object_collection_manager: use GPL headers for all files
[blender-addons.git] / magic_uv / common.py
1 # <pep8-80 compliant>
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
21 __author__ = "Nutti <nutti.metro@gmail.com>"
22 __status__ = "production"
23 __version__ = "6.2"
24 __date__ = "31 Jul 2019"
26 from collections import defaultdict
27 from pprint import pprint
28 from math import fabs, sqrt
29 import os
31 import bpy
32 from mathutils import Vector
33 import bmesh
35 from .utils import compatibility as compat
38 __DEBUG_MODE = False
41 def is_console_mode():
42 if "MUV_CONSOLE_MODE" not in os.environ:
43 return False
44 return os.environ["MUV_CONSOLE_MODE"] == "true"
47 def is_debug_mode():
48 return __DEBUG_MODE
51 def enable_debugg_mode():
52 # pylint: disable=W0603
53 global __DEBUG_MODE
54 __DEBUG_MODE = True
57 def disable_debug_mode():
58 # pylint: disable=W0603
59 global __DEBUG_MODE
60 __DEBUG_MODE = False
63 def debug_print(*s):
64 """
65 Print message to console in debugging mode
66 """
68 if is_debug_mode():
69 pprint(s)
72 def check_version(major, minor, _):
73 """
74 Check blender version
75 """
77 if bpy.app.version[0] == major and bpy.app.version[1] == minor:
78 return 0
79 if bpy.app.version[0] > major:
80 return 1
81 if bpy.app.version[1] > minor:
82 return 1
83 return -1
86 def redraw_all_areas():
87 """
88 Redraw all areas
89 """
91 for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
92 area.tag_redraw()
95 def get_space(area_type, region_type, space_type):
96 """
97 Get current area/region/space
98 """
100 area = None
101 region = None
102 space = None
104 for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
105 if area.type == area_type:
106 break
107 else:
108 return (None, None, None)
109 for region in area.regions:
110 if region.type == region_type:
111 if compat.check_version(2, 80, 0) >= 0:
112 if region.width <= 1 or region.height <= 1:
113 continue
114 break
115 else:
116 return (area, None, None)
117 for space in area.spaces:
118 if space.type == space_type:
119 break
120 else:
121 return (area, region, None)
123 return (area, region, space)
126 def mouse_on_region(event, area_type, region_type):
127 pos = Vector((event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y))
129 _, region, _ = get_space(area_type, region_type, "")
130 if region is None:
131 return False
133 if (pos.x > region.x) and (pos.x < region.x + region.width) and \
134 (pos.y > region.y) and (pos.y < region.y + region.height):
135 return True
137 return False
140 def mouse_on_area(event, area_type):
141 pos = Vector((event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y))
143 area, _, _ = get_space(area_type, "", "")
144 if area is None:
145 return False
147 if (pos.x > area.x) and (pos.x < area.x + area.width) and \
148 (pos.y > area.y) and (pos.y < area.y + area.height):
149 return True
151 return False
154 def mouse_on_regions(event, area_type, regions):
155 if not mouse_on_area(event, area_type):
156 return False
158 for region in regions:
159 result = mouse_on_region(event, area_type, region)
160 if result:
161 return True
163 return False
166 def create_bmesh(obj):
167 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
168 if check_version(2, 73, 0) >= 0:
169 bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
171 return bm
174 def create_new_uv_map(obj, name=None):
175 uv_maps_old = {l.name for l in obj.data.uv_layers}
176 bpy.ops.mesh.uv_texture_add()
177 uv_maps_new = {l.name for l in obj.data.uv_layers}
178 diff = uv_maps_new - uv_maps_old
180 if not list(diff):
181 return None # no more UV maps can not be created
183 # rename UV map
184 new = obj.data.uv_layers[list(diff)[0]]
185 if name:
186 new.name = name
188 return new
191 def __get_island_info(uv_layer, islands):
193 get information about each island
196 island_info = []
197 for isl in islands:
198 info = {}
199 max_uv = Vector((-10000000.0, -10000000.0))
200 min_uv = Vector((10000000.0, 10000000.0))
201 ave_uv = Vector((0.0, 0.0))
202 num_uv = 0
203 for face in isl:
204 n = 0
205 a = Vector((0.0, 0.0))
206 ma = Vector((-10000000.0, -10000000.0))
207 mi = Vector((10000000.0, 10000000.0))
208 for l in face['face'].loops:
209 uv = l[uv_layer].uv
210 ma.x = max(uv.x, ma.x)
211 ma.y = max(uv.y, ma.y)
212 mi.x = min(uv.x, mi.x)
213 mi.y = min(uv.y, mi.y)
214 a = a + uv
215 n = n + 1
216 ave_uv = ave_uv + a
217 num_uv = num_uv + n
218 a = a / n
219 max_uv.x = max(ma.x, max_uv.x)
220 max_uv.y = max(ma.y, max_uv.y)
221 min_uv.x = min(mi.x, min_uv.x)
222 min_uv.y = min(mi.y, min_uv.y)
223 face['max_uv'] = ma
224 face['min_uv'] = mi
225 face['ave_uv'] = a
226 ave_uv = ave_uv / num_uv
228 info['center'] = ave_uv
229 info['size'] = max_uv - min_uv
230 info['num_uv'] = num_uv
231 info['group'] = -1
232 info['faces'] = isl
233 info['max'] = max_uv
234 info['min'] = min_uv
236 island_info.append(info)
238 return island_info
241 def __parse_island(bm, face_idx, faces_left, island,
242 face_to_verts, vert_to_faces):
244 Parse island
247 if face_idx in faces_left:
248 faces_left.remove(face_idx)
249 island.append({'face': bm.faces[face_idx]})
250 for v in face_to_verts[face_idx]:
251 connected_faces = vert_to_faces[v]
252 if connected_faces:
253 for cf in connected_faces:
254 __parse_island(bm, cf, faces_left, island, face_to_verts,
255 vert_to_faces)
258 def __get_island(bm, face_to_verts, vert_to_faces):
260 Get island list
263 uv_island_lists = []
264 faces_left = set(face_to_verts.keys())
265 while faces_left:
266 current_island = []
267 face_idx = list(faces_left)[0]
268 __parse_island(bm, face_idx, faces_left, current_island,
269 face_to_verts, vert_to_faces)
270 uv_island_lists.append(current_island)
272 return uv_island_lists
275 def __create_vert_face_db(faces, uv_layer):
276 # create mesh database for all faces
277 face_to_verts = defaultdict(set)
278 vert_to_faces = defaultdict(set)
279 for f in faces:
280 for l in f.loops:
281 id_ = l[uv_layer].uv.to_tuple(5), l.vert.index
282 face_to_verts[f.index].add(id_)
283 vert_to_faces[id_].add(f.index)
285 return (face_to_verts, vert_to_faces)
288 def get_island_info(obj, only_selected=True):
289 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
290 if check_version(2, 73, 0) >= 0:
291 bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
293 return get_island_info_from_bmesh(bm, only_selected)
296 def get_island_info_from_bmesh(bm, only_selected=True):
297 if not bm.loops.layers.uv:
298 return None
299 uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
301 # create database
302 if only_selected:
303 selected_faces = [f for f in bm.faces if f.select]
304 else:
305 selected_faces = [f for f in bm.faces]
307 return get_island_info_from_faces(bm, selected_faces, uv_layer)
310 def get_island_info_from_faces(bm, faces, uv_layer):
311 ftv, vtf = __create_vert_face_db(faces, uv_layer)
313 # Get island information
314 uv_island_lists = __get_island(bm, ftv, vtf)
315 island_info = __get_island_info(uv_layer, uv_island_lists)
317 return island_info
320 def get_uvimg_editor_board_size(area):
321 if area.spaces.active.image:
322 return area.spaces.active.image.size
324 return (255.0, 255.0)
327 def calc_polygon_2d_area(points):
328 area = 0.0
329 for i, p1 in enumerate(points):
330 p2 = points[(i + 1) % len(points)]
331 v1 = p1 - points[0]
332 v2 = p2 - points[0]
333 a = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x
334 area = area + a
336 return fabs(0.5 * area)
339 def calc_polygon_3d_area(points):
340 area = 0.0
341 for i, p1 in enumerate(points):
342 p2 = points[(i + 1) % len(points)]
343 v1 = p1 - points[0]
344 v2 = p2 - points[0]
345 cx = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y
346 cy = v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z
347 cz = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x
348 a = sqrt(cx * cx + cy * cy + cz * cz)
349 area = area + a
351 return 0.5 * area
354 def measure_mesh_area(obj):
355 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
356 if check_version(2, 73, 0) >= 0:
357 bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
358 bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
359 bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
361 sel_faces = [f for f in bm.faces if f.select]
363 # measure
364 mesh_area = 0.0
365 for f in sel_faces:
366 verts = [l.vert.co for l in f.loops]
367 f_mesh_area = calc_polygon_3d_area(verts)
368 mesh_area = mesh_area + f_mesh_area
370 return mesh_area
373 def find_texture_layer(bm):
374 if check_version(2, 80, 0) >= 0:
375 return None
376 if bm.faces.layers.tex is None:
377 return None
379 return bm.faces.layers.tex.verify()
382 def find_texture_nodes(obj):
383 nodes = []
384 for mat in obj.material_slots:
385 if not mat.material:
386 continue
387 if not mat.material.node_tree:
388 continue
389 for node in mat.material.node_tree.nodes:
390 tex_node_types = [
392 'TEX_IMAGE',
394 if node.type not in tex_node_types:
395 continue
396 if not node.image:
397 continue
398 nodes.append(node)
400 return nodes
403 def find_image(obj, face=None, tex_layer=None):
404 images = find_images(obj, face, tex_layer)
406 if len(images) >= 2:
407 raise RuntimeError("Find more than 2 images")
408 if len(images) == 0:
409 return None
411 return images[0]
414 def find_images(obj, face=None, tex_layer=None):
415 images = []
417 # try to find from texture_layer
418 if tex_layer and face:
419 if face[tex_layer].image is not None:
420 images.append(face[tex_layer].image)
422 # not found, then try to search from node
423 if not images:
424 nodes = find_texture_nodes(obj)
425 for n in nodes:
426 images.append(n.image)
428 return images
431 def measure_uv_area(obj, method='FIRST', tex_size=None):
432 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
433 if check_version(2, 73, 0) >= 0:
434 bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
435 bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
436 bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
438 if not bm.loops.layers.uv:
439 return None
440 uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
442 tex_layer = find_texture_layer(bm)
444 sel_faces = [f for f in bm.faces if f.select]
446 # measure
447 uv_area = 0.0
448 for f in sel_faces:
449 uvs = [l[uv_layer].uv for l in f.loops]
450 f_uv_area = calc_polygon_2d_area(uvs)
452 # user specified
453 if method == 'USER_SPECIFIED' and tex_size is not None:
454 img_size = tex_size
455 # first texture if there are more than 2 textures assigned
456 # to the object
457 elif method == 'FIRST':
458 img = find_image(obj, f, tex_layer)
459 # can not find from node, so we can not get texture size
460 if not img:
461 return None
462 img_size = img.size
463 # average texture size
464 elif method == 'AVERAGE':
465 imgs = find_images(obj, f, tex_layer)
466 if not imgs:
467 return None
469 img_size_total = [0.0, 0.0]
470 for img in imgs:
471 img_size_total = [img_size_total[0] + img.size[0],
472 img_size_total[1] + img.size[1]]
473 img_size = [img_size_total[0] / len(imgs),
474 img_size_total[1] / len(imgs)]
475 # max texture size
476 elif method == 'MAX':
477 imgs = find_images(obj, f, tex_layer)
478 if not imgs:
479 return None
481 img_size_max = [-99999999.0, -99999999.0]
482 for img in imgs:
483 img_size_max = [max(img_size_max[0], img.size[0]),
484 max(img_size_max[1], img.size[1])]
485 img_size = img_size_max
486 # min texture size
487 elif method == 'MIN':
488 imgs = find_images(obj, f, tex_layer)
489 if not imgs:
490 return None
492 img_size_min = [99999999.0, 99999999.0]
493 for img in imgs:
494 img_size_min = [min(img_size_min[0], img.size[0]),
495 min(img_size_min[1], img.size[1])]
496 img_size = img_size_min
497 else:
498 raise RuntimeError("Unexpected method: {}".format(method))
500 uv_area = uv_area + f_uv_area * img_size[0] * img_size[1]
502 return uv_area
505 def diff_point_to_segment(a, b, p):
506 ab = b - a
507 normal_ab = ab.normalized()
509 ap = p - a
510 dist_ax = normal_ab.dot(ap)
512 # cross point
513 x = a + normal_ab * dist_ax
515 # difference between cross point and point
516 xp = p - x
518 return xp, x
521 # get selected loop pair whose loops are connected each other
522 def __get_loop_pairs(l, uv_layer):
524 def __get_loop_pairs_internal(l_, pairs_, uv_layer_, parsed_):
525 parsed_.append(l_)
526 for ll in l_.vert.link_loops:
527 # forward direction
528 lln = ll.link_loop_next
529 # if there is same pair, skip it
530 found = False
531 for p in pairs_:
532 if (ll in p) and (lln in p):
533 found = True
534 break
535 # two loops must be selected
536 if ll[uv_layer_].select and lln[uv_layer_].select:
537 if not found:
538 pairs_.append([ll, lln])
539 if lln not in parsed_:
540 __get_loop_pairs_internal(lln, pairs_, uv_layer_, parsed_)
542 # backward direction
543 llp = ll.link_loop_prev
544 # if there is same pair, skip it
545 found = False
546 for p in pairs_:
547 if (ll in p) and (llp in p):
548 found = True
549 break
550 # two loops must be selected
551 if ll[uv_layer_].select and llp[uv_layer_].select:
552 if not found:
553 pairs_.append([ll, llp])
554 if llp not in parsed_:
555 __get_loop_pairs_internal(llp, pairs_, uv_layer_, parsed_)
557 pairs = []
558 parsed = []
559 __get_loop_pairs_internal(l, pairs, uv_layer, parsed)
561 return pairs
564 # sort pair by vertex
565 # (v0, v1) - (v1, v2) - (v2, v3) ....
566 def __sort_loop_pairs(uv_layer, pairs, closed):
567 rest = pairs
568 sorted_pairs = [rest[0]]
569 rest.remove(rest[0])
571 # prepend
572 while True:
573 p1 = sorted_pairs[0]
574 for p2 in rest:
575 if p1[0].vert == p2[0].vert:
576 sorted_pairs.insert(0, [p2[1], p2[0]])
577 rest.remove(p2)
578 break
579 elif p1[0].vert == p2[1].vert:
580 sorted_pairs.insert(0, [p2[0], p2[1]])
581 rest.remove(p2)
582 break
583 else:
584 break
586 # append
587 while True:
588 p1 = sorted_pairs[-1]
589 for p2 in rest:
590 if p1[1].vert == p2[0].vert:
591 sorted_pairs.append([p2[0], p2[1]])
592 rest.remove(p2)
593 break
594 elif p1[1].vert == p2[1].vert:
595 sorted_pairs.append([p2[1], p2[0]])
596 rest.remove(p2)
597 break
598 else:
599 break
601 begin_vert = sorted_pairs[0][0].vert
602 end_vert = sorted_pairs[-1][-1].vert
603 if begin_vert != end_vert:
604 return sorted_pairs, ""
605 if closed and (begin_vert == end_vert):
606 # if the sequence of UV is circular, it is ok
607 return sorted_pairs, ""
609 # if the begin vertex and the end vertex are same, search the UVs which
610 # are separated each other
611 tmp_pairs = sorted_pairs
612 for i, (p1, p2) in enumerate(zip(tmp_pairs[:-1], tmp_pairs[1:])):
613 diff = p2[0][uv_layer].uv - p1[-1][uv_layer].uv
614 if diff.length > 0.000000001:
615 # UVs are separated
616 sorted_pairs = tmp_pairs[i + 1:]
617 sorted_pairs.extend(tmp_pairs[:i + 1])
618 break
619 else:
620 p1 = tmp_pairs[0]
621 p2 = tmp_pairs[-1]
622 diff = p2[-1][uv_layer].uv - p1[0][uv_layer].uv
623 if diff.length < 0.000000001:
624 # all UVs are not separated
625 return None, "All UVs are not separated"
627 return sorted_pairs, ""
630 # get index of the island group which includes loop
631 def __get_island_group_include_loop(loop, island_info):
632 for i, isl in enumerate(island_info):
633 for f in isl['faces']:
634 for l in f['face'].loops:
635 if l == loop:
636 return i # found
638 return -1 # not found
641 # get index of the island group which includes pair.
642 # if island group is not same between loops, it will be invalid
643 def __get_island_group_include_pair(pair, island_info):
644 l1_grp = __get_island_group_include_loop(pair[0], island_info)
645 if l1_grp == -1:
646 return -1 # not found
648 for p in pair[1:]:
649 l2_grp = __get_island_group_include_loop(p, island_info)
650 if (l2_grp == -1) or (l1_grp != l2_grp):
651 return -1 # not found or invalid
653 return l1_grp
656 # x ---- x <- next_loop_pair
657 # | |
658 # o ---- o <- pair
659 def __get_next_loop_pair(pair):
660 lp = pair[0].link_loop_prev
661 if lp.vert == pair[1].vert:
662 lp = pair[0].link_loop_next
663 if lp.vert == pair[1].vert:
664 # no loop is found
665 return None
667 ln = pair[1].link_loop_next
668 if ln.vert == pair[0].vert:
669 ln = pair[1].link_loop_prev
670 if ln.vert == pair[0].vert:
671 # no loop is found
672 return None
674 # tri-face
675 if lp == ln:
676 return [lp]
678 # quad-face
679 return [lp, ln]
682 # | ---- |
683 # % ---- % <- next_poly_loop_pair
684 # x ---- x <- next_loop_pair
685 # | |
686 # o ---- o <- pair
687 def __get_next_poly_loop_pair(pair):
688 v1 = pair[0].vert
689 v2 = pair[1].vert
690 for l1 in v1.link_loops:
691 if l1 == pair[0]:
692 continue
693 for l2 in v2.link_loops:
694 if l2 == pair[1]:
695 continue
696 if l1.link_loop_next == l2:
697 return [l1, l2]
698 elif l1.link_loop_prev == l2:
699 return [l1, l2]
701 # no next poly loop is found
702 return None
705 # get loop sequence in the same island
706 def __get_loop_sequence_internal(uv_layer, pairs, island_info, closed):
707 loop_sequences = []
708 for pair in pairs:
709 seqs = [pair]
710 p = pair
711 isl_grp = __get_island_group_include_pair(pair, island_info)
712 if isl_grp == -1:
713 return None, "Can not find the island or invalid island"
715 while True:
716 nlp = __get_next_loop_pair(p)
717 if not nlp:
718 break # no more loop pair
719 nlp_isl_grp = __get_island_group_include_pair(nlp, island_info)
720 if nlp_isl_grp != isl_grp:
721 break # another island
722 for nlpl in nlp:
723 if nlpl[uv_layer].select:
724 return None, "Do not select UV which does not belong to " \
725 "the end edge"
727 seqs.append(nlp)
729 # when face is triangle, it indicates CLOSED
730 if (len(nlp) == 1) and closed:
731 break
733 nplp = __get_next_poly_loop_pair(nlp)
734 if not nplp:
735 break # no more loop pair
736 nplp_isl_grp = __get_island_group_include_pair(nplp, island_info)
737 if nplp_isl_grp != isl_grp:
738 break # another island
740 # check if the UVs are already parsed.
741 # this check is needed for the mesh which has the circular
742 # sequence of the vertices
743 matched = False
744 for p1 in seqs:
745 p2 = nplp
746 if ((p1[0] == p2[0]) and (p1[1] == p2[1])) or \
747 ((p1[0] == p2[1]) and (p1[1] == p2[0])):
748 matched = True
749 if matched:
750 debug_print("This is a circular sequence")
751 break
753 for nlpl in nplp:
754 if nlpl[uv_layer].select:
755 return None, "Do not select UV which does not belong to " \
756 "the end edge"
758 seqs.append(nplp)
760 p = nplp
762 loop_sequences.append(seqs)
763 return loop_sequences, ""
766 def get_loop_sequences(bm, uv_layer, closed=False):
767 sel_faces = [f for f in bm.faces if f.select]
769 # get candidate loops
770 cand_loops = []
771 for f in sel_faces:
772 for l in f.loops:
773 if l[uv_layer].select:
774 cand_loops.append(l)
776 if len(cand_loops) < 2:
777 return None, "More than 2 UVs must be selected"
779 first_loop = cand_loops[0]
780 isl_info = get_island_info_from_bmesh(bm, False)
781 loop_pairs = __get_loop_pairs(first_loop, uv_layer)
782 loop_pairs, err = __sort_loop_pairs(uv_layer, loop_pairs, closed)
783 if not loop_pairs:
784 return None, err
785 loop_seqs, err = __get_loop_sequence_internal(uv_layer, loop_pairs,
786 isl_info, closed)
787 if not loop_seqs:
788 return None, err
790 return loop_seqs, ""
793 def __is_segment_intersect(start1, end1, start2, end2):
794 seg1 = end1 - start1
795 seg2 = end2 - start2
797 a1 = -seg1.y
798 b1 = seg1.x
799 d1 = -(a1 * start1.x + b1 * start1.y)
801 a2 = -seg2.y
802 b2 = seg2.x
803 d2 = -(a2 * start2.x + b2 * start2.y)
805 seg1_line2_start = a2 * start1.x + b2 * start1.y + d2
806 seg1_line2_end = a2 * end1.x + b2 * end1.y + d2
808 seg2_line1_start = a1 * start2.x + b1 * start2.y + d1
809 seg2_line1_end = a1 * end2.x + b1 * end2.y + d1
811 if (seg1_line2_start * seg1_line2_end >= 0) or \
812 (seg2_line1_start * seg2_line1_end >= 0):
813 return False, None
815 u = seg1_line2_start / (seg1_line2_start - seg1_line2_end)
816 out = start1 + u * seg1
818 return True, out
821 class RingBuffer:
822 def __init__(self, arr):
823 self.__buffer = arr.copy()
824 self.__pointer = 0
826 def __repr__(self):
827 return repr(self.__buffer)
829 def __len__(self):
830 return len(self.__buffer)
832 def insert(self, val, offset=0):
833 self.__buffer.insert(self.__pointer + offset, val)
835 def head(self):
836 return self.__buffer[0]
838 def tail(self):
839 return self.__buffer[-1]
841 def get(self, offset=0):
842 size = len(self.__buffer)
843 val = self.__buffer[(self.__pointer + offset) % size]
844 return val
846 def next(self):
847 size = len(self.__buffer)
848 self.__pointer = (self.__pointer + 1) % size
850 def reset(self):
851 self.__pointer = 0
853 def find(self, obj):
854 try:
855 idx = self.__buffer.index(obj)
856 except ValueError:
857 return None
858 return self.__buffer[idx]
860 def find_and_next(self, obj):
861 size = len(self.__buffer)
862 idx = self.__buffer.index(obj)
863 self.__pointer = (idx + 1) % size
865 def find_and_set(self, obj):
866 idx = self.__buffer.index(obj)
867 self.__pointer = idx
869 def as_list(self):
870 return self.__buffer.copy()
872 def reverse(self):
873 self.__buffer.reverse()
874 self.reset()
877 # clip: reference polygon
878 # subject: tested polygon
879 def __do_weiler_atherton_cliping(clip, subject, uv_layer, mode):
881 clip_uvs = RingBuffer([l[uv_layer].uv.copy() for l in clip.loops])
882 if __is_polygon_flipped(clip_uvs):
883 clip_uvs.reverse()
884 subject_uvs = RingBuffer([l[uv_layer].uv.copy() for l in subject.loops])
885 if __is_polygon_flipped(subject_uvs):
886 subject_uvs.reverse()
888 debug_print("===== Clip UV List =====")
889 debug_print(clip_uvs)
890 debug_print("===== Subject UV List =====")
891 debug_print(subject_uvs)
893 # check if clip and subject is overlapped completely
894 if __is_polygon_same(clip_uvs, subject_uvs):
895 polygons = [subject_uvs.as_list()]
896 debug_print("===== Polygons Overlapped Completely =====")
897 debug_print(polygons)
898 return True, polygons
900 # check if subject is in clip
901 if __is_points_in_polygon(subject_uvs, clip_uvs):
902 polygons = [subject_uvs.as_list()]
903 return True, polygons
905 # check if clip is in subject
906 if __is_points_in_polygon(clip_uvs, subject_uvs):
907 polygons = [subject_uvs.as_list()]
908 return True, polygons
910 # check if clip and subject is overlapped partially
911 intersections = []
912 while True:
913 subject_uvs.reset()
914 while True:
915 uv_start1 = clip_uvs.get()
916 uv_end1 = clip_uvs.get(1)
917 uv_start2 = subject_uvs.get()
918 uv_end2 = subject_uvs.get(1)
919 intersected, point = __is_segment_intersect(uv_start1, uv_end1,
920 uv_start2, uv_end2)
921 if intersected:
922 clip_uvs.insert(point, 1)
923 subject_uvs.insert(point, 1)
924 intersections.append([point,
925 [clip_uvs.get(), clip_uvs.get(1)]])
926 subject_uvs.next()
927 if subject_uvs.get() == subject_uvs.head():
928 break
929 clip_uvs.next()
930 if clip_uvs.get() == clip_uvs.head():
931 break
933 debug_print("===== Intersection List =====")
934 debug_print(intersections)
936 # no intersection, so subject and clip is not overlapped
937 if not intersections:
938 return False, None
940 def get_intersection_pair(intersects, key):
941 for sect in intersects:
942 if sect[0] == key:
943 return sect[1]
945 return None
947 # make enter/exit pair
948 subject_uvs.reset()
949 subject_entering = []
950 subject_exiting = []
951 clip_entering = []
952 clip_exiting = []
953 intersect_uv_list = []
954 while True:
955 pair = get_intersection_pair(intersections, subject_uvs.get())
956 if pair:
957 sub = subject_uvs.get(1) - subject_uvs.get(-1)
958 inter = pair[1] - pair[0]
959 cross = sub.x * inter.y - inter.x * sub.y
960 if cross < 0:
961 subject_entering.append(subject_uvs.get())
962 clip_exiting.append(subject_uvs.get())
963 else:
964 subject_exiting.append(subject_uvs.get())
965 clip_entering.append(subject_uvs.get())
966 intersect_uv_list.append(subject_uvs.get())
968 subject_uvs.next()
969 if subject_uvs.get() == subject_uvs.head():
970 break
972 debug_print("===== Enter List =====")
973 debug_print(clip_entering)
974 debug_print(subject_entering)
975 debug_print("===== Exit List =====")
976 debug_print(clip_exiting)
977 debug_print(subject_exiting)
979 # for now, can't handle the situation when fulfill all below conditions
980 # * two faces have common edge
981 # * each face is intersected
982 # * Show Mode is "Part"
983 # so for now, ignore this situation
984 if len(subject_entering) != len(subject_exiting):
985 if mode == 'FACE':
986 polygons = [subject_uvs.as_list()]
987 return True, polygons
988 return False, None
990 def traverse(current_list, entering, exiting, p, current, other_list):
991 result = current_list.find(current)
992 if not result:
993 return None
994 if result != current:
995 print("Internal Error")
996 return None
997 if not exiting:
998 print("Internal Error: No exiting UV")
999 return None
1001 # enter
1002 if entering.count(current) >= 1:
1003 entering.remove(current)
1005 current_list.find_and_next(current)
1006 current = current_list.get()
1008 prev = None
1009 error = False
1010 while exiting.count(current) == 0:
1011 p.append(current.copy())
1012 current_list.find_and_next(current)
1013 current = current_list.get()
1014 if prev == current:
1015 error = True
1016 break
1017 prev = current
1019 if error:
1020 print("Internal Error: Infinite loop")
1021 return None
1023 # exit
1024 p.append(current.copy())
1025 exiting.remove(current)
1027 other_list.find_and_set(current)
1028 return other_list.get()
1030 # Traverse
1031 polygons = []
1032 current_uv_list = subject_uvs
1033 other_uv_list = clip_uvs
1034 current_entering = subject_entering
1035 current_exiting = subject_exiting
1037 poly = []
1038 current_uv = current_entering[0]
1040 while True:
1041 current_uv = traverse(current_uv_list, current_entering,
1042 current_exiting, poly, current_uv, other_uv_list)
1044 if current_uv is None:
1045 break
1047 if current_uv_list == subject_uvs:
1048 current_uv_list = clip_uvs
1049 other_uv_list = subject_uvs
1050 current_entering = clip_entering
1051 current_exiting = clip_exiting
1052 debug_print("-- Next: Clip --")
1053 else:
1054 current_uv_list = subject_uvs
1055 other_uv_list = clip_uvs
1056 current_entering = subject_entering
1057 current_exiting = subject_exiting
1058 debug_print("-- Next: Subject --")
1060 debug_print(clip_entering)
1061 debug_print(clip_exiting)
1062 debug_print(subject_entering)
1063 debug_print(subject_exiting)
1065 if not clip_entering and not clip_exiting \
1066 and not subject_entering and not subject_exiting:
1067 break
1069 polygons.append(poly)
1071 debug_print("===== Polygons Overlapped Partially =====")
1072 debug_print(polygons)
1074 return True, polygons
1077 def __is_polygon_flipped(points):
1078 area = 0.0
1079 for i in range(len(points)):
1080 uv1 = points.get(i)
1081 uv2 = points.get(i + 1)
1082 a = uv1.x * uv2.y - uv1.y * uv2.x
1083 area = area + a
1084 if area < 0:
1085 # clock-wise
1086 return True
1087 return False
1090 def __is_point_in_polygon(point, subject_points):
1091 count = 0
1092 for i in range(len(subject_points)):
1093 uv_start1 = subject_points.get(i)
1094 uv_end1 = subject_points.get(i + 1)
1095 uv_start2 = point
1096 uv_end2 = Vector((1000000.0, point.y))
1097 intersected, _ = __is_segment_intersect(uv_start1, uv_end1,
1098 uv_start2, uv_end2)
1099 if intersected:
1100 count = count + 1
1102 return count % 2
1105 def __is_points_in_polygon(points, subject_points):
1106 for i in range(len(points)):
1107 internal = __is_point_in_polygon(points.get(i), subject_points)
1108 if not internal:
1109 return False
1111 return True
1114 def get_overlapped_uv_info(bm, faces, uv_layer, mode):
1115 # at first, check island overlapped
1116 isl = get_island_info_from_faces(bm, faces, uv_layer)
1117 overlapped_isl_pairs = []
1118 for i, i1 in enumerate(isl):
1119 for i2 in isl[i + 1:]:
1120 if (i1["max"].x < i2["min"].x) or (i2["max"].x < i1["min"].x) or \
1121 (i1["max"].y < i2["min"].y) or (i2["max"].y < i1["min"].y):
1122 continue
1123 overlapped_isl_pairs.append([i1, i2])
1125 # next, check polygon overlapped
1126 overlapped_uvs = []
1127 for oip in overlapped_isl_pairs:
1128 for clip in oip[0]["faces"]:
1129 f_clip = clip["face"]
1130 for subject in oip[1]["faces"]:
1131 f_subject = subject["face"]
1133 # fast operation, apply bounding box algorithm
1134 if (clip["max_uv"].x < subject["min_uv"].x) or \
1135 (subject["max_uv"].x < clip["min_uv"].x) or \
1136 (clip["max_uv"].y < subject["min_uv"].y) or \
1137 (subject["max_uv"].y < clip["min_uv"].y):
1138 continue
1140 # slow operation, apply Weiler-Atherton cliping algorithm
1141 result, polygons = __do_weiler_atherton_cliping(f_clip,
1142 f_subject,
1143 uv_layer, mode)
1144 if result:
1145 subject_uvs = [l[uv_layer].uv.copy()
1146 for l in f_subject.loops]
1147 overlapped_uvs.append({"clip_face": f_clip,
1148 "subject_face": f_subject,
1149 "subject_uvs": subject_uvs,
1150 "polygons": polygons})
1152 return overlapped_uvs
1155 def get_flipped_uv_info(faces, uv_layer):
1156 flipped_uvs = []
1157 for f in faces:
1158 polygon = RingBuffer([l[uv_layer].uv.copy() for l in f.loops])
1159 if __is_polygon_flipped(polygon):
1160 uvs = [l[uv_layer].uv.copy() for l in f.loops]
1161 flipped_uvs.append({"face": f, "uvs": uvs,
1162 "polygons": [polygon.as_list()]})
1164 return flipped_uvs
1167 def __is_polygon_same(points1, points2):
1168 if len(points1) != len(points2):
1169 return False
1171 pts1 = points1.as_list()
1172 pts2 = points2.as_list()
1174 for p1 in pts1:
1175 for p2 in pts2:
1176 diff = p2 - p1
1177 if diff.length < 0.0000001:
1178 pts2.remove(p2)
1179 break
1180 else:
1181 return False
1183 return True