Include the GHC "Project Unit Id" in the cabal store path
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / GlobalFlags.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
8 module Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags
9 ( GlobalFlags (..)
10 , defaultGlobalFlags
11 , RepoContext (..)
12 , withRepoContext
13 , withRepoContext'
14 ) where
16 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
17 import Prelude ()
19 import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils
20 ( HttpTransport
21 , configureTransport
23 import Distribution.Client.Types
24 ( LocalRepo (..)
25 , RemoteRepo (..)
26 , Repo (..)
27 , localRepoCacheKey
28 , unRepoName
30 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
31 ( Flag (..)
32 , flagToMaybe
33 , fromFlag
35 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
36 ( info
37 , warn
39 import Distribution.Utils.NubList
40 ( NubList
41 , fromNubList
44 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.ActiveRepos
45 ( ActiveRepos
48 import Control.Concurrent
49 ( MVar
50 , modifyMVar
51 , newMVar
53 import qualified Data.Map as Map
54 import Network.URI
55 ( URI
56 , uriPath
57 , uriScheme
59 import System.FilePath
60 ( (</>)
63 import qualified Distribution.Client.Security.DNS as Sec.DNS
64 import qualified Distribution.Client.Security.HTTP as Sec.HTTP
65 import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as Sec
66 import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Cache as Sec
67 import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Local as Sec.Local
68 import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Remote as Sec.Remote
69 import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Path as Sec
70 import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Pretty as Sec
72 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
74 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
76 -- * Global flags
78 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
80 -- | Flags that apply at the top level, not to any sub-command.
81 data GlobalFlags = GlobalFlags
82 { globalVersion :: Flag Bool
83 , globalNumericVersion :: Flag Bool
84 , globalConfigFile :: Flag FilePath
85 , globalConstraintsFile :: Flag FilePath
86 , globalRemoteRepos :: NubList RemoteRepo
87 -- ^ Available Hackage servers.
88 , globalCacheDir :: Flag FilePath
89 , globalLocalNoIndexRepos :: NubList LocalRepo
90 , globalActiveRepos :: Flag ActiveRepos
91 , globalLogsDir :: Flag FilePath
92 , globalIgnoreExpiry :: Flag Bool
93 -- ^ Ignore security expiry dates
94 , globalHttpTransport :: Flag String
95 , globalNix :: Flag Bool
96 -- ^ Integrate with Nix
97 , globalStoreDir :: Flag FilePath
98 , globalProgPathExtra :: NubList FilePath
99 -- ^ Extra program path used for packagedb lookups in a global context (i.e. for http transports)
101 deriving (Show, Generic)
103 defaultGlobalFlags :: GlobalFlags
104 defaultGlobalFlags =
105 GlobalFlags
106 { globalVersion = Flag False
107 , globalNumericVersion = Flag False
108 , globalConfigFile = mempty
109 , globalConstraintsFile = mempty
110 , globalRemoteRepos = mempty
111 , globalCacheDir = mempty
112 , globalLocalNoIndexRepos = mempty
113 , globalActiveRepos = mempty
114 , globalLogsDir = mempty
115 , globalIgnoreExpiry = Flag False
116 , globalHttpTransport = mempty
117 , globalNix = Flag False
118 , globalStoreDir = mempty
119 , globalProgPathExtra = mempty
122 instance Monoid GlobalFlags where
123 mempty = gmempty
124 mappend = (<>)
126 instance Semigroup GlobalFlags where
127 (<>) = gmappend
129 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
131 -- * Repo context
133 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
135 -- | Access to repositories
136 data RepoContext = RepoContext
137 { repoContextRepos :: [Repo]
138 -- ^ All user-specified repositories
139 , repoContextGetTransport :: IO HttpTransport
140 -- ^ Get the HTTP transport
142 -- The transport will be initialized on the first call to this function.
144 -- NOTE: It is important that we don't eagerly initialize the transport.
145 -- Initializing the transport is not free, and especially in contexts where
146 -- we don't know a priori whether or not we need the transport (for instance
147 -- when using cabal in "nix mode") incurring the overhead of transport
148 -- initialization on _every_ invocation (eg @cabal build@) is undesirable.
149 , repoContextWithSecureRepo
150 :: forall a
151 . Repo
152 -> (forall down. Sec.Repository down -> IO a)
153 -> IO a
154 -- ^ Get the (initialized) secure repo
156 -- (the 'Repo' type itself is stateless and must remain so, because it
157 -- must be serializable)
158 , repoContextIgnoreExpiry :: Bool
159 -- ^ Should we ignore expiry times (when checking security)?
162 -- | Wrapper around 'Repository', hiding the type argument
163 data SecureRepo = forall down. SecureRepo (Sec.Repository down)
165 withRepoContext :: Verbosity -> GlobalFlags -> (RepoContext -> IO a) -> IO a
166 withRepoContext verbosity globalFlags =
167 withRepoContext'
168 verbosity
169 (fromNubList (globalRemoteRepos globalFlags))
170 (fromNubList (globalLocalNoIndexRepos globalFlags))
171 (fromFlag (globalCacheDir globalFlags))
172 (flagToMaybe (globalHttpTransport globalFlags))
173 (flagToMaybe (globalIgnoreExpiry globalFlags))
174 (fromNubList (globalProgPathExtra globalFlags))
176 withRepoContext'
177 :: Verbosity
178 -> [RemoteRepo]
179 -> [LocalRepo]
180 -> FilePath
181 -> Maybe String
182 -> Maybe Bool
183 -> [FilePath]
184 -> (RepoContext -> IO a)
185 -> IO a
186 withRepoContext'
187 verbosity
188 remoteRepos
189 localNoIndexRepos
190 sharedCacheDir
191 httpTransport
192 ignoreExpiry
193 extraPaths = \callback -> do
194 for_ localNoIndexRepos $ \local ->
195 unless (FilePath.Posix.isAbsolute (localRepoPath local)) $
196 warn verbosity $
197 "file+noindex " ++ unRepoName (localRepoName local) ++ " repository path is not absolute; this is fragile, and not recommended"
199 transportRef <- newMVar Nothing
200 let httpLib =
201 Sec.HTTP.transportAdapter
202 verbosity
203 (getTransport transportRef)
204 initSecureRepos verbosity httpLib secureRemoteRepos $ \secureRepos' ->
205 callback
206 RepoContext
207 { repoContextRepos =
208 allRemoteRepos
209 ++ allLocalNoIndexRepos
210 , repoContextGetTransport = getTransport transportRef
211 , repoContextWithSecureRepo = withSecureRepo secureRepos'
212 , repoContextIgnoreExpiry = fromMaybe False ignoreExpiry
214 where
215 secureRemoteRepos =
216 [(remote, cacheDir) | RepoSecure remote cacheDir <- allRemoteRepos]
218 allRemoteRepos :: [Repo]
219 allRemoteRepos =
220 [ (if isSecure then RepoSecure else RepoRemote) remote cacheDir
221 | remote <- remoteRepos
222 , let cacheDir = sharedCacheDir </> unRepoName (remoteRepoName remote)
223 isSecure = remoteRepoSecure remote == Just True
226 allLocalNoIndexRepos :: [Repo]
227 allLocalNoIndexRepos =
228 [ RepoLocalNoIndex local cacheDir
229 | local <- localNoIndexRepos
230 , let cacheDir
231 | localRepoSharedCache local = sharedCacheDir </> localRepoCacheKey local
232 | otherwise = localRepoPath local
235 getTransport :: MVar (Maybe HttpTransport) -> IO HttpTransport
236 getTransport transportRef =
237 modifyMVar transportRef $ \mTransport -> do
238 transport <- case mTransport of
239 Just tr -> return tr
240 Nothing -> configureTransport verbosity extraPaths httpTransport
241 return (Just transport, transport)
243 withSecureRepo
244 :: Map Repo SecureRepo
245 -> Repo
246 -> (forall down. Sec.Repository down -> IO a)
247 -> IO a
248 withSecureRepo secureRepos repo callback =
249 case Map.lookup repo secureRepos of
250 Just (SecureRepo secureRepo) -> callback secureRepo
251 Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "repoContextWithSecureRepo: unknown repo"
253 -- | Initialize the provided secure repositories
255 -- Assumed invariant: `remoteRepoSecure` should be set for all these repos.
256 initSecureRepos
257 :: forall a
258 . Verbosity
259 -> Sec.HTTP.HttpLib
260 -> [(RemoteRepo, FilePath)]
261 -> (Map Repo SecureRepo -> IO a)
262 -> IO a
263 initSecureRepos verbosity httpLib repos callback = go Map.empty repos
264 where
265 go :: Map Repo SecureRepo -> [(RemoteRepo, FilePath)] -> IO a
266 go !acc [] = callback acc
267 go !acc ((r, cacheDir) : rs) = do
268 cachePath <- Sec.makeAbsolute $ Sec.fromFilePath cacheDir
269 initSecureRepo verbosity httpLib r cachePath $ \r' ->
270 go (Map.insert (RepoSecure r cacheDir) r' acc) rs
272 -- | Initialize the given secure repo
274 -- The security library has its own concept of a "local" repository, distinct
275 -- from @cabal-install@'s; these are secure repositories, but live in the local
276 -- file system. We use the convention that these repositories are identified by
277 -- URLs of the form @file:/path/to/local/repo@.
278 initSecureRepo
279 :: Verbosity
280 -> Sec.HTTP.HttpLib
281 -> RemoteRepo
282 -- ^ Secure repo ('remoteRepoSecure' assumed)
283 -> Sec.Path Sec.Absolute
284 -- ^ Cache dir
285 -> (SecureRepo -> IO a)
286 -- ^ Callback
287 -> IO a
288 initSecureRepo verbosity httpLib RemoteRepo{..} cachePath = \callback -> do
289 requiresBootstrap <- withRepo [] Sec.requiresBootstrap
291 mirrors <-
292 if requiresBootstrap
293 then do
294 info verbosity $
295 "Trying to locate mirrors via DNS for "
296 ++ "initial bootstrap of secure "
297 ++ "repository '"
298 ++ show remoteRepoURI
299 ++ "' ..."
301 Sec.DNS.queryBootstrapMirrors verbosity remoteRepoURI
302 else pure []
304 withRepo mirrors $ \r -> do
305 when requiresBootstrap $
306 Sec.uncheckClientErrors $
307 Sec.bootstrap
309 (map Sec.KeyId remoteRepoRootKeys)
310 (Sec.KeyThreshold (fromIntegral remoteRepoKeyThreshold))
311 callback $ SecureRepo r
312 where
313 -- Initialize local or remote repo depending on the URI
314 withRepo :: [URI] -> (forall down. Sec.Repository down -> IO a) -> IO a
315 withRepo _ callback | uriScheme remoteRepoURI == "file:" = do
316 dir <- Sec.makeAbsolute $ Sec.fromFilePath (uriPath remoteRepoURI)
317 Sec.Local.withRepository
319 cache
320 Sec.hackageRepoLayout
321 Sec.hackageIndexLayout
322 logTUF
323 callback
324 withRepo mirrors callback =
325 Sec.Remote.withRepository
326 httpLib
327 (remoteRepoURI : mirrors)
328 Sec.Remote.defaultRepoOpts
329 cache
330 Sec.hackageRepoLayout
331 Sec.hackageIndexLayout
332 logTUF
333 callback
335 cache :: Sec.Cache
336 cache =
337 Sec.Cache
338 { cacheRoot = cachePath
339 , cacheLayout =
340 Sec.cabalCacheLayout
341 { Sec.cacheLayoutIndexTar = cacheFn "01-index.tar"
342 , Sec.cacheLayoutIndexIdx = cacheFn "01-index.tar.idx"
343 , Sec.cacheLayoutIndexTarGz = cacheFn "01-index.tar.gz"
347 cacheFn :: FilePath -> Sec.CachePath
348 cacheFn = Sec.rootPath . Sec.fragment
350 -- We display any TUF progress only in verbose mode, including any transient
351 -- verification errors. If verification fails, then the final exception that
352 -- is thrown will of course be shown.
353 logTUF :: Sec.LogMessage -> IO ()
354 logTUF = info verbosity . Sec.pretty