Change dht init timing.
[brdnet.git] / sha1.pp
2 This file is part of the Free Pascal packages.
3 Copyright (c) 2009 by the Free Pascal development team
5 Implements a SHA-1 digest algorithm (RFC 3174)
7 See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
8 for details about the copyright.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 **********************************************************************}
16 unit sha1;
17 {$mode objfpc}{$h+}
19 interface
21 type
22 TSHA1Digest = array[0..19] of Byte;
24 TSHA1Context = record
25 State: array[0..4] of Cardinal;
26 Buffer: array[0..63] of Byte;
27 BufCnt: PtrUInt; { in current block, i.e. in range of 0..63 }
28 Length: QWord; { total count of bytes processed }
29 end;
31 { core }
32 procedure SHA1Init(out ctx: TSHA1Context);
33 procedure SHA1Update(var ctx: TSHA1Context; const Buf; BufLen: PtrUInt);
34 procedure SHA1Final(var ctx: TSHA1Context; out Digest: TSHA1Digest);
36 { auxiliary }
37 function SHA1String(const S: String): TSHA1Digest;
38 function SHA1Buffer(const Buf; BufLen: PtrUInt): TSHA1Digest;
39 function SHA1File(const Filename: String; const Bufsize: PtrUInt = 1024): TSHA1Digest;
41 { helpers }
42 function SHA1Print(const Digest: TSHA1Digest): String;
43 function SHA1Match(const Digest1, Digest2: TSHA1Digest): Boolean;
45 implementation
47 // inverts the bytes of (Count div 4) cardinals from source to target.
48 procedure Invert(Source, Dest: Pointer; Count: PtrUInt);
49 var
50 S: PByte;
51 T: PCardinal;
52 I: PtrUInt;
53 begin
54 S := Source;
55 T := Dest;
56 for I := 1 to (Count div 4) do
57 begin
58 T^ := S[3] or (S[2] shl 8) or (S[1] shl 16) or (S[0] shl 24);
59 inc(S,4);
60 inc(T);
61 end;
62 end;
64 procedure SHA1Init(out ctx: TSHA1Context);
65 begin
66 FillChar(ctx, sizeof(TSHA1Context), 0);
67 ctx.State[0] := $67452301;
68 ctx.State[1] := $efcdab89;
69 ctx.State[2] := $98badcfe;
70 ctx.State[3] := $10325476;
71 ctx.State[4] := $c3d2e1f0;
72 end;
74 const
75 K20 = $5A827999;
76 K40 = $6ED9EBA1;
77 K60 = $8F1BBCDC;
78 K80 = $CA62C1D6;
80 procedure SHA1Transform(var ctx: TSHA1Context; Buf: Pointer);
81 var
82 A, B, C, D, E, T: Cardinal;
83 Data: array[0..15] of Cardinal;
84 i: Integer;
85 begin
86 A := ctx.State[0];
87 B := ctx.State[1];
88 C := ctx.State[2];
89 D := ctx.State[3];
90 E := ctx.State[4];
91 Invert(Buf, @Data, 64);
92 {$push}
93 {$r-,q-}
94 i := 0;
95 repeat
96 T := (B and C) or (not B and D) + K20 + E;
97 E := D;
98 D := C;
99 C := rordword(B, 2);
100 B := A;
101 A := T + roldword(A, 5) + Data[i and 15];
102 Data[i and 15] := roldword(Data[i and 15] xor Data[(i+2) and 15] xor Data[(i+8) and 15] xor Data[(i+13) and 15], 1);
103 Inc(i);
104 until i > 19;
106 repeat
107 T := (B xor C xor D) + K40 + E;
108 E := D;
109 D := C;
110 C := rordword(B, 2);
111 B := A;
112 A := T + roldword(A, 5) + Data[i and 15];
113 Data[i and 15] := roldword(Data[i and 15] xor Data[(i+2) and 15] xor Data[(i+8) and 15] xor Data[(i+13) and 15], 1);
114 Inc(i);
115 until i > 39;
117 repeat
118 T := (B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D) + K60 + E;
119 E := D;
120 D := C;
121 C := rordword(B, 2);
122 B := A;
123 A := T + roldword(A, 5) + Data[i and 15];
124 Data[i and 15] := roldword(Data[i and 15] xor Data[(i+2) and 15] xor Data[(i+8) and 15] xor Data[(i+13) and 15], 1);
125 Inc(i);
126 until i > 59;
128 repeat
129 T := (B xor C xor D) + K80 + E;
130 E := D;
131 D := C;
132 C := rordword(B, 2);
133 B := A;
134 A := T + roldword(A, 5) + Data[i and 15];
135 Data[i and 15] := roldword(Data[i and 15] xor Data[(i+2) and 15] xor Data[(i+8) and 15] xor Data[(i+13) and 15], 1);
136 Inc(i);
137 until i > 79;
139 Inc(ctx.State[0], A);
140 Inc(ctx.State[1], B);
141 Inc(ctx.State[2], C);
142 Inc(ctx.State[3], D);
143 Inc(ctx.State[4], E);
144 {$pop}
145 Inc(ctx.Length,64);
146 end;
148 procedure SHA1Update(var ctx: TSHA1Context; const Buf; BufLen: PtrUInt);
150 Src: PByte;
151 Num: PtrUInt;
152 begin
153 if BufLen = 0 then
154 Exit;
156 Src := @Buf;
157 Num := 0;
159 // 1. Transform existing data in buffer
160 if ctx.BufCnt > 0 then
161 begin
162 // 1.1 Try to fill buffer up to block size
163 Num := 64 - ctx.BufCnt;
164 if Num > BufLen then
165 Num := BufLen;
167 Move(Src^, ctx.Buffer[ctx.BufCnt], Num);
168 Inc(ctx.BufCnt, Num);
169 Inc(Src, Num);
171 // 1.2 If buffer is filled, transform it
172 if ctx.BufCnt = 64 then
173 begin
174 SHA1Transform(ctx, @ctx.Buffer);
175 ctx.BufCnt := 0;
176 end;
177 end;
179 // 2. Transform input data in 64-byte blocks
180 Num := BufLen - Num;
181 while Num >= 64 do
182 begin
183 SHA1Transform(ctx, Src);
184 Inc(Src, 64);
185 Dec(Num, 64);
186 end;
188 // 3. If there's less than 64 bytes left, add it to buffer
189 if Num > 0 then
190 begin
191 ctx.BufCnt := Num;
192 Move(Src^, ctx.Buffer, Num);
193 end;
194 end;
196 const
197 PADDING: array[0..63] of Byte =
198 ($80,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
199 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
200 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
201 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
204 procedure SHA1Final(var ctx: TSHA1Context; out Digest: TSHA1Digest);
206 Length: QWord;
207 Pads: Cardinal;
208 begin
209 // 1. Compute length of the whole stream in bits
210 Length := 8 * (ctx.Length + ctx.BufCnt);
212 // 2. Append padding bits
213 if ctx.BufCnt >= 56 then
214 Pads := 120 - ctx.BufCnt
215 else
216 Pads := 56 - ctx.BufCnt;
217 SHA1Update(ctx, PADDING, Pads);
219 // 3. Append length of the stream (8 bytes)
220 Length := NtoBE(Length);
221 SHA1Update(ctx, Length, 8);
223 // 4. Invert state to digest
224 Invert(@ctx.State, @Digest, 20);
225 FillChar(ctx, sizeof(TSHA1Context), 0);
226 end;
228 function SHA1String(const S: String): TSHA1Digest;
230 Context: TSHA1Context;
231 begin
232 SHA1Init(Context);
233 SHA1Update(Context, PChar(S)^, length(S));
234 SHA1Final(Context, Result);
235 end;
237 function SHA1Buffer(const Buf; BufLen: PtrUInt): TSHA1Digest;
239 Context: TSHA1Context;
240 begin
241 SHA1Init(Context);
242 SHA1Update(Context, buf, buflen);
243 SHA1Final(Context, Result);
244 end;
246 function SHA1File(const Filename: String; const Bufsize: PtrUInt): TSHA1Digest;
248 F: File;
249 Buf: Pchar;
250 Context: TSHA1Context;
251 Count: Cardinal;
252 ofm: Longint;
253 begin
254 SHA1Init(Context);
256 Assign(F, Filename);
257 {$i-}
258 ofm := FileMode;
259 FileMode := 0;
260 Reset(F, 1);
261 {$i+}
263 if IOResult = 0 then
264 begin
265 GetMem(Buf, BufSize);
266 repeat
267 BlockRead(F, Buf^, Bufsize, Count);
268 if Count > 0 then
269 SHA1Update(Context, Buf^, Count);
270 until Count < BufSize;
271 FreeMem(Buf, BufSize);
272 Close(F);
273 end;
275 SHA1Final(Context, Result);
276 FileMode := ofm;
277 end;
279 const
280 HexTbl: array[0..15] of char='0123456789abcdef'; // lowercase
282 function SHA1Print(const Digest: TSHA1Digest): String;
284 I: Integer;
285 P: PChar;
286 begin
287 SetLength(Result, 40);
288 P := Pointer(Result);
289 for I := 0 to 19 do
290 begin
291 P[0] := HexTbl[(Digest[i] shr 4) and 15];
292 P[1] := HexTbl[Digest[i] and 15];
293 Inc(P,2);
294 end;
295 end;
297 function SHA1Match(const Digest1, Digest2: TSHA1Digest): Boolean;
299 A: array[0..4] of Cardinal absolute Digest1;
300 B: array[0..4] of Cardinal absolute Digest2;
301 begin
302 Result := (A[0] = B[0]) and (A[1] = B[1]) and (A[2] = B[2]) and (A[3] = B[3]) and (A[4] = B[4]);
303 end;
305 end.