document onlyIfChanged
[buildbot.git] / buildbot / test /
1 # -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_web -*-
3 import os, time, shutil
4 from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
5 from twisted.python import components
7 from twisted.trial import unittest
8 from buildbot.test.runutils import RunMixin
10 from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, protocol
11 from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorUNIX
12 from twisted.web import client
14 from buildbot import master, interfaces, sourcestamp
15 from buildbot.status import html, builder
16 from buildbot.status.web import waterfall
17 from buildbot.changes.changes import Change
18 from buildbot.process import base
19 from buildbot.process.buildstep import BuildStep
20 from buildbot.test.runutils import setupBuildStepStatus
22 class ConfiguredMaster(master.BuildMaster):
23 """This BuildMaster variant has a static config file, provided as a
24 string when it is created."""
26 def __init__(self, basedir, config):
27 self.config = config
28 master.BuildMaster.__init__(self, basedir)
30 def loadTheConfigFile(self):
31 self.loadConfig(self.config)
33 components.registerAdapter(master.Control, ConfiguredMaster,
34 interfaces.IControl)
37 base_config = """
38 from buildbot.changes.pb import PBChangeSource
39 from buildbot.status import html
40 from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
41 from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
42 from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory
44 BuildmasterConfig = c = {
45 'change_source': PBChangeSource(),
46 'slaves': [BuildSlave('bot1name', 'bot1passwd')],
47 'schedulers': [Scheduler('name', None, 60, ['builder1'])],
48 'builders': [{'name': 'builder1', 'slavename': 'bot1name',
49 'builddir': 'builder1', 'factory': BuildFactory()}],
50 'slavePortnum': 0,
52 """
56 class DistribUNIX:
57 def __init__(self, unixpath):
58 from twisted.web import server, resource, distrib
59 root = resource.Resource()
60 self.r = r = distrib.ResourceSubscription("unix", unixpath)
61 root.putChild('remote', r)
62 self.p = p = reactor.listenTCP(0, server.Site(root))
63 self.portnum = p.getHost().port
64 def shutdown(self):
65 d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.p.stopListening)
66 return d
68 class DistribTCP:
69 def __init__(self, port):
70 from twisted.web import server, resource, distrib
71 root = resource.Resource()
72 self.r = r = distrib.ResourceSubscription("localhost", port)
73 root.putChild('remote', r)
74 self.p = p = reactor.listenTCP(0, server.Site(root))
75 self.portnum = p.getHost().port
76 def shutdown(self):
77 d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.p.stopListening)
78 d.addCallback(self._shutdown_1)
79 return d
80 def _shutdown_1(self, res):
81 return
83 class SlowReader(protocol.Protocol):
84 didPause = False
85 count = 0
86 data = ""
87 def __init__(self, req):
88 self.req = req
89 self.d = defer.Deferred()
90 def connectionMade(self):
91 self.transport.write(self.req)
92 def dataReceived(self, data):
93 += data
94 self.count += len(data)
95 if not self.didPause and self.count > 10*1000:
96 self.didPause = True
97 self.transport.pauseProducing()
98 reactor.callLater(2, self.resume)
99 def resume(self):
100 self.transport.resumeProducing()
101 def connectionLost(self, why):
102 self.d.callback(None)
104 class CFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
105 def __init__(self, p):
106 self.p = p
107 def buildProtocol(self, addr):
108 self.p.factory = self
109 return self.p
111 def stopHTTPLog():
112 # grr.
113 from twisted.web import http
114 http._logDateTimeStop()
116 class BaseWeb:
117 master = None
119 def failUnlessIn(self, substr, string, note=None):
120 self.failUnless(string.find(substr) != -1, note)
122 def tearDown(self):
123 stopHTTPLog()
124 if self.master:
125 d = self.master.stopService()
126 return d
128 def find_webstatus(self, master):
129 for child in list(master):
130 if isinstance(child, html.WebStatus):
131 return child
133 def find_waterfall(self, master):
134 for child in list(master):
135 if isinstance(child, html.Waterfall):
136 return child
138 class Ports(BaseWeb, unittest.TestCase):
140 def test_webPortnum(self):
141 # run a regular web server on a TCP socket
142 config = base_config + "c['status'] = [html.WebStatus(http_port=0)]\n"
143 os.mkdir("test_web1")
144 self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_web1", config)
145 m.startService()
146 # hack to find out what randomly-assigned port it is listening on
147 port = self.find_webstatus(m).getPortnum()
149 d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/waterfall" % port)
150 def _check(page):
151 #print page
152 self.failUnless(page)
153 d.addCallback(_check)
154 return d
155 test_webPortnum.timeout = 10
157 def test_webPathname(self):
158 # running a t.web.distrib server over a UNIX socket
159 if not IReactorUNIX.providedBy(reactor):
160 raise unittest.SkipTest("UNIX sockets not supported here")
161 config = (base_config +
162 "c['status'] = [html.WebStatus(distrib_port='.web-pb')]\n")
163 os.mkdir("test_web2")
164 self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_web2", config)
165 m.startService()
167 p = DistribUNIX("test_web2/.web-pb")
169 d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/remote/waterfall" % p.portnum)
170 def _check(page):
171 self.failUnless(page)
172 d.addCallback(_check)
173 def _done(res):
174 d1 = p.shutdown()
175 d1.addCallback(lambda x: res)
176 return d1
177 d.addBoth(_done)
178 return d
179 test_webPathname.timeout = 10
182 def test_webPathname_port(self):
183 # running a t.web.distrib server over TCP
184 config = (base_config +
185 "c['status'] = [html.WebStatus(distrib_port=0)]\n")
186 os.mkdir("test_web3")
187 self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_web3", config)
188 m.startService()
189 dport = self.find_webstatus(m).getPortnum()
191 p = DistribTCP(dport)
193 d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/remote/waterfall" % p.portnum)
194 def _check(page):
195 self.failUnlessIn("BuildBot", page)
196 d.addCallback(_check)
197 def _done(res):
198 d1 = p.shutdown()
199 d1.addCallback(lambda x: res)
200 return d1
201 d.addBoth(_done)
202 return d
203 test_webPathname_port.timeout = 10
206 class Waterfall(BaseWeb, unittest.TestCase):
207 def test_waterfall(self):
208 os.mkdir("test_web4")
209 os.mkdir("my-maildir"); os.mkdir("my-maildir/new")
210 self.robots_txt = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("test_web4",
211 "robots.txt"))
212 self.robots_txt_contents = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n"
213 f = open(self.robots_txt, "w")
214 f.write(self.robots_txt_contents)
215 f.close()
216 # this is the right way to configure the Waterfall status
217 config1 = base_config + """
218 from buildbot.changes import mail
219 c['change_source'] = mail.SyncmailMaildirSource('my-maildir')
220 c['status'] = [html.Waterfall(http_port=0, robots_txt=%s)]
221 """ % repr(self.robots_txt)
223 self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_web4", config1)
224 m.startService()
225 port = self.find_waterfall(m).getPortnum()
226 self.port = port
227 # insert an event
228 m.change_svc.addChange(Change("user", ["foo.c"], "comments"))
230 d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/" % port)
232 def _check1(page):
233 self.failUnless(page)
234 self.failUnlessIn("current activity", page)
235 self.failUnlessIn("<html", page)
236 TZ = time.tzname[time.localtime()[-1]]
237 self.failUnlessIn("time (%s)" % TZ, page)
239 # phase=0 is really for debugging the waterfall layout
240 return client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/?phase=0" % self.port)
241 d.addCallback(_check1)
243 def _check2(page):
244 self.failUnless(page)
245 self.failUnlessIn("<html", page)
247 return client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/changes" % self.port)
248 d.addCallback(_check2)
250 def _check3(changes):
251 self.failUnlessIn("<li>Syncmail mailing list in maildir " +
252 "my-maildir</li>", changes)
254 return client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/robots.txt" % self.port)
255 d.addCallback(_check3)
257 def _check4(robotstxt):
258 self.failUnless(robotstxt == self.robots_txt_contents)
259 d.addCallback(_check4)
261 return d
263 test_waterfall.timeout = 10
265 class WaterfallSteps(unittest.TestCase):
267 # failUnlessSubstring copied from twisted-2.1.0, because this helps us
268 # maintain compatibility with python2.2.
269 def failUnlessSubstring(self, substring, astring, msg=None):
270 """a python2.2 friendly test to assert that substring is found in
271 astring parameters follow the semantics of failUnlessIn
273 if astring.find(substring) == -1:
274 raise self.failureException(msg or "%r not found in %r"
275 % (substring, astring))
276 return substring
277 assertSubstring = failUnlessSubstring
279 def test_urls(self):
280 s = setupBuildStepStatus("test_web.test_urls")
281 s.addURL("coverage", "")
282 s.addURL("icon", "")
283 class FakeRequest:
284 prepath = []
285 postpath = []
286 def childLink(self, name):
287 return name
288 req = FakeRequest()
289 box = waterfall.IBox(s).getBox(req)
290 td =
291 e1 = '[<a href="" class="BuildStep external">coverage</a>]'
292 self.failUnlessSubstring(e1, td)
293 e2 = '[<a href="" class="BuildStep external">icon</a>]'
294 self.failUnlessSubstring(e2, td)
298 geturl_config = """
299 from buildbot.status import html
300 from buildbot.changes import mail
301 from buildbot.process import factory
302 from buildbot.steps import dummy
303 from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
304 from buildbot.changes.base import ChangeSource
305 from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
306 s = factory.s
308 class DiscardScheduler(Scheduler):
309 def addChange(self, change):
310 pass
311 class DummyChangeSource(ChangeSource):
312 pass
314 BuildmasterConfig = c = {}
315 c['slaves'] = [BuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit'), BuildSlave('bot2', 'sekrit')]
316 c['change_source'] = DummyChangeSource()
317 c['schedulers'] = [DiscardScheduler('discard', None, 60, ['b1'])]
318 c['slavePortnum'] = 0
319 c['status'] = [html.Waterfall(http_port=0)]
321 f = factory.BuildFactory([s(dummy.RemoteDummy, timeout=1)])
323 c['builders'] = [
324 {'name': 'b1', 'slavenames': ['bot1','bot2'],
325 'builddir': 'b1', 'factory': f},
327 c['buildbotURL'] = ''
331 class GetURL(RunMixin, unittest.TestCase):
333 def setUp(self):
334 RunMixin.setUp(self)
335 self.master.loadConfig(geturl_config)
336 self.master.startService()
337 d = self.connectSlave(["b1"])
338 return d
340 def tearDown(self):
341 stopHTTPLog()
342 return RunMixin.tearDown(self)
344 def doBuild(self, buildername):
345 br = base.BuildRequest("forced", sourcestamp.SourceStamp())
346 d = br.waitUntilFinished()
347 self.control.getBuilder(buildername).requestBuild(br)
348 return d
350 def assertNoURL(self, target):
351 self.failUnlessIdentical(self.status.getURLForThing(target), None)
353 def assertURLEqual(self, target, expected):
354 got = self.status.getURLForThing(target)
355 full_expected = "" + expected
356 self.failUnlessEqual(got, full_expected)
358 def testMissingBase(self):
359 noweb_config1 = geturl_config + "del c['buildbotURL']\n"
360 d = self.master.loadConfig(noweb_config1)
361 d.addCallback(self._testMissingBase_1)
362 return d
363 def _testMissingBase_1(self, res):
364 s = self.status
365 self.assertNoURL(s)
366 builder_s = s.getBuilder("b1")
367 self.assertNoURL(builder_s)
369 def testBase(self):
370 s = self.status
371 self.assertURLEqual(s, "")
372 builder_s = s.getBuilder("b1")
373 self.assertURLEqual(builder_s, "builders/b1")
375 def testChange(self):
376 s = self.status
377 c = Change("user", ["foo.c"], "comments")
378 self.master.change_svc.addChange(c)
379 # TODO: something more like s.getChanges(), requires IChange and
380 # an accessor in IStatus. The HTML page exists already, though
381 self.assertURLEqual(c, "changes/1")
383 def testBuild(self):
384 # first we do some stuff so we'll have things to look at.
385 s = self.status
386 d = self.doBuild("b1")
387 # maybe check IBuildSetStatus here?
388 d.addCallback(self._testBuild_1)
389 return d
391 def _testBuild_1(self, res):
392 s = self.status
393 builder_s = s.getBuilder("b1")
394 build_s = builder_s.getLastFinishedBuild()
395 self.assertURLEqual(build_s, "builders/b1/builds/0")
396 # no page for builder.getEvent(-1)
397 step = build_s.getSteps()[0]
398 self.assertURLEqual(step, "builders/b1/builds/0/steps/remote%20dummy")
399 # maybe page for build.getTestResults?
400 self.assertURLEqual(step.getLogs()[0],
401 "builders/b1/builds/0/steps/remote%20dummy/logs/0")
405 class Logfile(BaseWeb, RunMixin, unittest.TestCase):
406 def setUp(self):
407 config = """
408 from buildbot.status import html
409 from buildbot.process.factory import BasicBuildFactory
410 from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
411 f1 = BasicBuildFactory('cvsroot', 'cvsmodule')
412 BuildmasterConfig = {
413 'slaves': [BuildSlave('bot1', 'passwd1')],
414 'schedulers': [],
415 'builders': [{'name': 'builder1', 'slavename': 'bot1',
416 'builddir':'workdir', 'factory':f1}],
417 'slavePortnum': 0,
418 'status': [html.WebStatus(http_port=0)],
421 if os.path.exists("test_logfile"):
422 shutil.rmtree("test_logfile")
423 os.mkdir("test_logfile")
424 self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_logfile", config)
425 m.startService()
426 # hack to find out what randomly-assigned port it is listening on
427 port = self.find_webstatus(m).getPortnum()
428 self.port = port
429 # insert an event
431 req = base.BuildRequest("reason", sourcestamp.SourceStamp())
432 build1 = base.Build([req])
433 bs = m.status.getBuilder("builder1").newBuild()
434 bs.setReason("reason")
435 bs.buildStarted(build1)
437 step1 = BuildStep(name="setup")
438 step1.setBuild(build1)
439 bss = bs.addStepWithName("setup")
440 step1.setStepStatus(bss)
441 bss.stepStarted()
443 log1 = step1.addLog("output")
444 log1.addStdout("some stdout\n")
445 log1.finish()
447 log2 = step1.addHTMLLog("error", "<html>ouch</html>")
449 log3 = step1.addLog("big")
450 log3.addStdout("big log\n")
451 for i in range(1000):
452 log3.addStdout("a" * 500)
453 log3.addStderr("b" * 500)
454 log3.finish()
456 log4 = step1.addCompleteLog("bigcomplete",
457 "big2 log\n" + "a" * 1*1000*1000)
459 log5 = step1.addLog("mixed")
460 log5.addHeader("header content")
461 log5.addStdout("this is stdout content")
462 log5.addStderr("errors go here")
463 log5.addEntry(5, "non-standard content on channel 5")
464 log5.addStderr(" and some trailing stderr")
466 d = defer.maybeDeferred(step1.step_status.stepFinished,
467 builder.SUCCESS)
468 bs.buildFinished()
469 return d
471 def getLogPath(self, stepname, logname):
472 return ("/builders/builder1/builds/0/steps/%s/logs/%s" %
473 (stepname, logname))
475 def getLogURL(self, stepname, logname):
476 return ("http://localhost:%d" % self.port
477 + self.getLogPath(stepname, logname))
479 def test_logfile1(self):
480 d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/" % self.port)
481 def _check(page):
482 self.failUnless(page)
483 d.addCallback(_check)
484 return d
486 def test_logfile2(self):
487 logurl = self.getLogURL("setup", "output")
488 d = client.getPage(logurl)
489 def _check(logbody):
490 self.failUnless(logbody)
491 d.addCallback(_check)
492 return d
494 def test_logfile3(self):
495 logurl = self.getLogURL("setup", "output")
496 d = client.getPage(logurl + "/text")
497 def _check(logtext):
498 self.failUnlessEqual(logtext, "some stdout\n")
499 d.addCallback(_check)
500 return d
502 def test_logfile4(self):
503 logurl = self.getLogURL("setup", "error")
504 d = client.getPage(logurl)
505 def _check(logbody):
506 self.failUnlessEqual(logbody, "<html>ouch</html>")
507 d.addCallback(_check)
508 return d
510 def test_logfile5(self):
511 # this is log3, which is about 1MB in size, made up of alternating
512 # stdout/stderr chunks. buildbot-0.6.6, when run against
513 # twisted-1.3.0, fails to resume sending chunks after the client
514 # stalls for a few seconds, because of a recursive doWrite() call
515 # that was fixed in twisted-2.0.0
516 p = SlowReader("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
517 % self.getLogPath("setup", "big"))
518 cf = CFactory(p)
519 c = reactor.connectTCP("localhost", self.port, cf)
520 d = p.d
521 def _check(res):
522 self.failUnlessIn("big log",
523 self.failUnlessIn("a"*100,
524 self.failUnless(p.count > 1*1000*1000)
525 d.addCallback(_check)
526 return d
528 def test_logfile6(self):
529 # this is log4, which is about 1MB in size, one big chunk.
530 # buildbot-0.6.6 dies as the NetstringReceiver barfs on the
531 # saved logfile, because it was using one big chunk and exceeding
532 # NetstringReceiver.MAX_LENGTH
533 p = SlowReader("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
534 % self.getLogPath("setup", "bigcomplete"))
535 cf = CFactory(p)
536 c = reactor.connectTCP("localhost", self.port, cf)
537 d = p.d
538 def _check(res):
539 self.failUnlessIn("big2 log",
540 self.failUnlessIn("a"*100,
541 self.failUnless(p.count > 1*1000*1000)
542 d.addCallback(_check)
543 return d
545 def test_logfile7(self):
546 # this is log5, with mixed content on the tree standard channels
547 # as well as on channel 5
549 class SpanParser(HTMLParser):
550 '''Parser subclass to gather all the log spans from the log page'''
551 def __init__(self, test):
552 self.spans = []
553 self.test = test
554 self.inSpan = False
555 HTMLParser.__init__(self)
557 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
558 if tag == 'span':
559 self.inSpan = True
560 cls = attrs[0]
561 self.test.failUnless(cls[0] == 'class')
562 self.spans.append([cls[1],''])
564 def handle_data(self, data):
565 if self.inSpan:
566 self.spans[-1][1] += data
568 def handle_endtag(self, tag):
569 if tag == 'span':
570 self.inSpan = False
572 logurl = self.getLogURL("setup", "mixed")
573 d = client.getPage(logurl, timeout=2)
574 def _check(logbody):
575 try:
576 p = SpanParser(self)
577 p.feed(logbody)
578 p.close
579 except Exception, e:
580 print e
581 self.failUnlessEqual(len(p.spans), 4)
582 self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[0][0], 'header')
583 self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[0][1], 'header content')
584 self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[1][0], 'stdout')
585 self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[1][1], 'this is stdout content')
586 self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[2][0], 'stderr')
587 self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[2][1], 'errors go here')
588 self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[3][0], 'stderr')
589 self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[3][1], ' and some trailing stderr')
590 def _fail(err):
591 pass
592 d.addCallback(_check)
593 d.addErrback(_fail)
594 return d