The custom LW condvar implementation is only for version 4 and 5
[bordeaux-threads.git] / src / impl-lispworks-condition-variables.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
3 (in-package #:bordeaux-threads)
5 ;; Lispworks condition support is simulated, albeit via a lightweight wrapper over
6 ;; its own polling-based wait primitive. Waiters register with the condition variable,
7 ;; and use MP:process-wait which queries for permission to proceed at its own (usspecified) interval.
8 ;;
9 ;; A wakeup callback (on notify) is provided to lighten this query to not have to do a hash lookup
10 ;; on every poll (or have to serialize on the condition variable) and a mechanism is put
11 ;; in place to unregister any waiter that exits wait for other reasons,
12 ;; and to resend any (single) notification that may have been consumed before this (corner
13 ;; case). Much of the complexity present is to support single notification (as recommended in
14 ;; the spec); but a distinct condition-notify-all is provided for reference.
15 ;; Single-notification follows a first-in first-out ordering
17 ;; Performance: With 1000 threads waiting on one condition-variable, the steady-state hit (at least
18 ;; as tested on a 3GHz Win32 box) is noise - hovering at 0% on Task manager.
19 ;; While not true zero like a true native solution, the use of the Lispworks native checks appear
20 ;; fast enough to be an equivalent substitute (thread count will cause issue before the
21 ;; waiting overhead becomes significant)
22 (defstruct (condition-variable (:constructor make-lw-condition (name)))
23 name
24 (lock (mp:make-lock :name "For condition-variable") :type mp:lock :read-only t)
25 (wait-tlist (cons nil nil) :type cons :read-only t)
26 (wait-hash (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table :read-only t)
27 ;; unconsumed-notifications is to track :remove-from-consideration
28 ;; for entries that may have exited prematurely - notification is sent through
29 ;; to someone else, and offender is removed from hash and list
30 (unconsumed-notifications (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table :read-only t))
32 (defun make-condition-variable (&key name)
33 (make-lw-condition name))
35 (defmacro with-cv-access (condition-variable &body body)
36 (let ((cv-sym (gensym))
37 (slots '(lock wait-tlist wait-hash unconsumed-notifications)))
38 `(let ((,cv-sym ,condition-variable))
39 (with-slots ,slots
40 ,cv-sym
41 (macrolet ((locked (&body body) `(mp:with-lock (lock) ,@body)))
42 (labels ((,(gensym) () ,@slots))) ; Trigger expansion of the symbol-macrolets to ignore
43 ,@body)))))
45 (defmacro defcvfun (function-name (condition-variable &rest args) &body body)
46 `(defun ,function-name (,condition-variable ,@args)
47 (with-cv-access ,condition-variable
48 ,@body)))
49 #+lispworks (editor:setup-indent "defcvfun" 2 2 7) ; indent defcvfun
51 ; utility function thath assumes process is locked on condition-variable's lock.
52 (defcvfun do-notify-single (condition-variable) ; assumes already locked
53 (let ((id (caar wait-tlist)))
54 (when id
55 (pop (car wait-tlist))
56 (unless (car wait-tlist) ; check for empty
57 (setf (cdr wait-tlist) nil))
58 (funcall (gethash id wait-hash)) ; call waiter-wakeup
59 (remhash id wait-hash) ; absence of entry = permission to proceed
60 (setf (gethash id unconsumed-notifications) t))))
62 ;; Added for completeness/to show how it's done in this paradigm; but
63 ;; The symbol for this call is not exposed in the api
64 (defcvfun condition-notify-all (condition-variable)
65 (locked
66 (loop for waiter-wakeup being the hash-values in wait-hash do (funcall waiter-wakeup))
67 (clrhash wait-hash)
68 (clrhash unconsumed-notifications) ; don't care as everyone just got notified
69 (setf (car wait-tlist) nil)
70 (setf (cdr wait-tlist) nil)))
72 ;; Currently implemented so as to notify only one waiting thread
73 (defcvfun condition-notify (condition-variable)
74 (locked (do-notify-single condition-variable)))
76 (defun delete-from-tlist (tlist element)
77 (let ((deleter
78 (lambda ()
79 (setf (car tlist) (cdar tlist))
80 (unless (car tlist)
81 (setf (cdr tlist) nil)))))
82 (loop for cons in (car tlist) do
83 (if (eq element (car cons))
84 (progn
85 (funcall deleter)
86 (return nil))
87 (let ((cons cons))
88 (setq deleter
89 (lambda ()
90 (setf (cdr cons) (cddr cons))
91 (unless (cdr cons)
92 (setf (cdr tlist) cons)))))))))
94 (defun add-to-tlist-tail (tlist element)
95 (let ((new-link (cons element nil)))
96 (cond
97 ((car tlist)
98 (setf (cddr tlist) new-link)
99 (setf (cdr tlist) new-link))
101 (setf (car tlist) new-link)
102 (setf (cdr tlist) new-link)))))
104 (defcvfun condition-wait (condition-variable lock- &key timeout)
105 (signal-error-if-condition-wait-timeout timeout)
106 (mp:process-unlock lock-)
107 (unwind-protect ; for the re-taking of the lock. Guarding all of the code
108 (let ((wakeup-allowed-to-proceed nil)
109 (wakeup-lock (mp:make-lock :name "wakeup lock for condition-wait")))
110 ;; wakeup-allowed-to-proceed is an optimisation to avoid having to serialize all waiters and
111 ;; search the hashtable. That it is locked is for safety/completeness, although
112 ;; as wakeup-allowed-to-proceed only transitions nil -> t, and that missing it once or twice is
113 ;; moot in this situation, it would be redundant even if ever a Lispworks implementation ever became
114 ;; non-atomic in its assigments
115 (let ((id (cons nil nil))
116 (clean-exit nil))
117 (locked
118 (add-to-tlist-tail wait-tlist id)
119 (setf (gethash id wait-hash) (lambda () (mp:with-lock (wakeup-lock) (setq wakeup-allowed-to-proceed t)))))
120 (unwind-protect
121 (progn
122 (mp:process-wait
123 "Waiting for notification"
124 (lambda ()
125 (when (mp:with-lock (wakeup-lock) wakeup-allowed-to-proceed)
126 (locked (not (gethash id wait-hash))))))
127 (locked (remhash id unconsumed-notifications))
128 (setq clean-exit t)) ; Notification was consumed
129 ;; Have to call remove-from-consideration just in case process was interrupted
130 ;; rather than having condition met
131 (unless clean-exit ; clean-exit is just an optimization
132 (locked
133 (when (gethash id wait-hash) ; not notified - must have been interrupted
134 ;; Have to unsubscribe
135 (remhash id wait-hash)
136 (delete-from-tlist wait-tlist id))
137 ;; note - it's possible to be removed from wait-hash/wait-tlist (in notify-single); but still have an unconsumed notification!
138 (when (gethash id unconsumed-notifications) ; Must have exited for reasons unrelated to notification
139 (remhash id unconsumed-notifications) ; Have to pass on the notification to an eligible waiter
140 (do-notify-single condition-variable)))))))
141 (mp:process-lock lock-))
144 (define-condition-wait-compiler-macro)