Include the GHC "Project Unit Id" in the cabal store path
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdOutdated.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- |
10 -- Module : Distribution.Client.CmdOutdated
11 -- Maintainer :
12 -- Portability : portable
14 -- Implementation of the 'outdated' command. Checks for outdated
15 -- dependencies in the package description file or freeze file.
16 module Distribution.Client.CmdOutdated
17 ( outdatedCommand
18 , outdatedAction
19 , ListOutdatedSettings (..)
20 , listOutdated
22 where
24 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
25 import Distribution.Compat.Lens
26 ( _1
27 , _2
29 import Prelude ()
31 import Distribution.Client.Config
32 ( SavedConfig
33 ( savedConfigureExFlags
34 , savedConfigureFlags
35 , savedGlobalFlags
38 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
39 ( DistDirLayout (distProjectFile, distProjectRootDirectory)
40 , defaultDistDirLayout
42 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
43 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
44 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig.Legacy
45 ( instantiateProjectConfigSkeletonWithCompiler
47 import Distribution.Client.ProjectFlags
48 ( ProjectFlags (..)
49 , defaultProjectFlags
50 , projectFlagsOptions
51 , removeIgnoreProjectOption
53 import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
54 ( runRebuild
56 import Distribution.Client.Sandbox
57 ( loadConfigOrSandboxConfig
59 import Distribution.Client.Sandbox.PackageEnvironment
60 ( loadUserConfig
62 import Distribution.Client.Setup
63 import Distribution.Client.Targets
64 ( UserConstraint
65 , userToPackageConstraint
67 import Distribution.Client.Types.SourcePackageDb as SourcePackageDb
68 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
69 ( packageConstraintToDependency
71 import Distribution.Utils.Generic
72 ( safeLast
73 , wrapText
76 import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils
77 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
78 import Distribution.Package
79 ( PackageName
80 , packageVersion
82 import Distribution.PackageDescription
83 ( allBuildDepends
85 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
86 ( finalizePD
88 import Distribution.ReadE
89 ( parsecToReadE
91 import Distribution.Simple.Command
92 ( CommandUI (..)
93 , OptionField
94 , ShowOrParseArgs
95 , liftOptionL
96 , optArg
97 , option
98 , reqArg
100 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
101 ( Compiler
102 , compilerInfo
104 import Distribution.Simple.Flag
105 ( Flag (..)
106 , flagToMaybe
107 , fromFlagOrDefault
108 , toFlag
110 import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription
111 ( readGenericPackageDescription
113 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
114 ( optionVerbosity
115 , trueArg
117 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
118 ( debug
119 , dieWithException
120 , notice
121 , tryFindPackageDesc
123 import Distribution.System
124 ( Platform (..)
126 import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec
127 ( ComponentRequestedSpec (..)
129 import Distribution.Types.Dependency
130 ( Dependency (..)
132 import Distribution.Types.PackageVersionConstraint
133 ( PackageVersionConstraint (..)
134 , simplifyPackageVersionConstraint
136 import Distribution.Utils.NubList
137 ( fromNubList
139 import Distribution.Verbosity
140 ( normal
141 , silent
143 import Distribution.Version
144 ( LowerBound (..)
145 , UpperBound (..)
146 , Version
147 , VersionInterval (..)
148 , VersionRange
149 , asVersionIntervals
150 , majorBoundVersion
153 import qualified Data.Set as S
154 import Distribution.Client.Errors
155 import System.Directory
156 ( doesFileExist
157 , getCurrentDirectory
160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
161 -- Command
162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 outdatedCommand :: CommandUI (ProjectFlags, OutdatedFlags)
165 outdatedCommand =
166 CommandUI
167 { commandName = "outdated"
168 , commandSynopsis = "Check for outdated dependencies."
169 , commandDescription = Just $ \_ ->
170 wrapText $
171 "Checks for outdated dependencies in the package description file "
172 ++ "or freeze file"
173 , commandNotes = Nothing
174 , commandUsage = \pname ->
175 "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " outdated [FLAGS] [PACKAGES]\n"
176 , commandDefaultFlags = (defaultProjectFlags, defaultOutdatedFlags)
177 , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs ->
179 (liftOptionL _1)
180 (removeIgnoreProjectOption (projectFlagsOptions showOrParseArgs))
181 ++ map (liftOptionL _2) (outdatedOptions showOrParseArgs)
184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 -- Flags
186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 data IgnoreMajorVersionBumps
189 = IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsNone
190 | IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsAll
191 | IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome [PackageName]
193 instance Monoid IgnoreMajorVersionBumps where
194 mempty = IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsNone
195 mappend = (<>)
197 instance Semigroup IgnoreMajorVersionBumps where
198 IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsNone <> r = r
199 l@IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsAll <> _ = l
200 l@(IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome _) <> IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsNone = l
201 (IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome _) <> r@IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsAll = r
202 (IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome a) <> (IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome b) =
203 IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome (a ++ b)
205 data OutdatedFlags = OutdatedFlags
206 { outdatedVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity
207 , outdatedFreezeFile :: Flag Bool
208 , outdatedNewFreezeFile :: Flag Bool
209 , outdatedSimpleOutput :: Flag Bool
210 , outdatedExitCode :: Flag Bool
211 , outdatedQuiet :: Flag Bool
212 , outdatedIgnore :: [PackageName]
213 , outdatedMinor :: Maybe IgnoreMajorVersionBumps
216 defaultOutdatedFlags :: OutdatedFlags
217 defaultOutdatedFlags =
218 OutdatedFlags
219 { outdatedVerbosity = toFlag normal
220 , outdatedFreezeFile = mempty
221 , outdatedNewFreezeFile = mempty
222 , outdatedSimpleOutput = mempty
223 , outdatedExitCode = mempty
224 , outdatedQuiet = mempty
225 , outdatedIgnore = mempty
226 , outdatedMinor = mempty
229 outdatedOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField OutdatedFlags]
230 outdatedOptions _showOrParseArgs =
231 [ optionVerbosity
232 outdatedVerbosity
233 (\v flags -> flags{outdatedVerbosity = v})
234 , option
236 ["freeze-file", "v1-freeze-file"]
237 "Act on the freeze file"
238 outdatedFreezeFile
239 (\v flags -> flags{outdatedFreezeFile = v})
240 trueArg
241 , option
243 ["v2-freeze-file", "new-freeze-file"]
244 "Act on the new-style freeze file (default: cabal.project.freeze)"
245 outdatedNewFreezeFile
246 (\v flags -> flags{outdatedNewFreezeFile = v})
247 trueArg
248 , option
250 ["simple-output"]
251 "Only print names of outdated dependencies, one per line"
252 outdatedSimpleOutput
253 (\v flags -> flags{outdatedSimpleOutput = v})
254 trueArg
255 , option
257 ["exit-code"]
258 "Exit with non-zero when there are outdated dependencies"
259 outdatedExitCode
260 (\v flags -> flags{outdatedExitCode = v})
261 trueArg
262 , option
263 ['q']
264 ["quiet"]
265 "Don't print any output. Implies '--exit-code' and '-v0'"
266 outdatedQuiet
267 (\v flags -> flags{outdatedQuiet = v})
268 trueArg
269 , option
271 ["ignore"]
272 "Packages to ignore"
273 outdatedIgnore
274 (\v flags -> flags{outdatedIgnore = v})
275 (reqArg "PKGS" pkgNameListParser (map prettyShow))
276 , option
278 ["minor"]
279 "Ignore major version bumps for these packages"
280 outdatedMinor
281 (\v flags -> flags{outdatedMinor = v})
282 ( optArg
283 "PKGS"
284 ignoreMajorVersionBumpsParser
285 ("", Just IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsAll)
286 ignoreMajorVersionBumpsPrinter
289 where
290 ignoreMajorVersionBumpsPrinter
291 :: Maybe IgnoreMajorVersionBumps
292 -> [Maybe String]
293 ignoreMajorVersionBumpsPrinter Nothing = []
294 ignoreMajorVersionBumpsPrinter (Just IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsNone) = []
295 ignoreMajorVersionBumpsPrinter (Just IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsAll) = [Nothing]
296 ignoreMajorVersionBumpsPrinter (Just (IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome pkgs)) =
297 map (Just . prettyShow) pkgs
299 ignoreMajorVersionBumpsParser =
300 (Just . IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome) `fmap` pkgNameListParser
302 pkgNameListParser =
303 parsecToReadE
304 ("Couldn't parse the list of package names: " ++)
305 (fmap toList (P.sepByNonEmpty parsec (P.char ',')))
307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 -- Action
309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 -- | Entry point for the 'outdated' command.
312 outdatedAction :: (ProjectFlags, OutdatedFlags) -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
313 outdatedAction (ProjectFlags{flagProjectDir, flagProjectFile}, OutdatedFlags{..}) _targetStrings globalFlags = do
314 config <- loadConfigOrSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
315 let globalFlags' = savedGlobalFlags config `mappend` globalFlags
316 configFlags = savedConfigureFlags config
317 withRepoContext verbosity globalFlags' $ \repoContext -> do
318 when (not newFreezeFile && (isJust mprojectDir || isJust mprojectFile)) $
319 dieWithException verbosity OutdatedAction
321 sourcePkgDb <- IndexUtils.getSourcePackages verbosity repoContext
322 (comp, platform, _progdb) <- configCompilerAux' configFlags
323 deps <-
324 if freezeFile
325 then depsFromFreezeFile verbosity
326 else
327 if newFreezeFile
328 then do
329 httpTransport <-
330 configureTransport
331 verbosity
332 (fromNubList . globalProgPathExtra $ globalFlags)
333 (flagToMaybe . globalHttpTransport $ globalFlags)
334 depsFromNewFreezeFile verbosity httpTransport comp platform mprojectDir mprojectFile
335 else do
336 depsFromPkgDesc verbosity comp platform
337 debug verbosity $
338 "Dependencies loaded: "
339 ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyShow deps)
340 let outdatedDeps =
341 listOutdated
342 deps
343 sourcePkgDb
344 (ListOutdatedSettings ignorePred minorPred)
345 when (not quiet) $
346 showResult verbosity outdatedDeps simpleOutput
347 if exitCode && (not . null $ outdatedDeps)
348 then exitFailure
349 else return ()
350 where
351 verbosity =
352 if quiet
353 then silent
354 else fromFlagOrDefault normal outdatedVerbosity
355 freezeFile = fromFlagOrDefault False outdatedFreezeFile
356 newFreezeFile = fromFlagOrDefault False outdatedNewFreezeFile
357 mprojectDir = flagToMaybe flagProjectDir
358 mprojectFile = flagToMaybe flagProjectFile
359 simpleOutput = fromFlagOrDefault False outdatedSimpleOutput
360 quiet = fromFlagOrDefault False outdatedQuiet
361 exitCode = fromFlagOrDefault quiet outdatedExitCode
362 ignorePred =
363 let ignoreSet = S.fromList outdatedIgnore
364 in \pkgname -> pkgname `S.member` ignoreSet
365 minorPred = case outdatedMinor of
366 Nothing -> const False
367 Just IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsNone -> const False
368 Just IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsAll -> const True
369 Just (IgnoreMajorVersionBumpsSome pkgs) ->
370 let minorSet = S.fromList pkgs
371 in \pkgname -> pkgname `S.member` minorSet
373 -- | Print either the list of all outdated dependencies, or a message
374 -- that there are none.
375 showResult :: Verbosity -> [(PackageVersionConstraint, Version)] -> Bool -> IO ()
376 showResult verbosity outdatedDeps simpleOutput =
377 if not . null $ outdatedDeps
378 then do
379 when (not simpleOutput) $
380 notice verbosity "Outdated dependencies:"
381 for_ outdatedDeps $ \(d@(PackageVersionConstraint pn _), v) ->
382 let outdatedDep =
383 if simpleOutput
384 then prettyShow pn
385 else prettyShow d ++ " (latest: " ++ prettyShow v ++ ")"
386 in notice verbosity outdatedDep
387 else notice verbosity "All dependencies are up to date."
389 -- | Convert a list of 'UserConstraint's to a 'Dependency' list.
390 userConstraintsToDependencies :: [UserConstraint] -> [PackageVersionConstraint]
391 userConstraintsToDependencies ucnstrs =
392 mapMaybe (packageConstraintToDependency . userToPackageConstraint) ucnstrs
394 -- | Read the list of dependencies from the freeze file.
395 depsFromFreezeFile :: Verbosity -> IO [PackageVersionConstraint]
396 depsFromFreezeFile verbosity = do
397 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
398 userConfig <- loadUserConfig verbosity cwd Nothing
399 let ucnstrs =
400 map fst . configExConstraints . savedConfigureExFlags $
401 userConfig
402 deps = userConstraintsToDependencies ucnstrs
403 debug verbosity "Reading the list of dependencies from the freeze file"
404 return deps
406 -- | Read the list of dependencies from the new-style freeze file.
407 depsFromNewFreezeFile :: Verbosity -> HttpTransport -> Compiler -> Platform -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO [PackageVersionConstraint]
408 depsFromNewFreezeFile verbosity httpTransport compiler (Platform arch os) mprojectDir mprojectFile = do
409 projectRoot <-
410 either throwIO return
411 =<< findProjectRoot verbosity mprojectDir mprojectFile
412 let distDirLayout =
413 defaultDistDirLayout
414 projectRoot
415 {- TODO: Support dist dir override -} Nothing
416 Nothing
417 projectConfig <- runRebuild (distProjectRootDirectory distDirLayout) $ do
418 pcs <- readProjectLocalFreezeConfig verbosity httpTransport distDirLayout
419 pure $ instantiateProjectConfigSkeletonWithCompiler os arch (compilerInfo compiler) mempty pcs
420 let ucnstrs =
421 map fst . projectConfigConstraints . projectConfigShared $
422 projectConfig
423 deps = userConstraintsToDependencies ucnstrs
424 freezeFile = distProjectFile distDirLayout "freeze"
425 freezeFileExists <- doesFileExist freezeFile
427 unless freezeFileExists $
428 dieWithException verbosity $
429 FreezeFileExistsErr freezeFile
431 debug verbosity $
432 "Reading the list of dependencies from the new-style freeze file " ++ freezeFile
433 return deps
435 -- | Read the list of dependencies from the package description.
436 depsFromPkgDesc :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> Platform -> IO [PackageVersionConstraint]
437 depsFromPkgDesc verbosity comp platform = do
438 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
439 path <- tryFindPackageDesc verbosity cwd
440 gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription verbosity path
441 let cinfo = compilerInfo comp
442 epd =
443 finalizePD
444 mempty
445 (ComponentRequestedSpec True True)
446 (const True)
447 platform
448 cinfo
451 case epd of
452 Left _ -> dieWithException verbosity FinalizePDFailed
453 Right (pd, _) -> do
454 let bd = allBuildDepends pd
455 debug
456 verbosity
457 "Reading the list of dependencies from the package description"
458 return $ map toPVC bd
459 where
460 toPVC (Dependency pn vr _) = PackageVersionConstraint pn vr
462 -- | Various knobs for customising the behaviour of 'listOutdated'.
463 data ListOutdatedSettings = ListOutdatedSettings
464 { listOutdatedIgnorePred :: PackageName -> Bool
465 -- ^ Should this package be ignored?
466 , listOutdatedMinorPred :: PackageName -> Bool
467 -- ^ Should major version bumps be ignored for this package?
470 -- | Find all outdated dependencies.
471 listOutdated
472 :: [PackageVersionConstraint]
473 -> SourcePackageDb
474 -> ListOutdatedSettings
475 -> [(PackageVersionConstraint, Version)]
476 listOutdated deps sourceDb (ListOutdatedSettings ignorePred minorPred) =
477 mapMaybe isOutdated $ map simplifyPackageVersionConstraint deps
478 where
479 isOutdated :: PackageVersionConstraint -> Maybe (PackageVersionConstraint, Version)
480 isOutdated dep@(PackageVersionConstraint pname vr)
481 | ignorePred pname = Nothing
482 | otherwise =
483 let this = map packageVersion $ SourcePackageDb.lookupDependency sourceDb pname vr
484 latest = lookupLatest dep
485 in (\v -> (dep, v)) `fmap` isOutdated' this latest
487 isOutdated' :: [Version] -> [Version] -> Maybe Version
488 isOutdated' [] _ = Nothing
489 isOutdated' _ [] = Nothing
490 isOutdated' this latest =
491 let this' = maximum this
492 latest' = maximum latest
493 in if this' < latest' then Just latest' else Nothing
495 lookupLatest :: PackageVersionConstraint -> [Version]
496 lookupLatest (PackageVersionConstraint pname vr)
497 | minorPred pname =
498 map packageVersion $ SourcePackageDb.lookupDependency sourceDb pname (relaxMinor vr)
499 | otherwise =
500 map packageVersion $ SourcePackageDb.lookupPackageName sourceDb pname
502 relaxMinor :: VersionRange -> VersionRange
503 relaxMinor vr =
504 let vis = asVersionIntervals vr
505 in maybe vr relax (safeLast vis)
506 where
507 relax (VersionInterval (LowerBound v0 _) upper) =
508 case upper of
509 NoUpperBound -> vr
510 UpperBound _v1 _ -> majorBoundVersion v0