Remove deprecation warnings
[bordeaux-threads.git] / apiv1 / impl-clasp.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
3 #|
4 Copyright 2006, 2007 Greg Pfeil
6 Distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file)
7 |#
9 (in-package #:bordeaux-threads)
11 ;;; documentation on the ECL Multiprocessing interface can be found at
12 ;;;
14 (deftype thread ()
15 'mp:process)
17 ;;; Thread Creation
19 (defun %make-thread (function name)
20 (mp:process-run-function name function bordeaux-threads:*default-special-bindings*))
22 (defun current-thread ()
23 mp:*current-process*)
25 (defun threadp (object)
26 (typep object 'mp:process))
28 (defun thread-name (thread)
29 (mp:process-name thread))
31 ;;; Resource contention: locks and recursive locks
33 (deftype lock () 'mp:mutex)
35 (deftype recursive-lock ()
36 '(and mp:mutex (satisfies mp:recursive-lock-p)))
38 (defun lock-p (object)
39 (typep object 'mp:mutex))
41 (defun recursive-lock-p (object)
42 (and (typep object 'mp:mutex)
43 (mp:recursive-lock-p object)))
45 (defun make-lock (&optional name)
46 (mp:make-lock :name (or name :anonymous)))
48 (defun acquire-lock (lock &optional (wait-p t))
49 (mp:get-lock lock wait-p))
51 (defun release-lock (lock)
52 (mp:giveup-lock lock))
55 (defmacro with-lock-held ((place) &body body)
56 `(mp:with-lock (,place) ,@body))
58 (defun make-recursive-lock (&optional name)
59 (mp:make-recursive-mutex (or name :anonymous-recursive-lock)))
61 (defun acquire-recursive-lock (lock &optional (wait-p t))
62 (mp:get-lock lock wait-p))
64 (defun release-recursive-lock (lock)
65 (mp:giveup-lock lock))
67 (defmacro with-recursive-lock-held ((place) &body body)
68 `(mp:with-lock (,place) ,@body))
70 ;;; Resource contention: condition variables
72 (defun make-condition-variable (&key name)
73 (declare (ignore name))
74 (mp:make-condition-variable))
76 (defun condition-wait (condition-variable lock &key timeout)
77 (if timeout
78 (mp:condition-variable-timedwait condition-variable lock timeout)
79 (mp:condition-variable-wait condition-variable lock))
82 (defun condition-notify (condition-variable)
83 (mp:condition-variable-signal condition-variable))
85 (defun thread-yield ()
86 (mp:process-yield))
88 ;;; Introspection/debugging
90 (defun all-threads ()
91 (mp:all-processes))
93 (defun interrupt-thread (thread function &rest args)
94 (flet ((apply-function ()
95 (if args
96 (named-lambda %interrupt-thread-wrapper ()
97 (apply function args))
98 function)))
99 (declare (dynamic-extent #'apply-function))
100 (mp:interrupt-process thread (apply-function))))
102 (defun destroy-thread (thread)
103 (signal-error-if-current-thread thread)
104 (mp:process-kill thread))
106 (defun thread-alive-p (thread)
107 (mp:process-active-p thread))
109 (defun join-thread (thread)
110 (mp:process-join thread))
112 (mark-supported)