Allegro: force minimum timeout for WAIT-ON-SEMAPHORE
[bordeaux-threads.git] / test / tests-v1.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: CL-USER -*-
2 ;;;; The above modeline is required for Genera. Do not change.
4 #|
5 Copyright 2006,2007 Greg Pfeil
7 Distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file)
8 |#
10 (defpackage bordeaux-threads/test
11 (:use #:cl #:bordeaux-threads #:fiveam)
12 (:shadow #:with-timeout))
14 (in-package #:bordeaux-threads/test)
16 (def-suite :bordeaux-threads)
17 (def-fixture using-lock ()
18 (let ((lock (make-lock)))
19 (&body)))
20 (in-suite :bordeaux-threads)
22 (test should-have-current-thread
23 (is (current-thread)))
25 (test current-thread-identity
26 (let* ((box (list nil))
27 (thread (make-thread (lambda ()
28 (setf (car box) (current-thread))))))
29 (join-thread thread)
30 (is (eql (car box) thread))))
32 (test current-thread-eql
33 (is (eql (current-thread)
34 (current-thread))))
36 (test join-thread-return-value
37 (is (eql 0 (join-thread (make-thread (lambda () 0))))))
39 (test should-identify-threads-correctly
40 (is (threadp (current-thread)))
41 (is (threadp (make-thread (lambda () t) :name "foo")))
42 (is (not (threadp (make-lock)))))
44 (test should-retrieve-thread-name
45 (is (equal "foo" (thread-name (make-thread (lambda () t) :name "foo")))))
47 (test interrupt-thread
48 (let* ((box (list nil))
49 (thread (make-thread (lambda ()
50 (setf (car box)
51 (catch 'new-thread
52 (sleep 60)
53 'not-interrupted))))))
54 (sleep 1)
55 (interrupt-thread thread (lambda ()
56 (throw 'new-thread 'interrupted)))
57 (join-thread thread)
58 (is (eql 'interrupted (car box)))))
60 (test should-lock-without-contention
61 (with-fixture using-lock ()
62 (is (acquire-lock lock t))
63 (release-lock lock)
64 (is (acquire-lock lock nil))
65 (release-lock lock)))
67 #-(or allegro sbcl)
68 (def-test acquire-recursive-lock ()
69 (let ((test-lock (make-recursive-lock))
70 (results (make-array 4 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
71 (results-lock (make-lock))
72 (threads ()))
73 (flet ((add-result (r)
74 (with-lock-held (results-lock)
75 (vector-push-extend r results))))
76 (dotimes (i 2)
77 (push (make-thread
78 #'(lambda ()
79 (when (acquire-recursive-lock test-lock)
80 (unwind-protect
81 (progn
82 (add-result :enter)
83 (sleep 1)
84 (add-result :leave))
85 (release-recursive-lock test-lock)))))
86 threads)))
87 (map 'nil #'join-thread threads)
88 (is (equalp results #(:enter :leave :enter :leave)))))
90 (defun set-equal (set-a set-b)
91 (and (null (set-difference set-a set-b))
92 (null (set-difference set-b set-a))))
94 (test default-special-bindings
95 (locally (declare (special *a* *c*))
96 (let* ((the-as 50) (the-bs 150) (*b* 42)
97 some-a some-b some-other-a some-other-b
98 (*default-special-bindings*
99 `((*a* . (funcall ,(lambda () (incf the-as))))
100 (*b* . (funcall ,(lambda () (incf the-bs))))
101 ,@*default-special-bindings*))
102 (threads (list (make-thread
103 (lambda ()
104 (setf some-a *a* some-b *b*)))
105 (make-thread
106 (lambda ()
107 (setf some-other-a *a*
108 some-other-b *b*))))))
109 (declare (special *b*))
110 (thread-yield)
111 (is (not (boundp '*a*)))
112 (loop while (some #'thread-alive-p threads)
113 do (thread-yield))
114 (is (set-equal (list some-a some-other-a) '(51 52)))
115 (is (set-equal (list some-b some-other-b) '(151 152)))
116 (is (not (boundp '*a*))))))
119 (defparameter *shared* 0)
120 (defparameter *lock* (make-lock))
122 (test should-have-thread-interaction
123 ;; this simple test generates N process. Each process grabs and
124 ;; releases the lock until SHARED has some value, it then
125 ;; increments SHARED. the outer code first sets shared 1 which
126 ;; gets the thing running and then waits for SHARED to reach some
127 ;; value. this should, i think, stress test locks.
128 (setf *shared* 0)
129 (flet ((worker (i)
130 (loop
131 do (with-lock-held (*lock*)
132 (when (= i *shared*)
133 (incf *shared*)
134 (return)))
135 (thread-yield)
136 (sleep 0.001))))
137 (let* ((procs (loop
138 for i from 1 upto 2
139 ;; create a new binding to protect against implementations that
140 ;; mutate instead of binding the loop variable
141 collect (let ((i i))
142 (make-thread (lambda ()
143 (funcall #'worker i))
144 :name (format nil "Proc #~D" i))))))
145 (with-lock-held (*lock*)
146 (incf *shared*))
147 (block test
148 (loop
149 until (with-lock-held (*lock*)
150 (= (1+ (length procs)) *shared*))
151 do (with-lock-held (*lock*)
152 (is (>= (1+ (length procs)) *shared*)))
153 (thread-yield)
154 (sleep 0.001))))))
157 ;; Generally safe sanity check for the locks and single-notify
158 #+(and lispworks (or lispworks4 lispworks5))
159 (test condition-variable-lw
160 (let ((condition-variable (make-condition-variable :name "Test"))
161 (test-lock (make-lock))
162 (completed nil))
163 (dotimes (id 6)
164 (let ((id id))
165 (make-thread (lambda ()
166 (with-lock-held (test-lock)
167 (condition-wait condition-variable test-lock)
168 (push id completed)
169 (condition-notify condition-variable))))))
170 (sleep 2)
171 (if completed
172 (print "Failed: Premature passage through condition-wait")
173 (print "Successfully waited on condition"))
174 (condition-notify condition-variable)
175 (sleep 2)
176 (if (and completed
177 (eql (length completed) 6)
178 (equal (sort completed #'<)
179 (loop for id from 0 to 5 collect id)))
180 (print "Success: All elements notified")
181 (print (format nil "Failed: Of 6 expected elements, only ~A proceeded" completed)))
182 (bt::with-cv-access condition-variable
183 (if (and
184 (not (or (car wait-tlist) (cdr wait-tlist)))
185 (zerop (hash-table-count wait-hash))
186 (zerop (hash-table-count unconsumed-notifications)))
187 (print "Success: condition variable restored to initial state")
188 (print "Error: condition variable retains residue from completed waiters")))
189 (setq completed nil)
190 (dotimes (id 6)
191 (let ((id id))
192 (make-thread (lambda ()
193 (with-lock-held (test-lock)
194 (condition-wait condition-variable test-lock)
195 (push id completed))))))
196 (sleep 2)
197 (condition-notify condition-variable)
198 (sleep 2)
199 (if (= (length completed) 1)
200 (print "Success: Notify-single only notified a single waiter to restart")
201 (format t "Failure: Notify-single restarted ~A items" (length completed)))
202 (condition-notify condition-variable)
203 (sleep 2)
204 (if (= (length completed) 2)
205 (print "Success: second Notify-single only notified a single waiter to restart")
206 (format t "Failure: Two Notify-singles restarted ~A items" (length completed)))
207 (loop for i from 0 to 5 do (condition-notify condition-variable))
208 (print "Note: In the case of any failures, assume there are outstanding waiting threads")
209 (values)))
211 #+(or abcl allegro clisp clozure ecl genera lispworks6 mezzano sbcl scl)
212 (test condition-wait-timeout
213 (let ((lock (make-lock))
214 (cvar (make-condition-variable))
215 (flag nil))
216 (make-thread (lambda () (sleep 0.4) (setf flag t)))
217 (with-lock-held (lock)
218 (condition-wait cvar lock :timeout 0.2)
219 (is (null flag))
220 (sleep 0.4)
221 (is (eq t flag)))))
223 (test semaphore-signal
224 (let ((sem (make-semaphore)))
225 (make-thread (lambda () (sleep 0.4) (signal-semaphore sem)))
226 (is (not (null (wait-on-semaphore sem))))))
228 (test semaphore-signal-n-of-m
229 (let* ((sem (make-semaphore :count 1))
230 (lock (make-lock))
231 (count 0)
232 (waiter (lambda ()
233 (wait-on-semaphore sem)
234 (with-lock-held (lock) (incf count)))))
235 (make-thread (lambda () (sleep 0.2) (signal-semaphore sem :count 3)))
236 (dotimes (v 5) (make-thread waiter))
237 (sleep 0.3)
238 (is (= count 4))
239 ;; release other waiters
240 (signal-semaphore sem :count 10)
241 (sleep 0.1)
242 (is (= count 5))))
244 (test semaphore-wait-timeout
245 (let ((sem (make-semaphore))
246 (flag nil))
247 (make-thread (lambda () (sleep 3) (setf flag t)))
248 (is (null (wait-on-semaphore sem :timeout 0.2)))
249 (is (eql nil flag))
250 (sleep 5)
251 (is (eql t flag))))
253 (test semaphore-typed
254 (is (typep (bt:make-semaphore) 'bt:semaphore))
255 (is (bt:semaphore-p (bt:make-semaphore)))
256 (is (null (bt:semaphore-p (bt:make-lock)))))
258 (test with-timeout-return-value
259 (is (eql :foo (bt:with-timeout (5) :foo))))
261 (test with-timeout-signals
262 (signals timeout (bt:with-timeout (1) (sleep 5))))
264 (test with-timeout-non-interference
265 (flet ((sleep-with-timeout (s)
266 (bt:with-timeout (4) (sleep s))))
267 (finishes
268 (progn
269 (sleep-with-timeout 3)
270 (sleep-with-timeout 3)))))