Conform BSD-2-Clause and BSD-3-Clause text to SPDX
[cabal.git] / templates / Paths_pkg.template.hs
1 {% if supportsCpp %}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
3 {% endif %}
4 {% if supportsNoRebindableSyntax %}
5 {-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}
6 {% endif %}
7 {% if not absolute %}
8 {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
9 {% endif %}
10 {% if supportsCpp %}
11 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
12 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-prepositive-qualified-module #-}
13 #endif
14 {% endif %}
15 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-import-lists #-}
16 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}
17 module Paths_{{ manglePkgName packageName }} (
18 version,
19 getBinDir, getLibDir, getDynLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir,
20 getDataFileName, getSysconfDir
21 ) where
23 {% if not absolute %}
24 import Foreign
25 import Foreign.C
26 {% endif %}
28 import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
29 import qualified Data.List as List
30 import Data.Version (Version(..))
31 import System.Environment (getEnv)
32 import Prelude
34 {% if relocatable %}
35 import System.Environment (getExecutablePath)
36 {% endif %}
38 {% if supportsCpp %}
39 #if defined(VERSION_base)
41 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,0,0)
42 catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a
43 #else
44 catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.Exception -> IO a) -> IO a
45 #endif
47 #else
48 catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a
49 #endif
50 catchIO = Exception.catch
51 {% else %}
52 catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a
53 catchIO = Exception.catch
54 {% endif %}
56 version :: Version
57 version = Version {{ versionDigits }} []
59 getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
60 getDataFileName name = do
61 dir <- getDataDir
62 return (dir `joinFileName` name)
64 getBinDir, getLibDir, getDynLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir, getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath
66 {% defblock function_defs %}
67 minusFileName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
68 minusFileName dir "" = dir
69 minusFileName dir "." = dir
70 minusFileName dir suffix =
71 minusFileName (fst (splitFileName dir)) (fst (splitFileName suffix))
73 splitFileName :: FilePath -> (String, String)
74 splitFileName p = (reverse (path2++drive), reverse fname)
75 where
76 (path,drive) = case p of
77 (c:':':p') -> (reverse p',[':',c])
78 _ -> (reverse p ,"")
79 (fname,path1) = break isPathSeparator path
80 path2 = case path1 of
81 [] -> "."
82 [_] -> path1 -- don't remove the trailing slash if
83 -- there is only one character
84 (c:path') | isPathSeparator c -> path'
85 _ -> path1
86 {% endblock %}
88 {# body #}
89 {# ######################################################################### #}
91 {% if relocatable %}
93 getPrefixDirReloc :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
94 getPrefixDirReloc dirRel = do
95 exePath <- getExecutablePath
96 let (dir,_) = splitFileName exePath
97 return ((dir `minusFileName` {{ bindir }}) `joinFileName` dirRel)
99 getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_bindir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ bindir }})
100 getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_libdir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ libdir }})
101 getDynLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_dynlibdir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ dynlibdir }})
102 getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_datadir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ datadir }})
103 getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_libexecdir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ libexecdir }})
104 getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_sysconfdir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ sysconfdir }})
106 {% useblock function_defs %}
108 {% elif absolute %}
110 bindir, libdir, dynlibdir, datadir, libexecdir, sysconfdir :: FilePath
111 bindir = {{ bindir }}
112 libdir = {{ libdir }}
113 dynlibdir = {{ dynlibdir }}
114 datadir = {{ datadir }}
115 libexecdir = {{ libexecdir }}
116 sysconfdir = {{ sysconfdir }}
118 getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_bindir") (\_ -> return bindir)
119 getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_libdir") (\_ -> return libdir)
120 getDynLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_dynlibdir") (\_ -> return dynlibdir)
121 getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_datadir") (\_ -> return datadir)
122 getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_libexecdir") (\_ -> return libexecdir)
123 getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_sysconfdir") (\_ -> return sysconfdir)
125 {% elif isWindows %}
127 prefix :: FilePath
128 prefix = {{ prefix }}
130 getBinDir = getPrefixDirRel $ {{ bindir }}
131 getLibDir = {{ libdir }}
132 getDynLibDir = {{ dynlibdir }}
133 getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_datadir") (\_ -> {{ datadir }})
134 getLibexecDir = {{ libexecdir }}
135 getSysconfDir = {{ sysconfdir }}
137 getPrefixDirRel :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
138 getPrefixDirRel dirRel = try_size 2048 -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.
139 where
140 try_size size = allocaArray (fromIntegral size) $ \buf -> do
141 ret <- c_GetModuleFileName nullPtr buf size
142 case ret of
143 0 -> return (prefix `joinFileName` dirRel)
144 _ | ret < size -> do
145 exePath <- peekCWString buf
146 let (bindir,_) = splitFileName exePath
147 return ((bindir `minusFileName` {{ bindir}}) `joinFileName` dirRel)
148 | otherwise -> try_size (size * 2)
150 {% useblock function_defs %}
152 {% if isI386 %}
153 foreign import stdcall unsafe "windows.h GetModuleFileNameW"
154 c_GetModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CWString -> Int32 -> IO Int32
155 {% elif isX8664 %}
156 foreign import ccall unsafe "windows.h GetModuleFileNameW"
157 c_GetModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CWString -> Int32 -> IO Int32
158 {% else %}
159 -- win32 supported only with I386, X86_64
160 c_GetModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CWString -> Int32 -> IO Int32
161 c_GetModuleFileName = _
162 {% endif %}
164 {% else %}
166 notRelocAbsoluteOrWindows :: ()
167 notRelocAbsoluteOrWindows = _
169 {% endif %}
171 {# filename stuff #}
172 {# ######################################################################### #}
174 joinFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath
175 joinFileName "" fname = fname
176 joinFileName "." fname = fname
177 joinFileName dir "" = dir
178 joinFileName dir fname
179 | isPathSeparator (List.last dir) = dir ++ fname
180 | otherwise = dir ++ pathSeparator : fname
182 pathSeparator :: Char
183 {% if isWindows %}
184 pathSeparator = '\\'
185 {% else %}
186 pathSeparator = '/'
187 {% endif %}
189 isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
190 {% if isWindows %}
191 isPathSeparator c = c == '/' || c == '\\'
192 {% else %}
193 isPathSeparator c = c == '/'
194 {% endif %}