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[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / HttpUtils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- | Separate module for HTTP actions, using a proxy server if one exists.
9 module Distribution.Client.HttpUtils
10 ( DownloadResult (..)
11 , configureTransport
12 , HttpTransport (..)
13 , HttpCode
14 , downloadURI
15 , transportCheckHttps
16 , remoteRepoCheckHttps
17 , remoteRepoTryUpgradeToHttps
18 , isOldHackageURI
19 ) where
21 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (Proxy (..))
22 import Distribution.Utils.Generic
23 import Prelude ()
25 import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
26 import Distribution.Client.Types
27 ( RemoteRepo (..)
28 , unRepoName
30 import Distribution.Client.Types.Credentials (Auth)
31 import Distribution.Client.Utils
32 ( withTempFileName
34 import Distribution.Client.Version
35 ( cabalInstallVersion
37 import Distribution.Simple.Program
38 ( ConfiguredProgram
39 , Program
40 , ProgramInvocation (..)
41 , getProgramInvocationOutput
42 , programInvocation
43 , programPath
44 , simpleProgram
46 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
47 ( ProgramDb
48 , addKnownPrograms
49 , configureAllKnownPrograms
50 , emptyProgramDb
51 , lookupProgram
52 , prependProgramSearchPath
53 , requireProgram
55 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
56 ( getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors
58 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
59 ( IOData (..)
60 , copyFileVerbose
61 , debug
62 , dieWithException
63 , info
64 , notice
65 , warn
66 , withTempFile
68 import Distribution.System
69 ( buildArch
70 , buildOS
72 import Distribution.Utils.String (trim)
73 import Network.Browser
74 ( browse
75 , request
76 , setAllowBasicAuth
77 , setAuthorityGen
78 , setErrHandler
79 , setOutHandler
80 , setProxy
81 , setUserAgent
83 import Network.HTTP
84 ( Header (..)
85 , HeaderName (..)
86 , Request (..)
87 , RequestMethod (..)
88 , Response (..)
89 , lookupHeader
91 import Network.HTTP.Proxy (Proxy (..), fetchProxy)
92 import Network.URI
93 ( URI (..)
94 , URIAuth (..)
95 , uriToString
97 import Numeric (showHex)
98 import System.Directory
99 ( canonicalizePath
100 , doesFileExist
101 , renameFile
103 import System.FilePath
104 ( takeDirectory
105 , takeFileName
106 , (<.>)
108 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
109 ( splitDirectories
111 import System.IO
112 ( IOMode (ReadMode)
113 , hClose
114 , hGetContents
115 , withFile
117 import System.IO.Error
118 ( isDoesNotExistError
120 import System.Random (randomRIO)
122 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
123 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
124 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
125 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
126 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
127 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS8
128 import qualified Data.Char as Char
129 import Distribution.Client.Errors
130 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
132 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 -- Downloading a URI, given an HttpTransport
136 data DownloadResult
137 = FileAlreadyInCache
138 | FileDownloaded FilePath
139 deriving (Eq)
141 data DownloadCheck
142 = -- | already downloaded and sha256 matches
143 Downloaded
144 | -- | already downloaded and we have etag
145 CheckETag String
146 | -- | needs download with optional hash check
147 NeedsDownload (Maybe BS.ByteString)
148 deriving (Eq)
150 downloadURI
151 :: HttpTransport
152 -> Verbosity
153 -> URI
154 -- ^ What to download
155 -> FilePath
156 -- ^ Where to put it
157 -> IO DownloadResult
158 downloadURI _transport verbosity uri path | uriScheme uri == "file:" = do
159 copyFileVerbose verbosity (uriPath uri) path
160 return (FileDownloaded path)
161 -- Can we store the hash of the file so we can safely return path when the
162 -- hash matches to avoid unnecessary computation?
164 downloadURI transport verbosity uri path = do
165 targetExists <- doesFileExist path
167 downloadCheck <-
168 -- if we have uriFrag, then we expect there to be #sha256=...
169 if not (null uriFrag)
170 then case sha256parsed of
171 -- we know the hash, and target exists
172 Right expected | targetExists -> do
173 contents <- LBS.readFile path
174 let actual = SHA256.hashlazy contents
175 if expected == actual
176 then return Downloaded
177 else return (NeedsDownload (Just expected))
179 -- we known the hash, target doesn't exist
180 Right expected -> return (NeedsDownload (Just expected))
181 -- we failed to parse uriFragment
182 Left err ->
183 dieWithException verbosity $ CannotParseURIFragment uriFrag err
184 else -- if there are no uri fragment, use ETag
186 etagPathExists <- doesFileExist etagPath
187 -- In rare cases the target file doesn't exist, but the etag does.
188 if targetExists && etagPathExists
189 then return (CheckETag etagPath)
190 else return (NeedsDownload Nothing)
192 -- Only use the external http transports if we actually have to
193 -- (or have been told to do so)
194 let transport'
195 | uriScheme uri == "http:"
196 , not (transportManuallySelected transport) =
197 plainHttpTransport
198 | otherwise =
199 transport
201 case downloadCheck of
202 Downloaded -> return FileAlreadyInCache
203 CheckETag etag -> makeDownload transport' Nothing (Just etag)
204 NeedsDownload hash -> makeDownload transport' hash Nothing
205 where
206 makeDownload :: HttpTransport -> Maybe BS8.ByteString -> Maybe String -> IO DownloadResult
207 makeDownload transport' sha256 etag = withTempFileName (takeDirectory path) (takeFileName path) $ \tmpFile -> do
208 result <- getHttp transport' verbosity uri etag tmpFile []
210 -- Only write the etag if we get a 200 response code.
211 -- A 304 still sends us an etag header.
212 case result of
213 -- if we have hash, we don't care about etag.
214 (200, _) | Just expected <- sha256 -> do
215 contents <- LBS.readFile tmpFile
216 let actual = SHA256.hashlazy contents
217 unless (actual == expected) $
218 dieWithException verbosity $
219 MakeDownload uri expected actual
220 (200, Just newEtag) -> writeFile etagPath newEtag
221 _ -> return ()
223 case fst result of
224 200 -> do
225 info verbosity ("Downloaded to " ++ path)
226 renameFile tmpFile path
227 return (FileDownloaded path)
228 304 -> do
229 notice verbosity "Skipping download: local and remote files match."
230 return FileAlreadyInCache
231 errCode ->
232 dieWithException verbosity $ FailedToDownloadURI uri (show errCode)
234 etagPath = path <.> "etag"
235 uriFrag = uriFragment uri
237 sha256parsed :: Either String BS.ByteString
238 sha256parsed = explicitEitherParsec fragmentParser uriFrag
240 fragmentParser = do
241 _ <- P.string "#sha256="
242 str <- some P.hexDigit
243 let bs = Base16.decode (BS8.pack str)
244 #if MIN_VERSION_base16_bytestring(1,0,0)
245 either fail return bs
246 #else
247 return (fst bs)
248 #endif
250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 -- Utilities for repo url management
254 remoteRepoCheckHttps :: Verbosity -> HttpTransport -> RemoteRepo -> IO ()
255 remoteRepoCheckHttps verbosity transport repo
256 | uriScheme (remoteRepoURI repo) == "https:"
257 , not (transportSupportsHttps transport) =
258 dieWithException verbosity $ RemoteRepoCheckHttps (unRepoName (remoteRepoName repo)) requiresHttpsErrorMessage
259 | otherwise = return ()
261 transportCheckHttps :: Verbosity -> HttpTransport -> URI -> IO ()
262 transportCheckHttps verbosity transport uri
263 | uriScheme uri == "https:"
264 , not (transportSupportsHttps transport) =
265 dieWithException verbosity $ TransportCheckHttps uri requiresHttpsErrorMessage
266 | otherwise = return ()
268 requiresHttpsErrorMessage :: String
269 requiresHttpsErrorMessage =
270 "requires HTTPS however the built-in HTTP implementation "
271 ++ "does not support HTTPS. The transport implementations with HTTPS "
272 ++ "support are "
273 ++ intercalate
274 ", "
275 [name | (name, _, True, _) <- supportedTransports]
276 ++ ". One of these will be selected automatically if the corresponding "
277 ++ "external program is available, or one can be selected specifically "
278 ++ "with the global flag --http-transport="
280 remoteRepoTryUpgradeToHttps :: Verbosity -> HttpTransport -> RemoteRepo -> IO RemoteRepo
281 remoteRepoTryUpgradeToHttps verbosity transport repo
282 | remoteRepoShouldTryHttps repo
283 , uriScheme (remoteRepoURI repo) == "http:"
284 , not (transportSupportsHttps transport)
285 , not (transportManuallySelected transport) =
286 dieWithException verbosity $ TryUpgradeToHttps [name | (name, _, True, _) <- supportedTransports]
287 | remoteRepoShouldTryHttps repo
288 , uriScheme (remoteRepoURI repo) == "http:"
289 , transportSupportsHttps transport =
290 return
291 repo
292 { remoteRepoURI = (remoteRepoURI repo){uriScheme = "https:"}
294 | otherwise =
295 return repo
297 -- | Utility function for legacy support.
298 isOldHackageURI :: URI -> Bool
299 isOldHackageURI uri =
300 case uriAuthority uri of
301 Just (URIAuth{uriRegName = ""}) ->
302 FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories (uriPath uri)
303 == ["/", "packages", "archive"]
304 _ -> False
306 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
307 -- Setting up a HttpTransport
310 data HttpTransport = HttpTransport
311 { getHttp
312 :: Verbosity
313 -> URI
314 -> Maybe ETag
315 -> FilePath
316 -> [Header]
317 -> IO (HttpCode, Maybe ETag)
318 -- ^ GET a URI, with an optional ETag (to do a conditional fetch),
319 -- write the resource to the given file and return the HTTP status code,
320 -- and optional ETag.
321 , postHttp
322 :: Verbosity
323 -> URI
324 -> String
325 -> Maybe Auth
326 -> IO (HttpCode, String)
327 -- ^ POST a resource to a URI, with optional 'Auth'
328 -- and return the HTTP status code and any redirect URL.
329 , postHttpFile
330 :: Verbosity
331 -> URI
332 -> FilePath
333 -> Maybe Auth
334 -> IO (HttpCode, String)
335 -- ^ POST a file resource to a URI using multipart\/form-data encoding,
336 -- with optional 'Auth' and return the HTTP status
337 -- code and any error string.
338 , putHttpFile
339 :: Verbosity
340 -> URI
341 -> FilePath
342 -> Maybe Auth
343 -> [Header]
344 -> IO (HttpCode, String)
345 -- ^ PUT a file resource to a URI, with optional 'Auth',
346 -- extra headers and return the HTTP status code
347 -- and any error string.
348 , transportSupportsHttps :: Bool
349 -- ^ Whether this transport supports https or just http.
350 , transportManuallySelected :: Bool
351 -- ^ Whether this transport implementation was specifically chosen by
352 -- the user via configuration, or whether it was automatically selected.
353 -- Strictly speaking this is not a property of the transport itself but
354 -- about how it was chosen. Nevertheless it's convenient to keep here.
357 -- TODO: why does postHttp return a redirect, but postHttpFile return errors?
359 type HttpCode = Int
360 type ETag = String
362 noPostYet
363 :: Verbosity
364 -> URI
365 -> String
366 -> Maybe Auth
367 -> IO (Int, String)
368 noPostYet verbosity _ _ _ = dieWithException verbosity NoPostYet
370 supportedTransports
371 :: [ ( String
372 , Maybe Program
373 , Bool
374 , ProgramDb -> Maybe HttpTransport
377 supportedTransports =
378 [ let prog = simpleProgram "curl"
379 in ( "curl"
380 , Just prog
381 , True
382 , \db -> curlTransport <$> lookupProgram prog db
384 , let prog = simpleProgram "wget"
385 in ( "wget"
386 , Just prog
387 , True
388 , \db -> wgetTransport <$> lookupProgram prog db
390 , let prog = simpleProgram "powershell"
391 in ( "powershell"
392 , Just prog
393 , True
394 , \db -> powershellTransport <$> lookupProgram prog db
397 ( "plain-http"
398 , Nothing
399 , False
400 , \_ -> Just plainHttpTransport
404 configureTransport :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> Maybe String -> IO HttpTransport
405 configureTransport verbosity extraPath (Just name) =
406 -- the user specifically selected a transport by name so we'll try and
407 -- configure that one
409 case find (\(name', _, _, _) -> name' == name) supportedTransports of
410 Just (_, mprog, _tls, mkTrans) -> do
411 baseProgDb <- prependProgramSearchPath verbosity extraPath [] emptyProgramDb
412 progdb <- case mprog of
413 Nothing -> return emptyProgramDb
414 Just prog -> snd <$> requireProgram verbosity prog baseProgDb
415 -- ^^ if it fails, it'll fail here
417 let transport = fromMaybe (error "configureTransport: failed to make transport") $ mkTrans progdb
418 return transport{transportManuallySelected = True}
419 Nothing ->
420 dieWithException verbosity $ UnknownHttpTransportSpecified name [name' | (name', _, _, _) <- supportedTransports]
421 configureTransport verbosity extraPath Nothing = do
422 -- the user hasn't selected a transport, so we'll pick the first one we
423 -- can configure successfully, provided that it supports tls
425 -- for all the transports except plain-http we need to try and find
426 -- their external executable
427 baseProgDb <- prependProgramSearchPath verbosity extraPath [] emptyProgramDb
428 progdb <-
429 configureAllKnownPrograms verbosity $
430 addKnownPrograms
431 [prog | (_, Just prog, _, _) <- supportedTransports]
432 baseProgDb
434 let availableTransports =
435 [ (name, transport)
436 | (name, _, _, mkTrans) <- supportedTransports
437 , transport <- maybeToList (mkTrans progdb)
439 let (name, transport) =
440 fromMaybe ("plain-http", plainHttpTransport) (safeHead availableTransports)
441 debug verbosity $ "Selected http transport implementation: " ++ name
443 return transport{transportManuallySelected = False}
445 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
446 -- The HttpTransports based on external programs
449 curlTransport :: ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
450 curlTransport prog =
451 HttpTransport gethttp posthttp posthttpfile puthttpfile True False
452 where
453 gethttp verbosity uri etag destPath reqHeaders = do
454 withTempFile
455 (takeDirectory destPath)
456 "curl-headers.txt"
457 $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do
458 hClose tmpHandle
459 let args =
460 [ show uri
461 , "--output"
462 , destPath
463 , "--location"
464 , "--write-out"
465 , "%{http_code}"
466 , "--user-agent"
467 , userAgent
468 , "--silent"
469 , "--show-error"
470 , "--dump-header"
471 , tmpFile
473 ++ concat
474 [ ["--header", "If-None-Match: " ++ t]
475 | t <- maybeToList etag
477 ++ concat
478 [ ["--header", show name ++ ": " ++ value]
479 | Header name value <- reqHeaders
482 resp <-
483 getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity $
484 addAuthConfig
485 Nothing
487 (programInvocation prog args)
489 withFile tmpFile ReadMode $ \hnd -> do
490 headers <- hGetContents hnd
491 (code, _err, etag') <- parseResponse verbosity uri resp headers
492 evaluate $ force (code, etag')
494 posthttp = noPostYet
496 addAuthConfig explicitAuth uri progInvocation = do
497 -- attempt to derive a u/p pair from the uri authority if one exists
498 -- all `uriUserInfo` values have '@' as a suffix. drop it.
499 let uriDerivedAuth = case uriAuthority uri of
500 (Just (URIAuth u _ _)) | not (null u) -> Just $ filter (/= '@') u
501 _ -> Nothing
502 -- prefer passed in auth to auth derived from uri. If neither exist, then no auth
503 let mbAuthStringToken = case (explicitAuth, uriDerivedAuth) of
504 (Just (Right token), _) -> Just $ Right token
505 (Just (Left (uname, passwd)), _) -> Just $ Left (uname ++ ":" ++ passwd)
506 (Nothing, Just a) -> Just $ Left a
507 (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
508 case mbAuthStringToken of
509 Just (Left up) ->
510 progInvocation
511 { progInvokeInput =
512 Just . IODataText . unlines $
513 [ "--digest"
514 , "--user " ++ up
516 , progInvokeArgs = ["--config", "-"] ++ progInvokeArgs progInvocation
518 Just (Right token) ->
519 progInvocation
520 { progInvokeArgs =
521 ["--header", "Authorization: X-ApiKey " ++ token]
522 ++ progInvokeArgs progInvocation
524 Nothing -> progInvocation
526 posthttpfile verbosity uri path auth = do
527 let args =
528 [ show uri
529 , "--form"
530 , "package=@" ++ path
531 , "--write-out"
532 , "\n%{http_code}"
533 , "--user-agent"
534 , userAgent
535 , "--silent"
536 , "--show-error"
537 , "--header"
538 , "Accept: text/plain"
539 , "--location"
541 resp <-
542 getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity $
543 addAuthConfig
544 auth
546 (programInvocation prog args)
547 (code, err, _etag) <- parseResponse verbosity uri resp ""
548 return (code, err)
550 puthttpfile verbosity uri path auth headers = do
551 let args =
552 [ show uri
553 , "--request"
554 , "PUT"
555 , "--data-binary"
556 , "@" ++ path
557 , "--write-out"
558 , "\n%{http_code}"
559 , "--user-agent"
560 , userAgent
561 , "--silent"
562 , "--show-error"
563 , "--location"
564 , "--header"
565 , "Accept: text/plain"
567 ++ concat
568 [ ["--header", show name ++ ": " ++ value]
569 | Header name value <- headers
571 resp <-
572 getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity $
573 addAuthConfig
574 auth
576 (programInvocation prog args)
577 (code, err, _etag) <- parseResponse verbosity uri resp ""
578 return (code, err)
580 -- on success these curl invocations produces an output like "200"
581 -- and on failure it has the server error response first
582 parseResponse :: Verbosity -> URI -> String -> String -> IO (Int, String, Maybe ETag)
583 parseResponse verbosity uri resp headers =
584 let codeerr =
585 case reverse (lines resp) of
586 (codeLine : rerrLines) ->
587 case readMaybe (trim codeLine) of
588 Just i ->
589 let errstr = mkErrstr rerrLines
590 in Just (i, errstr)
591 Nothing -> Nothing
592 [] -> Nothing
594 mkErrstr = unlines . reverse . dropWhile (all isSpace)
596 mb_etag :: Maybe ETag
597 mb_etag =
598 listToMaybe $
599 reverse
600 [ etag
601 | [name, etag] <- map words (lines headers)
602 , isETag name
604 in case codeerr of
605 Just (i, err) -> return (i, err, mb_etag)
606 _ -> statusParseFail verbosity uri resp
608 wgetTransport :: ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
609 wgetTransport prog =
610 HttpTransport gethttp posthttp posthttpfile puthttpfile True False
611 where
612 gethttp verbosity uri etag destPath reqHeaders = do
613 resp <- runWGet verbosity uri args
615 -- wget doesn't support range requests.
616 -- so, we not only ignore range request headers,
617 -- but we also display a warning message when we see them.
618 let hasRangeHeader = any isRangeHeader reqHeaders
619 warningMsg =
620 "the 'wget' transport currently doesn't support"
621 ++ " range requests, which wastes network bandwidth."
622 ++ " To fix this, set 'http-transport' to 'curl' or"
623 ++ " 'plain-http' in '~/.config/cabal/config'."
624 ++ " Note that the 'plain-http' transport doesn't"
625 ++ " support HTTPS.\n"
627 when (hasRangeHeader) $ warn verbosity warningMsg
628 (code, etag') <- parseOutput verbosity uri resp
629 return (code, etag')
630 where
631 args =
632 [ "--output-document=" ++ destPath
633 , "--user-agent=" ++ userAgent
634 , "--tries=5"
635 , "--timeout=15"
636 , "--server-response"
638 ++ concat
639 [ ["--header", "If-None-Match: " ++ t]
640 | t <- maybeToList etag
642 ++ [ "--header=" ++ show name ++ ": " ++ value
643 | hdr@(Header name value) <- reqHeaders
644 , (not (isRangeHeader hdr))
647 -- wget doesn't support range requests.
648 -- so, we ignore range request headers, lest we get errors.
649 isRangeHeader :: Header -> Bool
650 isRangeHeader (Header HdrRange _) = True
651 isRangeHeader _ = False
653 posthttp = noPostYet
655 posthttpfile verbosity uri path auth =
656 withTempFile
657 (takeDirectory path)
658 (takeFileName path)
659 $ \tmpFile tmpHandle ->
660 withTempFile (takeDirectory path) "response" $
661 \responseFile responseHandle -> do
662 hClose responseHandle
663 (body, boundary) <- generateMultipartBody path
664 LBS.hPut tmpHandle body
665 hClose tmpHandle
666 let args =
667 [ "--post-file=" ++ tmpFile
668 , "--user-agent=" ++ userAgent
669 , "--server-response"
670 , "--output-document=" ++ responseFile
671 , "--header=Accept: text/plain"
672 , "--header=Content-type: multipart/form-data; "
673 ++ "boundary="
674 ++ boundary
676 ++ maybeToList (authTokenHeader auth)
677 out <- runWGet verbosity (addUriAuth auth uri) args
678 (code, _etag) <- parseOutput verbosity uri out
679 withFile responseFile ReadMode $ \hnd -> do
680 resp <- hGetContents hnd
681 evaluate $ force (code, resp)
683 puthttpfile verbosity uri path auth headers =
684 withTempFile (takeDirectory path) "response" $
685 \responseFile responseHandle -> do
686 hClose responseHandle
687 let args =
688 [ "--method=PUT"
689 , "--body-file=" ++ path
690 , "--user-agent=" ++ userAgent
691 , "--server-response"
692 , "--output-document=" ++ responseFile
693 , "--header=Accept: text/plain"
695 ++ [ "--header=" ++ show name ++ ": " ++ value
696 | Header name value <- headers
698 ++ maybeToList (authTokenHeader auth)
700 out <- runWGet verbosity (addUriAuth auth uri) args
701 (code, _etag) <- parseOutput verbosity uri out
702 withFile responseFile ReadMode $ \hnd -> do
703 resp <- hGetContents hnd
704 evaluate $ force (code, resp)
706 authTokenHeader (Just (Right token)) = Just $ "--header=Authorization: X-ApiKey " ++ token
707 authTokenHeader _ = Nothing
709 addUriAuth (Just (Left (user, pass))) uri =
711 { uriAuthority = Just a{uriUserInfo = user ++ ":" ++ pass ++ "@"}
713 where
714 a = fromMaybe (URIAuth "" "" "") (uriAuthority uri)
715 addUriAuth _ uri = uri
717 runWGet verbosity uri args = do
718 -- We pass the URI via STDIN because it contains the users' credentials
719 -- and sensitive data should not be passed via command line arguments.
721 invocation =
722 (programInvocation prog ("--input-file=-" : args))
723 { progInvokeInput = Just $ IODataText $ uriToString id uri ""
726 -- wget returns its output on stderr rather than stdout
727 (_, resp, exitCode) <-
728 getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors
729 verbosity
730 invocation
731 -- wget returns exit code 8 for server "errors" like "304 not modified"
732 if exitCode == ExitSuccess || exitCode == ExitFailure 8
733 then return resp
734 else dieWithException verbosity $ WGetServerError (programPath prog) resp
736 -- With the --server-response flag, wget produces output with the full
737 -- http server response with all headers, we want to find a line like
738 -- "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", but only the last one, since we can have multiple
739 -- requests due to redirects.
740 parseOutput verbosity uri resp =
741 let parsedCode =
742 listToMaybe
743 [ code
744 | (protocol : codestr : _err) <- map words (reverse (lines resp))
745 , "HTTP/" `isPrefixOf` protocol
746 , code <- maybeToList (readMaybe codestr)
748 mb_etag :: Maybe ETag
749 mb_etag =
750 listToMaybe
751 [ etag
752 | [name, etag] <- map words (reverse (lines resp))
753 , isETag name
755 in case parsedCode of
756 Just i -> return (i, mb_etag)
757 _ -> statusParseFail verbosity uri resp
759 powershellTransport :: ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
760 powershellTransport prog =
761 HttpTransport gethttp posthttp posthttpfile puthttpfile True False
762 where
763 gethttp verbosity uri etag destPath reqHeaders = do
764 resp <-
765 runPowershellScript verbosity $
766 webclientScript
767 (escape (show uri))
768 ( ("$targetStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList " ++ (escape destPath) ++ ", Create")
769 : (setupHeaders ((useragentHeader : etagHeader) ++ reqHeaders))
771 [ "$response = $request.GetResponse()"
772 , "$responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()"
773 , "$buffer = new-object byte[] 10KB"
774 , "$count = $responseStream.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.length)"
775 , "while ($count -gt 0)"
776 , "{"
777 , " $targetStream.Write($buffer, 0, $count)"
778 , " $count = $responseStream.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.length)"
779 , "}"
780 , "Write-Host ($response.StatusCode -as [int]);"
781 , "Write-Host $response.GetResponseHeader(\"ETag\").Trim('\"')"
783 [ "$targetStream.Flush()"
784 , "$targetStream.Close()"
785 , "$targetStream.Dispose()"
786 , "$responseStream.Dispose()"
788 parseResponse resp
789 where
790 parseResponse :: String -> IO (HttpCode, Maybe ETag)
791 parseResponse x =
792 case lines $ trim x of
793 (code : etagv : _) -> fmap (\c -> (c, Just etagv)) $ parseCode code x
794 (code : _) -> fmap (\c -> (c, Nothing)) $ parseCode code x
795 _ -> statusParseFail verbosity uri x
796 parseCode :: String -> String -> IO HttpCode
797 parseCode code x = case readMaybe code of
798 Just i -> return i
799 Nothing -> statusParseFail verbosity uri x
800 etagHeader = [Header HdrIfNoneMatch t | t <- maybeToList etag]
802 posthttp = noPostYet
804 posthttpfile verbosity uri path auth =
805 withTempFile
806 (takeDirectory path)
807 (takeFileName path)
808 $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do
809 (body, boundary) <- generateMultipartBody path
810 LBS.hPut tmpHandle body
811 hClose tmpHandle
812 fullPath <- canonicalizePath tmpFile
814 let contentHeader =
815 Header
816 HdrContentType
817 ("multipart/form-data; boundary=" ++ boundary)
818 resp <-
819 runPowershellScript verbosity $
820 webclientScript
821 (escape (show uri))
822 (setupHeaders (contentHeader : extraHeaders) ++ setupAuth auth)
823 (uploadFileAction "POST" uri fullPath)
824 uploadFileCleanup
825 parseUploadResponse verbosity uri resp
827 puthttpfile verbosity uri path auth headers = do
828 fullPath <- canonicalizePath path
829 resp <-
830 runPowershellScript verbosity $
831 webclientScript
832 (escape (show uri))
833 (setupHeaders (extraHeaders ++ headers) ++ setupAuth auth)
834 (uploadFileAction "PUT" uri fullPath)
835 uploadFileCleanup
836 parseUploadResponse verbosity uri resp
838 runPowershellScript verbosity script = do
839 let args =
840 [ "-InputFormat"
841 , "None"
842 , -- the default execution policy doesn't allow running
843 -- unsigned scripts, so we need to tell powershell to bypass it
844 "-ExecutionPolicy"
845 , "bypass"
846 , "-NoProfile"
847 , "-NonInteractive"
848 , "-Command"
849 , "-"
851 debug verbosity script
852 getProgramInvocationOutput
853 verbosity
854 (programInvocation prog args)
855 { progInvokeInput = Just $ IODataText $ script ++ "\nExit(0);"
858 escape = show
860 useragentHeader = Header HdrUserAgent userAgent
861 extraHeaders = [Header HdrAccept "text/plain", useragentHeader]
863 setupHeaders headers =
864 [ "$request." ++ addHeader name value
865 | Header name value <- headers
867 where
868 addHeader header value =
869 case header of
870 HdrAccept -> "Accept = " ++ escape value
871 HdrUserAgent -> "UserAgent = " ++ escape value
872 HdrConnection -> "Connection = " ++ escape value
873 HdrContentLength -> "ContentLength = " ++ escape value
874 HdrContentType -> "ContentType = " ++ escape value
875 HdrDate -> "Date = " ++ escape value
876 HdrExpect -> "Expect = " ++ escape value
877 HdrHost -> "Host = " ++ escape value
878 HdrIfModifiedSince -> "IfModifiedSince = " ++ escape value
879 HdrReferer -> "Referer = " ++ escape value
880 HdrTransferEncoding -> "TransferEncoding = " ++ escape value
881 HdrRange ->
882 let (start, end) =
883 if "bytes=" `isPrefixOf` value
884 then case break (== '-') value' of
885 (start', '-' : end') -> (start', end')
886 _ -> error $ "Could not decode range: " ++ value
887 else error $ "Could not decode range: " ++ value
888 value' = drop 6 value
889 in "AddRange(\"bytes\", " ++ escape start ++ ", " ++ escape end ++ ");"
890 name -> "Headers.Add(" ++ escape (show name) ++ "," ++ escape value ++ ");"
892 setupAuth (Just (Left (uname, passwd))) =
893 [ "$request.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential("
894 ++ escape uname
895 ++ ","
896 ++ escape passwd
897 ++ ",\"\");"
899 setupAuth (Just (Right token)) =
900 ["$request.Headers[\"Authorization\"] = " ++ escape ("X-ApiKey " ++ token)]
901 setupAuth Nothing = []
903 uploadFileAction method _uri fullPath =
904 [ "$request.Method = " ++ show method
905 , "$requestStream = $request.GetRequestStream()"
906 , "$fileStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead(" ++ escape fullPath ++ ")"
907 , "$bufSize=10000"
908 , "$chunk = New-Object byte[] $bufSize"
909 , "while( $bytesRead = $fileStream.Read($chunk,0,$bufsize) )"
910 , "{"
911 , " $requestStream.write($chunk, 0, $bytesRead)"
912 , " $requestStream.Flush()"
913 , "}"
914 , ""
915 , "$responseStream = $request.getresponse()"
916 , "$responseReader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $responseStream.GetResponseStream()"
917 , "$code = $response.StatusCode -as [int]"
918 , "if ($code -eq 0) {"
919 , " $code = 200;"
920 , "}"
921 , "Write-Host $code"
922 , "Write-Host $responseReader.ReadToEnd()"
925 uploadFileCleanup =
926 [ "$fileStream.Close()"
927 , "$requestStream.Close()"
928 , "$responseStream.Close()"
931 parseUploadResponse verbosity uri resp = case lines (trim resp) of
932 (codeStr : message)
933 | Just code <- readMaybe codeStr -> return (code, unlines message)
934 _ -> statusParseFail verbosity uri resp
936 webclientScript uri setup action cleanup =
937 unlines
938 [ "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = \"tls12, tls11, tls\""
939 , "$uri = New-Object \"System.Uri\" " ++ uri
940 , "$request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($uri)"
941 , unlines setup
942 , "Try {"
943 , unlines (map (" " ++) action)
944 , "} Catch [System.Net.WebException] {"
945 , " $exception = $_.Exception;"
946 , " If ($exception.Status -eq "
947 ++ "[System.Net.WebExceptionStatus]::ProtocolError) {"
948 , " $response = $exception.Response -as [System.Net.HttpWebResponse];"
949 , " $reader = new-object "
950 ++ "System.IO.StreamReader($response.GetResponseStream());"
951 , " Write-Host ($response.StatusCode -as [int]);"
952 , " Write-Host $reader.ReadToEnd();"
953 , " } Else {"
954 , " Write-Host $exception.Message;"
955 , " }"
956 , "} Catch {"
957 , " Write-Host $_.Exception.Message;"
958 , "} finally {"
959 , unlines (map (" " ++) cleanup)
960 , "}"
963 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
964 -- The builtin plain HttpTransport
967 plainHttpTransport :: HttpTransport
968 plainHttpTransport =
969 HttpTransport gethttp posthttp posthttpfile puthttpfile False False
970 where
971 gethttp verbosity uri etag destPath reqHeaders = do
972 let req =
973 Request
974 { rqURI = uri
975 , rqMethod = GET
976 , rqHeaders =
977 [ Header HdrIfNoneMatch t
978 | t <- maybeToList etag
980 ++ reqHeaders
981 , rqBody = LBS.empty
983 (_, resp) <- cabalBrowse verbosity Nothing (request req)
984 let code = convertRspCode (rspCode resp)
985 etag' = lookupHeader HdrETag (rspHeaders resp)
986 -- 206 Partial Content is a normal response to a range request; see #3385.
987 when (code == 200 || code == 206) $
988 writeFileAtomic destPath $
989 rspBody resp
990 return (code, etag')
992 posthttp = noPostYet
994 posthttpfile verbosity uri path auth = do
995 (body, boundary) <- generateMultipartBody path
996 let headers =
997 [ Header
998 HdrContentType
999 ("multipart/form-data; boundary=" ++ boundary)
1000 , Header HdrContentLength (show (LBS8.length body))
1001 , Header HdrAccept ("text/plain")
1003 ++ maybeToList (authTokenHeader auth)
1004 req =
1005 Request
1006 { rqURI = uri
1007 , rqMethod = POST
1008 , rqHeaders = headers
1009 , rqBody = body
1011 (_, resp) <- cabalBrowse verbosity auth (request req)
1012 return (convertRspCode (rspCode resp), rspErrorString resp)
1014 puthttpfile verbosity uri path auth headers = do
1015 body <- LBS8.readFile path
1016 let req =
1017 Request
1018 { rqURI = uri
1019 , rqMethod = PUT
1020 , rqHeaders =
1021 Header HdrContentLength (show (LBS8.length body))
1022 : Header HdrAccept "text/plain"
1023 : maybeToList (authTokenHeader auth)
1024 ++ headers
1025 , rqBody = body
1027 (_, resp) <- cabalBrowse verbosity auth (request req)
1028 return (convertRspCode (rspCode resp), rspErrorString resp)
1030 convertRspCode (a, b, c) = a * 100 + b * 10 + c
1032 rspErrorString resp =
1033 case lookupHeader HdrContentType (rspHeaders resp) of
1034 Just contenttype
1035 | takeWhile (/= ';') contenttype == "text/plain" ->
1036 LBS8.unpack (rspBody resp)
1037 _ -> rspReason resp
1039 cabalBrowse verbosity auth act = do
1040 p <- fixupEmptyProxy <$> fetchProxy True
1041 Exception.handleJust
1042 (guard . isDoesNotExistError)
1043 ( const . dieWithException verbosity $ Couldn'tEstablishHttpConnection
1045 $ browse
1046 $ do
1047 setProxy p
1048 setErrHandler (warn verbosity . ("http error: " ++))
1049 setOutHandler (debug verbosity)
1050 setUserAgent userAgent
1051 setAllowBasicAuth False
1052 case auth of
1053 Just (Left x) -> setAuthorityGen (\_ _ -> return $ Just x)
1054 _ -> setAuthorityGen (\_ _ -> return Nothing)
1057 authTokenHeader (Just (Right token)) = Just $ Header HdrAuthorization ("X-ApiKey " ++ token)
1058 authTokenHeader _ = Nothing
1060 fixupEmptyProxy (Proxy uri _) | null uri = NoProxy
1061 fixupEmptyProxy p = p
1063 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1064 -- Common stuff used by multiple transport impls
1067 userAgent :: String
1068 userAgent =
1069 concat
1070 [ "cabal-install/"
1071 , prettyShow cabalInstallVersion
1072 , " ("
1073 , prettyShow buildOS
1074 , "; "
1075 , prettyShow buildArch
1076 , ")"
1079 statusParseFail :: Verbosity -> URI -> String -> IO a
1080 statusParseFail verbosity uri r =
1081 dieWithException verbosity $ StatusParseFail uri r
1083 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1084 -- Multipart stuff partially taken from cgi package.
1087 generateMultipartBody :: FilePath -> IO (LBS.ByteString, String)
1088 generateMultipartBody path = do
1089 content <- LBS.readFile path
1090 boundary <- genBoundary
1091 let !body = formatBody content (LBS8.pack boundary)
1092 return (body, boundary)
1093 where
1094 formatBody content boundary =
1095 LBS8.concat $
1096 [crlf, dd, boundary, crlf]
1097 ++ [LBS8.pack (show header) | header <- headers]
1098 ++ [ crlf
1099 , content
1100 , crlf
1101 , dd
1102 , boundary
1103 , dd
1104 , crlf
1107 headers =
1108 [ Header
1109 (HdrCustom "Content-disposition")
1110 ( "form-data; name=package; "
1111 ++ "filename=\""
1112 ++ takeFileName path
1113 ++ "\""
1115 , Header HdrContentType "application/x-gzip"
1118 crlf = LBS8.pack "\r\n"
1119 dd = LBS8.pack "--"
1121 genBoundary :: IO String
1122 genBoundary = do
1123 i <- randomRIO (0x10000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) :: IO Integer
1124 return $ showHex i ""
1126 isETag :: String -> Bool
1127 isETag name = fmap Char.toLower name == "etag:"