[fix ci] adds pretty-show
[cabal.git] / pretty-show-1.6.16 / Text / Show / PrettyVal.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
3 #ifndef NO_GENERICS
4 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
7 #endif
8 module Text.Show.PrettyVal ( PrettyVal(prettyVal) ) where
10 import Text.Show.Value
12 #ifndef NO_GENERICS
13 import Data.Ratio
14 import Data.Word
15 import Data.Int
16 import GHC.Generics
17 #endif
19 -- | A class for types that may be reified into a value.
20 -- Instances of this class may be derived automatically,
21 -- for datatypes that support `Generics`.
22 class PrettyVal a where
23 prettyVal :: a -> Value
24 listValue :: [a] -> Value
26 #ifndef NO_GENERICS
28 default prettyVal :: (GDump (Rep a), Generic a) => a -> Value
29 prettyVal = oneVal . gdump . from
31 default listValue :: [a] -> Value
32 listValue = List . map prettyVal
35 class GDump f where
36 gdump :: f a -> [(Name,Value)]
38 instance GDump U1 where
39 gdump U1 = []
41 instance (GDump f, GDump g) => GDump (f :*: g) where
42 gdump (xs :*: ys) = gdump xs ++ gdump ys
44 instance (GDump f, GDump g) => GDump (f :+: g) where
45 gdump (L1 x) = gdump x
46 gdump (R1 x) = gdump x
48 instance PrettyVal a => GDump (K1 t a) where
49 gdump (K1 x) = [ ("", prettyVal x) ]
51 instance (GDump f, Datatype d) => GDump (M1 D d f) where
52 gdump (M1 x) = gdump x
54 instance (GDump f, Constructor c) => GDump (M1 C c f) where
55 gdump c@(M1 x)
56 | conIsRecord c = [ ("", Rec name (gdump x)) ]
57 | isTuple name = [ ("", Tuple (map snd (gdump x))) ]
58 | otherwise = [ ("", Con name (map snd (gdump x))) ]
60 where
61 name = conName c
63 isTuple ('(' : cs) = case span (== ',') cs of
64 (_,")") -> True
65 _ -> False
66 isTuple _ = False
68 instance (GDump f, Selector s) => GDump (M1 S s f) where
69 gdump it@(M1 x) = repeat (selName it) `zip` map snd (gdump x)
71 oneVal :: [(Name,Value)] -> Value
72 oneVal x =
73 case x of
74 [ ("",v) ] -> v
75 fs | all (null . fst) fs -> Con "?" (map snd fs)
76 | otherwise -> Rec "?" fs
79 mkNum :: (Ord a, Num a, Show a) => (String -> Value) -> a -> Value
80 mkNum c x
81 | x >= 0 = c (show x)
82 | otherwise = Neg (c (show (negate x)))
84 instance PrettyVal Int where prettyVal = mkNum Integer
85 instance PrettyVal Integer where prettyVal = mkNum Integer
86 instance PrettyVal Float where prettyVal x = Float (show x)
87 instance PrettyVal Double where prettyVal x = Float (show x)
89 instance PrettyVal Word8 where prettyVal x = Integer (show x)
90 instance PrettyVal Word16 where prettyVal x = Integer (show x)
91 instance PrettyVal Word32 where prettyVal x = Integer (show x)
92 instance PrettyVal Word64 where prettyVal x = Integer (show x)
94 instance PrettyVal Int8 where prettyVal = mkNum Integer
95 instance PrettyVal Int16 where prettyVal = mkNum Integer
96 instance PrettyVal Int32 where prettyVal = mkNum Integer
97 instance PrettyVal Int64 where prettyVal = mkNum Integer
99 instance PrettyVal Char where
100 prettyVal x = Char (show x)
101 listValue xs = String xs
103 instance PrettyVal a => PrettyVal [a] where
104 prettyVal xs = listValue xs
106 instance (PrettyVal a, Integral a) => PrettyVal (Ratio a) where
107 prettyVal r = Ratio (prettyVal (numerator r)) (prettyVal (denominator r))
109 instance (PrettyVal a1, PrettyVal a2) => PrettyVal (a1,a2)
110 instance (PrettyVal a1, PrettyVal a2, PrettyVal a3) => PrettyVal (a1,a2,a3)
111 instance (PrettyVal a1, PrettyVal a2, PrettyVal a3,
112 PrettyVal a4) => PrettyVal (a1,a2,a3,a4)
114 instance (PrettyVal a1, PrettyVal a2, PrettyVal a3,
115 PrettyVal a4, PrettyVal a5) => PrettyVal (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
117 instance (PrettyVal a1, PrettyVal a2, PrettyVal a3,
118 PrettyVal a4, PrettyVal a5, PrettyVal a6) => PrettyVal (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6)
120 instance (PrettyVal a1, PrettyVal a2, PrettyVal a3,
121 PrettyVal a4, PrettyVal a5, PrettyVal a6, PrettyVal a7)
122 => PrettyVal (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7)
124 instance PrettyVal Bool
125 instance PrettyVal Ordering
126 instance PrettyVal a => PrettyVal (Maybe a)
127 instance (PrettyVal a, PrettyVal b) => PrettyVal (Either a b)
129 #endif