web: Builder/Build: use a relative link to the welcome page
[buildbot.git] / buildbot / status / web / baseweb.py
2 import os, sys, time, urllib
3 from itertools import count
5 from zope.interface import implements
6 from twisted.python import log
7 from twisted.application import strports, service
8 from twisted.web import server, distrib, static, html
9 from twisted.spread import pb
11 from buildbot.interfaces import IControl, IStatusReceiver
13 from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource, css_classes, Box, build_get_class, ICurrentBox
14 from buildbot.status.web.waterfall import WaterfallStatusResource
15 from buildbot.status.web.changes import ChangesResource
16 from buildbot.status.web.builder import BuildersResource
17 from buildbot.status.web.slaves import BuildSlavesResource
18 from buildbot.status.web.xmlrpc import XMLRPCServer
19 from buildbot.status.web.about import AboutBuildbot
21 # this class contains the status services (WebStatus and the older Waterfall)
22 # which can be put in c['status']. It also contains some of the resources
23 # that are attached to the WebStatus at various well-known URLs, which the
24 # admin might wish to attach (using WebStatus.putChild) at other URLs.
27 class LastBuild(HtmlResource):
28 def body(self, request):
29 return "missing\n"
31 def getLastNBuilds(status, numbuilds, builders=[], branches=[]):
32 """Return a list with the last few Builds, sorted by start time.
33 builder_names=None means all builders
34 """
36 # TODO: this unsorts the list of builder names, ick
37 builder_names = set(status.getBuilderNames())
38 if builders:
39 builder_names = builder_names.intersection(set(builders))
41 # to make sure that we get everything, we must get 'numbuilds' builds
42 # from *each* source, then sort by ending time, then trim to the last
43 # 20. We could be more efficient, but it would require the same
44 # gnarly code that the Waterfall uses to generate one event at a
45 # time. TODO: factor that code out into some useful class.
46 events = []
47 for builder_name in builder_names:
48 builder = status.getBuilder(builder_name)
49 for build_number in count(1):
50 if build_number > numbuilds:
51 break # enough from this builder, move on to another
52 build = builder.getBuild(-build_number)
53 if not build:
54 break # no more builds here, move on to the next builder
55 #if not build.isFinished():
56 # continue
57 (build_start, build_end) = build.getTimes()
58 event = (build_start, builder_name, build)
59 events.append(event)
60 def _sorter(a, b):
61 return cmp( a[:2], b[:2] )
62 events.sort(_sorter)
63 # now only return the actual build, and only return some of them
64 return [e[2] for e in events[-numbuilds:]]
67 class OneLineMixin:
68 LINE_TIME_FORMAT = "%b %d %H:%M"
70 def make_line(self, req, build):
71 builder_name = build.getBuilder().getName()
72 results = build.getResults()
73 try:
74 rev = build.getProperty("got_revision")
75 if rev is None:
76 rev = "??"
77 except KeyError:
78 rev = "??"
79 if len(rev) > 20:
80 rev = "version is too-long"
81 root = self.path_to_root(req)
82 values = {'class': css_classes[results],
83 'builder_name': builder_name,
84 'buildnum': build.getNumber(),
85 'results': css_classes[results],
86 'buildurl': (root +
87 "builders/%s/builds/%d" % (builder_name,
88 build.getNumber())),
89 'builderurl': (root + "builders/%s" % builder_name),
90 'rev': rev,
91 'time': time.strftime(self.LINE_TIME_FORMAT,
92 time.localtime(build.getTimes()[0])),
95 fmt = ('<font size="-1">(%(time)s)</font> '
96 '<a href="%(builderurl)s">%(builder_name)s</a> '
97 'rev=[%(rev)s] '
98 '<a href="%(buildurl)s">#%(buildnum)d</a>: '
99 '<span class="%(class)s">%(results)s</span> '
101 data = fmt % values
102 return data
104 # /one_line_per_build
105 # accepts builder=, branch=, numbuilds=
106 class OneLinePerBuild(HtmlResource, OneLineMixin):
107 """This shows one line per build, combining all builders together. Useful
108 query arguments:
110 numbuilds=: how many lines to display
111 builder=: show only builds for this builder. Multiple builder= arguments
112 can be used to see builds from any builder in the set.
115 title = "Recent Builds"
117 def __init__(self, numbuilds=20):
118 HtmlResource.__init__(self)
119 self.numbuilds = numbuilds
121 def getChild(self, path, req):
122 status = self.getStatus(req)
123 builder = status.getBuilder(path)
124 return OneLinePerBuildOneBuilder(builder)
126 def body(self, req):
127 status = self.getStatus(req)
128 numbuilds = int(req.args.get("numbuilds", [self.numbuilds])[0])
129 builders = req.args.get("builder", [])
130 branches = [b for b in req.args.get("branch", []) if b]
132 g = status.generateFinishedBuilds(builders, branches, numbuilds)
134 data = ""
136 # really this is "up to %d builds"
137 data += "<h1>Last %d finished builds</h1>\n" % numbuilds
138 if builders:
139 data += ("<p>of builders: %s</p>\n" % (", ".join(builders)))
140 data += "<ul>\n"
141 got = 0
142 for build in g:
143 got += 1
144 data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build) + "</li>\n"
145 if not got:
146 data += " <li>No matching builds found</li>\n"
147 data += "</ul>\n"
148 return data
152 # /one_line_per_build/$BUILDERNAME
153 # accepts branch=, numbuilds=
155 class OneLinePerBuildOneBuilder(HtmlResource, OneLineMixin):
156 def __init__(self, builder, numbuilds=20):
157 HtmlResource.__init__(self)
158 self.builder = builder
159 self.builder_name = builder.getName()
160 self.numbuilds = numbuilds
161 self.title = "Recent Builds of %s" % self.builder_name
163 def body(self, req):
164 status = self.getStatus(req)
165 numbuilds = int(req.args.get("numbuilds", [self.numbuilds])[0])
166 branches = [b for b in req.args.get("branch", []) if b]
168 # walk backwards through all builds of a single builder
169 g = self.builder.generateFinishedBuilds(branches, numbuilds)
171 data = ""
172 data += ("<h1>Last %d builds of builder: %s</h1>\n" %
173 (numbuilds, self.builder_name))
174 data += "<ul>\n"
175 got = 0
176 for build in g:
177 got += 1
178 data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build) + "</li>\n"
179 if not got:
180 data += " <li>No matching builds found</li>\n"
181 data += "</ul>\n"
183 return data
185 # /one_box_per_builder
186 # accepts builder=, branch=
187 class OneBoxPerBuilder(HtmlResource):
188 """This shows a narrow table with one row per build. The leftmost column
189 contains the builder name. The next column contains the results of the
190 most recent build. The right-hand column shows the builder's current
191 activity.
193 builder=: show only builds for this builder. Multiple builder= arguments
194 can be used to see builds from any builder in the set.
197 title = "Latest Build"
199 def body(self, req):
200 status = self.getStatus(req)
202 builders = req.args.get("builder", status.getBuilderNames())
203 branches = [b for b in req.args.get("branch", []) if b]
205 data = ""
207 data += "<h2>Latest builds</h2>\n"
208 data += "<table>\n"
209 for bn in builders:
210 builder = status.getBuilder(bn)
211 data += "<tr>\n"
212 data += "<td>%s</td>\n" % html.escape(bn)
213 b = builder.getLastFinishedBuild()
214 if b:
215 url = (self.path_to_root(req) +
216 "builders/" +
217 urllib.quote(bn, safe='') +
218 "/builds/%d" % b.getNumber())
219 try:
220 label = b.getProperty("got_revision")
221 except KeyError:
222 label = None
223 if not label or len(str(label)) > 20:
224 label = "#%d" % b.getNumber()
225 text = ['<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, label)]
226 text.extend(b.getText())
227 box = Box(text, b.getColor(),
228 class_="LastBuild %s" % build_get_class(b))
229 data += box.td(align="center")
230 else:
231 data += "<td></td>\n"
232 current_box = ICurrentBox(builder).getBox(status)
233 data += current_box.td(align="center")
234 data += "</table>\n"
235 return data
239 HEADER = '''
240 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
241 "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
243 <html
244 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
245 lang="en"
246 xml:lang="en">
250 '<title>%(title)s</title>',
251 '<link href="%(root)sbuildbot.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />',
253 BODY_ATTRS = {
254 'vlink': "#800080",
257 FOOTER = '''
258 </html>
262 class WebStatus(service.MultiService):
263 implements(IStatusReceiver)
264 # TODO: IStatusReceiver is really about things which subscribe to hear
265 # about buildbot events. We need a different interface (perhaps a parent
266 # of IStatusReceiver) for status targets that don't subscribe, like the
267 # WebStatus class. buildbot.master.BuildMaster.loadConfig:737 asserts
268 # that everything in c['status'] provides IStatusReceiver, but really it
269 # should check that they provide IStatusTarget instead.
272 The webserver provided by this class has the following resources:
274 /waterfall : the big time-oriented 'waterfall' display, with links
275 to individual changes, builders, builds, steps, and logs.
276 A number of query-arguments can be added to influence
277 the display.
278 /builders/BUILDERNAME: a page summarizing the builder. This includes
279 references to the Schedulers that feed it,
280 any builds currently in the queue, which
281 buildslaves are designated or attached, and a
282 summary of the build process it uses.
283 /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM: a page describing a single Build
284 /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM/steps/STEPNAME: describes a single step
285 /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM/steps/STEPNAME/logs/LOGNAME: a StatusLog
286 /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM/tests : summarize test results
287 /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM/tests/TEST.NAME: results of one test
288 /changes : summarize all ChangeSources
289 /changes/CHANGENUM: a page describing a single Change
290 /schedulers/SCHEDULERNAME: a page describing a Scheduler, including
291 a description of its behavior, a list of the
292 Builders it triggers, and list of the Changes
293 that are queued awaiting the tree-stable
294 timer, and controls to accelerate the timer.
295 /others...
297 All URLs for pages which are not defined here are used to look for files
298 in BASEDIR/public_html/ , which means that /robots.txt or /buildbot.css
299 or /favicon.ico can be placed in that directory.
301 If an index file (index.html, index.htm, or index, in that order) is
302 present in public_html/, it will be used for the root resource. If not,
303 the default behavior is to put a redirection to the /waterfall page.
305 All of the resources provided by this service use relative URLs to reach
306 each other. The only absolute links are the c['projectURL'] links at the
307 top and bottom of the page, and the buildbot home-page link at the
308 bottom.
310 This webserver defines class attributes on elements so they can be styled
311 with CSS stylesheets. All pages pull in public_html/buildbot.css, and you
312 can cause additional stylesheets to be loaded by adding a suitable <link>
313 to the WebStatus instance's .head_elements attribute.
315 Buildbot uses some generic classes to identify the type of object, and
316 some more specific classes for the various kinds of those types. It does
317 this by specifying both in the class attributes where applicable,
318 separated by a space. It is important that in your CSS you declare the
319 more generic class styles above the more specific ones. For example,
320 first define a style for .Event, and below that for .SUCCESS
322 The following CSS class names are used:
323 - Activity, Event, BuildStep, LastBuild: general classes
324 - waiting, interlocked, building, offline, idle: Activity states
325 - start, running, success, failure, warnings, skipped, exception:
326 LastBuild and BuildStep states
327 - Change: box with change
328 - Builder: box for builder name (at top)
329 - Project
330 - Time
334 # we are not a ComparableMixin, and therefore the webserver will be
335 # rebuilt every time we reconfig.
337 def __init__(self, http_port=None, distrib_port=None, allowForce=False):
338 """Run a web server that provides Buildbot status.
340 @type http_port: int or L{twisted.application.strports} string
341 @param http_port: a strports specification describing which port the
342 buildbot should use for its web server, with the
343 Waterfall display as the root page. For backwards
344 compatibility this can also be an int. Use
345 'tcp:8000' to listen on that port, or
346 'tcp:12345:interface=' if you only want
347 local processes to connect to it (perhaps because
348 you are using an HTTP reverse proxy to make the
349 buildbot available to the outside world, and do not
350 want to make the raw port visible).
352 @type distrib_port: int or L{twisted.application.strports} string
353 @param distrib_port: Use this if you want to publish the Waterfall
354 page using web.distrib instead. The most common
355 case is to provide a string that is an absolute
356 pathname to the unix socket on which the
357 publisher should listen
358 (C{os.path.expanduser(~/.twistd-web-pb)} will
359 match the default settings of a standard
360 twisted.web 'personal web server'). Another
361 possibility is to pass an integer, which means
362 the publisher should listen on a TCP socket,
363 allowing the web server to be on a different
364 machine entirely. Both forms are provided for
365 backwards compatibility; the preferred form is a
366 strports specification like
367 'unix:/home/buildbot/.twistd-web-pb'. Providing
368 a non-absolute pathname will probably confuse
369 the strports parser.
370 @param allowForce: boolean, if True then the webserver will allow
371 visitors to trigger and cancel builds
374 service.MultiService.__init__(self)
375 if type(http_port) is int:
376 http_port = "tcp:%d" % http_port
377 self.http_port = http_port
378 if distrib_port is not None:
379 if type(distrib_port) is int:
380 distrib_port = "tcp:%d" % distrib_port
381 if distrib_port[0] in "/~.": # pathnames
382 distrib_port = "unix:%s" % distrib_port
383 self.distrib_port = distrib_port
384 self.allowForce = allowForce
386 # this will be replaced once we've been attached to a parent (and
387 # thus have a basedir and can reference BASEDIR/public_html/)
388 root = static.Data("placeholder", "text/plain")
389 self.site = server.Site(root)
390 self.childrenToBeAdded = {}
392 self.setupUsualPages()
394 # the following items are accessed by HtmlResource when it renders
395 # each page.
396 self.site.buildbot_service = self
397 self.header = HEADER
398 self.head_elements = HEAD_ELEMENTS[:]
399 self.body_attrs = BODY_ATTRS.copy()
400 self.footer = FOOTER
401 self.template_values = {}
403 if self.http_port is not None:
404 s = strports.service(self.http_port, self.site)
405 s.setServiceParent(self)
406 if self.distrib_port is not None:
407 f = pb.PBServerFactory(distrib.ResourcePublisher(self.site))
408 s = strports.service(self.distrib_port, f)
409 s.setServiceParent(self)
411 def setupUsualPages(self):
412 #self.putChild("", IndexOrWaterfallRedirection())
413 self.putChild("waterfall", WaterfallStatusResource())
414 self.putChild("builders", BuildersResource())
415 self.putChild("changes", ChangesResource())
416 self.putChild("buildslaves", BuildSlavesResource())
417 #self.putChild("schedulers", SchedulersResource())
418 self.putChild("one_line_per_build", OneLinePerBuild())
419 self.putChild("one_box_per_builder", OneBoxPerBuilder())
420 self.putChild("xmlrpc", XMLRPCServer())
421 self.putChild("about", AboutBuildbot())
423 def __repr__(self):
424 if self.http_port is None:
425 return "<WebStatus on path %s>" % self.distrib_port
426 if self.distrib_port is None:
427 return "<WebStatus on port %s>" % self.http_port
428 return "<WebStatus on port %s and path %s>" % (self.http_port,
429 self.distrib_port)
431 def setServiceParent(self, parent):
432 service.MultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
433 self.setupSite()
435 def setupSite(self):
436 # this is responsible for creating the root resource. It isn't done
437 # at __init__ time because we need to reference the parent's basedir.
438 htmldir = os.path.join(self.parent.basedir, "public_html")
439 if not os.path.isdir(htmldir):
440 os.mkdir(htmldir)
441 root = static.File(htmldir)
442 log.msg("WebStatus using (%s)" % htmldir)
444 for name, child_resource in self.childrenToBeAdded.iteritems():
445 root.putChild(name, child_resource)
447 self.site.resource = root
449 def putChild(self, name, child_resource):
450 """This behaves a lot like root.putChild() . """
451 self.childrenToBeAdded[name] = child_resource
453 def getStatus(self):
454 return self.parent.getStatus()
455 def getControl(self):
456 if self.allowForce:
457 return IControl(self.parent)
458 return None
460 def getPortnum(self):
461 # this is for the benefit of unit tests
462 s = list(self)[0]
463 return s._port.getHost().port
465 # resources can get access to the IStatus by calling
466 # request.site.buildbot_service.getStatus()
468 # this is the compatibility class for the old waterfall. It is exactly like a
469 # regular WebStatus except that the root resource (e.g. http://buildbot.net/)
470 # always redirects to a WaterfallStatusResource, and the old arguments are
471 # mapped into the new resource-tree approach. In the normal WebStatus, the
472 # root resource either redirects the browser to /waterfall or serves
473 # BASEDIR/public_html/index.html, and favicon/robots.txt are provided by
474 # having the admin write actual files into BASEDIR/public_html/ .
476 # note: we don't use a util.Redirect here because HTTP requires that the
477 # Location: header provide an absolute URI, and it's non-trivial to figure
478 # out our absolute URI from here.
480 class Waterfall(WebStatus):
482 if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
483 # all 'data' files are in the directory of our executable
484 here = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
485 buildbot_icon = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "buildbot.png"))
486 buildbot_css = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "classic.css"))
487 else:
488 # running from source
489 # the icon is sibpath(__file__, "../buildbot.png") . This is for
490 # portability.
491 up = os.path.dirname
492 buildbot_icon = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(up(up(up(__file__))),
493 "buildbot.png"))
494 buildbot_css = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(up(__file__),
495 "classic.css"))
497 compare_attrs = ["http_port", "distrib_port", "allowForce",
498 "categories", "css", "favicon", "robots_txt"]
500 def __init__(self, http_port=None, distrib_port=None, allowForce=True,
501 categories=None, css=buildbot_css, favicon=buildbot_icon,
502 robots_txt=None):
503 WebStatus.__init__(self, http_port, distrib_port, allowForce)
504 self.css = css
505 if css:
506 data = open(css, "rb").read()
507 self.putChild("buildbot.css", static.Data(data, "text/plain"))
508 self.favicon = favicon
509 self.robots_txt = robots_txt
510 if favicon:
511 data = open(favicon, "rb").read()
512 self.putChild("favicon.ico", static.Data(data, "image/x-icon"))
513 if robots_txt:
514 data = open(robots_txt, "rb").read()
515 self.putChild("robots.txt", static.Data(data, "text/plain"))
516 self.putChild("", WaterfallStatusResource(categories))