Stop logging to file when build inplace
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / ProjectBuilding / UnpackedPackage.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 -- | This module exposes functions to build and register unpacked packages.
7 --
8 -- Mainly, unpacked packages are either:
9 -- * Built and registered in-place
10 -- * Built and installed
12 -- The two cases differ significantly for there to be a distinction.
13 -- For instance, we only care about file monitoring and re-building when dealing
14 -- with "inplace" registered packages, whereas for installed packages we don't.
15 module Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding.UnpackedPackage
16 ( buildInplaceUnpackedPackage
17 , buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage
19 -- ** Auxiliary definitions
20 , buildAndRegisterUnpackedPackage
21 , PackageBuildingPhase
23 -- ** Utilities
24 , annotateFailure
25 , annotateFailureNoLog
26 ) where
28 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
29 import Prelude ()
31 import Distribution.Client.PackageHash (renderPackageHashInputs)
32 import Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding.Types
33 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
34 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig.Types
35 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
36 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
37 import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
38 import Distribution.Client.Store
40 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
41 import Distribution.Client.FileMonitor
42 import Distribution.Client.JobControl
43 import Distribution.Client.Setup
44 ( filterConfigureFlags
45 , filterHaddockArgs
46 , filterHaddockFlags
47 , filterTestFlags
49 import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper
50 import Distribution.Client.SourceFiles
51 import Distribution.Client.SrcDist (allPackageSourceFiles)
52 import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar
53 import Distribution.Client.Types hiding
54 ( BuildFailure (..)
55 , BuildOutcome
56 , BuildOutcomes
57 , BuildResult (..)
59 import Distribution.Client.Utils
60 ( ProgressPhase (..)
61 , findOpenProgramLocation
62 , progressMessage
65 import Distribution.Compat.Lens
66 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo)
67 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
68 import Distribution.Package
69 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
70 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (haddockDirName)
71 import Distribution.Simple.Command (CommandUI)
72 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
73 ( PackageDBStack
74 , compilerId
76 import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
77 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
78 ( ComponentName (..)
79 , LibraryName (..)
81 import Distribution.Simple.Program
82 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Register as Cabal
83 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Setup as Cabal
84 import Distribution.Types.BuildType
85 import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription.Lens (componentModules)
87 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
88 import Distribution.Version
90 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
91 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
92 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS.Char8
93 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
95 import Control.Exception (Handler (..), SomeAsyncException, assert, catches)
96 import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, removeFile)
97 import System.FilePath (dropDrive, normalise, takeDirectory, (<.>), (</>))
98 import System.IO (Handle, IOMode (AppendMode), withFile)
99 import System.Semaphore (SemaphoreName (..))
101 import Distribution.Client.Errors
102 import Distribution.Compat.Directory (listDirectory)
104 import Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding.PackageFileMonitor
106 -- | Each unpacked package is processed in the following phases:
108 -- * Configure phase
109 -- * Build phase
110 -- * Install phase (copy + register)
111 -- * Register phase
112 -- * Test phase
113 -- * Bench phase
114 -- * Repl phase
115 -- * Haddock phase
117 -- Depending on whether we are installing the package or building it inplace,
118 -- the phases will be carried out differently. For example, when installing,
119 -- the test, benchmark, and repl phase are ignored.
120 data PackageBuildingPhase
121 = PBConfigurePhase {runConfigure :: IO ()}
122 | PBBuildPhase {runBuild :: IO ()}
123 | PBHaddockPhase {runHaddock :: IO ()}
124 | PBInstallPhase
125 { runCopy :: FilePath -> IO ()
126 , runRegister
127 :: PackageDBStack
128 -> Cabal.RegisterOptions
129 -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
131 | PBTestPhase {runTest :: IO ()}
132 | PBBenchPhase {runBench :: IO ()}
133 | PBReplPhase {runRepl :: IO ()}
135 -- | Structures the phases of building and registering a package amongst others
136 -- (see t'PackageBuildingPhase'). Delegates logic specific to a certain
137 -- building style (notably, inplace vs install) to the delegate function that
138 -- receives as an argument t'PackageBuildingPhase')
139 buildAndRegisterUnpackedPackage
140 :: Verbosity
141 -> DistDirLayout
142 -> Maybe SemaphoreName
143 -- ^ Whether to pass a semaphore to build process
144 -- this is different to BuildTimeSettings because the
145 -- name of the semaphore is created freshly each time.
146 -> BuildTimeSettings
147 -> Lock
148 -> Lock
149 -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
150 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
151 -> ElaboratedReadyPackage
152 -> FilePath
153 -> FilePath
154 -> Maybe (FilePath)
155 -- ^ The path to an /initialized/ log file
156 -> (PackageBuildingPhase -> IO ())
157 -> IO ()
158 buildAndRegisterUnpackedPackage
159 verbosity
160 distDirLayout@DistDirLayout{distTempDirectory}
161 maybe_semaphore
162 BuildTimeSettings{buildSettingNumJobs}
163 registerLock
164 cacheLock
165 pkgshared@ElaboratedSharedConfig
166 { pkgConfigCompiler = compiler
167 , pkgConfigCompilerProgs = progdb
169 plan
170 rpkg@(ReadyPackage pkg)
171 srcdir
172 builddir
173 mlogFile
174 delegate = do
175 -- Configure phase
176 delegate $
177 PBConfigurePhase $
178 annotateFailure mlogFile ConfigureFailed $
179 setup configureCommand configureFlags configureArgs
181 -- Build phase
182 delegate $
183 PBBuildPhase $
184 annotateFailure mlogFile BuildFailed $
185 setup buildCommand buildFlags buildArgs
187 -- Haddock phase
188 whenHaddock $
189 delegate $
190 PBHaddockPhase $
191 annotateFailure mlogFile HaddocksFailed $ do
192 setup haddockCommand haddockFlags haddockArgs
194 -- Install phase
195 delegate $
196 PBInstallPhase
197 { runCopy = \destdir ->
198 annotateFailure mlogFile InstallFailed $
199 setup Cabal.copyCommand (copyFlags destdir) (const [])
200 , runRegister = \pkgDBStack registerOpts ->
201 annotateFailure mlogFile InstallFailed $ do
202 -- We register ourselves rather than via Setup.hs. We need to
203 -- grab and modify the InstalledPackageInfo. We decide what
204 -- the installed package id is, not the build system.
205 ipkg0 <- generateInstalledPackageInfo
206 let ipkg = ipkg0{Installed.installedUnitId = uid}
207 criticalSection registerLock $
208 Cabal.registerPackage
209 verbosity
210 compiler
211 progdb
212 pkgDBStack
213 ipkg
214 registerOpts
215 return ipkg
218 -- Test phase
219 whenTest $
220 delegate $
221 PBTestPhase $
222 annotateFailure mlogFile TestsFailed $
223 setup testCommand testFlags testArgs
225 -- Bench phase
226 whenBench $
227 delegate $
228 PBBenchPhase $
229 annotateFailure mlogFile BenchFailed $
230 setup benchCommand benchFlags benchArgs
232 -- Repl phase
233 whenRepl $
234 delegate $
235 PBReplPhase $
236 annotateFailure mlogFile ReplFailed $
237 setupInteractive replCommand replFlags replArgs
239 return ()
240 where
241 uid = installedUnitId rpkg
243 comp_par_strat = case maybe_semaphore of
244 Just sem_name -> Cabal.toFlag (getSemaphoreName sem_name)
245 _ -> Cabal.NoFlag
247 whenTest action
248 | null (elabTestTargets pkg) = return ()
249 | otherwise = action
251 whenBench action
252 | null (elabBenchTargets pkg) = return ()
253 | otherwise = action
255 whenRepl action
256 | null (elabReplTarget pkg) = return ()
257 | otherwise = action
259 whenHaddock action
260 | hasValidHaddockTargets pkg = action
261 | otherwise = return ()
263 configureCommand = Cabal.configureCommand defaultProgramDb
264 configureFlags v =
265 flip filterConfigureFlags v $
266 setupHsConfigureFlags
267 plan
268 rpkg
269 pkgshared
270 verbosity
271 builddir
272 configureArgs _ = setupHsConfigureArgs pkg
274 buildCommand = Cabal.buildCommand defaultProgramDb
275 buildFlags _ = setupHsBuildFlags comp_par_strat pkg pkgshared verbosity builddir
276 buildArgs _ = setupHsBuildArgs pkg
278 copyFlags destdir _ =
279 setupHsCopyFlags
281 pkgshared
282 verbosity
283 builddir
284 destdir
286 testCommand = Cabal.testCommand -- defaultProgramDb
287 testFlags v =
288 flip filterTestFlags v $
289 setupHsTestFlags
291 verbosity
292 builddir
293 testArgs _ = setupHsTestArgs pkg
295 benchCommand = Cabal.benchmarkCommand
296 benchFlags _ =
297 setupHsBenchFlags
299 pkgshared
300 verbosity
301 builddir
302 benchArgs _ = setupHsBenchArgs pkg
304 replCommand = Cabal.replCommand defaultProgramDb
305 replFlags _ =
306 setupHsReplFlags
308 pkgshared
309 verbosity
310 builddir
311 replArgs _ = setupHsReplArgs pkg
313 haddockCommand = Cabal.haddockCommand
314 haddockFlags v =
315 flip filterHaddockFlags v $
316 setupHsHaddockFlags
318 pkgshared
319 verbosity
320 builddir
321 haddockArgs v =
322 flip filterHaddockArgs v $
323 setupHsHaddockArgs pkg
325 scriptOptions =
326 setupHsScriptOptions
327 rpkg
328 plan
329 pkgshared
330 distDirLayout
331 srcdir
332 builddir
333 (isParallelBuild buildSettingNumJobs)
334 cacheLock
336 setup
337 :: CommandUI flags
338 -> (Version -> flags)
339 -> (Version -> [String])
340 -> IO ()
341 setup cmd flags args =
342 withLogging $ \mLogFileHandle ->
343 setupWrapper
344 verbosity
345 scriptOptions
346 { useLoggingHandle = mLogFileHandle
347 , useExtraEnvOverrides =
348 dataDirsEnvironmentForPlan
349 distDirLayout
350 plan
352 (Just (elabPkgDescription pkg))
354 flags
355 args
357 setupInteractive
358 :: CommandUI flags
359 -> (Version -> flags)
360 -> (Version -> [String])
361 -> IO ()
362 setupInteractive cmd flags args =
363 setupWrapper
364 verbosity
365 scriptOptions{isInteractive = True}
366 (Just (elabPkgDescription pkg))
368 flags
369 args
371 generateInstalledPackageInfo :: IO InstalledPackageInfo
372 generateInstalledPackageInfo =
373 withTempInstalledPackageInfoFile
374 verbosity
375 distTempDirectory
376 $ \pkgConfDest -> do
377 let registerFlags _ =
378 setupHsRegisterFlags
380 pkgshared
381 verbosity
382 builddir
383 pkgConfDest
384 setup Cabal.registerCommand registerFlags (const [])
386 withLogging :: (Maybe Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
387 withLogging action =
388 case mlogFile of
389 Nothing -> action Nothing
390 Just logFile -> withFile logFile AppendMode (action . Just)
392 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
394 -- * Build Inplace
396 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
398 buildInplaceUnpackedPackage
399 :: Verbosity
400 -> DistDirLayout
401 -> Maybe SemaphoreName
402 -> BuildTimeSettings
403 -> Lock
404 -> Lock
405 -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
406 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
407 -> ElaboratedReadyPackage
408 -> BuildStatusRebuild
409 -> FilePath
410 -> FilePath
411 -> IO BuildResult
412 buildInplaceUnpackedPackage
413 verbosity
414 distDirLayout@DistDirLayout
415 { distPackageCacheDirectory
416 , distDirectory
417 , distHaddockOutputDir
419 maybe_semaphore
420 buildSettings@BuildTimeSettings{buildSettingHaddockOpen}
421 registerLock
422 cacheLock
423 pkgshared@ElaboratedSharedConfig{pkgConfigPlatform = platform}
424 plan
425 rpkg@(ReadyPackage pkg)
426 buildStatus
427 srcdir
428 builddir = do
429 -- TODO: [code cleanup] there is duplication between the
430 -- distdirlayout and the builddir here builddir is not
431 -- enough, we also need the per-package cachedir
432 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True builddir
433 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose
434 verbosity
435 True
436 (distPackageCacheDirectory dparams)
438 let docsResult = DocsNotTried
439 testsResult = TestsNotTried
441 buildResult :: BuildResultMisc
442 buildResult = (docsResult, testsResult)
444 buildAndRegisterUnpackedPackage
445 verbosity
446 distDirLayout
447 maybe_semaphore
448 buildSettings
449 registerLock
450 cacheLock
451 pkgshared
452 plan
453 rpkg
454 srcdir
455 builddir
456 Nothing -- no log file for inplace builds!
457 $ \case
458 PBConfigurePhase{runConfigure} -> do
459 whenReConfigure $ do
460 runConfigure
461 invalidatePackageRegFileMonitor packageFileMonitor
462 updatePackageConfigFileMonitor packageFileMonitor srcdir pkg
463 PBBuildPhase{runBuild} -> do
464 whenRebuild $ do
465 timestamp <- beginUpdateFileMonitor
466 runBuild
468 let listSimple =
469 execRebuild srcdir (needElaboratedConfiguredPackage pkg)
470 listSdist =
471 fmap (map monitorFileHashed) $
472 allPackageSourceFiles verbosity srcdir
473 ifNullThen m m' = do
474 xs <- m
475 if null xs then m' else return xs
476 monitors <- case PD.buildType (elabPkgDescription pkg) of
477 Simple -> listSimple
478 -- If a Custom setup was used, AND the Cabal is recent
479 -- enough to have sdist --list-sources, use that to
480 -- determine the files that we need to track. This can
481 -- cause unnecessary rebuilding (for example, if README
482 -- is edited, we will try to rebuild) but there isn't
483 -- a more accurate Custom interface we can use to get
484 -- this info. We prefer not to use listSimple here
485 -- as it can miss extra source files that are considered
486 -- by the Custom setup.
488 | elabSetupScriptCliVersion pkg >= mkVersion [1, 17] ->
489 -- However, sometimes sdist --list-sources will fail
490 -- and return an empty list. In that case, fall
491 -- back on the (inaccurate) simple tracking.
492 listSdist `ifNullThen` listSimple
493 | otherwise ->
494 listSimple
496 let dep_monitors =
497 map monitorFileHashed $
498 elabInplaceDependencyBuildCacheFiles
499 distDirLayout
500 pkgshared
501 plan
503 updatePackageBuildFileMonitor
504 packageFileMonitor
505 srcdir
506 timestamp
508 buildStatus
509 (monitors ++ dep_monitors)
510 buildResult
511 PBHaddockPhase{runHaddock} -> do
512 runHaddock
513 let haddockTarget = elabHaddockForHackage pkg
514 when (haddockTarget == Cabal.ForHackage) $ do
515 let dest = distDirectory </> name <.> "tar.gz"
516 name = haddockDirName haddockTarget (elabPkgDescription pkg)
517 docDir =
518 distBuildDirectory distDirLayout dparams
519 </> "doc"
520 </> "html"
521 Tar.createTarGzFile dest docDir name
522 notice verbosity $ "Documentation tarball created: " ++ dest
524 when (buildSettingHaddockOpen && haddockTarget /= Cabal.ForHackage) $ do
525 let dest = docDir </> "index.html"
526 name = haddockDirName haddockTarget (elabPkgDescription pkg)
527 docDir = case distHaddockOutputDir of
528 Nothing -> distBuildDirectory distDirLayout dparams </> "doc" </> "html" </> name
529 Just dir -> dir
530 exe <- findOpenProgramLocation platform
531 case exe of
532 Right open -> runProgramInvocation verbosity (simpleProgramInvocation open [dest])
533 Left err -> dieWithException verbosity $ FindOpenProgramLocationErr err
534 PBInstallPhase{runCopy = _runCopy, runRegister} -> do
535 -- PURPOSELY omitted: no copy!
537 whenReRegister $ do
538 -- Register locally
539 mipkg <-
540 if elabRequiresRegistration pkg
541 then do
542 ipkg <-
543 runRegister
544 (elabRegisterPackageDBStack pkg)
545 Cabal.defaultRegisterOptions
546 return (Just ipkg)
547 else return Nothing
549 updatePackageRegFileMonitor packageFileMonitor srcdir mipkg
550 PBTestPhase{runTest} -> runTest
551 PBBenchPhase{runBench} -> runBench
552 PBReplPhase{runRepl} -> runRepl
554 return
555 BuildResult
556 { buildResultDocs = docsResult
557 , buildResultTests = testsResult
558 , buildResultLogFile = Nothing
560 where
561 dparams = elabDistDirParams pkgshared pkg
563 packageFileMonitor = newPackageFileMonitor pkgshared distDirLayout dparams
565 whenReConfigure action = case buildStatus of
566 BuildStatusConfigure _ -> action
567 _ -> return ()
569 whenRebuild action
570 | null (elabBuildTargets pkg)
571 , -- NB: we have to build the test/bench suite!
572 null (elabTestTargets pkg)
573 , null (elabBenchTargets pkg) =
574 return ()
575 | otherwise = action
577 whenReRegister action =
578 case buildStatus of
579 -- We registered the package already
580 BuildStatusBuild (Just _) _ ->
581 info verbosity "whenReRegister: previously registered"
582 -- There is nothing to register
584 | null (elabBuildTargets pkg) ->
585 info verbosity "whenReRegister: nothing to register"
586 | otherwise -> action
588 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
590 -- * Build and Install
592 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
594 buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage
595 :: Verbosity
596 -> DistDirLayout
597 -> StoreDirLayout
598 -> Maybe SemaphoreName
599 -- ^ Whether to pass a semaphore to build process
600 -- this is different to BuildTimeSettings because the
601 -- name of the semaphore is created freshly each time.
602 -> BuildTimeSettings
603 -> Lock
604 -> Lock
605 -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
606 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
607 -> ElaboratedReadyPackage
608 -> FilePath
609 -> FilePath
610 -> IO BuildResult
611 buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage
612 verbosity
613 distDirLayout
614 storeDirLayout@StoreDirLayout
615 { storePackageDBStack
617 maybe_semaphore
618 buildSettings@BuildTimeSettings{buildSettingNumJobs, buildSettingLogFile}
619 registerLock
620 cacheLock
621 pkgshared@ElaboratedSharedConfig
622 { pkgConfigCompiler = compiler
623 , pkgConfigPlatform = platform
625 plan
626 rpkg@(ReadyPackage pkg)
627 srcdir
628 builddir = do
629 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (srcdir </> builddir)
631 -- TODO: [code cleanup] deal consistently with talking to older
632 -- Setup.hs versions, much like we do for ghc, with a proper
633 -- options type and rendering step which will also let us
634 -- call directly into the lib, rather than always going via
635 -- the lib's command line interface, which would also allow
636 -- passing data like installed packages, compiler, and
637 -- program db for a quicker configure.
639 -- TODO: [required feature] docs and tests
640 -- TODO: [required feature] sudo re-exec
642 initLogFile
644 buildAndRegisterUnpackedPackage
645 verbosity
646 distDirLayout
647 maybe_semaphore
648 buildSettings
649 registerLock
650 cacheLock
651 pkgshared
652 plan
653 rpkg
654 srcdir
655 builddir
656 mlogFile
657 $ \case
658 PBConfigurePhase{runConfigure} -> do
659 noticeProgress ProgressStarting
660 runConfigure
661 PBBuildPhase{runBuild} -> do
662 noticeProgress ProgressBuilding
663 runBuild
664 PBHaddockPhase{runHaddock} -> do
665 noticeProgress ProgressHaddock
666 runHaddock
667 PBInstallPhase{runCopy, runRegister} -> do
668 noticeProgress ProgressInstalling
670 let registerPkg
671 | not (elabRequiresRegistration pkg) =
672 debug verbosity $
673 "registerPkg: elab does NOT require registration for "
674 ++ prettyShow uid
675 | otherwise = do
676 assert
677 ( elabRegisterPackageDBStack pkg
678 == storePackageDBStack compid
680 (return ())
681 _ <-
682 runRegister
683 (storePackageDBStack compid)
684 Cabal.defaultRegisterOptions
685 { Cabal.registerMultiInstance = True
686 , Cabal.registerSuppressFilesCheck = True
688 return ()
690 -- Actual installation
691 void $
692 newStoreEntry
693 verbosity
694 storeDirLayout
695 compid
697 (copyPkgFiles verbosity pkgshared pkg runCopy)
698 registerPkg
700 -- No tests on install
701 PBTestPhase{} -> return ()
702 -- No bench on install
703 PBBenchPhase{} -> return ()
704 -- No repl on install
705 PBReplPhase{} -> return ()
707 -- TODO: [nice to have] we currently rely on Setup.hs copy to do the right
708 -- thing. Although we do copy into an image dir and do the move into the
709 -- final location ourselves, perhaps we ought to do some sanity checks on
710 -- the image dir first.
712 -- TODO: [required eventually] note that for nix-style
713 -- installations it is not necessary to do the
714 -- 'withWin32SelfUpgrade' dance, but it would be necessary for a
715 -- shared bin dir.
717 -- TODO: [required feature] docs and test phases
718 let docsResult = DocsNotTried
719 testsResult = TestsNotTried
721 noticeProgress ProgressCompleted
723 return
724 BuildResult
725 { buildResultDocs = docsResult
726 , buildResultTests = testsResult
727 , buildResultLogFile = mlogFile
729 where
730 uid = installedUnitId rpkg
731 pkgid = packageId rpkg
732 compid = compilerId compiler
734 dispname :: String
735 dispname = case elabPkgOrComp pkg of
736 ElabPackage _ ->
737 prettyShow pkgid
738 ++ " (all, legacy fallback)"
739 ElabComponent comp ->
740 prettyShow pkgid
741 ++ " ("
742 ++ maybe "custom" prettyShow (compComponentName comp)
743 ++ ")"
745 noticeProgress :: ProgressPhase -> IO ()
746 noticeProgress phase =
747 when (isParallelBuild buildSettingNumJobs) $
748 progressMessage verbosity phase dispname
750 mlogFile :: Maybe FilePath
751 mlogFile =
752 case buildSettingLogFile of
753 Nothing -> Nothing
754 Just mkLogFile -> Just (mkLogFile compiler platform pkgid uid)
756 initLogFile :: IO ()
757 initLogFile =
758 case mlogFile of
759 Nothing -> return ()
760 Just logFile -> do
761 createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory logFile)
762 exists <- doesFileExist logFile
763 when exists $ removeFile logFile
765 -- | The copy part of the installation phase when doing build-and-install
766 copyPkgFiles
767 :: Verbosity
768 -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
769 -> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
770 -> (FilePath -> IO ())
771 -- ^ The 'runCopy' function which invokes ./Setup copy for the
772 -- given filepath
773 -> FilePath
774 -- ^ The temporary dir file path
775 -> IO (FilePath, [FilePath])
776 copyPkgFiles verbosity pkgshared pkg runCopy tmpDir = do
777 let tmpDirNormalised = normalise tmpDir
778 runCopy tmpDirNormalised
779 -- Note that the copy command has put the files into
780 -- @$tmpDir/$prefix@ so we need to return this dir so
781 -- the store knows which dir will be the final store entry.
782 let prefix =
783 normalise $
784 dropDrive (InstallDirs.prefix (elabInstallDirs pkg))
785 entryDir = tmpDirNormalised </> prefix
787 -- if there weren't anything to build, it might be that directory is not created
788 -- the @setup Cabal.copyCommand@ above might do nothing.
789 --
790 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True entryDir
792 let hashFileName = entryDir </> "cabal-hash.txt"
793 outPkgHashInputs = renderPackageHashInputs (packageHashInputs pkgshared pkg)
795 info verbosity $
796 "creating file with the inputs used to compute the package hash: " ++ hashFileName
798 LBS.writeFile hashFileName outPkgHashInputs
800 debug verbosity "Package hash inputs:"
801 traverse_
802 (debug verbosity . ("> " ++))
803 (lines $ LBS.Char8.unpack outPkgHashInputs)
805 -- Ensure that there are no files in `tmpDir`, that are
806 -- not in `entryDir`. While this breaks the
807 -- prefix-relocatable property of the libraries, it is
808 -- necessary on macOS to stay under the load command limit
809 -- of the macOS mach-o linker. See also
810 -- @PackageHash.hashedInstalledPackageIdVeryShort@.
812 -- We also normalise paths to ensure that there are no
813 -- different representations for the same path. Like / and
814 -- \\ on windows under msys.
815 otherFiles <-
816 filter (not . isPrefixOf entryDir)
817 <$> listFilesRecursive tmpDirNormalised
818 -- Here's where we could keep track of the installed files
819 -- ourselves if we wanted to by making a manifest of the
820 -- files in the tmp dir.
821 return (entryDir, otherFiles)
822 where
823 listFilesRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
824 listFilesRecursive path = do
825 files <- fmap (path </>) <$> (listDirectory path)
826 allFiles <- for files $ \file -> do
827 isDir <- doesDirectoryExist file
828 if isDir
829 then listFilesRecursive file
830 else return [file]
831 return (concat allFiles)
833 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
835 -- * Exported Utils
837 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 annotateFailureNoLog :: (SomeException -> BuildFailureReason)
841 -> IO a -> IO a
842 annotateFailureNoLog annotate action =
843 annotateFailure Nothing annotate action
845 annotateFailure :: Maybe FilePath
846 -> (SomeException -> BuildFailureReason)
847 -> IO a -> IO a
848 annotateFailure mlogFile annotate action =
849 action `catches`
850 -- It's not just IOException and ExitCode we have to deal with, there's
851 -- lots, including exceptions from the hackage-security and tar packages.
852 -- So we take the strategy of catching everything except async exceptions.
854 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
855 Handler $ \async -> throwIO (async :: SomeAsyncException)
856 #else
857 Handler $ \async -> throwIO (async :: AsyncException)
858 #endif
859 , Handler $ \other -> handler (other :: SomeException)
861 where
862 handler :: Exception e => e -> IO a
863 handler = throwIO . BuildFailure mlogFile . annotate . toException
865 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
866 -- * Other Utils
867 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
869 hasValidHaddockTargets :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> Bool
870 hasValidHaddockTargets ElaboratedConfiguredPackage{..}
871 | not elabBuildHaddocks = False
872 | otherwise = any componentHasHaddocks components
873 where
874 components :: [ComponentTarget]
875 components =
876 elabBuildTargets
877 ++ elabTestTargets
878 ++ elabBenchTargets
879 ++ elabReplTarget
880 ++ elabHaddockTargets
882 componentHasHaddocks :: ComponentTarget -> Bool
883 componentHasHaddocks (ComponentTarget name _) =
884 case name of
885 CLibName LMainLibName -> hasHaddocks
886 CLibName (LSubLibName _) -> elabHaddockInternal && hasHaddocks
887 CFLibName _ -> elabHaddockForeignLibs && hasHaddocks
888 CExeName _ -> elabHaddockExecutables && hasHaddocks
889 CTestName _ -> elabHaddockTestSuites && hasHaddocks
890 CBenchName _ -> elabHaddockBenchmarks && hasHaddocks
891 where
892 hasHaddocks = not (null (elabPkgDescription ^. componentModules name))
894 withTempInstalledPackageInfoFile
895 :: Verbosity
896 -> FilePath
897 -> (FilePath -> IO ())
898 -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
899 withTempInstalledPackageInfoFile verbosity tempdir action =
900 withTempDirectory verbosity tempdir "package-registration-" $ \dir -> do
901 -- make absolute since @action@ will often change directory
902 abs_dir <- canonicalizePath dir
904 let pkgConfDest = abs_dir </> "pkgConf"
905 action pkgConfDest
907 readPkgConf "." pkgConfDest
908 where
909 pkgConfParseFailed :: String -> IO a
910 pkgConfParseFailed perror =
911 dieWithException verbosity $ PkgConfParseFailed perror
913 readPkgConf :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
914 readPkgConf pkgConfDir pkgConfFile = do
915 pkgConfStr <- BS.readFile (pkgConfDir </> pkgConfFile)
916 (warns, ipkg) <- case Installed.parseInstalledPackageInfo pkgConfStr of
917 Left perrors -> pkgConfParseFailed $ unlines $ NE.toList perrors
918 Right (warns, ipkg) -> return (warns, ipkg)
920 unless (null warns) $
921 warn verbosity $
922 unlines warns
924 return ipkg