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[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Config.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |
9 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Config
10 -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005
11 -- License : BSD-like
13 -- Maintainer :
14 -- Stability : provisional
15 -- Portability : portable
17 -- Utilities for handling saved state such as known packages, known servers and
18 -- downloaded packages.
19 module Distribution.Client.Config
20 ( SavedConfig (..)
21 , loadConfig
22 , getConfigFilePath
23 , showConfig
24 , showConfigWithComments
25 , parseConfig
26 , defaultConfigFile
27 , defaultCacheDir
28 , defaultCacheHome
29 , defaultScriptBuildsDir
30 , defaultStoreDir
31 , defaultCompiler
32 , defaultInstallPath
33 , defaultLogsDir
34 , defaultReportsDir
35 , defaultUserInstall
36 , baseSavedConfig
37 , commentSavedConfig
38 , initialSavedConfig
39 , configFieldDescriptions
40 , haddockFlagsFields
41 , installDirsFields
42 , withProgramsFields
43 , withProgramOptionsFields
44 , userConfigDiff
45 , userConfigUpdate
46 , createDefaultConfigFile
47 , remoteRepoFields
48 , postProcessRepo
49 ) where
51 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
52 import Distribution.Compat.Environment (lookupEnv)
53 import Prelude ()
55 import Language.Haskell.Extension (Language (Haskell2010))
57 import Distribution.Deprecated.ViewAsFieldDescr
58 ( viewAsFieldDescr
61 import Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Types
62 ( ReportLevel (..)
64 import Distribution.Client.CmdInstall.ClientInstallFlags
65 ( ClientInstallFlags (..)
66 , clientInstallOptions
67 , defaultClientInstallFlags
69 import qualified Distribution.Client.Init.Defaults as IT
70 import qualified Distribution.Client.Init.Types as IT
71 ( InitFlags (..)
73 import Distribution.Client.Setup
74 ( ConfigExFlags (..)
75 , GlobalFlags (..)
76 , InstallFlags (..)
77 , ReportFlags (..)
78 , UploadFlags (..)
79 , configureExOptions
80 , defaultConfigExFlags
81 , defaultGlobalFlags
82 , defaultInstallFlags
83 , globalCommand
84 , initOptions
85 , installOptions
86 , reportCommand
87 , uploadCommand
89 import Distribution.Client.Types
90 ( AllowNewer (..)
91 , AllowOlder (..)
92 , LocalRepo (..)
93 , RelaxDeps (..)
94 , RemoteRepo (..)
95 , RepoName (..)
96 , emptyRemoteRepo
97 , isRelaxDeps
98 , unRepoName
100 import Distribution.Client.Types.Credentials
101 ( Password (..)
102 , Token (..)
103 , Username (..)
105 import Distribution.Utils.NubList
106 ( NubList
107 , fromNubList
108 , overNubList
109 , toNubList
112 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
113 import qualified Data.Map as M
114 import Distribution.Client.Errors
115 import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils
116 ( isOldHackageURI
118 import Distribution.Client.ParseUtils
119 ( parseFields
120 , ppFields
121 , ppSection
123 import Distribution.Client.ProjectFlags (ProjectFlags (..))
124 import Distribution.Client.ReplFlags
125 import Distribution.Client.Version
126 ( cabalInstallVersion
128 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
129 import Distribution.Compat.Environment
130 ( getEnvironment
132 import Distribution.Compiler
133 ( CompilerFlavor (..)
134 , defaultCompilerFlavor
136 import Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils
137 ( FieldDescr (..)
138 , PError (..)
139 , PWarning (..)
140 , ParseResult (..)
141 , liftField
142 , lineNo
143 , listField
144 , listFieldParsec
145 , locatedErrorMsg
146 , parseOptCommaList
147 , parseTokenQ
148 , readFields
149 , runP
150 , showPWarning
151 , simpleField
152 , simpleFieldParsec
153 , spaceListField
154 , syntaxError
155 , warning
157 import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils as ParseUtils
158 ( Field (..)
160 import Distribution.Parsec (ParsecParser, parsecFilePath, parsecOptCommaList, parsecToken)
161 import Distribution.Simple.Command
162 ( CommandUI (commandOptions)
163 , ShowOrParseArgs (..)
164 , commandDefaultFlags
166 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
167 ( DebugInfoLevel (..)
168 , OptimisationLevel (..)
170 import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
171 ( InstallDirs (..)
172 , PathTemplate
173 , defaultInstallDirs
174 , toPathTemplate
176 import Distribution.Simple.Program
177 ( defaultProgramDb
179 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
180 ( BenchmarkFlags (..)
181 , CommonSetupFlags (..)
182 , ConfigFlags (..)
183 , Flag (..)
184 , HaddockFlags (..)
185 , TestFlags (..)
186 , configureOptions
187 , defaultBenchmarkFlags
188 , defaultConfigFlags
189 , defaultHaddockFlags
190 , defaultTestFlags
191 , flagToMaybe
192 , fromFlagOrDefault
193 , haddockOptions
194 , installDirsOptions
195 , optionDistPref
196 , programDbOptions
197 , programDbPaths'
198 , toFlag
200 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
201 ( cabalVersion
202 , dieWithException
203 , lowercase
204 , notice
205 , toUTF8BS
206 , warn
208 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
209 import Distribution.Utils.Path (getSymbolicPath, unsafeMakeSymbolicPath)
210 import Distribution.Verbosity
211 ( normal
213 import Network.URI
214 ( URI (..)
215 , URIAuth (..)
216 , parseURI
218 import System.Directory
219 ( XdgDirectory (XdgCache, XdgConfig, XdgState)
220 , createDirectoryIfMissing
221 , doesDirectoryExist
222 , doesFileExist
223 , getAppUserDataDirectory
224 , getHomeDirectory
225 , getXdgDirectory
226 , renameFile
228 import System.FilePath
229 ( takeDirectory
230 , (<.>)
231 , (</>)
233 import System.IO.Error
234 ( isDoesNotExistError
236 import Text.PrettyPrint
237 ( ($+$)
239 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
240 ( empty
241 , render
242 , text
244 import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
245 ( Doc
246 , text
251 -- * Configuration saved in the config file
255 data SavedConfig = SavedConfig
256 { savedGlobalFlags :: GlobalFlags
257 , savedInitFlags :: IT.InitFlags
258 , savedInstallFlags :: InstallFlags
259 , savedClientInstallFlags :: ClientInstallFlags
260 , savedConfigureFlags :: ConfigFlags
261 , savedConfigureExFlags :: ConfigExFlags
262 , savedUserInstallDirs :: InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate)
263 , savedGlobalInstallDirs :: InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate)
264 , savedUploadFlags :: UploadFlags
265 , savedReportFlags :: ReportFlags
266 , savedHaddockFlags :: HaddockFlags
267 , savedTestFlags :: TestFlags
268 , savedBenchmarkFlags :: BenchmarkFlags
269 , savedProjectFlags :: ProjectFlags
270 , savedReplMulti :: Flag Bool
272 deriving (Generic)
274 instance Monoid SavedConfig where
275 mempty = gmempty
276 mappend = (<>)
278 instance Semigroup SavedConfig where
279 a <> b =
280 SavedConfig
281 { savedGlobalFlags = combinedSavedGlobalFlags
282 , savedInitFlags = combinedSavedInitFlags
283 , savedInstallFlags = combinedSavedInstallFlags
284 , savedClientInstallFlags = combinedSavedClientInstallFlags
285 , savedConfigureFlags = combinedSavedConfigureFlags
286 , savedConfigureExFlags = combinedSavedConfigureExFlags
287 , savedUserInstallDirs = combinedSavedUserInstallDirs
288 , savedGlobalInstallDirs = combinedSavedGlobalInstallDirs
289 , savedUploadFlags = combinedSavedUploadFlags
290 , savedReportFlags = combinedSavedReportFlags
291 , savedHaddockFlags = combinedSavedHaddockFlags
292 , savedTestFlags = combinedSavedTestFlags
293 , savedBenchmarkFlags = combinedSavedBenchmarkFlags
294 , savedProjectFlags = combinedSavedProjectFlags
295 , savedReplMulti = combinedSavedReplMulti
297 where
298 -- This is ugly, but necessary. If we're mappending two config files, we
299 -- want the values of the *non-empty* list fields from the second one to
300 -- \*override* the corresponding values from the first one. Default
301 -- behaviour (concatenation) is confusing and makes some use cases (see
302 -- #1884) impossible.
304 -- However, we also want to allow specifying multiple values for a list
305 -- field in a *single* config file. For example, we want the following to
306 -- continue to work:
308 -- remote-repo:
309 -- remote-repo: private-collection:http://hackage.local/
311 -- So we can't just wrap the list fields inside Flags; we have to do some
312 -- special-casing just for SavedConfig.
314 -- NB: the signature prevents us from using 'combine' on lists.
315 combine' :: (SavedConfig -> flags) -> (flags -> Flag a) -> Flag a
316 combine' field subfield =
317 (subfield . field $ a) `mappend` (subfield . field $ b)
319 combineMonoid
320 :: Monoid mon
321 => (SavedConfig -> flags)
322 -> (flags -> mon)
323 -> mon
324 combineMonoid field subfield =
325 (subfield . field $ a) `mappend` (subfield . field $ b)
327 lastNonEmpty' :: (SavedConfig -> flags) -> (flags -> [a]) -> [a]
328 lastNonEmpty' field subfield =
329 let a' = subfield . field $ a
330 b' = subfield . field $ b
331 in case b' of
332 [] -> a'
333 _ -> b'
335 lastNonMempty'
336 :: (Eq a, Monoid a) => (SavedConfig -> flags) -> (flags -> a) -> a
337 lastNonMempty' field subfield =
338 let a' = subfield . field $ a
339 b' = subfield . field $ b
340 in if b' == mempty then a' else b'
342 lastNonEmptyNL'
343 :: (SavedConfig -> flags)
344 -> (flags -> NubList a)
345 -> NubList a
346 lastNonEmptyNL' field subfield =
347 let a' = subfield . field $ a
348 b' = subfield . field $ b
349 in case fromNubList b' of
350 [] -> a'
351 _ -> b'
353 combinedSavedGlobalFlags =
354 GlobalFlags
355 { globalVersion = combine globalVersion
356 , globalNumericVersion = combine globalNumericVersion
357 , globalConfigFile = combine globalConfigFile
358 , globalConstraintsFile = combine globalConstraintsFile
359 , globalRemoteRepos = lastNonEmptyNL globalRemoteRepos
360 , globalCacheDir = combine globalCacheDir
361 , globalLocalNoIndexRepos = lastNonEmptyNL globalLocalNoIndexRepos
362 , globalActiveRepos = combine globalActiveRepos
363 , globalLogsDir = combine globalLogsDir
364 , globalIgnoreExpiry = combine globalIgnoreExpiry
365 , globalHttpTransport = combine globalHttpTransport
366 , globalNix = combine globalNix
367 , globalStoreDir = combine globalStoreDir
368 , globalProgPathExtra = lastNonEmptyNL globalProgPathExtra
370 where
371 combine = combine' savedGlobalFlags
372 lastNonEmptyNL = lastNonEmptyNL' savedGlobalFlags
374 combinedSavedInitFlags =
375 IT.InitFlags
376 { IT.applicationDirs = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.applicationDirs
377 , = combine
378 , IT.buildTools = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.buildTools
379 , IT.cabalVersion = combine IT.cabalVersion
380 , IT.category = combine IT.category
381 , IT.dependencies = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.dependencies
382 , = combine
383 , IT.exposedModules = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.exposedModules
384 , IT.extraSrc = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.extraSrc
385 , IT.extraDoc = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.extraDoc
386 , IT.homepage = combine IT.homepage
387 , IT.initHcPath = combine IT.initHcPath
388 , IT.initVerbosity = combine IT.initVerbosity
389 , IT.initializeTestSuite = combine IT.initializeTestSuite
390 , IT.interactive = combine IT.interactive
391 , IT.language = combine IT.language
392 , IT.license = combine IT.license
393 , IT.mainIs = combine IT.mainIs
394 , IT.minimal = combine IT.minimal
395 , IT.noComments = combine IT.noComments
396 , IT.otherExts = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.otherExts
397 , IT.otherModules = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.otherModules
398 , IT.overwrite = combine IT.overwrite
399 , IT.packageDir = combine IT.packageDir
400 , IT.packageName = combine IT.packageName
401 , IT.packageType = combine IT.packageType
402 , IT.quiet = combine IT.quiet
403 , IT.simpleProject = combine IT.simpleProject
404 , IT.sourceDirs = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.sourceDirs
405 , IT.synopsis = combine IT.synopsis
406 , IT.testDirs = combineMonoid savedInitFlags IT.testDirs
407 , IT.version = combine IT.version
409 where
410 combine = combine' savedInitFlags
412 combinedSavedInstallFlags =
413 InstallFlags
414 { installDocumentation = combine installDocumentation
415 , installHaddockIndex = combine installHaddockIndex
416 , installDryRun = combine installDryRun
417 , installOnlyDownload = combine installOnlyDownload
418 , installDest = combine installDest
419 , installMaxBackjumps = combine installMaxBackjumps
420 , installReorderGoals = combine installReorderGoals
421 , installCountConflicts = combine installCountConflicts
422 , installFineGrainedConflicts = combine installFineGrainedConflicts
423 , installMinimizeConflictSet = combine installMinimizeConflictSet
424 , installIndependentGoals = combine installIndependentGoals
425 , installPreferOldest = combine installPreferOldest
426 , installShadowPkgs = combine installShadowPkgs
427 , installStrongFlags = combine installStrongFlags
428 , installAllowBootLibInstalls = combine installAllowBootLibInstalls
429 , installOnlyConstrained = combine installOnlyConstrained
430 , installReinstall = combine installReinstall
431 , installAvoidReinstalls = combine installAvoidReinstalls
432 , installOverrideReinstall = combine installOverrideReinstall
433 , installUpgradeDeps = combine installUpgradeDeps
434 , installOnly = combine installOnly
435 , installOnlyDeps = combine installOnlyDeps
436 , installIndexState = combine installIndexState
437 , installRootCmd = combine installRootCmd
438 , installSummaryFile = lastNonEmptyNL installSummaryFile
439 , installLogFile = combine installLogFile
440 , installBuildReports = combine installBuildReports
441 , installReportPlanningFailure = combine installReportPlanningFailure
442 , installSymlinkBinDir = combine installSymlinkBinDir
443 , installPerComponent = combine installPerComponent
444 , installNumJobs = combine installNumJobs
445 , installUseSemaphore = combine installUseSemaphore
446 , installKeepGoing = combine installKeepGoing
447 , installRunTests = combine installRunTests
448 , installOfflineMode = combine installOfflineMode
450 where
451 combine = combine' savedInstallFlags
452 lastNonEmptyNL = lastNonEmptyNL' savedInstallFlags
454 combinedSavedClientInstallFlags =
455 ClientInstallFlags
456 { cinstInstallLibs = combine cinstInstallLibs
457 , cinstEnvironmentPath = combine cinstEnvironmentPath
458 , cinstOverwritePolicy = combine cinstOverwritePolicy
459 , cinstInstallMethod = combine cinstInstallMethod
460 , cinstInstalldir = combine cinstInstalldir
462 where
463 combine = combine' savedClientInstallFlags
465 combinedSavedCommonFlags which =
466 CommonSetupFlags
467 { setupDistPref = combine setupDistPref
468 , setupWorkingDir = combine setupWorkingDir
469 , setupCabalFilePath = combine setupCabalFilePath
470 , setupVerbosity = combine setupVerbosity
471 , setupTargets = lastNonEmpty setupTargets
473 where
474 lastNonEmpty = lastNonEmpty' which
475 combine = combine' which
477 combinedSavedConfigureFlags =
478 ConfigFlags
479 { configCommonFlags = combinedSavedCommonFlags (configCommonFlags . savedConfigureFlags)
480 , configPrograms_ = configPrograms_ . savedConfigureFlags $ b
481 , -- TODO: NubListify
482 configProgramPaths = lastNonEmpty configProgramPaths
483 , -- TODO: NubListify
484 configProgramArgs = lastNonEmpty configProgramArgs
485 , configProgramPathExtra = lastNonEmptyNL configProgramPathExtra
486 , configInstantiateWith = lastNonEmpty configInstantiateWith
487 , configHcFlavor = combine configHcFlavor
488 , configHcPath = combine configHcPath
489 , configHcPkg = combine configHcPkg
490 , configVanillaLib = combine configVanillaLib
491 , configProfLib = combine configProfLib
492 , configProf = combine configProf
493 , configSharedLib = combine configSharedLib
494 , configStaticLib = combine configStaticLib
495 , configDynExe = combine configDynExe
496 , configFullyStaticExe = combine configFullyStaticExe
497 , configProfExe = combine configProfExe
498 , configProfDetail = combine configProfDetail
499 , configProfLibDetail = combine configProfLibDetail
500 , -- TODO: NubListify
501 configConfigureArgs = lastNonEmpty configConfigureArgs
502 , configOptimization = combine configOptimization
503 , configDebugInfo = combine configDebugInfo
504 , configProgPrefix = combine configProgPrefix
505 , configProgSuffix = combine configProgSuffix
506 , -- Parametrised by (Flag PathTemplate), so safe to use 'mappend'.
507 configInstallDirs =
508 (configInstallDirs . savedConfigureFlags $ a)
509 `mappend` (configInstallDirs . savedConfigureFlags $ b)
510 , configScratchDir = combine configScratchDir
511 , -- TODO: NubListify
512 configExtraLibDirs = lastNonEmpty configExtraLibDirs
513 , configExtraLibDirsStatic = lastNonEmpty configExtraLibDirsStatic
514 , -- TODO: NubListify
515 configExtraFrameworkDirs = lastNonEmpty configExtraFrameworkDirs
516 , -- TODO: NubListify
517 configExtraIncludeDirs = lastNonEmpty configExtraIncludeDirs
518 , configDeterministic = combine configDeterministic
519 , configIPID = combine configIPID
520 , configCID = combine configCID
521 , configUserInstall = combine configUserInstall
522 , -- TODO: NubListify
523 configPackageDBs = lastNonEmpty configPackageDBs
524 , configGHCiLib = combine configGHCiLib
525 , configSplitSections = combine configSplitSections
526 , configSplitObjs = combine configSplitObjs
527 , configStripExes = combine configStripExes
528 , configStripLibs = combine configStripLibs
529 , -- TODO: NubListify
530 configConstraints = lastNonEmpty configConstraints
531 , -- TODO: NubListify
532 configDependencies = lastNonEmpty configDependencies
533 , configPromisedDependencies = lastNonEmpty configPromisedDependencies
534 , -- TODO: NubListify
535 configConfigurationsFlags = lastNonMempty configConfigurationsFlags
536 , configTests = combine configTests
537 , configBenchmarks = combine configBenchmarks
538 , configCoverage = combine configCoverage
539 , configLibCoverage = combine configLibCoverage
540 , configExactConfiguration = combine configExactConfiguration
541 , configFlagError = combine configFlagError
542 , configRelocatable = combine configRelocatable
543 , configUseResponseFiles = combine configUseResponseFiles
544 , configDumpBuildInfo = combine configDumpBuildInfo
545 , configAllowDependingOnPrivateLibs =
546 combine configAllowDependingOnPrivateLibs
547 , configCoverageFor = combine configCoverageFor
549 where
550 combine = combine' savedConfigureFlags
551 lastNonEmpty = lastNonEmpty' savedConfigureFlags
552 lastNonEmptyNL = lastNonEmptyNL' savedConfigureFlags
553 lastNonMempty = lastNonMempty' savedConfigureFlags
555 combinedSavedConfigureExFlags =
556 ConfigExFlags
557 { configCabalVersion = combine configCabalVersion
558 , configAppend = combine configAppend
559 , configBackup = combine configBackup
560 , -- TODO: NubListify
561 configExConstraints = lastNonEmpty configExConstraints
562 , -- TODO: NubListify
563 configPreferences = lastNonEmpty configPreferences
564 , configSolver = combine configSolver
565 , configAllowNewer =
566 combineMonoid savedConfigureExFlags configAllowNewer
567 , configAllowOlder =
568 combineMonoid savedConfigureExFlags configAllowOlder
569 , configWriteGhcEnvironmentFilesPolicy =
570 combine configWriteGhcEnvironmentFilesPolicy
572 where
573 combine = combine' savedConfigureExFlags
574 lastNonEmpty = lastNonEmpty' savedConfigureExFlags
576 -- Parametrised by (Flag PathTemplate), so safe to use 'mappend'.
577 combinedSavedUserInstallDirs =
578 savedUserInstallDirs a
579 `mappend` savedUserInstallDirs b
581 -- Parametrised by (Flag PathTemplate), so safe to use 'mappend'.
582 combinedSavedGlobalInstallDirs =
583 savedGlobalInstallDirs a
584 `mappend` savedGlobalInstallDirs b
586 combinedSavedUploadFlags =
587 UploadFlags
588 { uploadCandidate = combine uploadCandidate
589 , uploadDoc = combine uploadDoc
590 , uploadToken = combine uploadToken
591 , uploadUsername = combine uploadUsername
592 , uploadPassword = combine uploadPassword
593 , uploadPasswordCmd = combine uploadPasswordCmd
594 , uploadVerbosity = combine uploadVerbosity
596 where
597 combine = combine' savedUploadFlags
599 combinedSavedReportFlags =
600 ReportFlags
601 { reportToken = combine reportToken
602 , reportUsername = combine reportUsername
603 , reportPassword = combine reportPassword
604 , reportVerbosity = combine reportVerbosity
606 where
607 combine = combine' savedReportFlags
609 combinedSavedHaddockFlags =
610 HaddockFlags
611 { haddockCommonFlags = combinedSavedCommonFlags (haddockCommonFlags . savedHaddockFlags)
612 , -- TODO: NubListify
613 haddockProgramPaths = lastNonEmpty haddockProgramPaths
614 , -- TODO: NubListify
615 haddockProgramArgs = lastNonEmpty haddockProgramArgs
616 , haddockHoogle = combine haddockHoogle
617 , haddockHtml = combine haddockHtml
618 , haddockHtmlLocation = combine haddockHtmlLocation
619 , haddockForHackage = combine haddockForHackage
620 , haddockExecutables = combine haddockExecutables
621 , haddockTestSuites = combine haddockTestSuites
622 , haddockBenchmarks = combine haddockBenchmarks
623 , haddockForeignLibs = combine haddockForeignLibs
624 , haddockInternal = combine haddockInternal
625 , haddockCss = combine haddockCss
626 , haddockLinkedSource = combine haddockLinkedSource
627 , haddockQuickJump = combine haddockQuickJump
628 , haddockHscolourCss = combine haddockHscolourCss
629 , haddockContents = combine haddockContents
630 , haddockKeepTempFiles = combine haddockKeepTempFiles
631 , haddockIndex = combine haddockIndex
632 , haddockBaseUrl = combine haddockBaseUrl
633 , haddockLib = combine haddockLib
634 , haddockOutputDir = combine haddockOutputDir
636 where
637 combine = combine' savedHaddockFlags
638 lastNonEmpty = lastNonEmpty' savedHaddockFlags
640 combinedSavedTestFlags =
641 TestFlags
642 { testCommonFlags = combinedSavedCommonFlags (testCommonFlags . savedTestFlags)
643 , testHumanLog = combine testHumanLog
644 , testMachineLog = combine testMachineLog
645 , testShowDetails = combine testShowDetails
646 , testKeepTix = combine testKeepTix
647 , testWrapper = combine testWrapper
648 , testFailWhenNoTestSuites = combine testFailWhenNoTestSuites
649 , testOptions = lastNonEmpty testOptions
651 where
652 combine = combine' savedTestFlags
653 lastNonEmpty = lastNonEmpty' savedTestFlags
655 combinedSavedBenchmarkFlags =
656 BenchmarkFlags
657 { benchmarkCommonFlags = combinedSavedCommonFlags (benchmarkCommonFlags . savedBenchmarkFlags)
658 , benchmarkOptions = lastNonEmpty benchmarkOptions
660 where
661 lastNonEmpty = lastNonEmpty' savedBenchmarkFlags
663 combinedSavedReplMulti = combine' savedReplMulti id
665 combinedSavedProjectFlags =
666 ProjectFlags
667 { flagProjectDir = combine flagProjectDir
668 , flagProjectFile = combine flagProjectFile
669 , flagIgnoreProject = combine flagIgnoreProject
671 where
672 combine = combine' savedProjectFlags
676 -- * Default config
680 -- | These are the absolute basic defaults. The fields that must be
681 -- initialised. When we load the config from the file we layer the loaded
682 -- values over these ones, so any missing fields in the file take their values
683 -- from here.
684 baseSavedConfig :: IO SavedConfig
685 baseSavedConfig = do
686 userPrefix <- defaultInstallPrefix
687 cacheDir <- defaultCacheDir
688 logsDir <- defaultLogsDir
689 return
690 mempty
691 { savedConfigureFlags =
692 mempty
693 { configHcFlavor = toFlag defaultCompiler
694 , configUserInstall = toFlag defaultUserInstall
695 , configCommonFlags =
696 mempty
697 { setupVerbosity = toFlag normal
700 , savedUserInstallDirs =
701 mempty
702 { prefix = toFlag (toPathTemplate userPrefix)
704 , savedGlobalFlags =
705 mempty
706 { globalCacheDir = toFlag cacheDir
707 , globalLogsDir = toFlag logsDir
711 -- | This is the initial configuration that we write out to the config file
712 -- if the file does not exist (or the config we use if the file cannot be read
713 -- for some other reason). When the config gets loaded it gets layered on top
714 -- of 'baseSavedConfig' so we do not need to include it into the initial
715 -- values we save into the config file.
716 initialSavedConfig :: IO SavedConfig
717 initialSavedConfig = do
718 cacheDir <- defaultCacheDir
719 logsDir <- defaultLogsDir
720 installPath <- defaultInstallPath
721 return
722 mempty
723 { savedGlobalFlags =
724 mempty
725 { globalCacheDir = toFlag cacheDir
726 , globalRemoteRepos = toNubList [defaultRemoteRepo]
728 , savedInstallFlags =
729 mempty
730 { installSummaryFile = toNubList [toPathTemplate (logsDir </> "build.log")]
731 , installBuildReports = toFlag NoReports
732 , installNumJobs = toFlag Nothing
734 , savedClientInstallFlags =
735 mempty
736 { cinstInstalldir = toFlag installPath
740 -- | Issue a warning if both @$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cabal/config@ and
741 -- @~/.cabal@ exists.
742 warnOnTwoConfigs :: Verbosity -> IO ()
743 warnOnTwoConfigs verbosity = do
744 defaultDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal"
745 xdgCfgDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "cabal"
746 when (defaultDir /= xdgCfgDir) $ do
747 dotCabalExists <- doesDirectoryExist defaultDir
748 let xdgCfg = xdgCfgDir </> "config"
749 xdgCfgExists <- doesFileExist xdgCfg
750 when (dotCabalExists && xdgCfgExists) $
751 warn verbosity $
752 "Both "
753 <> defaultDir
754 <> " and "
755 <> xdgCfg
756 <> " exist - ignoring the former.\n"
757 <> "It is advisable to remove one of them. In that case, we will use the remaining one by default (unless '$CABAL_DIR' is explicitly set)."
759 -- | If @CABAL\_DIR@ is set, return @Just@ its value. Otherwise, if
760 -- @~/.cabal@ exists and @$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cabal/config@ does not
761 -- exist, return @Just "~/.cabal"@. Otherwise, return @Nothing@. If
762 -- this function returns Nothing, then it implies that we are not
763 -- using a single directory for everything, but instead use XDG paths.
764 -- Fundamentally, this function is used to implement transparent
765 -- backwards compatibility with pre-XDG versions of cabal-install.
766 maybeGetCabalDir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
767 maybeGetCabalDir = do
768 mDir <- lookupEnv "CABAL_DIR"
769 case mDir of
770 Just dir -> return $ Just dir
771 Nothing -> do
772 defaultDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal"
773 dotCabalExists <- doesDirectoryExist defaultDir
774 xdgCfg <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig ("cabal" </> "config")
775 xdgCfgExists <- doesFileExist xdgCfg
776 if dotCabalExists && not xdgCfgExists
777 then return $ Just defaultDir
778 else return Nothing
780 -- | The default behaviour of cabal-install is to use the XDG
781 -- directory standard. However, if @CABAL_DIR@ is set, we instead use
782 -- that directory as a single store for everything cabal-related, like
783 -- the old @~/.cabal@ behaviour. Also, for backwards compatibility,
784 -- if @~/.cabal@ exists we treat that as equivalent to @CABAL_DIR@
785 -- being set. This function abstracts that decision-making.
786 getDefaultDir :: XdgDirectory -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
787 getDefaultDir xdg subdir = do
788 mDir <- maybeGetCabalDir
789 case mDir of
790 Just dir -> return $ dir </> subdir
791 Nothing -> getXdgDirectory xdg $ "cabal" </> subdir
793 -- | The default prefix used for installation.
794 defaultInstallPrefix :: IO FilePath
795 defaultInstallPrefix = do
796 mDir <- maybeGetCabalDir
797 case mDir of
798 Just dir ->
799 return dir
800 Nothing -> do
801 dir <- getHomeDirectory
802 return $ dir </> ".local"
804 defaultConfigFile :: IO FilePath
805 defaultConfigFile =
806 getDefaultDir XdgConfig "config"
808 defaultCacheHome :: IO FilePath
809 defaultCacheHome =
810 getDefaultDir XdgCache ""
812 defaultCacheDir :: IO FilePath
813 defaultCacheDir =
814 getDefaultDir XdgCache "packages"
816 defaultScriptBuildsDir :: IO FilePath
817 defaultScriptBuildsDir =
818 getDefaultDir XdgCache "script-builds"
820 defaultStoreDir :: IO FilePath
821 defaultStoreDir =
822 getDefaultDir XdgState "store"
824 defaultLogsDir :: IO FilePath
825 defaultLogsDir =
826 getDefaultDir XdgCache "logs"
828 defaultReportsDir :: IO FilePath
829 defaultReportsDir =
830 getDefaultDir XdgCache "reports"
832 defaultInstallPath :: IO FilePath
833 defaultInstallPath = do
834 mDir <- maybeGetCabalDir
835 case mDir of
836 Just dir ->
837 return $ dir </> "bin"
838 Nothing -> do
839 dir <- getHomeDirectory
840 return $ dir </> ".local" </> "bin"
842 defaultCompiler :: CompilerFlavor
843 defaultCompiler = fromMaybe GHC defaultCompilerFlavor
845 defaultUserInstall :: Bool
846 defaultUserInstall = True
848 -- We do per-user installs by default on all platforms. We used to default to
849 -- global installs on Windows but that no longer works on Windows Vista or 7.
851 defaultRemoteRepo :: RemoteRepo
852 defaultRemoteRepo = RemoteRepo name uri Nothing [] 0 False
853 where
854 str = ""
855 name = RepoName str
856 uri = URI "http:" (Just (URIAuth "" str "")) "/" "" ""
858 -- Note that lots of old config files will have the old url
859 --
860 -- but new config files can use the new url (without the /packages/archive)
861 -- and avoid having to do a http redirect
863 -- For the default repo we know extra information, fill this in.
865 -- We need this because the 'defaultRemoteRepo' above is only used for the
866 -- first time when a config file is made. So for users with older config files
867 -- we might have only have older info. This lets us fill that in even for old
868 -- config files.
870 addInfoForKnownRepos :: RemoteRepo -> RemoteRepo
871 addInfoForKnownRepos repo
872 | remoteRepoName repo == remoteRepoName defaultRemoteRepo =
873 useSecure . tryHttps . fixOldURI $ repo
874 where
875 fixOldURI r
876 | isOldHackageURI (remoteRepoURI r) =
877 r{remoteRepoURI = remoteRepoURI defaultRemoteRepo}
878 | otherwise = r
880 tryHttps r = r{remoteRepoShouldTryHttps = True}
882 useSecure
883 r@RemoteRepo
884 { remoteRepoSecure = secure
885 , remoteRepoRootKeys = []
886 , remoteRepoKeyThreshold = 0
888 | secure /= Just False =
890 { -- Use hackage-security by default unless you opt-out with
891 -- secure: False
892 remoteRepoSecure = Just True
893 , remoteRepoRootKeys = defaultHackageRemoteRepoKeys
894 , remoteRepoKeyThreshold = defaultHackageRemoteRepoKeyThreshold
896 useSecure r = r
897 addInfoForKnownRepos other = other
899 -- | The current repo root keys that we ship with cabal.
902 -- This lets us bootstrap trust in this repo without user intervention.
903 -- These keys need to be periodically updated when new root keys are added.
904 -- See the root key procedures for details.
906 defaultHackageRemoteRepoKeys :: [String]
907 defaultHackageRemoteRepoKeys =
908 -- Key owners and public keys are provided as a convenience to readers.
909 -- The canonical source for this mapping data is the hackage-root-keys
910 -- repository and Hackage's root.json file.
912 -- Links:
913 -- *
914 -- *
915 -- Please consult root.json on Hackage to map key IDs to public keys,
916 -- and the hackage-root-keys repository to map public keys to their
917 -- owners.
918 [ -- Adam Gundry (uRPdSiL3/MNsk50z6NB55ABo0OrrNDXigtCul4vtzmw=)
919 "fe331502606802feac15e514d9b9ea83fee8b6ffef71335479a2e68d84adc6b0"
920 , -- Gershom Bazerman (bYoUXXQ9TtX10UriaMiQtTccuXPGnmldP68djzZ7cLo=)
921 "1ea9ba32c526d1cc91ab5e5bd364ec5e9e8cb67179a471872f6e26f0ae773d42"
922 , -- John Wiegley (zazm5w480r+zPO6Z0+8fjGuxZtb9pAuoVmQ+VkuCvgU=)
923 "0a5c7ea47cd1b15f01f5f51a33adda7e655bc0f0b0615baa8e271f4c3351e21d"
924 , -- Norman Ramsey (ZI8di3a9Un0s2RBrt5GwVRvfOXVuywADfXGPZfkiDb0=)
925 "51f0161b906011b52c6613376b1ae937670da69322113a246a09f807c62f6921"
926 , -- Mathieu Boespflug (ydN1nGGQ79K1Q0nN+ul+Ln8MxikTB95w0YdGd3v3kmg=)
927 "be75553f3c7ba1dbe298da81f1d1b05c9d39dd8ed2616c9bddf1525ca8c03e48"
928 , -- Joachim Breitner (5iUgwqZCWrCJktqMx0bBMIuoIyT4A1RYGozzchRN9rA=)
929 "d26e46f3b631aae1433b89379a6c68bd417eb5d1c408f0643dcc07757fece522"
932 -- | The required threshold of root key signatures for
933 defaultHackageRemoteRepoKeyThreshold :: Int
934 defaultHackageRemoteRepoKeyThreshold = 3
938 -- * Config file reading
942 -- | Loads the main configuration, and applies additional defaults to give the
943 -- effective configuration. To loads just what is actually in the config file,
944 -- use 'loadRawConfig'.
945 loadConfig :: Verbosity -> Flag FilePath -> IO SavedConfig
946 loadConfig verbosity configFileFlag = do
947 warnOnTwoConfigs verbosity
948 config <- loadRawConfig verbosity configFileFlag
949 extendToEffectiveConfig config
951 extendToEffectiveConfig :: SavedConfig -> IO SavedConfig
952 extendToEffectiveConfig config = do
953 base <- baseSavedConfig
954 let effective0 = base `mappend` config
955 globalFlags0 = savedGlobalFlags effective0
956 effective =
957 effective0
958 { savedGlobalFlags =
959 globalFlags0
960 { globalRemoteRepos =
961 overNubList
962 (map addInfoForKnownRepos)
963 (globalRemoteRepos globalFlags0)
966 return effective
968 -- | Like 'loadConfig' but does not apply any additional defaults, it just
969 -- loads what is actually in the config file. This is thus suitable for
970 -- comparing or editing a config file, but not suitable for using as the
971 -- effective configuration.
972 loadRawConfig :: Verbosity -> Flag FilePath -> IO SavedConfig
973 loadRawConfig verbosity configFileFlag = do
974 (source, configFile) <- getConfigFilePathAndSource configFileFlag
975 minp <- readConfigFile mempty configFile
976 case minp of
977 Nothing -> do
978 notice verbosity $
979 "Config file path source is " ++ sourceMsg source ++ "."
980 -- 2021-10-07, issue #7705
981 -- Only create default config file if name was not given explicitly
982 -- via option --config-file or environment variable.
983 case source of
984 Default -> do
985 notice verbosity msgNotFound
986 createDefaultConfigFile verbosity [] configFile
987 CommandlineOption -> failNoConfigFile
988 EnvironmentVariable -> failNoConfigFile
989 where
990 msgNotFound
991 | null configFile = "Config file name is empty"
992 | otherwise = unwords ["Config file not found:", configFile]
993 failNoConfigFile =
994 dieWithException verbosity $ FailNoConfigFile msgNotFound
995 Just (ParseOk ws conf) -> do
996 unless (null ws) $
997 warn verbosity $
998 unlines (map (showPWarning configFile) ws)
999 return conf
1000 Just (ParseFailed err) -> do
1001 let (line, msg) = locatedErrorMsg err
1002 errLineNo = maybe "" (\n -> ':' : show n) line
1003 dieWithException verbosity $ ParseFailedErr configFile msg errLineNo
1004 where
1005 sourceMsg CommandlineOption = "commandline option"
1006 sourceMsg EnvironmentVariable = "environment variable CABAL_CONFIG"
1007 sourceMsg Default = "default config file"
1009 -- | Provenance of the config file.
1010 data ConfigFileSource
1011 = CommandlineOption
1012 | EnvironmentVariable
1013 | Default
1015 -- | Returns the config file path, without checking that the file exists.
1016 -- The order of precedence is: input flag, CABAL_CONFIG, default location.
1017 getConfigFilePath :: Flag FilePath -> IO FilePath
1018 getConfigFilePath = fmap snd . getConfigFilePathAndSource
1020 getConfigFilePathAndSource :: Flag FilePath -> IO (ConfigFileSource, FilePath)
1021 getConfigFilePathAndSource configFileFlag =
1022 getSource sources
1023 where
1024 sources =
1025 [ (CommandlineOption, return . flagToMaybe $ configFileFlag)
1026 , (EnvironmentVariable, lookup "CABAL_CONFIG" `liftM` getEnvironment)
1027 , (Default, Just `liftM` defaultConfigFile)
1030 getSource [] = error "no config file path candidate found."
1031 getSource ((source, action) : xs) =
1032 action >>= maybe (getSource xs) (return . (,) source)
1034 readConfigFile
1035 :: SavedConfig -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (ParseResult SavedConfig))
1036 readConfigFile initial file =
1037 handleNotExists $
1038 fmap
1039 (Just . parseConfig (ConstraintSourceMainConfig file) initial)
1040 (BS.readFile file)
1041 where
1042 handleNotExists action = catchIO action $ \ioe ->
1043 if isDoesNotExistError ioe
1044 then return Nothing
1045 else ioError ioe
1047 createDefaultConfigFile :: Verbosity -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO SavedConfig
1048 createDefaultConfigFile verbosity extraLines filePath = do
1049 commentConf <- commentSavedConfig
1050 initialConf <- initialSavedConfig
1051 extraConf <- parseExtraLines verbosity extraLines
1052 notice verbosity $ "Writing default configuration to " ++ filePath
1053 writeConfigFile filePath commentConf (initialConf `mappend` extraConf)
1054 return initialConf
1056 writeConfigFile :: FilePath -> SavedConfig -> SavedConfig -> IO ()
1057 writeConfigFile file comments vals = do
1058 let tmpFile = file <.> "tmp"
1059 createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory file)
1060 writeFile tmpFile $
1061 explanation ++ showConfigWithComments comments vals ++ "\n"
1062 renameFile tmpFile file
1063 where
1064 explanation =
1065 unlines
1066 [ "-- This is the configuration file for the 'cabal' command line tool."
1067 , "--"
1068 , "-- The available configuration options are listed below."
1069 , "-- Some of them have default values listed."
1070 , "--"
1071 , "-- Lines (like this one) beginning with '--' are comments."
1072 , "-- Be careful with spaces and indentation because they are"
1073 , "-- used to indicate layout for nested sections."
1074 , "--"
1075 , "-- This config file was generated using the following versions"
1076 , "-- of Cabal and cabal-install:"
1077 , "-- Cabal library version: " ++ prettyShow cabalVersion
1078 , "-- cabal-install version: " ++ prettyShow cabalInstallVersion
1079 , ""
1080 , ""
1083 -- | These are the default values that get used in Cabal if a no value is
1084 -- given. We use these here to include in comments when we write out the
1085 -- initial config file so that the user can see what default value they are
1086 -- overriding.
1087 commentSavedConfig :: IO SavedConfig
1088 commentSavedConfig = do
1089 userInstallDirs <- defaultInstallDirs defaultCompiler True True
1090 globalInstallDirs <- defaultInstallDirs defaultCompiler False True
1091 let conf0 =
1092 mempty
1093 { savedGlobalFlags =
1094 defaultGlobalFlags
1095 { globalRemoteRepos = toNubList [defaultRemoteRepo]
1096 , globalNix = mempty
1098 , savedInitFlags =
1099 mempty
1100 { IT.interactive = toFlag False
1101 , IT.cabalVersion = toFlag IT.defaultCabalVersion
1102 , IT.language = toFlag Haskell2010
1103 , IT.license = NoFlag
1104 , IT.sourceDirs = Flag [IT.defaultSourceDir]
1105 , IT.applicationDirs = Flag [IT.defaultApplicationDir]
1106 , IT.quiet = Flag False
1107 , IT.noComments = Flag False
1108 , IT.minimal = Flag False
1109 , IT.simpleProject = Flag False
1111 , savedInstallFlags = defaultInstallFlags
1112 , savedClientInstallFlags = defaultClientInstallFlags
1113 , savedConfigureExFlags =
1114 defaultConfigExFlags
1115 { configAllowNewer = Just (AllowNewer mempty)
1116 , configAllowOlder = Just (AllowOlder mempty)
1118 , savedConfigureFlags =
1119 (defaultConfigFlags defaultProgramDb)
1120 { configUserInstall = toFlag defaultUserInstall
1122 , savedUserInstallDirs = fmap toFlag userInstallDirs
1123 , savedGlobalInstallDirs = fmap toFlag globalInstallDirs
1124 , savedUploadFlags = commandDefaultFlags uploadCommand
1125 , savedReportFlags = commandDefaultFlags reportCommand
1126 , savedHaddockFlags = defaultHaddockFlags
1127 , savedTestFlags = defaultTestFlags
1128 , savedBenchmarkFlags = defaultBenchmarkFlags
1130 conf1 <- extendToEffectiveConfig conf0
1131 let globalFlagsConf1 = savedGlobalFlags conf1
1132 conf2 =
1133 conf1
1134 { savedGlobalFlags =
1135 globalFlagsConf1
1136 { globalRemoteRepos =
1137 overNubList
1138 (map removeRootKeys)
1139 (globalRemoteRepos globalFlagsConf1)
1142 return conf2
1143 where
1144 -- Most people don't want to see default root keys, so don't print them.
1145 removeRootKeys :: RemoteRepo -> RemoteRepo
1146 removeRootKeys r = r{remoteRepoRootKeys = []}
1148 -- | All config file fields.
1149 configFieldDescriptions :: ConstraintSource -> [FieldDescr SavedConfig]
1150 configFieldDescriptions src =
1151 toSavedConfig
1152 liftGlobalFlag
1153 (commandOptions (globalCommand []) ParseArgs)
1154 ["version", "numeric-version", "config-file"]
1156 ++ toSavedConfig
1157 liftConfigFlag
1158 (configureOptions ParseArgs)
1159 ( ["builddir", "constraint", "dependency", "promised-dependency", "ipid"]
1160 ++ map fieldName installDirsFields
1162 -- This is only here because viewAsFieldDescr gives us a parser
1163 -- that only recognises 'ghc' etc, the case-sensitive flag names, not
1164 -- what the normal case-insensitive parser gives us.
1165 [ simpleFieldParsec
1166 "compiler"
1167 (fromFlagOrDefault Disp.empty . fmap pretty)
1168 (Flag <$> parsec <|> pure NoFlag)
1169 configHcFlavor
1170 (\v flags -> flags{configHcFlavor = v})
1171 , -- TODO: The following is a temporary fix. The "optimization"
1172 -- and "debug-info" fields are OptArg, and viewAsFieldDescr
1173 -- fails on that. Instead of a hand-written hackaged parser
1174 -- and printer, we should handle this case properly in the
1175 -- library.
1176 liftField
1177 configOptimization
1178 ( \v flags ->
1179 flags{configOptimization = v}
1181 $ let name = "optimization"
1182 in FieldDescr
1183 name
1184 ( \f -> case f of
1185 Flag NoOptimisation -> Disp.text "False"
1186 Flag NormalOptimisation -> Disp.text "True"
1187 Flag MaximumOptimisation -> Disp.text "2"
1188 _ -> Disp.empty
1190 ( \line str _ -> case () of
1192 | str == "False" -> ParseOk [] (Flag NoOptimisation)
1193 | str == "True" -> ParseOk [] (Flag NormalOptimisation)
1194 | str == "0" -> ParseOk [] (Flag NoOptimisation)
1195 | str == "1" -> ParseOk [] (Flag NormalOptimisation)
1196 | str == "2" -> ParseOk [] (Flag MaximumOptimisation)
1197 | lstr == "false" -> ParseOk [caseWarning] (Flag NoOptimisation)
1198 | lstr == "true" ->
1199 ParseOk
1200 [caseWarning]
1201 (Flag NormalOptimisation)
1202 | otherwise -> ParseFailed (NoParse name line)
1203 where
1204 lstr = lowercase str
1205 caseWarning =
1206 PWarning $
1207 "The '"
1208 ++ name
1209 ++ "' field is case sensitive, use 'True' or 'False'."
1211 , liftField configDebugInfo (\v flags -> flags{configDebugInfo = v}) $
1212 let name = "debug-info"
1213 in FieldDescr
1214 name
1215 ( \f -> case f of
1216 Flag NoDebugInfo -> Disp.text "False"
1217 Flag MinimalDebugInfo -> Disp.text "1"
1218 Flag NormalDebugInfo -> Disp.text "True"
1219 Flag MaximalDebugInfo -> Disp.text "3"
1220 _ -> Disp.empty
1222 ( \line str _ -> case () of
1224 | str == "False" -> ParseOk [] (Flag NoDebugInfo)
1225 | str == "True" -> ParseOk [] (Flag NormalDebugInfo)
1226 | str == "0" -> ParseOk [] (Flag NoDebugInfo)
1227 | str == "1" -> ParseOk [] (Flag MinimalDebugInfo)
1228 | str == "2" -> ParseOk [] (Flag NormalDebugInfo)
1229 | str == "3" -> ParseOk [] (Flag MaximalDebugInfo)
1230 | lstr == "false" -> ParseOk [caseWarning] (Flag NoDebugInfo)
1231 | lstr == "true" -> ParseOk [caseWarning] (Flag NormalDebugInfo)
1232 | otherwise -> ParseFailed (NoParse name line)
1233 where
1234 lstr = lowercase str
1235 caseWarning =
1236 PWarning $
1237 "The '"
1238 ++ name
1239 ++ "' field is case sensitive, use 'True' or 'False'."
1242 ++ toSavedConfig
1243 liftConfigExFlag
1244 (configureExOptions ParseArgs src)
1246 [ let pkgs =
1247 (Just . AllowOlder . RelaxDepsSome)
1248 `fmap` parsecOptCommaList parsec
1249 parseAllowOlder =
1250 ( (Just . AllowOlder . toRelaxDeps)
1251 `fmap` parsec
1253 <|> pkgs
1254 in simpleFieldParsec
1255 "allow-older"
1256 (showRelaxDeps . fmap unAllowOlder)
1257 parseAllowOlder
1258 configAllowOlder
1259 (\v flags -> flags{configAllowOlder = v})
1260 , let pkgs =
1261 (Just . AllowNewer . RelaxDepsSome)
1262 `fmap` parsecOptCommaList parsec
1263 parseAllowNewer =
1264 ( (Just . AllowNewer . toRelaxDeps)
1265 `fmap` parsec
1267 <|> pkgs
1268 in simpleFieldParsec
1269 "allow-newer"
1270 (showRelaxDeps . fmap unAllowNewer)
1271 parseAllowNewer
1272 configAllowNewer
1273 (\v flags -> flags{configAllowNewer = v})
1275 ++ toSavedConfig
1276 liftInstallFlag
1277 (installOptions ParseArgs)
1278 ["dry-run", "only", "only-dependencies", "dependencies-only"]
1280 ++ toSavedConfig
1281 liftClientInstallFlag
1282 (clientInstallOptions ParseArgs)
1285 ++ toSavedConfig
1286 liftUploadFlag
1287 (commandOptions uploadCommand ParseArgs)
1288 ["verbose", "check", "documentation", "publish"]
1290 ++ toSavedConfig
1291 liftReportFlag
1292 (commandOptions reportCommand ParseArgs)
1293 ["verbose", "token", "username", "password"]
1295 -- FIXME: this is a hack, hiding the user name and password.
1296 -- But otherwise it masks the upload ones. Either need to
1297 -- share the options or make then distinct. In any case
1298 -- they should probably be per-server.
1300 ++ toSavedConfig
1301 liftReplFlag
1302 [multiReplOption]
1305 ++ [ viewAsFieldDescr $
1306 optionDistPref
1307 (setupDistPref . configCommonFlags . savedConfigureFlags)
1308 ( \distPref ->
1309 updSavedCommonSetupFlags (\common -> common{setupDistPref = distPref})
1311 ParseArgs
1313 where
1314 toSavedConfig lift options exclusions replacements =
1315 [ lift (fromMaybe field replacement)
1316 | opt <- options
1317 , let field = viewAsFieldDescr opt
1318 name = fieldName field
1319 replacement = find ((== name) . fieldName) replacements
1320 , name `notElem` exclusions
1323 showRelaxDeps Nothing = mempty
1324 showRelaxDeps (Just rd)
1325 | isRelaxDeps rd = Disp.text "True"
1326 | otherwise = Disp.text "False"
1328 toRelaxDeps True = RelaxDepsAll
1329 toRelaxDeps False = mempty
1331 updSavedCommonSetupFlags
1332 :: (CommonSetupFlags -> CommonSetupFlags)
1333 -> SavedConfig
1334 -> SavedConfig
1335 updSavedCommonSetupFlags setFlag config =
1336 config
1337 { savedConfigureFlags =
1338 let flags = savedConfigureFlags config
1339 common = configCommonFlags flags
1340 in flags{configCommonFlags = setFlag common}
1341 , savedHaddockFlags =
1342 let flags = savedHaddockFlags config
1343 common = haddockCommonFlags flags
1344 in flags{haddockCommonFlags = setFlag common}
1345 , savedTestFlags =
1346 let flags = savedTestFlags config
1347 common = testCommonFlags flags
1348 in flags{testCommonFlags = setFlag common}
1349 , savedBenchmarkFlags =
1350 let flags = savedBenchmarkFlags config
1351 common = benchmarkCommonFlags flags
1352 in flags{benchmarkCommonFlags = setFlag common}
1355 -- TODO: next step, make the deprecated fields elicit a warning.
1357 deprecatedFieldDescriptions :: [FieldDescr SavedConfig]
1358 deprecatedFieldDescriptions =
1359 [ liftGlobalFlag $
1360 listFieldParsec
1361 "repos"
1362 pretty
1363 parsec
1364 (fromNubList . globalRemoteRepos)
1365 (\rs cfg -> cfg{globalRemoteRepos = toNubList rs})
1366 , liftGlobalFlag $
1367 simpleFieldParsec
1368 "cachedir"
1369 (Disp.text . fromFlagOrDefault "")
1370 (optionalFlag parsecFilePath)
1371 globalCacheDir
1372 (\d cfg -> cfg{globalCacheDir = d})
1373 , liftUploadFlag $
1374 simpleFieldParsec
1375 "hackage-token"
1376 (Disp.text . fromFlagOrDefault "" . fmap unToken)
1377 (optionalFlag (fmap Token parsecToken))
1378 uploadToken
1379 (\d cfg -> cfg{uploadToken = d})
1380 , liftUploadFlag $
1381 simpleFieldParsec
1382 "hackage-username"
1383 (Disp.text . fromFlagOrDefault "" . fmap unUsername)
1384 (optionalFlag (fmap Username parsecToken))
1385 uploadUsername
1386 (\d cfg -> cfg{uploadUsername = d})
1387 , liftUploadFlag $
1388 simpleFieldParsec
1389 "hackage-password"
1390 (Disp.text . fromFlagOrDefault "" . fmap unPassword)
1391 (optionalFlag (fmap Password parsecToken))
1392 uploadPassword
1393 (\d cfg -> cfg{uploadPassword = d})
1394 , liftUploadFlag $
1395 spaceListField
1396 "hackage-password-command"
1397 Disp.text
1398 parseTokenQ
1399 (fromFlagOrDefault [] . uploadPasswordCmd)
1400 (\d cfg -> cfg{uploadPasswordCmd = Flag d})
1402 ++ map
1403 (modifyFieldName ("user-" ++) . liftUserInstallDirs)
1404 installDirsFields
1405 ++ map
1406 (modifyFieldName ("global-" ++) . liftGlobalInstallDirs)
1407 installDirsFields
1408 where
1409 optionalFlag :: ParsecParser a -> ParsecParser (Flag a)
1410 optionalFlag p = toFlag <$> p <|> pure mempty
1412 modifyFieldName :: (String -> String) -> FieldDescr a -> FieldDescr a
1413 modifyFieldName f d = d{fieldName = f (fieldName d)}
1415 liftUserInstallDirs
1416 :: FieldDescr (InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate))
1417 -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1418 liftUserInstallDirs =
1419 liftField
1420 savedUserInstallDirs
1421 (\flags conf -> conf{savedUserInstallDirs = flags})
1423 liftGlobalInstallDirs
1424 :: FieldDescr (InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate))
1425 -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1426 liftGlobalInstallDirs =
1427 liftField
1428 savedGlobalInstallDirs
1429 (\flags conf -> conf{savedGlobalInstallDirs = flags})
1431 liftGlobalFlag :: FieldDescr GlobalFlags -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1432 liftGlobalFlag =
1433 liftField
1434 savedGlobalFlags
1435 (\flags conf -> conf{savedGlobalFlags = flags})
1437 liftConfigFlag :: FieldDescr ConfigFlags -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1438 liftConfigFlag =
1439 liftField
1440 savedConfigureFlags
1441 (\flags conf -> conf{savedConfigureFlags = flags})
1443 liftConfigExFlag :: FieldDescr ConfigExFlags -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1444 liftConfigExFlag =
1445 liftField
1446 savedConfigureExFlags
1447 (\flags conf -> conf{savedConfigureExFlags = flags})
1449 liftInstallFlag :: FieldDescr InstallFlags -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1450 liftInstallFlag =
1451 liftField
1452 savedInstallFlags
1453 (\flags conf -> conf{savedInstallFlags = flags})
1455 liftClientInstallFlag :: FieldDescr ClientInstallFlags -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1456 liftClientInstallFlag =
1457 liftField
1458 savedClientInstallFlags
1459 (\flags conf -> conf{savedClientInstallFlags = flags})
1461 liftUploadFlag :: FieldDescr UploadFlags -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1462 liftUploadFlag =
1463 liftField
1464 savedUploadFlags
1465 (\flags conf -> conf{savedUploadFlags = flags})
1467 liftReportFlag :: FieldDescr ReportFlags -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1468 liftReportFlag =
1469 liftField
1470 savedReportFlags
1471 (\flags conf -> conf{savedReportFlags = flags})
1473 liftReplFlag :: FieldDescr (Flag Bool) -> FieldDescr SavedConfig
1474 liftReplFlag =
1475 liftField
1476 savedReplMulti
1477 (\flags conf -> conf{savedReplMulti = flags})
1479 parseConfig
1480 :: ConstraintSource
1481 -> SavedConfig
1482 -> BS.ByteString
1483 -> ParseResult SavedConfig
1484 parseConfig src initial = \str -> do
1485 fields <- readFields str
1486 let (knownSections, others) = partition isKnownSection fields
1487 config <- parse others
1488 let init0 = savedInitFlags config
1489 user0 = savedUserInstallDirs config
1490 global0 = savedGlobalInstallDirs config
1491 (remoteRepoSections0, localRepoSections0, haddockFlags, initFlags, user, global, paths, args) <-
1492 foldM
1493 parseSections
1494 ([], [], savedHaddockFlags config, init0, user0, global0, [], [])
1495 knownSections
1497 let remoteRepoSections =
1498 reverse
1499 . nubBy ((==) `on` remoteRepoName)
1500 $ remoteRepoSections0
1502 let localRepoSections =
1503 reverse
1504 . nubBy ((==) `on` localRepoName)
1505 $ localRepoSections0
1507 return . fixConfigMultilines $
1508 config
1509 { savedGlobalFlags =
1510 (savedGlobalFlags config)
1511 { globalRemoteRepos = toNubList remoteRepoSections
1512 , globalLocalNoIndexRepos = toNubList localRepoSections
1513 , -- the global extra prog path comes from the configure flag prog path
1514 globalProgPathExtra = configProgramPathExtra (savedConfigureFlags config)
1516 , savedConfigureFlags =
1517 (savedConfigureFlags config)
1518 { configProgramPaths = paths
1519 , configProgramArgs = args
1521 , savedHaddockFlags = haddockFlags
1522 , savedInitFlags = initFlags
1523 , savedUserInstallDirs = user
1524 , savedGlobalInstallDirs = global
1526 where
1527 isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "repository" _ _) = True
1528 isKnownSection (ParseUtils.F _ "remote-repo" _) = True
1529 isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "haddock" _ _) = True
1530 isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "init" _ _) = True
1531 isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "install-dirs" _ _) = True
1532 isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "program-locations" _ _) = True
1533 isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "program-default-options" _ _) = True
1534 isKnownSection _ = False
1536 -- Attempt to split fields that can represent lists of paths into
1537 -- actual lists on failure, leave the field untouched.
1538 splitMultiPath :: [String] -> [String]
1539 splitMultiPath [s] = case runP 0 "" (parseOptCommaList parseTokenQ) s of
1540 ParseOk _ res -> res
1541 _ -> [s]
1542 splitMultiPath xs = xs
1544 splitMultiSymPath =
1545 map unsafeMakeSymbolicPath . splitMultiPath . map getSymbolicPath
1547 -- This is a fixup, pending a full config parser rewrite, to
1548 -- ensure that config fields which can be comma-separated lists
1549 -- actually parse as comma-separated lists.
1550 fixConfigMultilines conf =
1551 conf
1552 { savedConfigureFlags =
1553 let scf = savedConfigureFlags conf
1554 in scf
1555 { configProgramPathExtra =
1556 toNubList $
1557 splitMultiPath
1558 (fromNubList $ configProgramPathExtra scf)
1559 , configExtraLibDirs =
1560 splitMultiSymPath
1561 (configExtraLibDirs scf)
1562 , configExtraLibDirsStatic =
1563 splitMultiSymPath
1564 (configExtraLibDirsStatic scf)
1565 , configExtraFrameworkDirs =
1566 splitMultiSymPath
1567 (configExtraFrameworkDirs scf)
1568 , configExtraIncludeDirs =
1569 splitMultiSymPath
1570 (configExtraIncludeDirs scf)
1571 , configConfigureArgs =
1572 splitMultiPath
1573 (configConfigureArgs scf)
1575 , savedGlobalFlags =
1576 let sgf = savedGlobalFlags conf
1577 in sgf
1578 { globalProgPathExtra =
1579 toNubList $
1580 splitMultiPath
1581 (fromNubList $ globalProgPathExtra sgf)
1585 parse =
1586 parseFields
1587 ( configFieldDescriptions src
1588 ++ deprecatedFieldDescriptions
1590 initial
1592 parseSections
1593 (rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1594 (ParseUtils.Section lineno "repository" name fs) = do
1595 name' <-
1596 maybe (ParseFailed $ NoParse "repository name" lineno) return $
1597 simpleParsec name
1598 r' <- parseFields remoteRepoFields (emptyRemoteRepo name') fs
1599 r'' <- postProcessRepo lineno name r'
1600 case r'' of
1601 Left local -> return (rs, local : ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1602 Right remote -> return (remote : rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1603 parseSections
1604 (rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1605 (ParseUtils.F lno "remote-repo" raw) = do
1606 let mr' = simpleParsec raw
1607 r' <- maybe (ParseFailed $ NoParse "remote-repo" lno) return mr'
1608 return (r' : rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1609 parseSections
1610 accum@(rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1611 (ParseUtils.Section _ "haddock" name fs)
1612 | name == "" = do
1613 h' <- parseFields haddockFlagsFields h fs
1614 return (rs, ls, h', i, u, g, p, a)
1615 | otherwise = do
1616 warning "The 'haddock' section should be unnamed"
1617 return accum
1618 parseSections
1619 accum@(rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1620 (ParseUtils.Section _ "init" name fs)
1621 | name == "" = do
1622 i' <- parseFields initFlagsFields i fs
1623 return (rs, ls, h, i', u, g, p, a)
1624 | otherwise = do
1625 warning "The 'init' section should be unnamed"
1626 return accum
1627 parseSections
1628 accum@(rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1629 (ParseUtils.Section _ "install-dirs" name fs)
1630 | name' == "user" = do
1631 u' <- parseFields installDirsFields u fs
1632 return (rs, ls, h, i, u', g, p, a)
1633 | name' == "global" = do
1634 g' <- parseFields installDirsFields g fs
1635 return (rs, ls, h, i, u, g', p, a)
1636 | otherwise = do
1637 warning "The 'install-paths' section should be for 'user' or 'global'"
1638 return accum
1639 where
1640 name' = lowercase name
1641 parseSections
1642 accum@(rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1643 (ParseUtils.Section _ "program-locations" name fs)
1644 | name == "" = do
1645 p' <- parseFields withProgramsFields p fs
1646 return (rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p', a)
1647 | otherwise = do
1648 warning "The 'program-locations' section should be unnamed"
1649 return accum
1650 parseSections
1651 accum@(rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a)
1652 (ParseUtils.Section _ "program-default-options" name fs)
1653 | name == "" = do
1654 a' <- parseFields withProgramOptionsFields a fs
1655 return (rs, ls, h, i, u, g, p, a')
1656 | otherwise = do
1657 warning "The 'program-default-options' section should be unnamed"
1658 return accum
1659 parseSections accum f = do
1660 warning $ "Unrecognized stanza on line " ++ show (lineNo f)
1661 return accum
1663 postProcessRepo :: Int -> String -> RemoteRepo -> ParseResult (Either LocalRepo RemoteRepo)
1664 postProcessRepo lineno reponameStr repo0 = do
1665 when (null reponameStr) $
1666 syntaxError lineno $
1667 "a 'repository' section requires the "
1668 ++ "repository name as an argument"
1670 reponame <-
1671 maybe (fail $ "Invalid repository name " ++ reponameStr) return $
1672 simpleParsec reponameStr
1674 case uriScheme (remoteRepoURI repo0) of
1675 -- TODO: check that there are no authority, query or fragment
1676 -- Note: the trailing colon is important
1677 "file+noindex:" -> do
1678 let uri = remoteRepoURI repo0
1679 return $ Left $ LocalRepo reponame (uriPath uri) (uriFragment uri == "#shared-cache")
1680 _ -> do
1681 let repo = repo0{remoteRepoName = reponame}
1683 when (remoteRepoKeyThreshold repo > length (remoteRepoRootKeys repo)) $
1684 warning $
1685 "'key-threshold' for repository "
1686 ++ show (remoteRepoName repo)
1687 ++ " higher than number of keys"
1689 when (not (null (remoteRepoRootKeys repo)) && remoteRepoSecure repo /= Just True) $
1690 warning $
1691 "'root-keys' for repository "
1692 ++ show (remoteRepoName repo)
1693 ++ " non-empty, but 'secure' not set to True."
1695 return $ Right repo
1697 showConfig :: SavedConfig -> String
1698 showConfig = showConfigWithComments mempty
1700 showConfigWithComments :: SavedConfig -> SavedConfig -> String
1701 showConfigWithComments comment vals =
1702 Disp.render $
1703 case fmap
1704 (uncurry ppRemoteRepoSection)
1705 (zip (getRemoteRepos comment) (getRemoteRepos vals)) of
1706 [] -> Disp.text ""
1707 (x : xs) -> foldl' (\r r' -> r $+$ Disp.text "" $+$ r') x xs
1708 $+$ Disp.text ""
1709 $+$ ppFields
1710 (skipSomeFields (configFieldDescriptions ConstraintSourceUnknown))
1711 mcomment
1712 vals
1713 $+$ Disp.text ""
1714 $+$ ppSection
1715 "haddock"
1717 haddockFlagsFields
1718 (fmap savedHaddockFlags mcomment)
1719 (savedHaddockFlags vals)
1720 $+$ Disp.text ""
1721 $+$ ppSection
1722 "init"
1724 initFlagsFields
1725 (fmap savedInitFlags mcomment)
1726 (savedInitFlags vals)
1727 $+$ Disp.text ""
1728 $+$ installDirsSection "user" savedUserInstallDirs
1729 $+$ Disp.text ""
1730 $+$ installDirsSection "global" savedGlobalInstallDirs
1731 $+$ Disp.text ""
1732 $+$ configFlagsSection
1733 "program-locations"
1734 withProgramsFields
1735 configProgramPaths
1736 $+$ Disp.text ""
1737 $+$ configFlagsSection
1738 "program-default-options"
1739 withProgramOptionsFields
1740 configProgramArgs
1741 where
1742 getRemoteRepos = fromNubList . globalRemoteRepos . savedGlobalFlags
1743 mcomment = Just comment
1744 installDirsSection name field =
1745 ppSection
1746 "install-dirs"
1747 name
1748 installDirsFields
1749 (fmap field mcomment)
1750 (field vals)
1751 configFlagsSection name fields field =
1752 ppSection
1753 name
1755 fields
1756 (fmap (field . savedConfigureFlags) mcomment)
1757 ((field . savedConfigureFlags) vals)
1759 -- skip fields based on field name. currently only skips "remote-repo",
1760 -- because that is rendered as a section. (see 'ppRemoteRepoSection'.)
1761 skipSomeFields = filter ((/= "remote-repo") . fieldName)
1763 -- | Fields for the 'install-dirs' sections.
1764 installDirsFields :: [FieldDescr (InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate))]
1765 installDirsFields = map viewAsFieldDescr installDirsOptions
1767 ppRemoteRepoSection :: RemoteRepo -> RemoteRepo -> Doc
1768 ppRemoteRepoSection def vals =
1769 ppSection
1770 "repository"
1771 (unRepoName (remoteRepoName vals))
1772 remoteRepoFields
1773 (Just def)
1774 vals
1776 remoteRepoFields :: [FieldDescr RemoteRepo]
1777 remoteRepoFields =
1778 [ simpleField
1779 "url"
1780 (text . show)
1781 (parseTokenQ >>= parseURI')
1782 remoteRepoURI
1783 (\x repo -> repo{remoteRepoURI = x})
1784 , simpleFieldParsec
1785 "secure"
1786 showSecure
1787 (Just `fmap` parsec)
1788 remoteRepoSecure
1789 (\x repo -> repo{remoteRepoSecure = x})
1790 , listField
1791 "root-keys"
1792 text
1793 parseTokenQ
1794 remoteRepoRootKeys
1795 (\x repo -> repo{remoteRepoRootKeys = x})
1796 , simpleFieldParsec
1797 "key-threshold"
1798 showThreshold
1799 P.integral
1800 remoteRepoKeyThreshold
1801 (\x repo -> repo{remoteRepoKeyThreshold = x})
1803 where
1804 parseURI' uriString =
1805 case parseURI uriString of
1806 Nothing -> fail $ "remote-repo: no parse on " ++ show uriString
1807 Just uri -> return uri
1809 showSecure Nothing = mempty -- default 'secure' setting
1810 showSecure (Just True) = text "True" -- user explicitly enabled it
1811 showSecure (Just False) = text "False" -- user explicitly disabled it
1813 -- If the key-threshold is set to 0, we omit it as this is the default
1814 -- and it looks odd to have a value for key-threshold but not for 'secure'
1815 -- (note that an empty list of keys is already omitted by default, since
1816 -- that is what we do for all list fields)
1817 showThreshold 0 = mempty
1818 showThreshold t = text (show t)
1820 -- | Fields for the 'haddock' section.
1821 haddockFlagsFields :: [FieldDescr HaddockFlags]
1822 haddockFlagsFields =
1823 [ field
1824 | opt <- haddockOptions ParseArgs
1825 , let field = viewAsFieldDescr opt
1826 name = fieldName field
1827 , name `notElem` exclusions
1829 where
1830 exclusions = ["verbose", "builddir", "for-hackage"]
1832 -- | Fields for the 'init' section.
1833 initFlagsFields :: [FieldDescr IT.InitFlags]
1834 initFlagsFields =
1835 [ field
1836 | opt <- initOptions ParseArgs
1837 , let field = viewAsFieldDescr opt
1838 name = fieldName field
1839 , name `notElem` exclusions
1841 where
1842 exclusions =
1843 [ "author"
1844 , "email"
1845 , "overwrite"
1846 , "package-dir"
1847 , "packagedir"
1848 , "package-name"
1849 , "version"
1850 , "homepage"
1851 , "synopsis"
1852 , "category"
1853 , "extra-source-file"
1854 , "lib"
1855 , "exe"
1856 , "libandexe"
1857 , "main-is"
1858 , "expose-module"
1859 , "exposed-modules"
1860 , "extension"
1861 , "dependency"
1862 , "build-tool"
1863 , "with-compiler"
1864 , "verbose"
1867 -- | Fields for the 'program-locations' section.
1868 withProgramsFields :: [FieldDescr [(String, FilePath)]]
1869 withProgramsFields =
1870 map viewAsFieldDescr $
1871 programDbPaths'
1872 (++ "-location")
1873 defaultProgramDb
1874 ParseArgs
1876 (++)
1878 -- | Fields for the 'program-default-options' section.
1879 withProgramOptionsFields :: [FieldDescr [(String, [String])]]
1880 withProgramOptionsFields =
1881 map viewAsFieldDescr $
1882 programDbOptions defaultProgramDb ParseArgs id (++)
1884 parseExtraLines :: Verbosity -> [String] -> IO SavedConfig
1885 parseExtraLines verbosity extraLines =
1886 case parseConfig
1887 (ConstraintSourceMainConfig "additional lines")
1888 mempty
1889 (toUTF8BS (unlines extraLines)) of
1890 ParseFailed err ->
1891 let (line, msg) = locatedErrorMsg err
1892 errLineNo = maybe "" (\n -> ':' : show n) line
1893 in dieWithException verbosity $ ParseExtraLinesFailedErr msg errLineNo
1894 ParseOk [] r -> return r
1895 ParseOk ws _ ->
1896 dieWithException verbosity $ ParseExtraLinesOkError ws
1898 -- | Get the differences (as a pseudo code diff) between the user's
1899 -- config file and the one that cabal would generate if it didn't exist.
1900 userConfigDiff :: Verbosity -> GlobalFlags -> [String] -> IO [String]
1901 userConfigDiff verbosity globalFlags extraLines = do
1902 userConfig <- loadRawConfig normal (globalConfigFile globalFlags)
1903 extraConfig <- parseExtraLines verbosity extraLines
1904 testConfig <- initialSavedConfig
1905 return $
1906 reverse . foldl' createDiff [] . M.toList $
1907 M.unionWith
1908 combine
1909 (M.fromList . map justFst $ filterShow testConfig)
1910 (M.fromList . map justSnd $ filterShow (userConfig `mappend` extraConfig))
1911 where
1912 justFst (a, b) = (a, (Just b, Nothing))
1913 justSnd (a, b) = (a, (Nothing, Just b))
1915 combine (Nothing, Just b) (Just a, Nothing) = (Just a, Just b)
1916 combine (Just a, Nothing) (Nothing, Just b) = (Just a, Just b)
1917 combine x y =
1918 error $
1919 "Can't happen : userConfigDiff "
1920 ++ show x
1921 ++ " "
1922 ++ show y
1924 createDiff :: [String] -> (String, (Maybe String, Maybe String)) -> [String]
1925 createDiff acc (key, (Just a, Just b))
1926 | a == b = acc
1927 | otherwise =
1928 ("+ " ++ key ++ ": " ++ b)
1929 : ("- " ++ key ++ ": " ++ a)
1930 : acc
1931 createDiff acc (key, (Nothing, Just b)) = ("+ " ++ key ++ ": " ++ b) : acc
1932 createDiff acc (key, (Just a, Nothing)) = ("- " ++ key ++ ": " ++ a) : acc
1933 createDiff acc (_, (Nothing, Nothing)) = acc
1935 filterShow :: SavedConfig -> [(String, String)]
1936 filterShow cfg =
1937 map keyValueSplit
1938 . filter (\s -> not (null s) && ':' `elem` s)
1939 . map nonComment
1940 . lines
1941 $ showConfig cfg
1943 nonComment [] = []
1944 nonComment ('-' : '-' : _) = []
1945 nonComment (x : xs) = x : nonComment xs
1947 topAndTail = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
1949 keyValueSplit s =
1950 let (left, right) = break (== ':') s
1951 in (topAndTail left, topAndTail (drop 1 right))
1953 -- | Update the user's config file keeping the user's customizations.
1954 userConfigUpdate :: Verbosity -> GlobalFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
1955 userConfigUpdate verbosity globalFlags extraLines = do
1956 userConfig <- loadRawConfig normal (globalConfigFile globalFlags)
1957 extraConfig <- parseExtraLines verbosity extraLines
1958 newConfig <- initialSavedConfig
1959 commentConf <- commentSavedConfig
1960 cabalFile <- getConfigFilePath $ globalConfigFile globalFlags
1961 let backup = cabalFile ++ ".backup"
1962 notice verbosity $ "Renaming " ++ cabalFile ++ " to " ++ backup ++ "."
1963 renameFile cabalFile backup
1964 notice verbosity $ "Writing merged config to " ++ cabalFile ++ "."
1965 writeConfigFile
1966 cabalFile
1967 commentConf
1968 (newConfig `mappend` userConfig `mappend` extraConfig)