Merge pull request #9701 from cabalism/doc/compare-source-repos-9665
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / RPMVerCmp.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Main where
5 import Foreign.C.String (CString)
6 import Foreign.C.Types (CInt (..))
7 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
8 import Data.Bits ((.&.))
10 import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), (===))
11 import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup)
12 import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase)
13 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
15 import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
16 import Distribution.Types.PkgconfigVersion (rpmvercmp)
17 import Distribution.Types.Version
19 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
20 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 -- C reference implementation
24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 foreign import ccall unsafe "rpmvercmp" c_rmpvercmp
27 :: CString -> CString -> CInt
29 rpmvercmpRef :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Ordering
30 rpmvercmpRef a b = unsafePerformIO $
31 BS.useAsCString a $ \a' ->
32 BS.useAsCString b $ \b' ->
33 return $ fromInt $ c_rmpvercmp a' b'
34 where
35 fromInt = flip compare 0
37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 -- Tests
39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 main :: IO ()
42 main = defaultMain $ testGroup "rpmvercmp"
43 [ testGroup "examples"
44 [ example "openssl" "1.1.0g" "1.1.0i" LT
45 , example "openssl" "1.0.2h" "1.1.0" LT
47 , example "simple" "1.2.3" "1.2.4" LT
48 , example "word" "apple" "banana" LT
50 , example "corner case" "r" "" GT
51 , example "corner case" "0" "1" LT
52 , example "corner case" "1" "0.0" GT
54 , testGroup "Properties"
55 [ testProperty "ref reflexive" $ \a ->
56 rpmvercmpRef (BS.pack a) (BS.pack a) === EQ
57 , testProperty "pure reflexive" $ \a ->
58 rpmvercmp (BS.pack a) (BS.pack a) === EQ
59 , testProperty "ref agrees with Version" $ \a b ->
60 compare a b === rpmvercmpRef (v2bs a) (v2bs b)
61 , testProperty "pure agrees with Version" $ \a b ->
62 compare a b === rpmvercmp (v2bs a) (v2bs b)
64 , testGroup "Random inputs"
65 [ testProperty "random" $ \xs ys ->
66 -- only 7bit numbers, no zero, and non-empty.
67 let xs' = BS.pack $ unnull $ filter (/= 0) $ map (.&. 0x7f) xs
68 ys' = BS.pack $ unnull $ filter (/= 0) $ map (.&. 0x7f) ys
70 -- ref doesn't really work with empty inputs reliably.
71 unnull [] = [1]
72 unnull zs = zs
73 in rpmvercmpRef xs' ys' === rpmvercmp xs' ys'
76 where
77 example n a b c = testCase (n ++ " " ++ BS8.unpack a ++ " <=> " ++ BS8.unpack b) $ do
78 let ref = rpmvercmpRef a b
79 let pur = rpmvercmp a b
80 assertEqual "ref" c ref
81 assertEqual "pure" c pur
83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 -- Version arbitrary
85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 newtype V = V Version
88 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
90 unV :: V -> Version
91 unV (V x) = x
93 instance Arbitrary V where
94 arbitrary = fmap (V . mkVersion_) arbitrary
96 shrink = map V . filter (/= version0) . map mkVersion_ . shrink . versionNumbers . unV
98 mkVersion_ :: [Int] -> Version
99 mkVersion_ [] = version0
100 mkVersion_ xs = mkVersion (map abs xs)
102 v2bs :: V -> BS.ByteString
103 v2bs (V x) = BS8.pack (prettyShow x)