Split-off and re-export installFileGlob
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Install.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Install
9 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2004
10 -- License : BSD3
12 -- Maintainer : cabal-devel@haskell.org
13 -- Portability : portable
15 -- This is the entry point into installing a built package. Performs the
16 -- \"@.\/setup install@\" and \"@.\/setup copy@\" actions. It moves files into
17 -- place based on the prefix argument. It does the generic bits and then calls
18 -- compiler-specific functions to do the rest.
19 module Distribution.Simple.Install
20 ( install
21 , installFileGlob
22 ) where
24 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
25 import Prelude ()
27 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion (CabalSpecVersion)
29 import Distribution.Types.ExecutableScope
30 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
31 import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo
32 import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription
33 import Distribution.Types.TargetInfo
34 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
36 import Distribution.Package
37 import Distribution.PackageDescription
38 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (haddockName, haddockPref)
39 import Distribution.Simple.BuildTarget
40 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
41 ( CompilerFlavor (..)
42 , compilerFlavor
44 import Distribution.Simple.Glob (matchDirFileGlob)
45 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
46 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Config
47 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Copy
48 ( CopyFlags (..)
50 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Haddock
51 ( HaddockTarget (ForDevelopment)
53 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
54 ( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose
55 , dieWithException
56 , info
57 , installDirectoryContents
58 , installOrdinaryFile
59 , isAbsoluteOnAnyPlatform
60 , isInSearchPath
61 , noticeNoWrap
62 , warn
64 import Distribution.Utils.Path
66 import Distribution.Compat.Graph (IsNode (..))
67 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
68 import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC as GHC
69 import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHCJS as GHCJS
70 import qualified Distribution.Simple.HaskellSuite as HaskellSuite
71 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Common
72 import qualified Distribution.Simple.UHC as UHC
74 import System.Directory
75 ( doesDirectoryExist
76 , doesFileExist
78 import System.FilePath
79 ( takeDirectory
80 , takeFileName
83 import Distribution.Pretty
84 ( prettyShow
86 import Distribution.Verbosity
88 -- | Perform the \"@.\/setup install@\" and \"@.\/setup copy@\"
89 -- actions. Move files into place based on the prefix argument.
91 -- This does NOT register libraries, you should call 'register'
92 -- to do that.
93 install
94 :: PackageDescription
95 -- ^ information from the .cabal file
96 -> LocalBuildInfo
97 -- ^ information from the configure step
98 -> CopyFlags
99 -- ^ flags sent to copy or install
100 -> IO ()
101 install pkg_descr lbi flags = do
102 checkHasLibsOrExes
103 targets <- readTargetInfos verbosity pkg_descr lbi (copyTargets flags)
105 copyPackage verbosity pkg_descr lbi distPref copydest
107 -- It's not necessary to do these in build-order, but it's harmless
108 withNeededTargetsInBuildOrder' pkg_descr lbi (map nodeKey targets) $ \target ->
109 let comp = targetComponent target
110 clbi = targetCLBI target
111 in copyComponent verbosity pkg_descr lbi comp clbi copydest
112 where
113 common = copyCommonFlags flags
114 distPref = fromFlag $ setupDistPref common
115 verbosity = fromFlag $ setupVerbosity common
116 copydest = fromFlag (copyDest flags)
118 checkHasLibsOrExes =
119 unless (hasLibs pkg_descr || hasForeignLibs pkg_descr || hasExes pkg_descr) $
120 dieWithException verbosity NoLibraryFound
122 -- | Copy package global files.
123 copyPackage
124 :: Verbosity
125 -> PackageDescription
126 -> LocalBuildInfo
127 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Dist)
128 -> CopyDest
129 -> IO ()
130 copyPackage verbosity pkg_descr lbi distPref copydest = do
132 -- This is a bit of a hack, to handle files which are not
133 -- per-component (data files and Haddock files.)
134 InstallDirs
135 { datadir = dataPref
136 , docdir = docPref
137 , htmldir = htmlPref
138 , haddockdir = interfacePref
139 } = absoluteInstallCommandDirs pkg_descr lbi (localUnitId lbi) copydest
140 mbWorkDir = mbWorkDirLBI lbi
141 i = interpretSymbolicPath mbWorkDir -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path
143 -- Install (package-global) data files
144 installDataFiles verbosity mbWorkDir pkg_descr $ makeSymbolicPath dataPref
146 -- Install (package-global) Haddock files
147 -- TODO: these should be done per-library
148 docExists <- doesDirectoryExist $ i $ haddockPref ForDevelopment distPref pkg_descr
149 info
150 verbosity
151 ( "directory "
152 ++ getSymbolicPath (haddockPref ForDevelopment distPref pkg_descr)
153 ++ " does exist: "
154 ++ show docExists
157 -- TODO: this is a bit questionable, Haddock files really should
158 -- be per library (when there are convenience libraries.)
159 when docExists $ do
160 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True htmlPref
161 installDirectoryContents
162 verbosity
163 (i $ haddockPref ForDevelopment distPref pkg_descr)
164 htmlPref
165 -- setPermissionsRecursive [Read] htmlPref
166 -- The haddock interface file actually already got installed
167 -- in the recursive copy, but now we install it where we actually
168 -- want it to be (normally the same place). We could remove the
169 -- copy in htmlPref first.
170 let haddockInterfaceFileSrc =
171 haddockPref ForDevelopment distPref pkg_descr
172 </> makeRelativePathEx (haddockName pkg_descr)
173 haddockInterfaceFileDest = interfacePref </> haddockName pkg_descr
174 -- We only generate the haddock interface file for libs, So if the
175 -- package consists only of executables there will not be one:
176 exists <- doesFileExist $ i haddockInterfaceFileSrc
177 when exists $ do
178 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True interfacePref
179 installOrdinaryFile
180 verbosity
181 (i haddockInterfaceFileSrc)
182 haddockInterfaceFileDest
184 let lfiles = licenseFiles pkg_descr
185 unless (null lfiles) $ do
186 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True docPref
187 for_ lfiles $ \lfile -> do
188 installOrdinaryFile
189 verbosity
190 (i lfile)
191 (docPref </> takeFileName (getSymbolicPath lfile))
193 -- | Copy files associated with a component.
194 copyComponent
195 :: Verbosity
196 -> PackageDescription
197 -> LocalBuildInfo
198 -> Component
199 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
200 -> CopyDest
201 -> IO ()
202 copyComponent verbosity pkg_descr lbi (CLib lib) clbi copydest = do
203 let InstallDirs
204 { libdir = libPref
205 , dynlibdir = dynlibPref
206 , includedir = incPref
207 } = absoluteInstallCommandDirs pkg_descr lbi (componentUnitId clbi) copydest
208 buildPref = interpretSymbolicPathLBI lbi $ componentBuildDir lbi clbi
210 case libName lib of
211 LMainLibName -> noticeNoWrap verbosity ("Installing library in " ++ libPref)
212 LSubLibName n -> noticeNoWrap verbosity ("Installing internal library " ++ prettyShow n ++ " in " ++ libPref)
214 -- install include files for all compilers - they may be needed to compile
215 -- haskell files (using the CPP extension)
216 installIncludeFiles verbosity (libBuildInfo lib) lbi buildPref incPref
218 case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
219 GHC -> GHC.installLib verbosity lbi libPref dynlibPref buildPref pkg_descr lib clbi
220 GHCJS -> GHCJS.installLib verbosity lbi libPref dynlibPref buildPref pkg_descr lib clbi
221 UHC -> UHC.installLib verbosity lbi libPref dynlibPref buildPref pkg_descr lib clbi
222 HaskellSuite _ ->
223 HaskellSuite.installLib
224 verbosity
226 libPref
227 dynlibPref
228 buildPref
229 pkg_descr
231 clbi
232 _ ->
233 dieWithException verbosity $ CompilerNotInstalled (compilerFlavor (compiler lbi))
234 copyComponent verbosity pkg_descr lbi (CFLib flib) clbi copydest = do
235 let InstallDirs
236 { flibdir = flibPref
237 , includedir = incPref
238 } = absoluteComponentInstallDirs pkg_descr lbi (componentUnitId clbi) copydest
239 buildPref = interpretSymbolicPathLBI lbi $ componentBuildDir lbi clbi
241 noticeNoWrap verbosity ("Installing foreign library " ++ unUnqualComponentName (foreignLibName flib) ++ " in " ++ flibPref)
242 installIncludeFiles verbosity (foreignLibBuildInfo flib) lbi buildPref incPref
244 case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
245 GHC -> GHC.installFLib verbosity lbi flibPref buildPref pkg_descr flib
246 GHCJS -> GHCJS.installFLib verbosity lbi flibPref buildPref pkg_descr flib
247 _ -> dieWithException verbosity $ CompilerNotInstalled (compilerFlavor (compiler lbi))
248 copyComponent verbosity pkg_descr lbi (CExe exe) clbi copydest = do
249 let installDirs = absoluteComponentInstallDirs pkg_descr lbi (componentUnitId clbi) copydest
250 -- the installers know how to find the actual location of the
251 -- binaries
252 buildPref = interpretSymbolicPathLBI lbi $ buildDir lbi
253 uid = componentUnitId clbi
254 pkgid = packageId pkg_descr
255 binPref
256 | ExecutablePrivate <- exeScope exe = libexecdir installDirs
257 | otherwise = bindir installDirs
258 progPrefixPref = substPathTemplate pkgid lbi uid (progPrefix lbi)
259 progSuffixPref = substPathTemplate pkgid lbi uid (progSuffix lbi)
260 progFix = (progPrefixPref, progSuffixPref)
261 noticeNoWrap
262 verbosity
263 ( "Installing executable "
264 ++ prettyShow (exeName exe)
265 ++ " in "
266 ++ binPref
268 inPath <- isInSearchPath binPref
269 when (not inPath) $
270 warn
271 verbosity
272 ( "The directory "
273 ++ binPref
274 ++ " is not in the system search path."
276 case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
277 GHC -> GHC.installExe verbosity lbi binPref buildPref progFix pkg_descr exe
278 GHCJS -> GHCJS.installExe verbosity lbi binPref buildPref progFix pkg_descr exe
279 UHC -> return ()
280 HaskellSuite{} -> return ()
281 _ ->
282 dieWithException verbosity $ CompilerNotInstalled (compilerFlavor (compiler lbi))
284 -- Nothing to do for benchmark/testsuite
285 copyComponent _ _ _ (CBench _) _ _ = return ()
286 copyComponent _ _ _ (CTest _) _ _ = return ()
288 -- | Install the files listed in data-files
289 installDataFiles
290 :: Verbosity
291 -> Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg))
292 -> PackageDescription
293 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir DataDir)
294 -> IO ()
295 installDataFiles verbosity mbWorkDir pkg_descr destDataDir =
296 traverse_
297 (installFileGlob verbosity (specVersion pkg_descr) mbWorkDir (srcDataDir, destDataDir))
298 (dataFiles pkg_descr)
299 where
300 srcDataDirRaw = getSymbolicPath $ dataDir pkg_descr
301 srcDataDir :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir DataDir))
302 srcDataDir
303 | null srcDataDirRaw =
304 Nothing
305 | isAbsoluteOnAnyPlatform srcDataDirRaw =
306 Just $ makeSymbolicPath srcDataDirRaw
307 | otherwise =
308 Just $ fromMaybe sameDirectory mbWorkDir </> makeRelativePathEx srcDataDirRaw
310 -- | Install the files specified by the given glob pattern.
311 installFileGlob
312 :: Verbosity
313 -> CabalSpecVersion
314 -> Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg))
315 -> (Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir DataDir)), SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir DataDir))
316 -- ^ @(src_dir, dest_dir)@
317 -> RelativePath DataDir File
318 -- ^ file glob pattern
319 -> IO ()
320 installFileGlob verbosity spec_version mbWorkDir (srcDir, destDir) glob = do
321 files <- matchDirFileGlob verbosity spec_version srcDir glob
322 for_ files $ \file' -> do
323 let src = getSymbolicPath (fromMaybe sameDirectory srcDir </> file')
324 dst = interpretSymbolicPath mbWorkDir (destDir </> file')
325 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (takeDirectory dst)
326 installOrdinaryFile verbosity src dst
328 -- | Install the files listed in install-includes for a library
329 installIncludeFiles :: Verbosity -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
330 installIncludeFiles verbosity libBi lbi buildPref destIncludeDir = do
331 let relincdirs = sameDirectory : mapMaybe symbolicPathRelative_maybe (includeDirs libBi)
332 incdirs =
333 [ root </> getSymbolicPath dir
334 | -- NB: both baseDir and buildPref are already interpreted,
335 -- so we don't need to interpret these paths in the call to findInc.
336 dir <- relincdirs
337 , root <- [baseDir lbi, buildPref]
339 incs <- traverse (findInc incdirs . getSymbolicPath) (installIncludes libBi)
340 sequence_
341 [ do
342 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True destDir
343 installOrdinaryFile verbosity srcFile destFile
344 | (relFile, srcFile) <- incs
345 , let destFile = destIncludeDir </> relFile
346 destDir = takeDirectory destFile
348 where
349 baseDir lbi' = packageRoot $ configCommonFlags $ configFlags lbi'
350 findInc [] file = dieWithException verbosity $ CantFindIncludeFile file
351 findInc (dir : dirs) file = do
352 let path = dir </> file
353 exists <- doesFileExist path
354 if exists then return (file, path) else findInc dirs file