Release 0.9.3
[bordeaux-threads.git] / apiv2 / impl-allegro.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
3 (in-package :bordeaux-threads-2)
5 #-(version>= 9)
6 (error 'bordeaux-threads-error
7 :message "Threading not supported")
9 ;;;
10 ;;; Threads
11 ;;;
13 (deftype native-thread ()
14 'mp:process)
16 (defun %start-multiprocessing ()
17 (mp:start-scheduler))
19 (defun %make-thread (function name)
20 (mp:process-run-function name function))
22 (defun %current-thread ()
23 mp:*current-process*)
25 (defun %thread-name (thread)
26 (mp:process-name thread))
28 (defun %join-thread (thread)
29 #+smp
30 (mp:process-join thread)
31 #-smp
32 (mp:process-wait (format nil "Waiting for thread ~A to complete" thread)
33 (complement #'mp:process-alive-p)
34 thread))
36 (defun %thread-yield ()
37 (mp:process-allow-schedule))
39 ;;;
40 ;;; Introspection/debugging
41 ;;;
43 (defun %all-threads ()
44 mp:*all-processes*)
46 (defun %interrupt-thread (thread function)
47 (mp:process-interrupt thread function))
49 (defun %destroy-thread (thread)
50 (mp:process-kill thread))
52 (defun %thread-alive-p (thread)
53 (mp:process-alive-p thread))
56 ;;;
57 ;;; Non-recursive locks
58 ;;;
60 (deftype native-lock () 'mp:process-lock)
62 (defun %make-lock (name)
63 (mp:make-process-lock :name name))
65 (defun %acquire-lock (lock waitp timeout)
66 (mp:process-lock lock mp:*current-process* "Lock"
67 (if waitp timeout 0)))
69 (defun %release-lock (lock)
70 (mp:process-unlock lock))
72 (defmacro %with-lock ((place timeout) &body body)
73 `(mp:with-process-lock (,place :timeout ,timeout :norecursive t)
74 ,@body))
76 ;;;
77 ;;; Recursive locks
78 ;;;
80 (deftype native-recursive-lock () 'mp:process-lock)
82 (defun %make-recursive-lock (name)
83 (mp:make-process-lock :name name))
85 (mark-not-implemented 'acquire-recursive-lock)
86 (defun %acquire-recursive-lock (lock waitp timeout)
87 (declare (ignore lock waitp timeout))
88 (signal-not-implemented 'acquire-recursive-lock))
90 (mark-not-implemented 'release-recursive-lock)
91 (defun %release-recursive-lock (lock)
92 (declare (ignore lock))
93 (signal-not-implemented 'release-recursive-lock))
95 (defmacro %with-recursive-lock ((place timeout) &body body)
96 `(mp:with-process-lock (,place :timeout ,timeout)
97 ,@body))
101 ;;; Timeouts
104 (defmacro with-timeout ((timeout) &body body)
105 (once-only (timeout)
106 `(mp:with-timeout (,timeout (error 'timeout :length ,timeout))
107 ,@body)))
111 ;;; Semaphores
114 (defstruct (semaphore
115 (:constructor %%make-semaphore (name)))
116 "Bordeaux-threads implementation of semaphores."
117 name
118 (gate (mp:make-gate nil)))
120 (defmethod print-object ((sem semaphore) stream)
121 (print-unreadable-object (sem stream :type t :identity t)
122 (format stream "~S" (semaphore-name sem))))
124 (defun %make-semaphore (name count)
125 (let ((sem (%%make-semaphore name)))
126 (%signal-semaphore sem count)
127 sem))
129 (defun %signal-semaphore (semaphore count)
130 (dotimes (i count)
131 (mp:put-semaphore (semaphore-gate semaphore))))
133 (defun %wait-on-semaphore (semaphore timeout)
134 (cond
135 (timeout
136 ;; Timeouts that are too small expire immediately.
137 ;; 100ms should suffice.
138 (when (< timeout 0.1)
139 (setf timeout 0.1))
140 (handler-case
141 (with-timeout (timeout)
142 (mp:get-semaphore (semaphore-gate semaphore))
144 (timeout () nil)))
146 (mp:get-semaphore (semaphore-gate semaphore))
147 t)))
151 ;;; Condition variables
154 (deftype condition-variable ()
155 'mp:condition-variable)
157 (defun %make-condition-variable (name)
158 (mp:make-condition-variable :name name))
160 (defun %condition-wait (cv lock timeout)
161 (mp:condition-variable-wait cv lock :timeout timeout))
163 (defun %condition-notify (cv)
164 (mp:condition-variable-signal cv))
166 (defun %condition-broadcast (cv)
167 (mp:condition-variable-broadcast cv))