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[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Run.hs
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- |
7 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Run
8 -- Maintainer :
9 -- Portability : portable
11 -- Implementation of the 'run' command.
12 module Distribution.Client.Run (run, splitRunArgs)
13 where
15 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
16 import Prelude ()
18 import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo (componentNameTargets')
19 import Distribution.Types.TargetInfo (targetCLBI)
21 import Distribution.Client.Utils (tryCanonicalizePath)
23 import Distribution.PackageDescription
24 ( Benchmark (..)
25 , BuildInfo (buildable)
26 , Executable (..)
27 , PackageDescription (..)
28 , TestSuite (..)
30 import Distribution.Simple (PackageDB (..))
31 import Distribution.Simple.Build (addInternalBuildTools)
32 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (exeExtension)
33 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (CompilerFlavor (..), compilerFlavor)
34 import Distribution.Simple.Flag (fromFlag)
35 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
36 ( ComponentName (..)
37 , LocalBuildInfo (..)
38 , buildDir
39 , depLibraryPaths
40 , interpretSymbolicPathLBI
41 , mbWorkDirLBI
43 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
44 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Find
45 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
46 import Distribution.Simple.Register (internalPackageDBPath)
48 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (ConfigFlags (..))
49 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
50 ( addLibraryPath
51 , dieWithException
52 , notice
53 , rawSystemExitWithEnvCwd
54 , warn
56 import Distribution.System (Platform (..))
57 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
59 import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHCJS as GHCJS
61 import Distribution.Client.Errors
62 import Distribution.Compat.Environment (getEnvironment)
63 import Distribution.Utils.Path
65 -- | Return the executable to run and any extra arguments that should be
66 -- forwarded to it. Die in case of error.
67 splitRunArgs
68 :: Verbosity
69 -> LocalBuildInfo
70 -> [String]
71 -> IO (Executable, [String])
72 splitRunArgs verbosity lbi args =
73 case whichExecutable of -- Either err (wasManuallyChosen, exe, paramsRest)
74 Left err -> do
75 warn verbosity `traverse_` maybeWarning -- If there is a warning, print it.
76 dieWithException verbosity $ SplitRunArgs err
77 Right (True, exe, xs) -> return (exe, xs)
78 Right (False, exe, xs) -> do
79 let addition =
80 " Interpreting all parameters to `run` as a parameter to"
81 ++ " the default executable."
82 -- If there is a warning, print it together with the addition.
83 warn verbosity `traverse_` fmap (++ addition) maybeWarning
84 return (exe, xs)
85 where
86 pkg_descr = localPkgDescr lbi
87 whichExecutable
88 :: Either
89 String -- Error string.
90 ( Bool -- If it was manually chosen.
91 , Executable -- The executable.
92 , [String] -- The remaining parameters.
94 whichExecutable = case (enabledExes, args) of
95 ([], _) -> Left "Couldn't find any enabled executables."
96 ([exe], []) -> return (False, exe, [])
97 ([exe], (x : xs))
98 | x == unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe) -> return (True, exe, xs)
99 | otherwise -> return (False, exe, args)
100 (_, []) ->
101 Left $
102 "This package contains multiple executables. "
103 ++ "You must pass the executable name as the first argument "
104 ++ "to 'cabal run'."
105 (_, (x : xs)) ->
106 case find (\exe -> unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe) == x) enabledExes of
107 Nothing -> Left $ "No executable named '" ++ x ++ "'."
108 Just exe -> return (True, exe, xs)
109 where
110 enabledExes = filter (buildable . buildInfo) (executables pkg_descr)
112 maybeWarning :: Maybe String
113 maybeWarning = case args of
114 [] -> Nothing
115 (x : _) -> lookup (mkUnqualComponentName x) components
116 where
117 components :: [(UnqualComponentName, String)] -- Component name, message.
118 components =
119 [ (name, "The executable '" ++ prettyShow name ++ "' is disabled.")
120 | e <- executables pkg_descr
121 , not . buildable . buildInfo $ e
122 , let name = exeName e
124 ++ [ ( name
125 , "There is a test-suite '"
126 ++ prettyShow name
127 ++ "',"
128 ++ " but the `run` command is only for executables."
130 | t <- testSuites pkg_descr
131 , let name = testName t
133 ++ [ ( name
134 , "There is a benchmark '"
135 ++ prettyShow name
136 ++ "',"
137 ++ " but the `run` command is only for executables."
139 | b <- benchmarks pkg_descr
140 , let name = benchmarkName b
143 -- | Run a given executable.
144 run :: Verbosity -> LocalBuildInfo -> Executable -> [String] -> IO ()
145 run verbosity lbi exe exeArgs = do
146 let distPref = fromFlag $ configDistPref $ configFlags lbi
147 buildPref = buildDir lbi
148 pkg_descr = localPkgDescr lbi
149 i = interpretSymbolicPathLBI lbi -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path
150 mbWorkDir = mbWorkDirLBI lbi
151 internalPkgDb = i $ internalPackageDBPath lbi distPref
152 lbiForExe =
154 { withPackageDB = withPackageDB lbi ++ [SpecificPackageDB internalPkgDb]
155 , -- Include any build-tool-depends on build tools internal to the current package.
156 withPrograms =
157 addInternalBuildTools
158 pkg_descr
160 (buildInfo exe)
161 (withPrograms lbi)
164 (path, runArgs) <-
165 let exeName' = prettyShow $ exeName exe
166 in case compilerFlavor (compiler lbiForExe) of
167 GHCJS -> do
168 let (script, cmd, cmdArgs) =
169 GHCJS.runCmd
170 (withPrograms lbiForExe)
171 (i buildPref </> exeName' </> exeName')
172 script' <- tryCanonicalizePath script
173 return (cmd, cmdArgs ++ [script'])
174 _ -> do
175 p <-
176 tryCanonicalizePath $
177 i buildPref </> exeName' </> (exeName' <.> exeExtension (hostPlatform lbiForExe))
178 return (p, [])
180 -- Compute the appropriate environment for running the executable
181 existingEnv <- getEnvironment
182 let progDb = withPrograms lbiForExe
183 pathVar = progSearchPath progDb
184 envOverrides = progOverrideEnv progDb
185 newPath <- programSearchPathAsPATHVar pathVar
186 overrideEnv <- fromMaybe [] <$> getEffectiveEnvironment ([("PATH", Just newPath)] ++ envOverrides)
187 let env = overrideEnv ++ existingEnv
189 -- Add (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH if needed
190 env' <-
191 if withDynExe lbiForExe
192 then do
193 let (Platform _ os) = hostPlatform lbiForExe
194 clbi <- case componentNameTargets' pkg_descr lbiForExe (CExeName (exeName exe)) of
195 [target] -> return (targetCLBI target)
196 [] -> dieWithException verbosity CouldNotFindExecutable
197 _ -> dieWithException verbosity FoundMultipleMatchingExes
198 paths <- depLibraryPaths True False lbiForExe clbi
199 return (addLibraryPath os paths env)
200 else return env
202 notice verbosity $ "Running " ++ prettyShow (exeName exe) ++ "..."
203 rawSystemExitWithEnvCwd verbosity mbWorkDir path (runArgs ++ exeArgs) env'