Revert "xmlrpc_getLastBuilds now returns the correct number of builds when the curren...
[buildbot.git] / contrib /
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
3 # This script expects one line for each new revision on the form
4 # <oldrev> <newrev> <refname>
6 # For example:
7 # aa453216d1b3e49e7f6f98441fa56946ddcd6a20
8 # 68f7abf4e6f922807889f52bc043ecd31b79f814 refs/heads/master
10 # Each of these changes will be passed to the buildbot server along
11 # with any other change information we manage to extract from the
12 # repository.
14 # This script is meant to be run from hooks/post-receive in the git
15 # repository. It can also be run at client side with hooks/post-merge
16 # after using this wrapper:
18 #!/bin/sh
19 # PRE=$(git rev-parse 'HEAD@{1}')
20 # POST=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
21 # SYMNAME=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD)
22 # echo "$PRE $POST $SYMNAME" |
24 # Largely based on contrib/hooks/post-receive-email from git.
26 import commands
27 import logging
28 import os
29 import re
30 import sys
32 from twisted.spread import pb
33 from twisted.cred import credentials
34 from twisted.internet import reactor
36 from buildbot.scripts import runner
37 from optparse import OptionParser
39 # Modify this to fit your setup, or pass in --master server:host on the
40 # command line
42 master = "localhost:9989"
44 # The GIT_DIR environment variable must have been set up so that any
45 # git commands that are executed will operate on the repository we're
46 # installed in.
48 changes = []
51 def connectFailed(error):
52 logging.error("Could not connect to %s: %s"
53 % (master, error.getErrorMessage()))
54 return error
57 def addChange(dummy, remote, changei):
58 logging.debug("addChange %s, %s" % (repr(remote), repr(changei)))
59 try:
60 c =
61 except StopIteration:
63 return None
65"New revision: %s" % c['revision'][:8])
66 for key, value in c.iteritems():
67 logging.debug(" %s: %s" % (key, value))
69 d = remote.callRemote('addChange', c)
70 d.addCallback(addChange, remote, changei)
71 return d
74 def connected(remote):
75 return addChange(None, remote, changes.__iter__())
78 def grab_commit_info(c, rev):
79 # Extract information about committer and files using git show
80 f = os.popen("git show --raw --pretty=full %s" % rev, 'r')
82 files = []
84 while True:
85 line = f.readline()
86 if not line:
87 break
89 m = re.match(r"^:.*[MAD]\s+(.+)$", line)
90 if m:
91 logging.debug("Got file: %s" %
92 files.append(
93 continue
95 m = re.match(r"^Author:\s+(.+)$", line)
96 if m:
97 logging.debug("Got author: %s" %
98 c['who'] =
100 if re.match(r"^Merge: .*$", line):
101 files.append('merge')
103 c['files'] = files
104 status = f.close()
105 if status:
106 logging.warning("git show exited with status %d" % status)
109 def gen_changes(input, branch):
110 while True:
111 line = input.readline()
112 if not line:
113 break
115 logging.debug("Change: %s" % line)
117 m = re.match(r"^([0-9a-f]+) (.*)$", line.strip())
118 c = {'revision':,
119 'comments':,
120 'branch': branch,
122 grab_commit_info(c,
123 changes.append(c)
126 def gen_create_branch_changes(newrev, refname, branch):
127 # A new branch has been created. Generate changes for everything
128 # up to `newrev' which does not exist in any branch but `refname'.
130 # Note that this may be inaccurate if two new branches are created
131 # at the same time, pointing to the same commit, or if there are
132 # commits that only exists in a common subset of the new branches.
134"Branch `%s' created" % branch)
136 f = os.popen("git rev-parse --not --branches"
137 + "| grep -v $(git rev-parse %s)" % refname
138 + "| git rev-list --reverse --pretty=oneline --stdin %s" % newrev,
139 'r')
141 gen_changes(f, branch)
143 status = f.close()
144 if status:
145 logging.warning("git rev-list exited with status %d" % status)
148 def gen_update_branch_changes(oldrev, newrev, refname, branch):
149 # A branch has been updated. If it was a fast-forward update,
150 # generate Change events for everything between oldrev and newrev.
152 # In case of a forced update, first generate a "fake" Change event
153 # rewinding the branch to the common ancestor of oldrev and
154 # newrev. Then, generate Change events for each commit between the
155 # common ancestor and newrev.
157"Branch `%s' updated %s .. %s"
158 % (branch, oldrev[:8], newrev[:8]))
160 baserev = commands.getoutput("git merge-base %s %s" % (oldrev, newrev))
161 logging.debug("oldrev=%s newrev=%s baserev=%s" % (oldrev, newrev, baserev))
162 if baserev != oldrev:
163 c = {'revision': baserev,
164 'comments': "Rewind branch",
165 'branch': branch,
166 'who': "dummy",
168"Branch %s was rewound to %s" % (branch, baserev[:8]))
169 files = []
170 f = os.popen("git diff --raw %s..%s" % (oldrev, baserev), 'r')
171 while True:
172 line = f.readline()
173 if not line:
174 break
176 file = re.match(r"^:.*[MAD]\s*(.+)$", line).group(1)
177 logging.debug(" Rewound file: %s" % file)
178 files.append(file)
180 status = f.close()
181 if status:
182 logging.warning("git diff exited with status %d" % status)
184 if files:
185 c['files'] = files
186 changes.append(c)
188 if newrev != baserev:
189 # Not a pure rewind
190 f = os.popen("git rev-list --reverse --pretty=oneline %s..%s"
191 % (baserev, newrev), 'r')
192 gen_changes(f, branch)
194 status = f.close()
195 if status:
196 logging.warning("git rev-list exited with status %d" % status)
199 def cleanup(res):
200 reactor.stop()
203 def process_changes():
204 # Read branch updates from stdin and generate Change events
205 while True:
206 line = sys.stdin.readline()
207 if not line:
208 break
210 [oldrev, newrev, refname] = line.split(None, 2)
212 # We only care about regular heads, i.e. branches
213 m = re.match(r"^refs\/heads\/(.+)$", refname)
214 if not m:
215"Ignoring refname `%s': Not a branch" % refname)
216 continue
218 branch =
220 # Find out if the branch was created, deleted or updated. Branches
221 # being deleted aren't really interesting.
222 if re.match(r"^0*$", newrev):
223"Branch `%s' deleted, ignoring" % branch)
224 continue
225 elif re.match(r"^0*$", oldrev):
226 gen_create_branch_changes(newrev, refname, branch)
227 else:
228 gen_update_branch_changes(oldrev, newrev, refname, branch)
230 # Submit the changes, if any
231 if not changes:
232 logging.warning("No changes found")
233 return
235 host, port = master.split(':')
236 port = int(port)
238 f = pb.PBClientFactory()
239 d = f.login(credentials.UsernamePassword("change", "changepw"))
240 reactor.connectTCP(host, port, f)
242 d.addErrback(connectFailed)
243 d.addCallback(connected)
244 d.addBoth(cleanup)
249 def parse_options():
250 parser = OptionParser()
251 parser.add_option("-l", "--logfile", action="store", type="string",
252 help="Log to the specified file")
253 parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count",
254 help="Be more verbose. Ignored if -l is not specified.")
255 master_help = ("Build master to push to. Default is %(master)s" %
256 { 'master' : master })
257 parser.add_option("-m", "--master", action="store", type="string",
258 help=master_help)
259 options, args = parser.parse_args()
260 return options
263 # Log errors and critical messages to stderr. Optionally log
264 # information to a file as well (we'll set that up later.)
265 stderr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
266 fmt = logging.Formatter("git_buildbot: %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
267 stderr.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
268 stderr.setFormatter(fmt)
269 logging.getLogger().addHandler(stderr)
270 logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
272 try:
273 options = parse_options()
274 level = logging.WARNING
275 if options.verbose:
276 level -= 10 * options.verbose
277 if level < 0:
278 level = 0
280 if options.logfile:
281 logfile = logging.FileHandler(options.logfile)
282 logfile.setLevel(level)
283 fmt = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
284 logfile.setFormatter(fmt)
285 logging.getLogger().addHandler(logfile)
287 if options.master:
288 master=options.master
290 process_changes()
291 except SystemExit:
292 pass
293 except:
294 logging.exception("Unhandled exception")
295 sys.exit(1)