optionName o /= "ignore-project")
90 instance Monoid ProjectFlags where
91 mempty = gmempty
92 mappend = (<>)
94 instance Semigroup ProjectFlags where
95 (<>) = gmappend
97 yesNoOpt :: ShowOrParseArgs -> MkOptDescr (b -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> b -> b) b
98 yesNoOpt ShowArgs sf lf = trueArg sf lf
99 yesNoOpt _ sf lf = boolOpt' flagToMaybe Flag (sf, lf) ([], map ("no-" ++) lf) sf lf