Added qualifier to 'PackageConstraint' data type.
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / Distribution / Client / Configure.hs
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- |
3 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Configure
4 -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005,
5 -- Duncan Coutts 2005
6 -- License : BSD-like
7 --
8 -- Maintainer :
9 -- Portability : portable
11 -- High level interface to configuring a package.
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 module Distribution.Client.Configure (
14 configure,
15 configureSetupScript,
16 chooseCabalVersion,
17 checkConfigExFlags,
18 -- * Saved configure flags
19 readConfigFlagsFrom, readConfigFlags,
20 cabalConfigFlagsFile,
21 writeConfigFlagsTo, writeConfigFlags,
22 ) where
24 import Prelude ()
25 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
27 import Distribution.Client.Dependency
28 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
29 import Distribution.Client.SolverInstallPlan (SolverInstallPlan)
30 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
31 ( getSourcePackages, getInstalledPackages )
32 import Distribution.Client.Setup
33 ( ConfigExFlags(..), RepoContext(..)
34 , configureCommand, configureExCommand, filterConfigureFlags )
35 import Distribution.Client.Types as Source
36 import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper
37 ( setupWrapper, SetupScriptOptions(..), defaultSetupScriptOptions )
38 import Distribution.Client.Targets
39 ( userToPackageConstraint, userConstraintPackageName )
40 import Distribution.Package (PackageId)
41 import Distribution.Client.JobControl (Lock)
43 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps as CD
44 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Settings
45 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
46 import Distribution.Solver.Types.LabeledPackageConstraint
47 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
48 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex
49 ( PackageIndex, elemByPackageName )
50 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PkgConfigDb
51 (PkgConfigDb, readPkgConfigDb)
52 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
54 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
55 ( Compiler, CompilerInfo, compilerInfo, PackageDB(..), PackageDBStack )
56 import Distribution.Simple.Program (ProgramDb)
57 import Distribution.Client.SavedFlags ( readCommandFlags, writeCommandFlags )
58 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
59 ( ConfigFlags(..), AllowNewer(..), AllowOlder(..), RelaxDeps(..)
60 , fromFlag, toFlag, flagToMaybe, fromFlagOrDefault )
61 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
62 ( InstalledPackageIndex, lookupPackageName )
63 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
64 ( defaultPackageDesc )
65 import Distribution.Package
66 ( Package(..), packageName )
67 import Distribution.Types.Dependency
68 ( Dependency(..), thisPackageVersion )
69 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PkgDesc
70 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
71 ( readPackageDescription )
72 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
73 ( finalizePD )
74 import Distribution.Version
75 ( Version, mkVersion, anyVersion, thisVersion
76 , VersionRange, orLaterVersion )
77 import Distribution.Simple.Utils as Utils
78 ( warn, notice, debug, die )
79 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
80 ( isRelaxDeps )
81 import Distribution.System
82 ( Platform )
83 import Distribution.Text ( display )
84 import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
85 ( Verbosity )
87 import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
89 -- | Choose the Cabal version such that the setup scripts compiled against this
90 -- version will support the given command-line flags.
91 chooseCabalVersion :: ConfigFlags -> Maybe Version -> VersionRange
92 chooseCabalVersion configFlags maybeVersion =
93 maybe defaultVersionRange thisVersion maybeVersion
94 where
95 -- Cabal < 1.19.2 doesn't support '--exact-configuration' which is needed
96 -- for '--allow-newer' to work.
97 allowNewer = isRelaxDeps
98 (maybe RelaxDepsNone unAllowNewer $ configAllowNewer configFlags)
99 allowOlder = isRelaxDeps
100 (maybe RelaxDepsNone unAllowOlder $ configAllowOlder configFlags)
102 defaultVersionRange = if allowOlder || allowNewer
103 then orLaterVersion (mkVersion [1,19,2])
104 else anyVersion
106 -- | Configure the package found in the local directory
107 configure :: Verbosity
108 -> PackageDBStack
109 -> RepoContext
110 -> Compiler
111 -> Platform
112 -> ProgramDb
113 -> ConfigFlags
114 -> ConfigExFlags
115 -> [String]
116 -> IO ()
117 configure verbosity packageDBs repoCtxt comp platform progdb
118 configFlags configExFlags extraArgs = do
120 installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb
121 sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt
122 pkgConfigDb <- readPkgConfigDb verbosity progdb
124 checkConfigExFlags verbosity installedPkgIndex
125 (packageIndex sourcePkgDb) configExFlags
127 progress <- planLocalPackage verbosity comp platform configFlags configExFlags
128 installedPkgIndex sourcePkgDb pkgConfigDb
130 notice verbosity "Resolving dependencies..."
131 maybePlan <- foldProgress logMsg (return . Left) (return . Right)
132 progress
133 case maybePlan of
134 Left message -> do
135 warn verbosity $
136 "solver failed to find a solution:\n"
137 ++ message
138 ++ "Trying configure anyway."
139 setupWrapper verbosity (setupScriptOptions installedPkgIndex Nothing)
140 Nothing configureCommand (const configFlags) extraArgs
142 Right installPlan0 ->
143 let installPlan = InstallPlan.configureInstallPlan installPlan0
144 in case fst (InstallPlan.ready installPlan) of
145 [pkg@(ReadyPackage
146 (ConfiguredPackage _ (SourcePackage _ _ (LocalUnpackedPackage _) _)
147 _ _ _))] -> do
148 configurePackage verbosity
149 platform (compilerInfo comp)
150 (setupScriptOptions installedPkgIndex (Just pkg))
151 configFlags pkg extraArgs
153 _ -> die $ "internal error: configure install plan should have exactly "
154 ++ "one local ready package."
156 where
157 setupScriptOptions :: InstalledPackageIndex
158 -> Maybe ReadyPackage
159 -> SetupScriptOptions
160 setupScriptOptions =
161 configureSetupScript
162 packageDBs
163 comp
164 platform
165 progdb
166 (fromFlagOrDefault
167 (useDistPref defaultSetupScriptOptions)
168 (configDistPref configFlags))
169 (chooseCabalVersion
170 configFlags
171 (flagToMaybe (configCabalVersion configExFlags)))
172 Nothing
173 False
175 logMsg message rest = debug verbosity message >> rest
177 configureSetupScript :: PackageDBStack
178 -> Compiler
179 -> Platform
180 -> ProgramDb
181 -> FilePath
182 -> VersionRange
183 -> Maybe Lock
184 -> Bool
185 -> InstalledPackageIndex
186 -> Maybe ReadyPackage
187 -> SetupScriptOptions
188 configureSetupScript packageDBs
189 comp
190 platform
191 progdb
192 distPref
193 cabalVersion
194 lock
195 forceExternal
196 index
197 mpkg
198 = SetupScriptOptions {
199 useCabalVersion = cabalVersion
200 , useCabalSpecVersion = Nothing
201 , useCompiler = Just comp
202 , usePlatform = Just platform
203 , usePackageDB = packageDBs'
204 , usePackageIndex = index'
205 , useProgramDb = progdb
206 , useDistPref = distPref
207 , useLoggingHandle = Nothing
208 , useWorkingDir = Nothing
209 , useExtraPathEnv = []
210 , setupCacheLock = lock
211 , useWin32CleanHack = False
212 , forceExternalSetupMethod = forceExternal
213 -- If we have explicit setup dependencies, list them; otherwise, we give
214 -- the empty list of dependencies; ideally, we would fix the version of
215 -- Cabal here, so that we no longer need the special case for that in
216 -- `compileSetupExecutable` in `externalSetupMethod`, but we don't yet
217 -- know the version of Cabal at this point, but only find this there.
218 -- Therefore, for now, we just leave this blank.
219 , useDependencies = fromMaybe [] explicitSetupDeps
220 , useDependenciesExclusive = not defaultSetupDeps && isJust explicitSetupDeps
221 , useVersionMacros = not defaultSetupDeps && isJust explicitSetupDeps
222 , isInteractive = False
224 where
225 -- When we are compiling a legacy setup script without an explicit
226 -- setup stanza, we typically want to allow the UserPackageDB for
227 -- finding the Cabal lib when compiling any Setup.hs even if we're doing
228 -- a global install. However we also allow looking in a specific package
229 -- db.
230 packageDBs' :: PackageDBStack
231 index' :: Maybe InstalledPackageIndex
232 (packageDBs', index') =
233 case packageDBs of
234 (GlobalPackageDB:dbs) | UserPackageDB `notElem` dbs
235 , Nothing <- explicitSetupDeps
236 -> (GlobalPackageDB:UserPackageDB:dbs, Nothing)
237 -- but if the user is using an odd db stack, don't touch it
238 _otherwise -> (packageDBs, Just index)
240 maybeSetupBuildInfo :: Maybe PkgDesc.SetupBuildInfo
241 maybeSetupBuildInfo = do
242 ReadyPackage cpkg <- mpkg
243 let gpkg = packageDescription (confPkgSource cpkg)
244 PkgDesc.setupBuildInfo (PkgDesc.packageDescription gpkg)
246 -- Was a default 'custom-setup' stanza added by 'cabal-install' itself? If
247 -- so, 'setup-depends' must not be exclusive. See #3199.
248 defaultSetupDeps :: Bool
249 defaultSetupDeps = maybe False PkgDesc.defaultSetupDepends
250 maybeSetupBuildInfo
252 explicitSetupDeps :: Maybe [(InstalledPackageId, PackageId)]
253 explicitSetupDeps = do
254 -- Check if there is an explicit setup stanza.
255 _buildInfo <- maybeSetupBuildInfo
256 -- Return the setup dependencies computed by the solver
257 ReadyPackage cpkg <- mpkg
258 return [ ( cid, srcid )
259 | ConfiguredId srcid cid <- CD.setupDeps (confPkgDeps cpkg)
262 -- | Warn if any constraints or preferences name packages that are not in the
263 -- source package index or installed package index.
264 checkConfigExFlags :: Package pkg
265 => Verbosity
266 -> InstalledPackageIndex
267 -> PackageIndex pkg
268 -> ConfigExFlags
269 -> IO ()
270 checkConfigExFlags verbosity installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex flags = do
271 unless (null unknownConstraints) $ warn verbosity $
272 "Constraint refers to an unknown package: "
273 ++ showConstraint (head unknownConstraints)
274 unless (null unknownPreferences) $ warn verbosity $
275 "Preference refers to an unknown package: "
276 ++ display (head unknownPreferences)
277 where
278 unknownConstraints = filter (unknown . userConstraintPackageName . fst) $
279 configExConstraints flags
280 unknownPreferences = filter (unknown . \(Dependency name _) -> name) $
281 configPreferences flags
282 unknown pkg = null (lookupPackageName installedPkgIndex pkg)
283 && not (elemByPackageName sourcePkgIndex pkg)
284 showConstraint (uc, src) =
285 display uc ++ " (" ++ showConstraintSource src ++ ")"
287 -- | Make an 'InstallPlan' for the unpacked package in the current directory,
288 -- and all its dependencies.
290 planLocalPackage :: Verbosity -> Compiler
291 -> Platform
292 -> ConfigFlags -> ConfigExFlags
293 -> InstalledPackageIndex
294 -> SourcePackageDb
295 -> PkgConfigDb
296 -> IO (Progress String String SolverInstallPlan)
297 planLocalPackage verbosity comp platform configFlags configExFlags
298 installedPkgIndex (SourcePackageDb _ packagePrefs) pkgConfigDb = do
299 pkg <- readPackageDescription verbosity =<<
300 case flagToMaybe (configCabalFilePath configFlags) of
301 Nothing -> defaultPackageDesc verbosity
302 Just fp -> return fp
303 solver <- chooseSolver verbosity (fromFlag $ configSolver configExFlags)
304 (compilerInfo comp)
306 let -- We create a local package and ask to resolve a dependency on it
307 localPkg = SourcePackage {
308 packageInfoId = packageId pkg,
309 packageDescription = pkg,
310 packageSource = LocalUnpackedPackage ".",
311 packageDescrOverride = Nothing
314 testsEnabled = fromFlagOrDefault False $ configTests configFlags
315 benchmarksEnabled =
316 fromFlagOrDefault False $ configBenchmarks configFlags
318 resolverParams =
319 removeLowerBounds
320 (fromMaybe (AllowOlder RelaxDepsNone) $ configAllowOlder configFlags)
321 . removeUpperBounds
322 (fromMaybe (AllowNewer RelaxDepsNone) $ configAllowNewer configFlags)
324 . addPreferences
325 -- preferences from the config file or command line
326 [ PackageVersionPreference name ver
327 | Dependency name ver <- configPreferences configExFlags ]
329 . addConstraints
330 -- version constraints from the config file or command line
331 -- TODO: should warn or error on constraints that are not on direct
332 -- deps or flag constraints not on the package in question.
333 [ LabeledPackageConstraint (userToPackageConstraint uc) src
334 | (uc, src) <- configExConstraints configExFlags ]
336 . addConstraints
337 -- package flags from the config file or command line
338 [ let pc = PackageConstraint
339 (unqualified $ packageName pkg)
340 (PackagePropertyFlags $ configConfigurationsFlags configFlags)
341 in LabeledPackageConstraint pc ConstraintSourceConfigFlagOrTarget
344 . addConstraints
345 -- '--enable-tests' and '--enable-benchmarks' constraints from
346 -- the config file or command line
347 [ let pc = PackageConstraint (unqualified $ packageName pkg) .
348 PackagePropertyStanzas $
349 [ TestStanzas | testsEnabled ] ++
350 [ BenchStanzas | benchmarksEnabled ]
351 in LabeledPackageConstraint pc ConstraintSourceConfigFlagOrTarget
354 -- Don't solve for executables, since we use an empty source
355 -- package database and executables never show up in the
356 -- installed package index
357 . setSolveExecutables (SolveExecutables False)
359 $ standardInstallPolicy
360 installedPkgIndex
361 -- NB: We pass in an *empty* source package database,
362 -- because cabal configure assumes that all dependencies
363 -- have already been installed
364 (SourcePackageDb mempty packagePrefs)
365 [SpecificSourcePackage localPkg]
367 return (resolveDependencies platform (compilerInfo comp) pkgConfigDb solver resolverParams)
370 -- | Call an installer for an 'SourcePackage' but override the configure
371 -- flags with the ones given by the 'ReadyPackage'. In particular the
372 -- 'ReadyPackage' specifies an exact 'FlagAssignment' and exactly
373 -- versioned package dependencies. So we ignore any previous partial flag
374 -- assignment or dependency constraints and use the new ones.
376 -- NB: when updating this function, don't forget to also update
377 -- 'installReadyPackage' in D.C.Install.
378 configurePackage :: Verbosity
379 -> Platform -> CompilerInfo
380 -> SetupScriptOptions
381 -> ConfigFlags
382 -> ReadyPackage
383 -> [String]
384 -> IO ()
385 configurePackage verbosity platform comp scriptOptions configFlags
386 (ReadyPackage (ConfiguredPackage ipid spkg flags stanzas deps))
387 extraArgs =
389 setupWrapper verbosity
390 scriptOptions (Just pkg) configureCommand configureFlags extraArgs
392 where
393 gpkg = packageDescription spkg
394 configureFlags = filterConfigureFlags configFlags {
395 configIPID = if isJust (flagToMaybe (configIPID configFlags))
396 -- Make sure cabal configure --ipid works.
397 then configIPID configFlags
398 else toFlag (display ipid),
399 configConfigurationsFlags = flags,
400 -- We generate the legacy constraints as well as the new style precise
401 -- deps. In the end only one set gets passed to Setup.hs configure,
402 -- depending on the Cabal version we are talking to.
403 configConstraints = [ thisPackageVersion srcid
404 | ConfiguredId srcid _uid <- CD.nonSetupDeps deps ],
405 configDependencies = [ (packageName srcid, uid)
406 | ConfiguredId srcid uid <- CD.nonSetupDeps deps ],
407 -- Use '--exact-configuration' if supported.
408 configExactConfiguration = toFlag True,
409 configVerbosity = toFlag verbosity,
410 -- NB: if the user explicitly specified
411 -- --enable-tests/--enable-benchmarks, always respect it.
412 -- (But if they didn't, let solver decide.)
413 configBenchmarks = toFlag (BenchStanzas `elem` stanzas)
414 `mappend` configBenchmarks configFlags,
415 configTests = toFlag (TestStanzas `elem` stanzas)
416 `mappend` configTests configFlags
419 pkg = case finalizePD flags (enableStanzas stanzas)
420 (const True)
421 platform comp [] gpkg of
422 Left _ -> error "finalizePD ReadyPackage failed"
423 Right (desc, _) -> desc
425 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 -- * Saved configure environments and flags
427 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
429 -- | Read saved configure flags and restore the saved environment from the
430 -- specified files.
431 readConfigFlagsFrom :: FilePath -- ^ path to saved flags file
432 -> IO (ConfigFlags, ConfigExFlags)
433 readConfigFlagsFrom flags = do
434 readCommandFlags flags configureExCommand
436 -- | The path (relative to @--build-dir@) where the arguments to @configure@
437 -- should be saved.
438 cabalConfigFlagsFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
439 cabalConfigFlagsFile dist = dist </> "cabal-config-flags"
441 -- | Read saved configure flags and restore the saved environment from the
442 -- usual location.
443 readConfigFlags :: FilePath -- ^ @--build-dir@
444 -> IO (ConfigFlags, ConfigExFlags)
445 readConfigFlags dist =
446 readConfigFlagsFrom (cabalConfigFlagsFile dist)
448 -- | Save the configure flags and environment to the specified files.
449 writeConfigFlagsTo :: FilePath -- ^ path to saved flags file
450 -> Verbosity -> (ConfigFlags, ConfigExFlags)
451 -> IO ()
452 writeConfigFlagsTo file verb flags = do
453 writeCommandFlags verb file configureExCommand flags
455 -- | Save the build flags to the usual location.
456 writeConfigFlags :: Verbosity
457 -> FilePath -- ^ @--build-dir@
458 -> (ConfigFlags, ConfigExFlags) -> IO ()
459 writeConfigFlags verb dist =
460 writeConfigFlagsTo (cabalConfigFlagsFile dist) verb