Update scripts to account for removal of the context override to bpy.ops
[blender-addons.git] / curve_tools / mathematics.py
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 from mathutils import *
6 def IsSamePoint(v31, v32, limitDistance):
7 if (v31 - v32).magnitude < limitDistance: return True
9 return False
12 class Plane:
13 @staticmethod
14 def XY():
15 p1 = Vector((0, 0, 0))
16 p2 = Vector((1, 0, 0))
17 p3 = Vector((0, 1, 0))
19 return Plane(p1, p2, p3)
22 # plane equation: (p - position).dot(normal) = 0
23 def __init__(self, P1, P2, P3):
24 self.normal = (P2 - P1).cross(P3 - P1)
25 self.normal.normalize()
27 self.position = P1
30 def CalcIntersectionPointLineSegment(self, PL1, PL2):
31 DL = PL2 - PL1
33 try: rvPar = ((self.position - PL1).dot(self.normal)) / (DL.dot(self.normal))
34 except: return None
36 return rvPar
39 def CalcNormalParameter(self, vector):
40 return (vector - self.position).dot(self.normal)
43 def CalcProjection(self, vector):
44 normalParameter = self.CalcNormalParameter(vector)
46 rvv3 = vector - (self.normal * normalParameter)
48 return [normalParameter, rvv3]
52 # http://geomalgorithms.com/a07-_distance.html
53 def CalcClosestPointLineSegments(v3P0, v3P1, v3Q0, v3Q1):
54 u = v3P1 - v3P0
55 v = v3Q1 - v3Q0
57 w0 = v3P0 - v3Q0
58 a = u.dot(u)
59 b = u.dot(v)
60 c = v.dot(v)
61 d = u.dot(w0)
62 e = v.dot(w0)
65 try: parP = (b * e - c * d) / (a * c - b * b)
66 except: return None
68 try: parQ = (a * e - b * d) / (a * c - b * b)
69 except: return None
72 return [parP, parQ]
75 def CalcIntersectionPointLineSegments(v3P0, v3P1, v3Q0, v3Q1, limitDistance):
76 rvList = CalcClosestPointLineSegments(v3P0, v3P1, v3Q0, v3Q1)
77 if rvList is None: return None
80 parP = rvList[0]
81 if parP < 0.0: return None
82 if parP > 1.0: return None
84 parQ = rvList[1]
85 if parQ < 0.0: return None
86 if parQ > 1.0: return None
89 pointP = v3P0 + ((v3P1 - v3P0) * parP)
90 pointQ = v3Q0 + ((v3Q1 - v3Q0) * parQ)
91 if not IsSamePoint(pointP, pointQ, limitDistance): return None
93 return [parP, parQ, pointP, pointQ]
96 def CalcIntersectionPointsLineSegmentsPOV(v3P0, v3P1, v3Q0, v3Q1, v3POV):
97 planeQ = Plane(v3POV, v3Q0, v3Q1)
98 parP = planeQ.CalcIntersectionPointLineSegment(v3P0, v3P1)
99 if parP is None: return None
100 if parP < 0.0: return None
101 if parP > 1.0: return None
103 planeP = Plane(v3POV, v3P0, v3P1)
104 parQ = planeP.CalcIntersectionPointLineSegment(v3Q0, v3Q1)
105 if parQ is None: return None
106 if parQ < 0.0: return None
107 if parQ > 1.0: return None
109 return [parP, parQ]
112 def CalcIntersectionPointsLineSegmentsDIR(v3P0, v3P1, v3Q0, v3Q1, v3DIR):
113 v3POV = v3Q0 + v3DIR
114 planeQ = Plane(v3POV, v3Q0, v3Q1)
115 parP = planeQ.CalcIntersectionPointLineSegment(v3P0, v3P1)
116 if parP is None: return None
117 if parP < 0.0: return None
118 if parP > 1.0: return None
120 v3POV = v3P0 + v3DIR
121 planeP = Plane(v3POV, v3P0, v3P1)
122 parQ = planeP.CalcIntersectionPointLineSegment(v3Q0, v3Q1)
123 if parQ is None: return None
124 if parQ < 0.0: return None
125 if parQ > 1.0: return None
127 return [parP, parQ]
131 def CalcRotationMatrix(v3From, v3To):
132 cross = v3From.cross(v3To)
134 try: angle = v3From.angle(v3To)
135 except: return Matrix.Identity(4)
137 return Matrix.Rotation(angle, 4, cross) # normalize axis?
140 def subdivide_cubic_bezier(p1, p2, p3, p4, t):
141 p12 = (p2 - p1) * t + p1
142 p23 = (p3 - p2) * t + p2
143 p34 = (p4 - p3) * t + p3
144 p123 = (p23 - p12) * t + p12
145 p234 = (p34 - p23) * t + p23
146 p1234 = (p234 - p123) * t + p123
147 return [p12, p123, p1234, p234, p34]