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[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / HashValue.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
5 module Distribution.Client.HashValue
6 ( HashValue
7 , hashValue
8 , truncateHash
9 , showHashValue
10 , readFileHashValue
11 , hashFromTUF
12 ) where
14 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
15 import Prelude ()
17 import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as Sec
19 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
20 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
21 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
22 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
24 import System.IO (IOMode (..), withBinaryFile)
26 -----------------------------------------------
27 -- The specific choice of hash implementation
30 -- Is a crypto hash necessary here? One thing to consider is who controls the
31 -- inputs and what's the result of a hash collision. Obviously we should not
32 -- install packages we don't trust because they can run all sorts of code, but
33 -- if I've checked there's no TH, no custom Setup etc, is there still a
34 -- problem? If someone provided us a tarball that hashed to the same value as
35 -- some other package and we installed it, we could end up re-using that
36 -- installed package in place of another one we wanted. So yes, in general
37 -- there is some value in preventing intentional hash collisions in installed
38 -- package ids.
40 newtype HashValue = HashValue BS.ByteString
41 deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)
43 -- Cannot do any sensible validation here. Although we use SHA256
44 -- for stuff we hash ourselves, we can also get hashes from TUF
45 -- and that can in principle use different hash functions in future.
47 -- Therefore, we simply derive this structurally.
48 instance Binary HashValue
49 instance Structured HashValue
51 -- | Hash some data. Currently uses SHA256.
52 hashValue :: LBS.ByteString -> HashValue
53 hashValue = HashValue . SHA256.hashlazy
55 showHashValue :: HashValue -> String
56 showHashValue (HashValue digest) = BS.unpack (Base16.encode digest)
58 -- | Hash the content of a file. Uses SHA256.
59 readFileHashValue :: FilePath -> IO HashValue
60 readFileHashValue tarball =
61 withBinaryFile tarball ReadMode $ \hnd ->
62 evaluate . hashValue =<< LBS.hGetContents hnd
64 -- | Convert a hash from TUF metadata into a 'PackageSourceHash'.
66 -- Note that TUF hashes don't necessarily have to be SHA256, since it can
67 -- support new algorithms in future.
69 hashFromTUF :: Sec.Hash -> HashValue
70 hashFromTUF (Sec.Hash hashstr) =
71 -- TODO: [code cleanup] either we should get TUF to use raw bytestrings or
72 -- perhaps we should also just use a base16 string as the internal rep.
73 case Base16.decode (BS.pack hashstr) of
74 #if MIN_VERSION_base16_bytestring(1,0,0)
75 Right hash -> HashValue hash
76 Left _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16"
77 #else
78 (hash, trailing) | not (BS.null hash) && BS.null trailing
79 -> HashValue hash
80 _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16 hash"
81 #endif
84 -- | Truncate a 32 byte SHA256 hash to
86 -- For example 20 bytes render as 40 hex chars, which we use for unit-ids.
87 -- Or even 4 bytes for 'hashedInstalledPackageIdShort'
88 truncateHash :: Int -> HashValue -> HashValue
89 truncateHash n (HashValue h) = HashValue (BS.take n h)