Include the GHC "Project Unit Id" in the cabal store path
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdHaddock.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
3 -- | cabal-install CLI command: haddock
4 module Distribution.Client.CmdHaddock
5 ( -- * The @haddock@ CLI and action
6 haddockCommand
7 , haddockAction
8 , ClientHaddockFlags (..)
10 -- * Internals exposed for testing
11 , selectPackageTargets
12 , selectComponentTarget
13 ) where
15 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
16 import System.Directory (makeAbsolute)
17 import Prelude ()
19 import Distribution.Client.CmdErrorMessages
20 import Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions
21 ( NixStyleFlags (..)
22 , defaultNixStyleFlags
23 , nixStyleOptions
25 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig.Types
26 ( PackageConfig (..)
27 , ProjectConfig (..)
29 import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
30 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
31 ( ElaboratedSharedConfig (..)
33 import Distribution.Client.Setup
34 ( ConfigFlags (..)
35 , GlobalFlags
36 , InstallFlags (..)
38 import Distribution.Client.TargetProblem
39 ( TargetProblem (..)
40 , TargetProblem'
42 import Distribution.Simple.Command
43 ( CommandUI (..)
44 , OptionField
45 , ShowOrParseArgs
46 , option
47 , usageAlternatives
49 import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag (..))
50 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin
51 ( haddockProgram
53 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
54 ( addKnownProgram
55 , reconfigurePrograms
57 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
58 ( HaddockFlags (..)
59 , fromFlagOrDefault
60 , trueArg
62 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
63 ( dieWithException
64 , notice
65 , wrapText
67 import Distribution.Verbosity
68 ( normal
71 import Distribution.Client.Errors
72 import qualified System.Exit (exitSuccess)
74 newtype ClientHaddockFlags = ClientHaddockFlags {openInBrowser :: Flag Bool}
76 haddockCommand :: CommandUI (NixStyleFlags ClientHaddockFlags)
77 haddockCommand =
78 CommandUI
79 { commandName = "v2-haddock"
80 , commandSynopsis = "Build Haddock documentation."
81 , commandUsage = usageAlternatives "v2-haddock" ["[FLAGS] TARGET"]
82 , commandDescription = Just $ \_ ->
83 wrapText $
84 "Build Haddock documentation for the specified packages within the "
85 ++ "project.\n\n"
86 ++ "Any package in the project can be specified. If no package is "
87 ++ "specified, the default is to build the documentation for the package "
88 ++ "in the current directory. The default behaviour is to build "
89 ++ "documentation for the exposed modules of the library component (if "
90 ++ "any). This can be changed with the '--internal', '--executables', "
91 ++ "'--tests', '--benchmarks' or '--all' flags.\n\n"
92 ++ "Currently, documentation for dependencies is NOT built. This "
93 ++ "behavior may change in future.\n\n"
94 ++ "Additional configuration flags can be specified on the command line "
95 ++ "and these extend the project configuration from the 'cabal.project', "
96 ++ "'cabal.project.local' and other files."
97 , commandNotes = Just $ \pname ->
98 "Examples:\n"
99 ++ " "
100 ++ pname
101 ++ " v2-haddock pkgname"
102 ++ " Build documentation for the package named pkgname\n"
103 , commandOptions = nixStyleOptions haddockOptions
104 , commandDefaultFlags = defaultNixStyleFlags (ClientHaddockFlags (Flag False))
107 -- TODO: [nice to have] support haddock on specific components, not just
108 -- whole packages and the silly --executables etc modifiers.
110 haddockOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField ClientHaddockFlags]
111 haddockOptions _ =
112 [ option
114 ["open"]
115 "Open generated documentation in the browser"
116 openInBrowser
117 (\v f -> f{openInBrowser = v})
118 trueArg
121 mkConfigAbsolute :: ProjectConfig -> IO ProjectConfig
122 mkConfigAbsolute relConfig = do
123 let relPackageConfig = projectConfigLocalPackages relConfig
124 absHaddockOutputDir <- traverse makeAbsolute (packageConfigHaddockOutputDir relPackageConfig)
125 return
126 ( relConfig
127 { projectConfigLocalPackages =
128 relPackageConfig
129 { packageConfigHaddockOutputDir = absHaddockOutputDir
134 mkFlagsAbsolute :: NixStyleFlags ClientHaddockFlags -> IO (NixStyleFlags ClientHaddockFlags)
135 mkFlagsAbsolute relFlags = do
136 let relHaddockFlags = haddockFlags relFlags
137 absHaddockOutputDir <- traverse makeAbsolute (haddockOutputDir relHaddockFlags)
138 return (relFlags{haddockFlags = relHaddockFlags{haddockOutputDir = absHaddockOutputDir}})
140 -- | The @haddock@ command is TODO.
142 -- For more details on how this works, see the module
143 -- "Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration"
144 haddockAction :: NixStyleFlags ClientHaddockFlags -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
145 haddockAction relFlags targetStrings globalFlags = do
146 -- It's important to make --haddock-output-dir absolute since we change the working directory later.
147 flags@NixStyleFlags{..} <- mkFlagsAbsolute relFlags
150 verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (configVerbosity configFlags)
151 installDoc = fromFlagOrDefault True (installDocumentation installFlags)
152 flags' = flags{installFlags = installFlags{installDocumentation = Flag installDoc}}
153 cliConfig = commandLineFlagsToProjectConfig globalFlags flags' mempty -- ClientInstallFlags, not needed here
154 projCtx <- establishProjectBaseContext verbosity cliConfig HaddockCommand
156 let relBaseCtx@ProjectBaseContext{projectConfig = relProjectConfig}
157 | fromFlagOrDefault False (openInBrowser extraFlags) =
158 projCtx{buildSettings = (buildSettings projCtx){buildSettingHaddockOpen = True}}
159 | otherwise =
160 projCtx
161 absProjectConfig <- mkConfigAbsolute relProjectConfig
162 let baseCtx = relBaseCtx{projectConfig = absProjectConfig}
164 targetSelectors <-
165 either (reportTargetSelectorProblems verbosity) return
166 =<< readTargetSelectors (localPackages baseCtx) Nothing targetStrings
168 buildCtx <-
169 runProjectPreBuildPhase verbosity baseCtx $ \elaboratedPlan -> do
170 when (buildSettingOnlyDeps (buildSettings baseCtx)) $
171 dieWithException verbosity HaddockCommandDoesn'tSupport
173 -- When we interpret the targets on the command line, interpret them as
174 -- haddock targets
175 targets <-
176 either (reportBuildDocumentationTargetProblems verbosity) return $
177 resolveTargets
178 (selectPackageTargets haddockFlags)
179 selectComponentTarget
180 elaboratedPlan
181 Nothing
182 targetSelectors
184 let elaboratedPlan' =
185 pruneInstallPlanToTargets
186 TargetActionHaddock
187 targets
188 elaboratedPlan
189 return (elaboratedPlan', targets)
191 printPlan verbosity baseCtx buildCtx
193 progs <-
194 reconfigurePrograms
195 verbosity
196 (haddockProgramPaths haddockFlags)
197 (haddockProgramArgs haddockFlags)
198 -- we need to insert 'haddockProgram' before we reconfigure it,
199 -- otherwise 'set
200 . addKnownProgram haddockProgram
201 . pkgConfigCompilerProgs
202 . elaboratedShared
203 $ buildCtx
204 let buildCtx' =
205 buildCtx
206 { elaboratedShared =
207 (elaboratedShared buildCtx)
208 { pkgConfigCompilerProgs = progs
212 buildOutcomes <- runProjectBuildPhase verbosity baseCtx buildCtx'
213 runProjectPostBuildPhase verbosity baseCtx buildCtx' buildOutcomes
215 -- | This defines what a 'TargetSelector' means for the @haddock@ command.
216 -- It selects the 'AvailableTarget's that the 'TargetSelector' refers to,
217 -- or otherwise classifies the problem.
219 -- For the @haddock@ command we select all buildable libraries. Additionally,
220 -- depending on the @--executables@ flag we also select all the buildable exes.
221 -- We do similarly for test-suites, benchmarks and foreign libs.
222 selectPackageTargets
223 :: HaddockFlags
224 -> TargetSelector
225 -> [AvailableTarget k]
226 -> Either TargetProblem' [k]
227 selectPackageTargets haddockFlags targetSelector targets
228 -- If there are any buildable targets then we select those
229 | not (null targetsBuildable) =
230 Right targetsBuildable
231 -- If there are targets but none are buildable then we report those
232 | not (null targets) =
233 Left (TargetProblemNoneEnabled targetSelector targets')
234 -- If there are no targets at all then we report that
235 | otherwise =
236 Left (TargetProblemNoTargets targetSelector)
237 where
238 targets' = forgetTargetsDetail (map disableNotRequested targets)
239 targetsBuildable = selectBuildableTargets (map disableNotRequested targets)
241 -- When there's a target filter like "pkg:exes" then we do select exes,
242 -- but if it's just a target like "pkg" then we don't build docs for exes
243 -- unless they are requested by default (i.e. by using --executables)
244 disableNotRequested t@(AvailableTarget _ cname (TargetBuildable _ _) _)
245 | not (isRequested targetSelector (componentKind cname)) =
246 t{availableTargetStatus = TargetDisabledByUser}
247 disableNotRequested t = t
249 isRequested (TargetPackage _ _ (Just _)) _ = True
250 isRequested (TargetAllPackages (Just _)) _ = True
251 isRequested _ LibKind = True
252 -- isRequested _ SubLibKind = True --TODO: what about sublibs?
254 -- TODO/HACK, we encode some defaults here as v2-haddock's logic;
255 -- make sure this matches the defaults applied in
256 -- "Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning"; this may need more work
257 -- to be done properly
259 -- See also
260 isRequested _ FLibKind = fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockForeignLibs haddockFlags)
261 isRequested _ ExeKind = fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockExecutables haddockFlags)
262 isRequested _ TestKind = fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockTestSuites haddockFlags)
263 isRequested _ BenchKind = fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockBenchmarks haddockFlags)
265 -- | For a 'TargetComponent' 'TargetSelector', check if the component can be
266 -- selected.
268 -- For the @haddock@ command we just need the basic checks on being buildable
269 -- etc.
270 selectComponentTarget
271 :: SubComponentTarget
272 -> AvailableTarget k
273 -> Either TargetProblem' k
274 selectComponentTarget = selectComponentTargetBasic
276 reportBuildDocumentationTargetProblems :: Verbosity -> [TargetProblem'] -> IO a
277 reportBuildDocumentationTargetProblems verbosity problems =
278 case problems of
279 [TargetProblemNoneEnabled _ _] -> do
280 notice verbosity $
281 unwords
282 [ "No documentation was generated as this package does not contain a library."
283 , "Perhaps you want to use the --haddock-all flag, or one or more of the"
284 , "--haddock-executables, --haddock-tests, --haddock-benchmarks or"
285 , "--haddock-internal flags."
287 System.Exit.exitSuccess
288 _ -> reportTargetProblems verbosity "build documentation for" problems