Use Base16 hash for script path.
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / src / Test / Cabal / Prelude.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
7 -- | Generally useful definitions that we expect most test scripts
8 -- to use.
9 module Test.Cabal.Prelude (
10 module Test.Cabal.Prelude,
11 module Test.Cabal.Monad,
12 module Test.Cabal.Run,
13 module System.FilePath,
14 module Control.Monad,
15 module Control.Monad.IO.Class,
16 module Distribution.Version,
17 module Distribution.Simple.Program,
18 ) where
20 import Test.Cabal.Script
21 import Test.Cabal.Run
22 import Test.Cabal.Monad
23 import Test.Cabal.Plan
25 import Distribution.Compat.Time (calibrateMtimeChangeDelay)
26 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (PackageDBStack, PackageDB(..))
27 import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription (readGenericPackageDescription)
28 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
29 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
30 import Distribution.Simple.Program
31 import Distribution.System (OS(Windows,Linux,OSX), Arch(JavaScript), buildOS, buildArch)
32 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
33 ( withFileContents, tryFindPackageDesc )
34 import Distribution.Simple.Configure
35 ( getPersistBuildConfig )
36 import Distribution.Version
37 import Distribution.Package
38 import Distribution.Parsec (eitherParsec)
39 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
40 import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo
41 import Distribution.PackageDescription
42 import Distribution.Utils.TempTestDir (withTestDir)
43 import Distribution.Verbosity (normal)
45 import Distribution.Compat.Stack
47 import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~))
49 import Control.Concurrent.Async (waitCatch, withAsync)
50 import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
51 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
52 import Control.Monad (unless, when, void, forM_, liftM2, liftM4)
53 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (withReaderT, runReaderT)
54 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
55 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
56 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
57 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
58 import Data.List (isInfixOf, stripPrefix, isPrefixOf, intercalate)
59 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
60 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
61 import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
62 import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
63 import System.FilePath
64 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
65 import qualified Data.Char as Char
66 import System.Directory
67 import Control.Retry (exponentialBackoff, limitRetriesByCumulativeDelay)
68 import Network.Wait (waitTcpVerbose)
69 import System.Environment
71 #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
72 import Control.Monad.Catch ( bracket_ )
73 import System.Posix.Files ( createSymbolicLink )
74 import System.Posix.Resource
75 #endif
77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 -- * Utilities
80 runM :: FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe String -> TestM Result
81 runM path args input = do
82 env <- getTestEnv
83 r <- liftIO $ run (testVerbosity env)
84 (Just (testCurrentDir env))
85 (testEnvironment env)
86 path
87 args
88 input
89 recordLog r
90 requireSuccess r
92 runProgramM :: Program -> [String] -> Maybe String -> TestM Result
93 runProgramM prog args input = do
94 configured_prog <- requireProgramM prog
95 -- TODO: Consider also using other information from
96 -- ConfiguredProgram, e.g., env and args
97 runM (programPath configured_prog) args input
99 getLocalBuildInfoM :: TestM LocalBuildInfo
100 getLocalBuildInfoM = do
101 env <- getTestEnv
102 liftIO $ getPersistBuildConfig (testDistDir env)
104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 -- * Changing parameters
107 withDirectory :: FilePath -> TestM a -> TestM a
108 withDirectory f = withReaderT
109 (\env -> env { testRelativeCurrentDir = testRelativeCurrentDir env </> f })
111 -- We append to the environment list, as per 'getEffectiveEnvironment'
112 -- which prefers the latest override.
113 withEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> TestM a -> TestM a
114 withEnv e = withReaderT (\env -> env { testEnvironment = testEnvironment env ++ e })
116 -- | Prepend a directory to the PATH
117 addToPath :: FilePath -> TestM a -> TestM a
118 addToPath exe_dir action = do
119 env <- getTestEnv
120 path <- liftIO $ getEnv "PATH"
121 let newpath = exe_dir ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ path
122 let new_env = (("PATH", Just newpath) : (testEnvironment env))
123 withEnv new_env action
126 -- HACK please don't use me
127 withEnvFilter :: (String -> Bool) -> TestM a -> TestM a
128 withEnvFilter p = withReaderT (\env -> env { testEnvironment = filter (p . fst) (testEnvironment env) })
130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 -- * Running Setup
133 marked_verbose :: String
134 marked_verbose = "-vverbose +markoutput +nowrap"
136 setup :: String -> [String] -> TestM ()
137 setup cmd args = void (setup' cmd args)
139 setup' :: String -> [String] -> TestM Result
140 setup' = setup'' "."
142 setup''
143 :: FilePath
144 -- ^ Subdirectory to find the @.cabal@ file in.
145 -> String
146 -- ^ Command name
147 -> [String]
148 -- ^ Arguments
149 -> TestM Result
150 setup'' prefix cmd args = do
151 env <- getTestEnv
152 when ((cmd == "register" || cmd == "copy") && not (testHavePackageDb env)) $
153 error "Cannot register/copy without using 'withPackageDb'"
154 ghc_path <- programPathM ghcProgram
155 haddock_path <- programPathM haddockProgram
156 let args' = case cmd of
157 "configure" ->
158 -- If the package database is empty, setting --global
159 -- here will make us error loudly if we try to install
160 -- into a bad place.
161 [ "--global"
162 -- NB: technically unnecessary with Cabal, but
163 -- definitely needed for Setup, which doesn't
164 -- respect cabal.config
165 , "--with-ghc", ghc_path
166 , "--with-haddock", haddock_path
167 -- This avoids generating hashes in our package IDs,
168 -- which helps the test suite's expect tests.
169 , "--enable-deterministic"
170 -- These flags make the test suite run faster
171 -- Can't do this unless we LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly
172 -- , "--enable-executable-dynamic"
173 -- , "--disable-optimization"
174 -- Specify where we want our installed packages to go
175 , "--prefix=" ++ testPrefixDir env
176 ] ++ packageDBParams (testPackageDBStack env)
177 ++ args
178 _ -> args
179 let rel_dist_dir = definitelyMakeRelative (testCurrentDir env) (testDistDir env)
180 full_args = cmd :| [marked_verbose, "--distdir", rel_dist_dir] ++ args'
181 defaultRecordMode RecordMarked $ do
182 recordHeader ["Setup", cmd]
184 -- We test `cabal act-as-setup` when running cabal-tests.
186 -- `cabal` and `Setup.hs` do have different interface.
189 pdfile <- liftIO $ tryFindPackageDesc (testVerbosity env) (testCurrentDir env </> prefix)
190 pdesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription (testVerbosity env) pdfile
191 if testCabalInstallAsSetup env
192 then if buildType (packageDescription pdesc) == Simple
193 then runProgramM cabalProgram ("act-as-setup" : "--" : NE.toList full_args) Nothing
194 else fail "Using act-as-setup for not 'build-type: Simple' package"
195 else do
196 if buildType (packageDescription pdesc) == Simple
197 then runM (testSetupPath env) (NE.toList full_args) Nothing
198 -- Run the Custom script!
199 else do
200 r <- liftIO $ runghc (testScriptEnv env)
201 (Just (testCurrentDir env))
202 (testEnvironment env)
203 (testCurrentDir env </> prefix </> "Setup.hs")
204 (NE.toList full_args)
205 recordLog r
206 requireSuccess r
208 -- This code is very tempting (and in principle should be quick:
209 -- after all we are loading the built version of Cabal), but
210 -- actually it costs quite a bit in wallclock time (e.g. 54sec to
211 -- 68sec on AllowNewer, working with un-optimized Cabal.)
213 r <- liftIO $ runghc (testScriptEnv env)
214 (Just (testCurrentDir env))
215 (testEnvironment env)
216 "Setup.hs"
217 (cmd : ["-v", "--distdir", testDistDir env] ++ args')
218 -- don't forget to check results...
221 definitelyMakeRelative :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
222 definitelyMakeRelative base0 path0 =
223 let go [] path = joinPath path
224 go base [] = joinPath (replicate (length base) "..")
225 go (x:xs) (y:ys)
226 | x == y = go xs ys
227 | otherwise = go (x:xs) [] </> go [] (y:ys)
228 -- NB: It's important to normalize, as otherwise if
229 -- we see "foo/./bar" we'll incorrectly conclude that we need
230 -- to go "../../.." to get out of it.
231 in go (splitPath (normalise base0)) (splitPath (normalise path0))
233 -- | This abstracts the common pattern of configuring and then building.
234 setup_build :: [String] -> TestM ()
235 setup_build args = do
236 setup "configure" args
237 setup "build" []
238 return ()
240 -- | This abstracts the common pattern of "installing" a package.
241 setup_install :: [String] -> TestM ()
242 setup_install args = do
243 setup "configure" args
244 setup "build" []
245 setup "copy" []
246 setup "register" []
247 return ()
249 -- | This abstracts the common pattern of "installing" a package,
250 -- with haddock documentation.
251 setup_install_with_docs :: [String] -> TestM ()
252 setup_install_with_docs args = do
253 setup "configure" args
254 setup "build" []
255 setup "haddock" []
256 setup "copy" []
257 setup "register" []
258 return ()
260 packageDBParams :: PackageDBStack -> [String]
261 packageDBParams dbs = "--package-db=clear"
262 : map (("--package-db=" ++) . convert) dbs
263 where
264 convert :: PackageDB -> String
265 convert GlobalPackageDB = "global"
266 convert UserPackageDB = "user"
267 convert (SpecificPackageDB path) = path
269 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 -- * Running cabal
272 -- cabal cmd args
273 cabal :: String -> [String] -> TestM ()
274 cabal cmd args = void (cabal' cmd args)
276 -- cabal cmd args
277 cabal' :: String -> [String] -> TestM Result
278 cabal' = cabalG' []
280 cabalWithStdin :: String -> [String] -> String -> TestM Result
281 cabalWithStdin cmd args input = cabalGArgs [] cmd args (Just input)
283 cabalG :: [String] -> String -> [String] -> TestM ()
284 cabalG global_args cmd args = void (cabalG' global_args cmd args)
286 cabalG' :: [String] -> String -> [String] -> TestM Result
287 cabalG' global_args cmd args = cabalGArgs global_args cmd args Nothing
289 cabalGArgs :: [String] -> String -> [String] -> Maybe String -> TestM Result
290 cabalGArgs global_args cmd args input = do
291 env <- getTestEnv
292 -- Freeze writes out cabal.config to source directory, this is not
293 -- overwritable
294 when (cmd == "v1-freeze") requireHasSourceCopy
295 let extra_args
296 | cmd `elem`
297 [ "v1-update"
298 , "outdated"
299 , "user-config"
300 , "man"
301 , "v1-freeze"
302 , "check"
303 , "gen-bounds"
304 , "get", "unpack"
305 , "info"
306 , "init"
307 , "haddock-project"
308 , "path"
310 = [ ]
312 -- new-build commands are affected by testCabalProjectFile
313 | cmd == "v2-sdist"
314 = [ "--project-file", testCabalProjectFile env ]
316 | cmd == "v2-clean"
317 = [ "--builddir", testDistDir env
318 , "--project-file", testCabalProjectFile env ]
320 | "v2-" `isPrefixOf` cmd
321 = [ "--builddir", testDistDir env
322 , "--project-file", testCabalProjectFile env
323 , "-j1" ]
325 | otherwise
326 = [ "--builddir", testDistDir env ] ++
327 install_args
329 install_args
330 | cmd == "v1-install" || cmd == "v1-build" = [ "-j1" ]
331 | otherwise = []
333 cabal_args = global_args
334 ++ [ cmd, marked_verbose ]
335 ++ extra_args
336 ++ args
337 defaultRecordMode RecordMarked $ do
338 recordHeader ["cabal", cmd]
339 cabal_raw' cabal_args input
341 cabal_raw' :: [String] -> Maybe String -> TestM Result
342 cabal_raw' cabal_args input = runProgramM cabalProgram cabal_args input
344 withProjectFile :: FilePath -> TestM a -> TestM a
345 withProjectFile fp m =
346 withReaderT (\env -> env { testCabalProjectFile = fp }) m
348 -- | Assuming we've successfully configured a new-build project,
349 -- read out the plan metadata so that we can use it to do other
350 -- operations.
351 withPlan :: TestM a -> TestM a
352 withPlan m = do
353 env0 <- getTestEnv
354 let filepath = testDistDir env0 </> "cache" </> "plan.json"
355 mplan <- JSON.eitherDecode `fmap` liftIO (BSL.readFile filepath)
356 case mplan of
357 Left err -> fail $ "withPlan: cannot decode plan " ++ err
358 Right plan -> withReaderT (\env -> env { testPlan = Just plan }) m
360 -- | Run an executable from a package. Requires 'withPlan' to have
361 -- been run so that we can find the dist dir.
362 runPlanExe :: String {- package name -} -> String {- component name -}
363 -> [String] -> TestM ()
364 runPlanExe pkg_name cname args = void $ runPlanExe' pkg_name cname args
366 -- | Run an executable from a package. Requires 'withPlan' to have
367 -- been run so that we can find the dist dir. Also returns 'Result'.
368 runPlanExe' :: String {- package name -} -> String {- component name -}
369 -> [String] -> TestM Result
370 runPlanExe' pkg_name cname args = do
371 exePath <- planExePath pkg_name cname
372 defaultRecordMode RecordAll $ do
373 recordHeader [pkg_name, cname]
374 runM exePath args Nothing
376 planExePath :: String {- package name -} -> String {- component name -}
377 -> TestM FilePath
378 planExePath pkg_name cname = do
379 Just plan <- testPlan `fmap` getTestEnv
380 let distDirOrBinFile = planDistDir plan (mkPackageName pkg_name)
381 (CExeName (mkUnqualComponentName cname))
382 exePath = case distDirOrBinFile of
383 DistDir dist_dir -> dist_dir </> "build" </> cname </> cname
384 BinFile bin_file -> bin_file
385 return exePath
387 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 -- * Running ghc-pkg
390 withPackageDb :: TestM a -> TestM a
391 withPackageDb m = do
392 env <- getTestEnv
393 let db_path = testPackageDbDir env
394 if testHavePackageDb env
395 then m
396 else withReaderT (\nenv ->
397 nenv { testPackageDBStack
398 = testPackageDBStack env
399 ++ [SpecificPackageDB db_path]
400 , testHavePackageDb = True
402 $ do ghcPkg "init" [db_path]
405 ghcPkg :: String -> [String] -> TestM ()
406 ghcPkg cmd args = void (ghcPkg' cmd args)
408 ghcPkg' :: String -> [String] -> TestM Result
409 ghcPkg' cmd args = do
410 env <- getTestEnv
411 unless (testHavePackageDb env) $
412 error "Must initialize package database using withPackageDb"
413 -- NB: testDBStack already has the local database
414 ghcConfProg <- requireProgramM ghcProgram
415 let db_stack = testPackageDBStack env
416 extraArgs = ghcPkgPackageDBParams
417 (fromMaybe
418 (error "ghc-pkg: cannot detect version")
419 (programVersion ghcConfProg))
420 db_stack
421 recordHeader ["ghc-pkg", cmd]
422 runProgramM ghcPkgProgram (cmd : extraArgs ++ args) Nothing
424 ghcPkgPackageDBParams :: Version -> PackageDBStack -> [String]
425 ghcPkgPackageDBParams version dbs = concatMap convert dbs where
426 convert :: PackageDB -> [String]
427 -- Ignoring global/user is dodgy but there's no way good
428 -- way to give ghc-pkg the correct flags in this case.
429 convert GlobalPackageDB = []
430 convert UserPackageDB = []
431 convert (SpecificPackageDB path)
432 | version >= mkVersion [7,6]
433 = ["--package-db=" ++ path]
434 | otherwise
435 = ["--package-conf=" ++ path]
437 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
438 -- * Running other things
440 -- | Run an executable that was produced by cabal. The @exe_name@
441 -- is precisely the name of the executable section in the file.
442 runExe :: String -> [String] -> TestM ()
443 runExe exe_name args = void (runExe' exe_name args)
445 runExe' :: String -> [String] -> TestM Result
446 runExe' exe_name args = do
447 env <- getTestEnv
448 defaultRecordMode RecordAll $ do
449 recordHeader [exe_name]
450 runM (testDistDir env </> "build" </> exe_name </> exe_name) args Nothing
452 -- | Run an executable that was installed by cabal. The @exe_name@
453 -- is precisely the name of the executable.
454 runInstalledExe :: String -> [String] -> TestM ()
455 runInstalledExe exe_name args = void (runInstalledExe' exe_name args)
457 -- | Run an executable that was installed by cabal. Use this
458 -- instead of 'runInstalledExe' if you need to inspect the
459 -- stdout/stderr output.
460 runInstalledExe' :: String -> [String] -> TestM Result
461 runInstalledExe' exe_name args = do
462 env <- getTestEnv
463 defaultRecordMode RecordAll $ do
464 recordHeader [exe_name]
465 runM (testPrefixDir env </> "bin" </> exe_name) args Nothing
467 -- | Run a shell command in the current directory.
468 shell :: String -> [String] -> TestM Result
469 shell exe args = runM exe args Nothing
471 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
472 -- * Repository manipulation
474 -- Workflows we support:
475 -- 1. Test comes with some packages (directories in repository) which
476 -- should be in the repository and available for depsolving/installing
477 -- into global store.
479 -- Workflows we might want to support in the future
480 -- * Regression tests may want to test on Hackage index. They will
481 -- operate deterministically as they will be pinned to a timestamp.
482 -- (But should we allow this? Have to download the tarballs in that
483 -- case. Perhaps dep solver only!)
484 -- * We might sdist a local package, and then upload it to the
485 -- repository
486 -- * Some of our tests involve old versions of Cabal. This might
487 -- be one of the rare cases where we're willing to grab the entire
488 -- tarball.
490 -- Properties we want to hold:
491 -- 1. Tests can be run offline. No dependence on
492 -- beyond what we needed to actually get the build of Cabal working
493 -- itself
494 -- 2. Tests are deterministic. Updates to Hackage should not cause
495 -- tests to fail. (OTOH, it's good to run tests on most recent
496 -- Hackage index; some sort of canary test which is run nightly.
497 -- Point is it should NOT be tied to cabal source code.)
499 -- Technical notes:
500 -- * We depend on hackage-repo-tool binary. It would better if it was
501 -- libified into hackage-security but this has not been done yet.
504 hackageRepoTool :: String -> [String] -> TestM ()
505 hackageRepoTool cmd args = void $ hackageRepoTool' cmd args
507 hackageRepoTool' :: String -> [String] -> TestM Result
508 hackageRepoTool' cmd args = do
509 recordHeader ["hackage-repo-tool", cmd]
510 runProgramM hackageRepoToolProgram (cmd : args) Nothing
512 tar :: [String] -> TestM ()
513 tar args = void $ tar' args
515 tar' :: [String] -> TestM Result
516 tar' args = do
517 recordHeader ["tar"]
518 runProgramM tarProgram args Nothing
520 -- | Creates a tarball of a directory, such that if you
521 -- archive the directory "/foo/bar/baz" to "mine.tgz", @tar tf@ reports
522 -- @baz/file1@, @baz/file2@, etc.
523 archiveTo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestM ()
524 src `archiveTo` dst = do
525 -- TODO: Consider using the @tar@ library?
526 let (src_parent, src_dir) = splitFileName src
527 -- TODO: --format ustar, like createArchive?
528 -- --force-local is necessary for handling colons in Windows paths.
529 tar $ ["-czf", dst]
530 ++ ["--force-local" | buildOS == Windows]
531 ++ ["-C", src_parent, src_dir]
533 infixr 4 `archiveTo`
535 -- | Given a directory (relative to the 'testCurrentDir') containing
536 -- a series of directories representing packages, generate an
537 -- external repository corresponding to all of these packages
538 withRepo :: FilePath -> TestM a -> TestM a
539 withRepo repo_dir m = do
540 --
541 -- you don't simply put a windows path into URL...
542 skipIfWindows
544 env <- getTestEnv
546 -- 1. Initialize repo directory
547 let package_dir = testRepoDir env
548 liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True package_dir
550 -- 2. Create tarballs
551 pkgs <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents (testCurrentDir env </> repo_dir)
552 forM_ pkgs $ \pkg -> do
553 let srcPath = testCurrentDir env </> repo_dir </> pkg
554 let destPath = package_dir </> pkg
555 isPreferredVersionsFile <- liftIO $
556 -- validate this is the "magic" 'preferred-versions' file
557 -- and perform a sanity-check whether this is actually a file
558 -- and not a package that happens to have the same name.
559 if pkg == "preferred-versions"
560 then doesFileExist srcPath
561 else return False
562 case pkg of
563 '.':_ -> return ()
565 | isPreferredVersionsFile ->
566 liftIO $ copyFile srcPath destPath
567 | otherwise -> archiveTo
568 srcPath
569 (destPath <.> "tar.gz")
571 -- 3. Wire it up in .cabal/config
572 -- TODO: libify this
573 let package_cache = testCabalDir env </> "packages"
574 liftIO $ appendFile (testUserCabalConfigFile env)
575 $ unlines [ "repository test-local-repo"
576 , " url: " ++ repoUri env
577 , "remote-repo-cache: " ++ package_cache ]
578 liftIO $ print $ testUserCabalConfigFile env
579 liftIO $ print =<< readFile (testUserCabalConfigFile env)
581 -- 4. Update our local index
582 -- Note: this doesn't do anything for file+noindex repositories.
583 cabal "v2-update" ["-z"]
585 -- 5. Profit
586 withReaderT (\env' -> env' { testHaveRepo = True }) m
587 -- TODO: Arguably should undo everything when we're done...
588 where
589 repoUri env ="file+noindex://" ++ testRepoDir env
591 -- | Given a directory (relative to the 'testCurrentDir') containing
592 -- a series of directories representing packages, generate an
593 -- remote repository corresponding to all of these packages
594 withRemoteRepo :: FilePath -> TestM a -> TestM a
595 withRemoteRepo repoDir m = do
596 --
597 -- you don't simply put a windows path into URL...
598 skipIfWindows
600 -- we rely on the presence of python3 for a simple http server
601 skipUnless "no python3" =<< isAvailableProgram python3Program
602 -- we rely on hackage-repo-tool to set up the secure repository
603 skipUnless "no hackage-repo-tool" =<< isAvailableProgram hackageRepoToolProgram
605 env <- getTestEnv
607 let workDir = testRepoDir env
609 -- 1. Initialize repo and repo_keys directory
610 let keysDir = workDir </> "keys"
611 let packageDir = workDir </> "package"
613 liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True packageDir
614 liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True keysDir
616 -- 2. Create tarballs
617 entries <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents (testCurrentDir env </> repoDir)
618 forM_ entries $ \entry -> do
619 let srcPath = testCurrentDir env </> repoDir </> entry
620 let destPath = packageDir </> entry
621 isPreferredVersionsFile <- liftIO $
622 -- validate this is the "magic" 'preferred-versions' file
623 -- and perform a sanity-check whether this is actually a file
624 -- and not a package that happens to have the same name.
625 if entry == "preferred-versions"
626 then doesFileExist srcPath
627 else return False
628 case entry of
629 '.' : _ -> return ()
631 | isPreferredVersionsFile ->
632 liftIO $ copyFile srcPath destPath
633 | otherwise ->
634 archiveTo srcPath (destPath <.> "tar.gz")
636 -- 3. Create keys and bootstrap repository
637 hackageRepoTool "create-keys" $ ["--keys", keysDir ]
638 hackageRepoTool "bootstrap" $ ["--keys", keysDir, "--repo", workDir]
640 -- 4. Wire it up in .cabal/config
641 let package_cache = testCabalDir env </> "packages"
642 -- In the following we launch a python http server to serve the remote
643 -- repository. When the http server is ready we proceed with the tests.
644 -- NOTE 1: it's important that both the http server and cabal use the
645 -- same hostname ("localhost"), otherwise there could be a mismatch
646 -- (depending on the details of the host networking settings).
647 -- NOTE 2: here we use a fixed port (8000). This can cause problems in
648 -- case multiple tests are running concurrently or other another
649 -- process on the developer machine is using the same port.
650 liftIO $ do
651 appendFile (testUserCabalConfigFile env) $
652 unlines [ "repository repository.localhost"
653 , " url: http://localhost:8000/"
654 , " secure: True"
655 , " root-keys:"
656 , " key-threshold: 0"
657 , "remote-repo-cache: " ++ package_cache ]
658 putStrLn $ testUserCabalConfigFile env
659 putStrLn =<< readFile (testUserCabalConfigFile env)
661 withAsync
662 (flip runReaderT env $ python3 ["-m", "http.server", "-d", workDir, "--bind", "localhost", "8000"])
663 (\_ -> do
664 -- wait for the python webserver to come up with a exponential
665 -- backoff starting from 50ms, up to a maximum wait of 60s
666 _ <- waitTcpVerbose putStrLn (limitRetriesByCumulativeDelay 60000000 $ exponentialBackoff 50000) "localhost" "8000"
667 runReaderT m (env { testHaveRepo = True }))
670 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
671 -- * Subprocess run results
673 requireSuccess :: Result -> TestM Result
674 requireSuccess r@Result { resultCommand = cmd
675 , resultExitCode = exitCode
676 , resultOutput = output } = withFrozenCallStack $ do
677 env <- getTestEnv
678 when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess && not (testShouldFail env)) $
679 assertFailure $ "Command " ++ cmd ++ " failed.\n" ++
680 "Output:\n" ++ output ++ "\n"
681 when (exitCode == ExitSuccess && testShouldFail env) $
682 assertFailure $ "Command " ++ cmd ++ " succeeded.\n" ++
683 "Output:\n" ++ output ++ "\n"
684 return r
686 initWorkDir :: TestM ()
687 initWorkDir = do
688 env <- getTestEnv
689 liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (testWorkDir env)
691 -- | Record a header to help identify the output to the expect
692 -- log. Unlike the 'recordLog', we don't record all arguments;
693 -- just enough to give you an idea of what the command might have
694 -- been. (This is because the arguments may not be deterministic,
695 -- so we don't want to spew them to the log.)
696 recordHeader :: [String] -> TestM ()
697 recordHeader args = do
698 env <- getTestEnv
699 let mode = testRecordMode env
700 str_header = "# " ++ intercalate " " args ++ "\n"
701 header = C.pack str_header
702 case mode of
703 DoNotRecord -> return ()
704 _ -> do
705 initWorkDir
706 liftIO $ putStr str_header
707 liftIO $ C.appendFile (testWorkDir env </> "test.log") header
708 liftIO $ C.appendFile (testActualFile env) header
710 recordLog :: Result -> TestM ()
711 recordLog res = do
712 env <- getTestEnv
713 let mode = testRecordMode env
714 initWorkDir
715 liftIO $ C.appendFile (testWorkDir env </> "test.log")
716 (C.pack $ "+ " ++ resultCommand res ++ "\n"
717 ++ resultOutput res ++ "\n\n")
718 liftIO . C.appendFile (testActualFile env) . C.pack $
719 case mode of
720 RecordAll -> unlines (lines (resultOutput res))
721 RecordMarked -> getMarkedOutput (resultOutput res)
722 DoNotRecord -> ""
724 getMarkedOutput :: String -> String -- trailing newline
725 getMarkedOutput out = unlines (go (lines out) False)
726 where
727 go [] _ = []
728 go (x:xs) True
729 | "-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----" `isPrefixOf` x
730 = go xs False
731 | otherwise = x : go xs True
732 go (x:xs) False
733 -- NB: Windows has extra goo at the end
734 | "-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----" `isPrefixOf` x
735 = go xs True
736 | otherwise = go xs False
738 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
739 -- * Test helpers
741 assertFailure :: WithCallStack (String -> m ())
742 assertFailure msg = withFrozenCallStack $ error msg
744 assertExitCode :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (ExitCode -> Result -> m ())
745 assertExitCode code result =
746 when (code /= resultExitCode result) $
747 assertFailure $ "Expected exit code: "
748 ++ show code
749 ++ "\nActual: "
750 ++ show (resultExitCode result)
752 assertEqual :: (Eq a, Show a, MonadIO m) => WithCallStack (String -> a -> a -> m ())
753 assertEqual s x y =
754 withFrozenCallStack $
755 when (x /= y) $
756 error (s ++ ":\nExpected: " ++ show x ++ "\nActual: " ++ show y)
758 assertNotEqual :: (Eq a, Show a, MonadIO m) => WithCallStack (String -> a -> a -> m ())
759 assertNotEqual s x y =
760 withFrozenCallStack $
761 when (x == y) $
762 error (s ++ ":\nGot both: " ++ show x)
764 assertBool :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> Bool -> m ())
765 assertBool s x =
766 withFrozenCallStack $
767 unless x $ error s
769 shouldExist :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (FilePath -> m ())
770 shouldExist path =
771 withFrozenCallStack $
772 liftIO $ doesFileExist path >>= assertBool (path ++ " should exist")
774 shouldNotExist :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (FilePath -> m ())
775 shouldNotExist path =
776 withFrozenCallStack $
777 liftIO $ doesFileExist path >>= assertBool (path ++ " should exist") . not
779 shouldDirectoryExist :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (FilePath -> m ())
780 shouldDirectoryExist path =
781 withFrozenCallStack $
782 liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist path >>= assertBool (path ++ " should exist")
784 shouldDirectoryNotExist :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (FilePath -> m ())
785 shouldDirectoryNotExist path =
786 withFrozenCallStack $
787 liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist path >>= assertBool (path ++ " should exist") . not
789 assertRegex :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> Result -> m ()
790 assertRegex msg regex r =
791 withFrozenCallStack $
792 let out = resultOutput r
793 in assertBool (msg ++ ",\nactual output:\n" ++ out)
794 (out =~ regex)
796 fails :: TestM a -> TestM a
797 fails = withReaderT (\env -> env { testShouldFail = not (testShouldFail env) })
799 defaultRecordMode :: RecordMode -> TestM a -> TestM a
800 defaultRecordMode mode = withReaderT (\env -> env {
801 testRecordDefaultMode = mode
804 recordMode :: RecordMode -> TestM a -> TestM a
805 recordMode mode = withReaderT (\env -> env {
806 testRecordUserMode = Just mode
809 assertOutputContains :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> Result -> m ())
810 assertOutputContains needle result =
811 withFrozenCallStack $
812 unless (needle `isInfixOf` (concatOutput output)) $
813 assertFailure $ " expected: " ++ needle
814 where output = resultOutput result
816 assertOutputDoesNotContain :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> Result -> m ())
817 assertOutputDoesNotContain needle result =
818 withFrozenCallStack $
819 when (needle `isInfixOf` (concatOutput output)) $
820 assertFailure $ "unexpected: " ++ needle
821 where output = resultOutput result
823 assertFindInFile :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> FilePath -> m ())
824 assertFindInFile needle path =
825 withFrozenCallStack $
826 liftIO $ withFileContents path
827 (\contents ->
828 unless (needle `isInfixOf` contents)
829 (assertFailure ("expected: " ++ needle ++ "\n" ++
830 " in file: " ++ path)))
832 assertFileDoesContain :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (FilePath -> String -> m ())
833 assertFileDoesContain path needle =
834 withFrozenCallStack $
835 liftIO $ withFileContents path
836 (\contents ->
837 unless (needle `isInfixOf` contents)
838 (assertFailure ("expected: " ++ needle ++ "\n" ++
839 " in file: " ++ path)))
841 assertFileDoesNotContain :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (FilePath -> String -> m ())
842 assertFileDoesNotContain path needle =
843 withFrozenCallStack $
844 liftIO $ withFileContents path
845 (\contents ->
846 when (needle `isInfixOf` contents)
847 (assertFailure ("expected: " ++ needle ++ "\n" ++
848 " in file: " ++ path)))
850 -- | Replace line breaks with spaces, correctly handling "\r\n".
851 concatOutput :: String -> String
852 concatOutput = unwords . lines . filter ((/=) '\r')
854 -- | The directory where script build artifacts are expected to be cached
855 getScriptCacheDirectory :: FilePath -> TestM FilePath
856 getScriptCacheDirectory script = do
857 cabalDir <- testCabalDir `fmap` getTestEnv
858 hashinput <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath script
859 let hash = C.unpack . Base16.encode . C.take 26 . SHA256.hash . C.pack $ hashinput
860 return $ cabalDir </> "script-builds" </> hash
862 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
863 -- * Skipping tests
865 hasSharedLibraries :: TestM Bool
866 hasSharedLibraries = do
867 shared_libs_were_removed <- isGhcVersion ">= 7.8"
868 return (not (buildOS == Windows && shared_libs_were_removed))
870 hasProfiledLibraries :: TestM Bool
871 hasProfiledLibraries = do
872 env <- getTestEnv
873 ghc_path <- programPathM ghcProgram
874 let prof_test_hs = testWorkDir env </> "Prof.hs"
875 liftIO $ writeFile prof_test_hs "module Prof where"
876 r <- liftIO $ run (testVerbosity env) (Just (testCurrentDir env))
877 (testEnvironment env) ghc_path ["-prof", "-c", prof_test_hs]
878 Nothing
879 return (resultExitCode r == ExitSuccess)
881 -- | Check if the GHC that is used for compiling package tests has
882 -- a shared library of the cabal library under test in its database.
884 -- An example where this is needed is if you want to dynamically link
885 -- detailed-0.9 test suites, since those depend on the Cabal library unde rtest.
886 hasCabalShared :: TestM Bool
887 hasCabalShared = do
888 env <- getTestEnv
889 return (testHaveCabalShared env)
891 isGhcVersion :: WithCallStack (String -> TestM Bool)
892 isGhcVersion range = do
893 ghc_program <- requireProgramM ghcProgram
894 v <- case programVersion ghc_program of
895 Nothing -> error $ "isGhcVersion: no ghc version for "
896 ++ show (programLocation ghc_program)
897 Just v -> return v
898 vr <- case eitherParsec range of
899 Left err -> fail err
900 Right vr -> return vr
901 return (v `withinRange` vr)
903 skipUnlessGhcVersion :: String -> TestM ()
904 skipUnlessGhcVersion range = skipUnless ("needs ghc " ++ range) =<< isGhcVersion range
906 skipIfGhcVersion :: String -> TestM ()
907 skipIfGhcVersion range = skipIf ("incompatible with ghc " ++ range) =<< isGhcVersion range
909 skipUnlessJavaScript :: TestM ()
910 skipUnlessJavaScript = skipUnless "needs the JavaScript backend" =<< isJavaScript
912 skipIfJavaScript :: TestM ()
913 skipIfJavaScript = skipIf "incompatible with the JavaScript backend" =<< isJavaScript
915 isWindows :: TestM Bool
916 isWindows = return (buildOS == Windows)
918 isOSX :: TestM Bool
919 isOSX = return (buildOS == OSX)
921 isLinux :: TestM Bool
922 isLinux = return (buildOS == Linux)
924 isJavaScript :: TestM Bool
925 isJavaScript = return (buildArch == JavaScript)
926 -- should probably be `hostArch` but Cabal doesn't distinguish build platform
927 -- and host platform
929 skipIfWindows :: TestM ()
930 skipIfWindows = skipIf "Windows" =<< isWindows
932 getOpenFilesLimit :: TestM (Maybe Integer)
933 #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
934 -- No MS-specified limit, was determined experimentally on Windows 10 Pro x64,
935 -- matches other online reports from other versions of Windows.
936 getOpenFilesLimit = return (Just 2048)
937 #else
938 getOpenFilesLimit = liftIO $ do
939 ResourceLimits { softLimit } <- getResourceLimit ResourceOpenFiles
940 case softLimit of
941 ResourceLimit n | n >= 0 && n <= 4096 -> return (Just n)
942 _ -> return Nothing
943 #endif
945 hasCabalForGhc :: TestM Bool
946 hasCabalForGhc = do
947 env <- getTestEnv
948 ghc_program <- requireProgramM ghcProgram
949 (runner_ghc_program, _) <- liftIO $ requireProgram
950 (testVerbosity env)
951 ghcProgram
952 (runnerProgramDb (testScriptEnv env))
954 -- TODO: I guess, to be more robust what we should check for
955 -- specifically is that the Cabal library we want to use
956 -- will be picked up by the package db stack of ghc-program
958 -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ "ghc_program: " ++ show ghc_program
959 -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ "runner_ghc_program: " ++ show runner_ghc_program
961 return (programPath ghc_program == programPath runner_ghc_program)
963 -- | If you want to use a Custom setup with new-build, it needs to
964 -- be 1.20 or later. Ordinarily, Cabal can go off and build a
965 -- sufficiently recent Cabal if necessary, but in our test suite,
966 -- by default, we try to avoid doing so (since that involves a
967 -- rather lengthy build process), instead using the boot Cabal if
968 -- possible. But some GHCs don't have a recent enough boot Cabal!
969 -- You'll want to exclude them in that case.
971 hasNewBuildCompatBootCabal :: TestM Bool
972 hasNewBuildCompatBootCabal = isGhcVersion ">= 7.9"
974 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
975 -- * Broken tests
977 expectBroken :: Int -> TestM a -> TestM ()
978 expectBroken ticket m = do
979 env <- getTestEnv
980 liftIO . withAsync (runReaderT m env) $ \a -> do
981 r <- waitCatch a
982 case r of
983 Left e -> do
984 putStrLn $ "This test is known broken, see #" ++ show ticket ++ ":"
985 print e
986 runReaderT expectedBroken env
987 Right _ -> do
988 runReaderT unexpectedSuccess env
990 expectBrokenIf :: Bool -> Int -> TestM a -> TestM ()
991 expectBrokenIf False _ m = void $ m
992 expectBrokenIf True ticket m = expectBroken ticket m
994 expectBrokenUnless :: Bool -> Int -> TestM a -> TestM ()
995 expectBrokenUnless b = expectBrokenIf (not b)
997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
998 -- * Miscellaneous
1000 git :: String -> [String] -> TestM ()
1001 git cmd args = void $ git' cmd args
1003 git' :: String -> [String] -> TestM Result
1004 git' cmd args = do
1005 recordHeader ["git", cmd]
1006 runProgramM gitProgram (cmd : args) Nothing
1008 gcc :: [String] -> TestM ()
1009 gcc args = void $ gcc' args
1011 gcc' :: [String] -> TestM Result
1012 gcc' args = do
1013 recordHeader ["gcc"]
1014 runProgramM gccProgram args Nothing
1016 ghc :: [String] -> TestM ()
1017 ghc args = void $ ghc' args
1019 ghc' :: [String] -> TestM Result
1020 ghc' args = do
1021 recordHeader ["ghc"]
1022 runProgramM ghcProgram args Nothing
1024 python3 :: [String] -> TestM ()
1025 python3 args = void $ python3' args
1027 python3' :: [String] -> TestM Result
1028 python3' args = do
1029 recordHeader ["python3"]
1030 runProgramM python3Program args Nothing
1032 -- | If a test needs to modify or write out source files, it's
1033 -- necessary to make a hermetic copy of the source files to operate
1034 -- on. This function arranges for this to be done.
1036 -- This requires the test repository to be a Git checkout, because
1037 -- we use the Git metadata to figure out what files to copy into the
1038 -- hermetic copy.
1040 -- Also see 'withSourceCopyDir'.
1041 withSourceCopy :: TestM a -> TestM a
1042 withSourceCopy m = do
1043 env <- getTestEnv
1044 let cwd = testCurrentDir env
1045 dest = testSourceCopyDir env
1046 r <- git' "ls-files" ["--cached", "--modified"]
1047 forM_ (lines (resultOutput r)) $ \f -> do
1048 unless (isTestFile f) $ do
1049 liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory (dest </> f))
1050 liftIO $ copyFile (cwd </> f) (dest </> f)
1051 withReaderT (\nenv -> nenv { testHaveSourceCopy = True }) m
1053 -- | If a test needs to modify or write out source files, it's
1054 -- necessary to make a hermetic copy of the source files to operate
1055 -- on. This function arranges for this to be done in a subdirectory
1056 -- with a given name, so that tests that are sensitive to the path
1057 -- that they're running in (e.g., autoconf tests) can run.
1059 -- This requires the test repository to be a Git checkout, because
1060 -- we use the Git metadata to figure out what files to copy into the
1061 -- hermetic copy.
1063 -- Also see 'withSourceCopy'.
1064 withSourceCopyDir :: FilePath -> TestM a -> TestM a
1065 withSourceCopyDir dir =
1066 withReaderT (\nenv -> nenv { testSourceCopyRelativeDir = dir }) . withSourceCopy
1068 -- | Look up the 'InstalledPackageId' of a package name.
1069 getIPID :: String -> TestM String
1070 getIPID pn = do
1071 r <- ghcPkg' "field" ["--global", pn, "id"]
1072 -- Don't choke on warnings from ghc-pkg
1073 case mapMaybe (stripPrefix "id: ") (lines (resultOutput r)) of
1074 -- ~/.cabal/store may contain multiple versions of single package
1075 -- we pick first one. It should work
1076 (x:_) -> return (takeWhile (not . Char.isSpace) x)
1077 _ -> error $ "could not determine id of " ++ pn
1079 -- | Delay a sufficient period of time to permit file timestamp
1080 -- to be updated.
1081 delay :: TestM ()
1082 delay = do
1083 env <- getTestEnv
1084 is_old_ghc <- isGhcVersion "< 7.7"
1085 -- For old versions of GHC, we only had second-level precision,
1086 -- so we need to sleep a full second. Newer versions use
1087 -- millisecond level precision, so we only have to wait
1088 -- the granularity of the underlying filesystem.
1089 -- TODO: cite commit when GHC got better precision; this
1090 -- version bound was empirically generated.
1091 liftIO . threadDelay $
1092 if is_old_ghc
1093 then 1000000
1094 else fromMaybe
1095 (error "Delay must be enclosed by withDelay")
1096 (testMtimeChangeDelay env)
1098 -- | Calibrate file modification time delay, if not
1099 -- already determined.
1100 withDelay :: TestM a -> TestM a
1101 withDelay m = do
1102 env <- getTestEnv
1103 case testMtimeChangeDelay env of
1104 Nothing -> do
1105 -- Figure out how long we need to delay for recompilation tests
1106 (_, mtimeChange) <- liftIO $ calibrateMtimeChangeDelay
1107 withReaderT (\nenv -> nenv { testMtimeChangeDelay = Just mtimeChange }) m
1108 Just _ -> m
1110 -- | Create a symlink for the duration of the provided action. If the symlink
1111 -- already exists, it is deleted. Does not work on Windows.
1112 withSymlink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestM a -> TestM a
1113 #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
1114 withSymlink _oldpath _newpath _act =
1115 error "PackageTests.PackageTester.withSymlink: does not work on Windows!"
1116 #else
1117 withSymlink oldpath newpath0 act = do
1118 env <- getTestEnv
1119 let newpath = testCurrentDir env </> newpath0
1120 symlinkExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist newpath
1121 when symlinkExists $ liftIO $ removeFile newpath
1122 bracket_ (liftIO $ createSymbolicLink oldpath newpath)
1123 (liftIO $ removeFile newpath) act
1124 #endif
1126 writeSourceFile :: FilePath -> String -> TestM ()
1127 writeSourceFile fp s = do
1128 requireHasSourceCopy
1129 cwd <- fmap testCurrentDir getTestEnv
1130 liftIO $ writeFile (cwd </> fp) s
1132 copySourceFileTo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestM ()
1133 copySourceFileTo src dest = do
1134 requireHasSourceCopy
1135 cwd <- fmap testCurrentDir getTestEnv
1136 liftIO $ copyFile (cwd </> src) (cwd </> dest)
1138 requireHasSourceCopy :: TestM ()
1139 requireHasSourceCopy = do
1140 env <- getTestEnv
1141 unless (testHaveSourceCopy env) $ do
1142 error "This operation requires a source copy; use withSourceCopy and 'git add' all test files"
1144 -- NB: Keep this synchronized with partitionTests
1145 isTestFile :: FilePath -> Bool
1146 isTestFile f =
1147 case takeExtensions f of
1148 ".test.hs" -> True
1149 ".multitest.hs" -> True
1150 _ -> False
1152 -- | Work around issue #4515 (store paths exceeding the Windows path length
1153 -- limit) by creating a temporary directory for the new-build store. This
1154 -- function creates a directory immediately under the current drive on Windows.
1155 -- The directory must be passed to new- commands with --store-dir.
1156 withShorterPathForNewBuildStore :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
1157 withShorterPathForNewBuildStore test =
1158 withTestDir normal "cabal-test-store" test
1160 -- | Find where a package locates in the store dir. This works only if there is exactly one 1 ghc version
1161 -- and exactly 1 directory for the given package in the store dir.
1162 findDependencyInStore :: FilePath -- ^store dir
1163 -> String -- ^package name prefix
1164 -> IO FilePath -- ^package dir
1165 findDependencyInStore storeDir pkgName = do
1166 storeDirForGhcVersion <- head <$> listDirectory storeDir
1167 packageDirs <- listDirectory (storeDir </> storeDirForGhcVersion)
1168 -- Ideally, we should call 'hashedInstalledPackageId' from 'Distribution.Client.PackageHash'.
1169 -- But 'PackageHashInputs', especially 'PackageHashConfigInputs', is too hard to construct.
1170 let pkgName' =
1171 if buildOS == OSX
1172 then filter (not . flip elem "aeiou") pkgName
1173 -- simulates the way 'hashedInstalledPackageId' uses to compress package name
1174 else pkgName
1175 let libDir = case filter (pkgName' `isPrefixOf`) packageDirs of
1176 [] -> error $ "Could not find " <> pkgName' <> " when searching for " <> pkgName' <> " in\n" <> show packageDirs
1177 (dir:_) -> dir
1178 pure (storeDir </> storeDirForGhcVersion </> libDir)